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Realistic or Modern Over My Dead Body [Apocalypse]

What was this loser gonna do? Shoot him? He was making enough noise to draw all the dead in the tri-county area to his location, what more would a bullet do? "You pull that trigger, and you're the coward, kid," Joker said. In reality, he was nearly the same age as him. there was something so demeaning about the word "kid" in this friendly encounter. "You aren't gonna take my shit. You wasted your bullets on lighting up the cars over there. And plus, who says I'm not alone?" Jack proposed to the knucklehead before him.

JokerValentine said:
What was this loser gonna do? Shoot him? He was making enough noise to draw all the dead in the tri-county area to his location, what more would a bullet do? "You pull that trigger, and you're the coward, kid," Joker said. In reality, he was nearly the same age as him. there was something so demeaning about the word "kid" in this friendly encounter. "You aren't gonna take my shit. You wasted your bullets on lighting up the cars over there. And plus, who says I'm not alone?" Jack proposed to the knucklehead before him.
Waistdown would stare at the man, he'd look around for a minute and sigh starring at him. "If you had friends they'd be here." He'd stare the man down, finger on the trigger now "And it is loaded, I fired 4 shots." Waistdown would spit his bandanna out of his mouth. "Sorry mate, but you're a pain in the ass." He'd pull the trigger twice firing at the mans center mass.

What in the hell! Was this guy really trying to be alone? The bullets whizzed by, one going wide (as a result most likely of an improperly-cleaned barrel). The second bullet grazed the side of the survivalist. In shock, the man went to the ground. A bit of blood came from his left side. "Let me guess, your parents were terrible to you, weren't home enough, gave you too little kisses. You joined a gang, and they left you for dead," the male blindly guessed. He was really trying to say anything to keep him alive. Why would he shoot him? "That hurts, coward! You can't reason with me? Get out of here..." Jack said as he reached to feel his wound.
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JokerValentine said:
What in the hell! Was this guy really trying to be alone? The bullets whizzed by, one going wide (as a result most likely of an improperly-cleaned barrel). The second bullet grazed the side of the survivalist. In shock, the man went to the ground. A bit of blood came from his left side. "Let me guess, your parents were terrible to you, weren't home enough, gave you too little kisses. You joined a gang, and they left you for dead," the male blindly guessed. He was really trying to say anything to keep him alive. Why would he shoot him? "That hurts, coward! You can't reason with me? Get out of here..." jack said as he reached to feel his wound.
Waistdown after firing would quickly sprint down the road gear and loot in hand, leaving the man for dead as the undead hearing the shots would start to shuffle towards him. Waistdown would turn for a minute and yell "If I see you again I'll fire another two make sure your ass stays down, prick!" He'd turn back and keep running.
What a piece of shit! No wonder he was alone. With his wound, Jack got up and went towards the road. Alas, the dead were beginning to notice his presence, which definitely messed with his timeframe. He needed to get to cover. Joker sprinted towards the cars, and opened the back door of an unlocked yet intact aged Toyota. He pulled himself in, slamming the back door with a thud. He locked the doors, and removed certain items from his bag: gauze, a can of food, and aside from his weapons, a book. "You don't understand me. I'm wannabe badass who wants to be an ass to everyone, I'm a loner wah wah wah," the survivor said to himself in a comforting mimic of that piece of shit. He'd be sure to return the favor.

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JokerValentine said:
What a piece of shit! Stole his bag.... but the meathead wasn't exactly too smart either. The supplies had in fact been removed from the bag, hidden in the foliage of the forest surrounding the highway when Jack was hiding from him. With his wound, Jack got up and went to the treeline, and grabbed what he could. The dead were beginning to notice his presence, which definitely messed with his timeframe. He needed to get to cover. Grabbing whatever could fit in his hands, Joker sprinted towards the cars, and opened the back door of an unlocked yet intact aged Toyota. He pulled himself in, slamming the back door with a thud. He locked the doors, and examined what he had recovered. he had gauze, a can of food, and aside from his weapons, a book. "You don't understand me. I'm wannabe badass who wants to be an ass to everyone, I'm a loner wah wah wah," the survivor said to himself in a comforting mimic of that piece of shit. He'd be sure to return the favor.
(Did not steal your bag and there is only one car which I broke all the windows off)
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Dice said:
(Did not steal your bag and there is only one car which I broke all the windows off)
("loot in hand" sounds like in reference to my bag. nonetheless your character did demand mine to drop my bag.)
JokerValentine said:
("loot in hand" sounds like in reference to my bag. nonetheless your character did demand mine to drop my bag.)
(I did not steal your bag.)


