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Oriens Academy [Phoenix Game]

There was loud obnoxious banging at the door accompanied by loud obnoxious shouting. Price recognized the voice instantly - it was a voice he had hoped he'd never hear again. Lilium Darlington, perhaps the greatest mistake in his SDC career. Just when he had thought this day could not get any worse.

He stood there with an exasperated expression as the Alraune hurled insults at him like snowballs. They hit and slid off his slowly thinning patience. He considered crawling under his (bombproof) office desk and waiting it out - and he would have too, if it wasn't for his unlikely guest. His dignity told him to reconsider.

"Please ignore the hostile plant-" he began, only to notice that Riff had already opened the door.

Price watched the two intruders converse, hoping that they would somehow eliminate each other in the process. There seemed to be some signs of conflict outside.
Perfect. He would just sit back and ignore them. Avoid responsibility. Not do his job. Watch as the little cat girl was beat to a bloody pulp.

He picked up a mug of coffee from his desk. For an instant it looked as though he was going to throw it (then it occurred to him that he would have to clean the aftermath). He took a sip. It was cold.

The cup still in hand, he reached into his jacket and pulled out a gun. Aiming in their general direction, he fired, and sparks flew as taser darts hit the wall of the corridor outside.
Tch. Missed.
The intensity of sound had reached Kylier as well...

"Hmm....... I have a feeling I know who that message was intended for..."

Kylier bared through the noise, resisting its deafening effects

"What do you think Rilla?"
Corvin grunted, circling down into Blaire's shadow then coming back up to stare at her again, a crocodile in a scummy river. "That's not a half bad idea. It's been ages since there's been a school outing." He shifted again, glancing sideways at students as they passed. "Mind if I tag along? I'll support your idea." He flopped over onto his back, his chin and throat sticking up from the shadow now, twitching in time to an inaudible tune in his head. "I'm so booorrred."

+ + + +

Taka hissed- a quick, angry sound, as Vash grabbed his arm and yanked on him. His ears were long, now- long and vaguely catlike and pressed to the back of his skull. The hair on the back of his neck, suddenly appearing, bristled, and his teeth weren't the perfectly coifed row of human pearls anymore. He almost snapped at the kid-
how DARE you manhandle me- but he choked back the words and instead swished a long tail out to slap into Vash's calves.

>B( "HEY. HAnds

+ + + +

"Yeah, they do!" Georgie grinned proudly, and reached up a surprisingly gentle finger to the bird. It hopped on, and she brought it down to her face, where it rubbed its head against her cheek for a moment before fluttering away. "Always have, my whole life. It's pretty normal for Hill Giants." She nodded to punctuate her point. "Didn't know most people weren't like this until I came here. It's kinda sad, actually."

Georgie stood up. She didn't bother to brush the mud off of her knees; her pants looked as if they had never been clean a day in their life, and there wasn't really much point. She frowned at Skyia. "There're some real jerks here, actually. It's why I signed up for the Disciplinary Committee in the first place."
"Sure, I don't mind," Blaire shrugged her shoulders as she continued her way to the student council room, entering the student council office she stretched her arms out and rolled her shoulders a bit.

"Rose, I was thinking that the school should have some sort of survival game or something in the woods. It'd be a good idea to let everyone have a bit of fun from studies," Blaire spoke to her sister with a small smile on her face, of course it was just an excuse to allow her to go hunting but it didn't really matter since it would allow the students to have a bit of time off school grounds.

Lily quickly remembered why she was there once she heard a very familiar noise- taser prongs hitting a wall.

"Oh, I recognize that impotent and ultimately meaningless frustration anywhere!" She squealed, strutting into Price's room. Or coming as close to strutting as one can when one's legs are vines.

She made her way up to his desk, which wasn't too far in as it was huge like his ego, and rested her hands on it- looking Price in the eye.

"Hey, there... Eeeriiiccc." She said, his first name escaping her lips slowly as to get a certain point across.

"What's this I hear about a problem with the room? Maybe I can help. You know how I like to help, Eric. Though my helping capacity has been greatly diminished as of late due to... complications. Ones that I hope can be resolved soon."

Lily took out a stick of gum, threw the wrapping paper unceremoniously onto his floor, and popped the rest into her mouth.

"So... tell me all about it. No need to trouble the council if I can offer a solution, after all." She said, smiling sweetly.
Skyia tilted her head to the side and responded to Georgie with a face of a little discomfort. " Is there a lot? Just, i'm not a fan of jerks really. " She slithered out of the small wooden structure and started to pace around the forest a little with this small look of discomfort. The idea that there could be some people that would make fun of her or be a real jerk doesn't settle with her nicely.

With a inhale she started thinking to herself. " Don't worry, just don't panic about it, its your first day, your just worried about that, just get through the day first. "

Progressively calming herself before she turned again to Georgie. " Well it won't be to bad at least, i hope... " She had ended with a slightly worried face of semi positiveness.
"Oh god, poor kid!" Caroline said " Well, I would be glad if you showed me the way, and if i can't swim in the lake, I would just probably watch the view. I think that it should at least be nice to see!"

