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Futuristic ParaCom 2


Nietzsche reader
2030, ten years after the Human-Paranormal War begun, the planet Earth was undergoing radical changes. Humanity, with the population reduced to half the amount prior to the war, is undergoing a process of becoming a slave species to the Infernal Empire. A worldwide government named the Emergence Entity rules humanity under an iron fist, headed by puppets hand-picked by Empress Faust and Emperor Iblis themselves.

The West was the first to surrender, recognizing that they were out-manned and outgunned. The paranormal forces were not here to exterminate, but to enslave. The East on the other hand fought valiantly, but eventually fell to the Infernal Empire. The only human refuges left were the entirety of Afghanistan and scattered areas in the wilderness globally. The enemy didn't think Afghanistan and the rural areas were worth conquering. In an attempt to prevent rebellion, well calculated gifts and a nest of curry favoring were performed in the paranormal built urban areas following reconstruction. Bread and circuses were administered via the Emergence Entity as they promised cures for diseases, lives free of trouble, and even unlimited media access. The puppets that head the Emergence Entity have literally and figuratively made Faustian bargains.

Little did most know that ParaCom was underground. The remnants of the organization cobbled back up, acting initially as a bit of reprieve to the citizens. After years of buildup, it was now time to take back the Earth. 2030 was the year it will surely begin. After a perilous rescue mission headed by former intelligence officer Jason Bailey, Arnold "Center" Bradley resumed his role as ParaCom's figurehead and leader. Bailey was designated as second in command after the rescue. Now with limited resources, a whole world against ParaCom, the group was forced to cobble what they have left from the remnants of their organization. They have scavenged weaponry, resources left behind from the old world they knew and loved. Now it is time for the resistance to be brave in the new world.

TLDR: Paranormal forces led by demons occupy our planet. We'll have to fight back and take it back!
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DerUbermensch said:
2030, ten years after the Human-Paranormal War begun, the planet Earth was undergoing radical changes. Humanity, with the population reduced to half the amount prior to the war, is undergoing a process of becoming a slave species to the Infernal Empire. A worldwide government named the Emergence Entity rules humanity under an iron fist, headed by puppets hand-picked by Empress Faust and Emperor Iblis themselves.
The West was the first to surrender, recognizing that they were out-manned and outgunned. The paranormal forces were not here to exterminate, but to enslave. The East on the other hand fought valiantly, but eventually fell to the Infernal Empire. The only human refuges left were the entirety of Afghanistan and scattered areas in the wilderness globally. The enemy didn't think Afghanistan and the rural areas were worth conquering. In an attempt to prevent rebellion, well calculated gifts and a nest of curry favoring were performed in the paranormal built urban areas following reconstruction. Bread and circuses were administered via the Emergence Entity as they promised cures for diseases, lives free of trouble, and even unlimited media access. The puppets that head the Emergence Entity have literally and figuratively made Faustian bargains.

Little did most know that ParaCom was underground. The remnants of the organization cobbled back up, acting initially as a bit of reprieve to the citizens. After years of buildup, it was now time to take back the Earth. 2030 was the year it will surely begin. After a perilous rescue mission headed by former intelligence officer Jason Bailey, Arnold "Center" Bradley resumed his role as ParaCom's figurehead and leader. Bailey was designated as second in command after the rescue. Now with limited resources, a whole world against ParaCom, the group was forced to cobble what they have left from the remnants of their organization. They have scavenged weaponry, resources left behind from the old world they knew and loved. Now it is time for the resistance to be brave in the new world.

TLDR: Paranormal forces led by demons occupy our planet. We'll have to fight back and take it back!
Question: would it be fine for my OC to be a paranormal that sides with the humans?

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