After gawking at the man for quite a bit of a moment, he decided to just go away and see what fate brings him to, enough waiting for one man, he had to do something, or to be more precise, he had to go somewhere. Which in this case, would probably either be some another new road or as the unfortunate lunch of the next big zombie.

He walked away from the clinic as he walked down the road, easily avoiding the slow zombies. Soon afterwards, all the seconds turned into minutes, and all the minutes turned into hours. He walked through the roads until he heard the very audible groans of zombies, a horde of zombies. Maybe the guy who attracted them were really very unlucky. Nevertheless, it seems as if he had to play the part of the good samaritan, the socially concerned person in a currently anarchic city. As he came closer to the area the groans seem to come from, he also noticed that a car alarm was blaring in the distance in front of him. Either it was a well made distraction, or just plain stupidity.

As he moved on closer, he noticed that there was two guys, locked in a duel whilst zombies closed in, slowly but quite steadily. He then noticed one of the guy shoot the other one before running away. Well, he for one wasn't going to let that happen to a legal citizen.

He unleashed a flurry of suppressed gunfire at the running man, missing but hitting all the zombies.

"Fuck you!!! If I see you again, you're gonna be riddled with 30 holes, and that's my full fucking clip!!!" He exclaimed towards the running guy before instantly calming down. He looked at the guy in trouble.

"Well, ain't you in some kind of hassle? Need some help? Cause it looks like you've done something quite really stupid." He exclaimed as the zombies didn't seem to pay any heed to it, mainly going for where the car alarm came from, and that guy. Well, zombies did like noise a lot, and he wasn't going to argue with that fact.

@Dice @JokerValentine


He saw that about 15% of the population already went on their own way, which was of course, pretty normal considering the strange environment of this motel. He too, decided to make a break for it and go down the long road. Picking up his belongings, a lighter and the only pack of cigarettes which was partially consumed. He then exited the motel, before taking one of the cars, such had a decent amount of gas left in it, fortunately of course.

The key was somewhat stupidly left on the compartment as if he was expecting that nobody was going to look there, but he didn't care, the owner is probably a shambler now, who was probably killed in the couple of fights that happened here. The car itself wasn't so much good as it looked like beat up sedan someone got as an used car for three grands.

He turned on the ignition before revving the engine for moment, producing a very large cloud of smoke as he and the car sped away and joined the freeway.

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Tiffany sighed as she gently caressed her belly as it was still hurting. "Yeah, it hurts. Pregnancy can do wonders to your body. Boys are so lucky..." she said as she leaned back, taking a deep breath. "The baby is due in a month and a half, but I can be giving birth between now and then. It's unpredictable."

Looking down, she continued caressing it. "So I really hope we can find a doctor. But God knows how many are left since all this crazy shit started."

Slowly she got up, cleaning off her spoon and throwing it back into her rucksack and looking at Jun. "I heard your stomach growling. Here, eat this. I don't want you to go hungry. You can eat this on the way to the gun cage."

She took a bag of chips and handed it to Jun before picking everything up to head to the police station's armory. "I just hope this baby will be patient. Because finding a doctor is not as easy as it used to be."

((My Replies are no longer going to be consistent as I would like. I have a new job and a convention coming up. So I will only be replying during the evenings.))
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Nina stared at him as he began to walk towards her then that walk turned to a run, was he going to attack her?! Nina let out a small yelp as she went to run but saw a zombie was also behind her. The male then jumped on her and killed the zombie. Nina's eyes darted everywhere as she tried to process what the hell was going on, yes he had jumped on her, but to kill the zombie, not her, a small sigh of relief escaped her lips when she realised the misunderstanding she'd t- wait, why on earth was he picking her up?! Where was he going? So much for that feeling of relief, she was now terrified, some guy with a mask was carrying her to god knows where with little to no explanation though now that she thought about it, if this person was going to hurt her, they would have already, or let the zombie get her for that matter... So she calmed a little bit "U-Uhm..." That was about all that she could manage to say at that moment as she processed everything, watching the scenery pass by, if you could call it that since corpses aren't the best thing to see....