Caroline looked to her right and then to her left. "So, which way to go?" She asked, putting her braid behind her shoulder.
Riff raised an eyebrow, a bit confused at the neko's reaction. "I didn't believe I was being particularly mean, but I suppose I can be more careful. And I apologize for the ice. Sometimes, it's a bit difficult to control." The demon shrugged as Anya began lecturing him about how no one likes the cold. "My mistress happens to prefer the cold, and her opinion is the only one that matters to me." He didn't care what a little girl thought. These powers were not for enjoyment but for the strength to serve Mel. What did he care if people found it uncomfortable. Still, he calmed himself down and the ice disappeared. He wouldn't get in the way of Mel's plans by causing trouble.

He eyes the tazer darts planted in the wall to his right. Okay . . . ? He watched as Lily made herself into the room, offering to help them with their problem. "Thank you for the offer, Miss Lily. But it may be an issue for the student council. Since this room was reserved for the Student Disciplinary Committee, I'll be needing a new room assignment. Not that I don't appreciate your offer, but we may need the council to contact the administrations office."


Vash fell as Taka struck the back of his legs. He pouted as he sat up, looking the shifter with a look of betrayal on his face. "Hey. That was mean. If you wanted me to let go, you could've just asked. Plus, I need to get there fast. If Mel comes by and I'm not there yet, she'll punish me for getting lost."

Bringing his knees to his chest, Vash turned away from Taka. "I thought we were friends," he said through slight sniffles. "Can't you pleeease help me? I don't want to get in trouble."


Rose looked up from her rejection of the Mayonnaise Club proposal to see her big sister at the door. "Blaaiiire," she whined. "Why can't you do some of this? You're part of the council too."

The half-elf thought of her sister's idea. An official school outing. Sounds fun, plus it was a great way to get all the new students acquainted with the school. "An outing sounds fun. But I don't think we should do a survival game. With so many new students, some might not be able to do that without getting hurt. Plus, I'm sure some of the elementary and middle school level kids would want to join in as well. Hm . . . But what?"


"I know," Bunny said. "I couldn't help him much since I can't heal, but luckily, we got to the infirmary in time. It was super scary." The blonde shivered at the memory. There was so much blood and they nearly didn't make it in time. The nurse even said that if they were a mere few minutes late, they may not have been able to save his arm.

"Oh, right. It's this way," she said, taking Caroline's arm and pulling her outside. "You'll love the waterfall. It's so pretty, even fro-" Bunny fell silent and stopped in her tracks as she looked ahead. In front of them was a black haired girl walking toward the castle. And though the girl was already emitting a dangerous air about her, it was her eyes that made the angel freeze up. Deep blue irises, uninterrupted by an iris.

Was it her? Was this the girl she had come to Oriens to find? The Princess of Lucifer?

Mel saw Bunny staring and shot her a glare. "What the f*** are you looking at?" Bunny tensed up, trembling as she looked toward the ground. "N-n-n-nothing. C-c-c-come C-Caroline. I-it's t-this w-w-w-ay."
Blaire walked over to Rose and looked at the papers in front of her, a frown formed on her face at the thought of having to deal with any of that stuff.

"What exactly is a Mayonnaise Club going to be doing? To bad your the President of the student council, eh?" Blaire patted her sister on the back before grinning when she heard Rose's reply to her request.

"Well then how about we teach the new students some things while camping? I could be in charge of those who want to go hunting," Blaire batted her eyelashes with a puppy look on her face, there was no way she would act like this with others. Sure Blaire didn't want to deal with those who were new in the hunting department but it shouldn't be to hard to teach someone how to hunt.
"Sorry."She said the loud noise snapping her out of some sort of daze/zoned out-ness she hadn't realized she'd slipped into. Hearing Kylier's question she replied, "I think its pretty D*** loud." She paused for a moment "Oh and you asked if combat was the only thing I enjoyed right?" Not waiting for an answer Rill continued "No, i like a lot of things, adventuring, exploring, I've spent a lot of time out in forests and such, ummm oh I also like animals, they're surprisingly good for conversation." She put her sword away, "Lets go see what all the commotion's about"
"I am interested in as well now..."

Leaves with Rilla, following to where she is taking them

"Whatever caused that noise... that is beyond me, and entirely new"
"Same with me" Andrew laughed in response to Kylier's statement. Normally, Andrew didn't like crowds, but as he had just entered his new school, he felt the need to acquaint himself with all the students. "So" Andrew asked Rilla "Where are we going?"

Andrew was a fairly tall boy, or at least as far as humans went. He was a good 6'3", though the shoes he wore made him appear almost 6'5"。A pair of canvas hightops, He wore a pair of raw jeans and a black vest over a white shirt. Around his neck was a red and blue scarf. His hair was... for lack of a better word, stylishly messy and obscuring his eyes were a pair of aviator sunglasses.

"You can call me Andrew by the way. Andrew Jackson."
"Is that so..."

