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Hum...why exactly would anyone have to be interested in writing non-heterosexual couples? Why is not having an interest in that disrespectful?
Or are you saying we all need to try roleplaying those couples and research into it even if it's not something we're interested in to begin with?
What does the sexual orientation of characters one likes to write about have anything to do with their disposition towards work or creativity? Like I would say you have a point if a person wasn't willing to research at all, but to say that just because they can't be bothered to waste their time researching into a topic that doesn't interest them is a bit too much.
Plus I'd think of all people someone who says
would understand someone having some discomforts they didn't really choose to have.
So I think what you and the rest of the people who are dismissing their anger are forgetting.
Gay people actually do face in real life discrimination. There are people in real life who treat being gay like it’s wrong or dirty or a disease or whatever.
I’m not saying that everyone who has that preference believes that stuff in real life.
But it does kind of come across as scummy when you act like the reason you can’t write something is because there is something wrong with it.
I think the whole thing could be avoided if folks stopped trying to justify themselves.
It’s like saying I’m not a bigot but gay people make me uncomfortable.
Rather than just saying hey I like MxF pairings only.