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(Don't worry about the consistency thing, go out and be a productive human ^^)

"That's not very long..." Jun breathed, remembering the last few months before her little brother was born. She hadn't gotten to hang around for the actual birth of course, having been only a child herself at the time, but it hadn't sounded pleasant from down the hallway. Lots of yelling...

Her stomach growled again when Tiffany offered her food, but Jun immediately shook her head and handed it back.

"Thank you ma'am, but please keep it. You need it more than I do, I can handle a few more hours without food." She insisted, grabbing her backpack and following after the woman. Tiffany had already been too nice, the redhead wasn't about to let her relinquish food to a stranger.

"And I can... I can try and help you find a doctor. Or at least someone with baby experience? There were people back where I came from, but I don't know..."

@Shimakage Thunder
Ryan looked around as the zombies came closer. Their was a small gap between two zombies. Ryan swing his bat and hit both of them in the head. He grabbed Jackson or whatever his name was and pulled him through the gap. Ryan kept running away from the small horde of .... He let go of the guy as they got far enough away from the small horde.
Wayne indolently streamed through the paths of the undead, effortlessly maiming his machete through some. He grew impatient and fatigued, his arms flared in agony due to the constant stress of the carver and consignment bundled in his bag, he was burden with various luxuries and commodities. Wayne traversed farther before most the shamblers were rendered to a mere collection that extend to pursue him with a staggered promenade, periodically they scampered toward him with a hastened pace though laboured his blade into their sides before savagely ramming it back in, grinding their internal organs to a bloodied pulp of gore. There were since two left, with a few other shamblers lumbering and limply hobbling in the immediate distance, Wayne grasped one aside, shoving it against a wall in the alleyway he first came to when he infiltrate the city. It growled a sickening gasp, its convulsive heaves of shattered breaths and snarling expiration did not falter nor deter Wayne, he instead loured into the whitened film of it's eyes. He glowered at it before thrusting the blade forth into its abdomen. It snarled and shrieked frantically attempting to flail its arms though its throat was held submissive by Wayne's forearm. He leaned into the corpse, not breaking eye contact nor blinking. His expression was cold. Wayne began to compress the blade further within, penetrating its compilation of organs that began to protrude from the perforation. The machete left a chasm for where it had been revolved and gyrate. The undead corpse fell limp, though was still live, making lowly agitated and agonizing groans. Wayne raised its head to meet his, throughout the whole ordeal Wayne's eyes were open, despite the retinas now burning without moisture. He blinked slowly, cracking a preternatural grin then suddenly yanking back the blade. The corpse shambled forward before floundering back against the wall, letting out tender squeals. Wayne ambled up to it, pressing an open palm to its mutilated forehead, thrusting it back against the wall and arching the machete into it's lower jaw where the flesh and bone met. He leisurely insert the blade, humbly separating the complexion leaving its features skinned, void of any facial recognition. It squawked and hollered, still attempting to latch onto Wayne's arm before he smite it across the face, it fell and groggily arose but by then Wayne had scaled the fence, it's face clenched tightly in his left hand. Wayne settled momentarily, fixating himself a bandana from torn cloth and fashioning it around his mouth, then folded just over the ridge of his nose. He shuffled through his bag for twine which he set around his forehead, fastening it as he situate the mangled dismemberment of a face onto his. Wayne glanced into a puddle, seeing nothing but a hollowed monster. He beamed, grinning at himself through the terrifying disarray of mangled flesh. He roamed back to his smashed up box Chevy truck, noticing there were various bullet holes and an incoming wave of the undead.

Wayne smirked, approaching his vehicle.

"Mrghhmm it's a fuckin' improvement," he scowled, soon engaging the keys and pulling down the gear shift lever behind the wheel. Then realized the tank was empty.

He sat there, lighting himself a tab and relaxing.

(My character was locked in a car for safety, but whatever.)

Suddenly, a cliché savior appeared! A white knight had appeared to take his side on the issue at hand. Bleeding a bit, Jack got to his feet, and still saw walkers around. Of course, the solution for creatures attracted by sound is more sound. It makes sense. Why would the guy even bother with him? Was it truly meant to be that he was acting out of kindness? Perhaps there was some good left in this world.

"Well, he was afraid of me if you want to know. He wanted to be alone, and he saw a human. Of course, it is kill or be killed, but he wasted two bullets," the man said, wincing at his wound. It didn't exactly feel pleasant. "He grazed me on the shot. I'm alright, but his aim isn't. We need to get out of here."

