• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern paradise!- waiting room



you’ve got me by the skin and bones
hi everyone! this is the temporary ooc where you can ask questions, chat, etc! once everyone is accepted, ooc and plotting will move to discord.

application deadline tbd!
hey ! i had a question - would the β€œcontestants” be getting paid or receiving any royalties for the streaming ??
hey ! i had a question - would the β€œcontestants” be getting paid or receiving any royalties for the streaming ??
absolutely! it’s a new show so it won’t be insanely high, but yes they will be paid and will likely receive residuals from streaming!
i've decided to just keep applications open as long as this rp is active! so once applications are complete, i will review the application and send the discord link if it is accepted!

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