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Fantasy Parkour or die!

"You were here first," I said and lead the way outside. I pressed the button on my device, "Go."

"You can thank technology," Tyler replied as the device buzzed, "Good to go."

Morgan nodded and took the device off his ankle, "As if you never got injured."
I rotate my leg a bit and gets up slowly. "Yup my leg is good as new!" I jump around a bit and jumps out if the window to get on the other roof. "Sorry Tyler! It's just that I like to jump." I says while smiling
Sam starts running. He feels the wind in his hair. Parkour gives him such a sensation of freedom.

He jumps, he runs and he climbs, all that without worrying about his time. He's doing it fast, but he's not stressed. He's only in his head, having fun.

He finishes his line, a smile on his face.
I nodded, "Nicely done, now for you Ayla."

"He's going to hurt himself again," Tyler mutter and made his way to my office.
I ran on the roofs for a long time and came back at the office later. When i entered i asked Tyler:"What's my first mission!"
"Well, nothing yet," He replied, "Relax, I know you're excited. You'll get a mission soon, but probably not today, It's been a slow day."

Tyler thought for a moment, "Actually, could you take my device to the technician? It needs repairing. You'll see his place on the map. It's highlighted in green. All the major places for the Cats are highlighted."
Ayla closed her eyes and counted, 1...2...3...,she let out a breath of air and began the course. While she was running it, she fell into her speed mode and it felt as though time slowed down. She made sure to stay on path, but take a shortcut in one or two places. When she finished and crosses the line, she looked at Edgar happily.
I grinned slightly, "Welcome to the Cats. Wherever Tyler is, I'll have him get you your apartments, If you'd like."
Ayla could hardly believe what Edgar was saying. Just earlier she had been sent off to find the Cats and now she was a member? She went to give Sam a high five.
Sam was happy for Ayla. She did great on doing her course. She was happy too, a smile was showing on her face. She went to high-five him. At first, he was a bit shy, but then he committed. High-five.

Sam was really excited. The Cats! He was to be a part of the Cats.

"Yes! Haha!"

He couldn't stop smiling. It might have looked a bit stupid.
"While the two of you are waiting on Tyler, You can explore. All the buildings that are associated with the Cats are highlighted in different colors on the map. You can introduce yourself to other member or just wait, he should be here soon," I sighed and went to sit at my desk.
"Huh.. I think I'm just gonna see how the others are doing." I say to Tyler while jeading to the headquarter. "Is it okay?"
"I don't care, I need to go see how their doing anyway. Today I got apartment duty. I get to introduce everyone to their new apartments," Tyler shrugged.
"Not at all, lets go," Tyler replied and made his way into my office, "They ready for apartments?"

"Ask them," I replied.
Sam sees Tyler, followed by the guy who broke his ankle. The boy starts talking to Arya.

They look like they're going to be good friends.

Sam stops looking and asks Tyler:

"Euhm... Are you going to get me to ... My apartment?"
"Yup, That's me," Tyler replied with a smile, "What's your name, kid?"
Ayla couldn't help but smile even more after seeing Sam's reaction to being a Cat. Seeing people happy made her feel like a kid opening birthday gifts. She followed Sam around until the boy with the injured ankle spoke to her.

Her face flushed red from his question and after trying to gain her complexion back, she gave him a thumbs up. Looking at his ankle, she nodded to him with a questioning look.
I see that you're pointing towards my ankle. "Oh the nurse is really good at her job. she healed me real fast!" I get closer to Ayla's face. "Can you talk?"
She looked at his ankle, trying not to cringe from imagining how much it must've hurt to break. She shook her head no to respond to him.
"Ayla, Tyler will take you to your new apartment if you're ready," I said, gesturing to Tyler who waved in response.
"Sam, well, I have a last name too but... It's not important, well I... I don't think so..? Ah, doesn't matter." He said. After this sentence, he inhales deeply, trying not to be socially awkward.
Tyler grinned, "Once you get used to this place and all the weirdos in the group you'll be fine. Try not to worry so much."

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