"When I look at you, I see two people, one is a very outlandish nerd, and the other is another outlandish nerd. And when I look at the backstabbing bastard, all I see is a Syrian terrorist. And I've been in Syria long enough to know that I hate Syrian terrorists. Let's roll, and don't forget to bring your porta-potty and toilet paper." He said before backtracking the way he came from, which was just the route where zombies were less likely to roam around in. His plan involved going to either the police station, the shooting range or nearest mall he could find.

"The plan is we get to the shooting range or the police station and get ourselves some guns to take down that anarchist and any zombie-ass punk who decides to get in our way. Or better yet, change that plan, we're going to fortify the shooting range and live in it, you okay with that? That place is very populated and practically a concrete jungle, so food won't be so much of a difficulty to find in there. In fact, we can set up a trading post their. Make it an official safe house." He proposed his plan to him as slung his rifle back into his strap across his back.

Jae sighed once he knew they were far away from them. He placed her down and took his mask off, he was having trouble breathing when running after all. "Sorry about that, saw a horde of them from far away so I had to get us out of there." He told her. Even with the mask, his eyesight was great so he could see them like a few blocks away. "You alright?" He questioned her. @Nonalaka
Wayne assessed his current situation, the dilemma of a carmine substance percolating through his shirt and garments, a adhesive and tenacious lacerated face from a corpse plastered to his own countenance and the creeping assemblage of viscid, corrupt carcasses of rotting mutilation. Wayne claimed his canteen, uncapping the lid and nourishing himself with the contents, whiskey mixed with vodka and tequila rum. The relish was repulsive and abominable though was just as addictive as his atrocious diet. Wayne caressed the wheel with his left hand as he clutched hold of his canteen, blood-ridden machete on the passenger's seat, and Kalashnikov reposed on the dashboard. The windows had been shot out, the windshield severely shattered as fragments of it hung loosely, a chill rolled in. Wayne got out, wandering to the nearby vehicle that had earlier been blaring it's car alarm till the electronics gave way. Wayne siphoned the gas, filtering it into his canteen till it felt weighty. A corpse went to strike him though Wayne simply turned, ambling back to his truck and feeding it the gas. They scrambled toward him at a steadied pace, soon as he turned the ignition and the Chevy violently spat, in a worsened condition though still of value. He put it into drive and it began to tremble up the freeway back to Luck Star Motel. An hour passed, Wayne pulled into the dirt driveway with barely much fuel left, he remained in the Chevy.


"Hey, I think you're onto something here. I bet we can find some real damage in one of the hardware and surplus stores. According to the map, there should be a mega mall in the southern districts. Well, there ought to be some stores over there we can loot." He proposed plan B, which was the most improvised plan he'd ever seen.
Jack didn't even know where he was anymore. Where was here? The Earth was just Earth now, as all cities had fallen. We may try to pretend the world hasn't changed much, but in all reality it has simply been destroyed. There is no hope, perhaps, yet those who hold onto hope tend to be the ones that survive. "I don't know the area. Just, we should get out of the open. name's jack by the way," the survivor mentioned passively. He wasn't one to give out names, but it appeared to him that this survivor deserved trust.



"Name's Joshua, call me Josh. I think the main priority should now be to get out of this city, and get to the outskirts, there are less zombies over there, and there is a suburban area nearby which we can loot. Let's go already, we're wasting time and zombies are closing in. And be on your guard, that ghetto gunner may still be on our tails, even if he's a bad shot, he's still got an iron rod. And he only thing worse than those dank zombies are crazy humans." He replied before going over to the side of the street to check out one of those cars. See I'd the ignition key was still in its slot and if it still has gas. And unfortunately, it was dry as a husk and the key was smashed beyond actual use. He grunted our of sheer annoyance before raising his hands up to signify defeat.
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Well, that was quite obvious! They definitely needed to get to the outskirts. For the moment, it'd be the safest bet. Jack looked at the cars around the highway, the dead slowly encroaching in on them. Maybe if someone hadn't fired so many bullets, this wouldn't have happened. Then, in a cliché moment of searching, Jack saw an opportunity. A car, with what looked to be the driver still inside (zombified of course) was on the opposite side of the road. It was easy to spot, considering that the withered hand of a corpse was desperately reaching out of the window. "Car over there! The driver might have the key on him," Jack spoke with confidence.

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