Out of Character Chat

I've definitely been there before, 'course when I did it I wasn't brave enough to come back and try and make things right so you've already got me beat.

I'm still on board for whatever comes next. We've come this far right?

Personally I think at this point it might be worth rebooting and starting fresh. We could take some time to plan things out together and it might be more appealing to new recruits that way. As much as we all enjoyed the thread so far, there's not a lot of momentum left to preserve and there's a certain amount of awkwardness and some continuity issues stemming mostly from the drop outs.

But if we decide as a group to pick up the same story after a timeskip or where we left off than that's cool, I'm still on board.
Atl's pointed out one of the biggest reasons for a reboot: All the continuity issues from lost players. I'm in a few other threads with Pretz and no one's seen or heard from him in a few months now, that'd be a character everyone's interacted with gone.

I'm up for either option, really. But first thing's first, getting a headcount of who's still in and who's bowed out.
My personal two cents is that I wouldn't be able to pick up because I was kinda lost just before the brake.
Maybe with some kind of overhaul or reboot. Otherwise I don't think I'd be able to go on
I'm down for whatever y'all want, personally wouldn't mind a reboot so that Skylie's not fucking up all over the place (as funny as it was) like she did in the first go round

Also, not gonna lie, I love the idea of her being corrupted for a time--like hell's yeah let's be rebels
*Cracks neck*

So from the looks of it, we'll likely be better off just hitting the big ol' reboot button. Rework some things, maybe recruit depending on how many we end up with here, and then launch fresh.

These are what little notes I had if any of you want to take a peek.

After doing some snooping, ShadowAlpha hasn't made a post since February. Nothing from Oswald since March. Pretz hasn't been seen since last month and even then it was just a short "I'm taking a hiatus" kind of post. So it's fairly safe to say we're not going to be seeing any of them soon if at all... Leaving Kimiwriter Kimiwriter as the only real unknown.

So in the meanwhile, what do you guys wanna see here?
So, one thing I think we all were broadly positive on, was the idea that the IC good guys are kind of improvising and the formula is getting a bit twisted and make shift. What might help support this idea is if our characters start off with more context, like maybe Digimon is a thing in their world, an mmo or a card game like in Tamers. something that they've all played and so they know how the story is supposed to go as well and they can respond to the glitches and improvised solutions. That would also enable us to skip past a lot of "this is a digimon, here's what digivolving is" etc, etc, Stuff that we the players are all pretty familiar with, but the characters would need explained to them.

Something else that came to mind like the cards in tamers that lets the human chars play more of an active/ support role early on might be fun? Maybe there's a way to tie that into the glitchy, "dig world is being eaten away" thing, like the digivices can copy chunks of data from different digimon, you can temporarily have an arm from one guy, wings from another, something like that idk. The good digivices allow friendly digimon to voluntarily lend the data while the bad ones forcibly take it after defeating the target.

That would give us more granular "upgrades" to hand out as rewards for smaller arcs or for milestones within arcs, I ddon't really know if that is what we want but maybe its an upside.
Cards have been mentioned before... I actually haven't seen the particular series they popped up in (I think it was Tamers?) So I'm not entirely sure how they would work, to be honest.
it was tamers yeah, honestly its not like they really fleshed out the mechanics of them to any great extent, their use dropped off heavily after the chars gained access to evolution.

They seemed to grant significant buffs, although not anywhere near an evolution, some of them were weapons or equipment that granted new abilities while others seemed to raise stats like speed or strength or w/e

What was never adequately explored was what kind of limitations they had, whether your digimon would get overwhelmed if you tried to use too many, whether they could be reapplied in the same fight after running out. There was some vaguely defined strategic layer to it, one of the chars was heavily implied to be better at choosing cards or something which was derived from her being better at the RL card game.

All of this seems to me like license to make up our own systems, if we decide to go down a route like this, but obviously we don't have to, I'm just spitballing.
*Gives Patamon a sword, little guy can't even lift it*

Certainly an option, may require a stat system to work best. Which isn't a huge deal by any means.
That idea does sound cool though xD im down for it if the others are. It may spice things up a bit, especially if we are doing a reboot
Well, we could certainly figure out a way to make the cards work here.

What about the spirits? Still want that to be a thing down the road?
Well, we could certainly figure out a way to make the cards work here.

What about the spirits? Still want that to be a thing down the road?

I think they were always a pretty good idea, and it could be cool to be a digimon and then be able to mess with cards or something as well.
Personally, I at least need more context on why exactly we had the spirits in the first place? I wasn't quite sure why we had a Digimon as well as a spirit, unless that was a secret and I'm being dumb... T.T

As for the cards, I really only like them to a certain extent. In terms of this RP, I'm not very fond of incorporating them. >.>
It was mainly a way to give the characters the ability to be more involved in the battles rather than being forced to stay on the sidelines like a Pokémon trainer. If I’d come up with an ic reason, then dumbass me didn’t mark it in my notes lol.

Also I really fucking loved frontier. >.>
It was mainly a way to give the characters the ability to be more involved in the battles rather than being forced to stay on the sidelines like a Pokémon trainer. If I’d come up with an ic reason, then dumbass me didn’t mark it in my notes lol.

Also I really fucking loved frontier. >.>

Same tho
Favorite season that's not the original series
Yeah I always struggle to know what to do with a character that gets sidelined, with a pokemon trainer at least you can say the trainer is providing all the strategy, but digimon pretty much know how to think and realistically should have a better idea how to use their own attacks than a human. The couple of fights we've done so far have been early enough that it makes sense for our characters to still try and do stuff, to some extent.

We were gonna move past that stage pretty soon though, probably before we got the spirits into play, so cards or something like them would be a way to kind of bridge that gap.

Not that we couldn't work around that if we wanted to.
Yep. Hate picnic season at work. All the extra shifts lol.

But, I've given enough time for everyone to say whether or not they're still on board. The players that haven't, I've gone ahead and removed. But they can still read OoC since it doesn't unfollow any of the threads so if they wanna come back... well, we'll see anyway.

That said, how is everyone?
The idea of an entire season dedicated to picnics is pretty appealing though.

I was writing about sandwiches in something else and now I'm really craving sandwichey, picnic type food.
Heh, we have two really big picnics for the members at work barely a month apart from each other. They take a few weeks of prep work on our part to pull off.

....I'm really hungry now too.

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