Kylier said as she looked at Andrew

"I don't know where we are going exactly, rather, until we get there, but it sounds like it originated from outdoors, so it has to have been someone powerful for the sound to breach these walls as much as they have... I can imagine that 'he' must have suffered the full extent of the sound..."

An amused grin grew on Kylier's face for a short while
"Whaaattt?" Asked Lily, turning back to Riff. "That's it? Why, that's not a problem at all! You were assigned here, and by school rules Eric is not allowed to refuse a roommate. This... is a two-person dorm, after all."

Lily chuckled.

"Even if he's using it for matters concerning the disciplinary committee, that doesn't keep it from also being a two-person dorm. As such, rules for said dorm type still apply."

The girl shrugged.

"Not to mention the absence of rules pertaining to spaces reserved in this manner. There is no conflict anywhere in the rule book whatsoever, and in fact he is obligated to allow you to live here without objection. This is further proven by the fact that you were intentionally assigned here."

With this, Lily turned back to Price.

"Man, you're really slipping Eric. Shouldn't the head of the disciplinary committee know this much at least?" She asked, laughing. "Well, I suppose I understand. You are only... human, after all."

With this, Lily stuck the gum she had been chewing earlier under Eric's desk.
"Wait, is it rules to share a room? I bet is is" Anya asked, walking back up to the flower-girl, and tugging on her petal. "I live in my room alone. It's really quiet without more people." she stared blankly into Lily's eyes as she said this.

"So quiet."
"I don't know. Compare different brands or something. Either way they're getting rejected," she sighed before throwing the paper into the done pile. "And I may be president but you're vice-president, which means you have to do as I say. It's hard enough running this school and I've already sent everyone else out on errands. So far, you're the only one who actually gets some free time. Maybe I should give you more work . . . "

"A camping trip might be fun, but I don't think everyone wants to learn how to hunt. And we shouldn't be teaching the elementary students how to shoot animals yet. The parents probably won't approve of that, especially the Beastmen. We can teach them fishing though. And scavenging, how to navigate the forest if you're lost. Stuff like that." Rifling through some drawers, Rose pulled out a packet of papers before handing them to Blaire.

"Since you want this trip so much and the rest of us are swamped, you'll be in charge. Get some of the staff to chaperon. Find a good location, a large open area away from any predatory animals, near a river if you can. Post fliers for sign up. Mail out and collect permission slips for the parents or guardians of the elementary and middle school students. Try to see if you can get gear rented for those who don't have or can't afford their own. And we'll need a system to organize that as well. And get this done by . . . Thursday. We'll have the camp out on Friday."

Going back to her paperwork, she noticed Corvin peeking out from her sister's shadow. "Oh, hi Corvin. Would you mind helping Blaire out? We're a bit short-handed at the moment."


"Is that so?" Riff asked, glancing at Eric. "Thank you, Miss Lily, for straightening that misunderstanding up."

Though a bit annoyed by the boy's lie, Riff let it slide. He supposed Eric had no real reason to be honest with him, but why did he need this room to be his personal office anyway.

His ears perked up at Lily's comment on Eric being human. His eyes narrowed at the alraune. "And what, exactly, is wrong with being human? My mistress is human. And I used to be one as well." He might've been under orders to not cause trouble, but he would not stand for any insults aimed, either directly or indirectly, at Mel.
Rilla looked at the now two people in her group, excitement in er eyes "Were gonna go find what made that noise." She smiled a and turned to start looking. She turned into a Fox and ran down the hallway some, doing that little bouncy jumping things foxes sometimes do before looking behind her and realizing she was now very short.... Wow I'm a fox she turned around and ran in a circle before running back and shifted into a human once again, "Sorry" She laughed awkwardly, "That happens when i get excited, or mad...or...yeah that happens sometimes." She blushed a deep red shade that could only be embarrassment.

Wow that was smooth. She thought sarcastically, Way to go just randomly shifting in a hallway right in front of a new person and a kind of (?) new friend. Just great. Way to go Rill. Way to go.
Lara Kamen ;

Lara rushed her way out of the front door, carrying loads of bags along with her, and a piece of toast in her mouth. She was really late for school.
Really late. She was never a tardy student, but she hadn't even known the day it was supposed to start. Also being caught up with family trips played a part in her being late as well. Lara sighed as she hopped on the bus. She was mostly happy, but also somewhat disappointed in herself. What were the teachers and students going to think of her now? They've known her for years now, so they would surely understand.

Getting off the bus was troublesome, having to carry so many bags. And no one even offered to help her. Although, seeing that kind of poor courtesy didn't bring her down. She proudly carried her heavy bags into the large doors of Oriens Academy, using it as a workout. After then obtaining her dorm information, schedule, and such, she made her way to room 055. Upon arrival, she noticed that she would be sharing a room, and squealed with excitement. Quickly unpacking her things, she made it to her first class on time.
The boy faced Lily with a dead expression as she approached him. "Hey, there... Eeeriiiccc." He blinked when she used his first name. Why did she always insist on addressing him so informally? No respect for authority. "What's this I hear about a problem with the room? Maybe I can help. You know how I like to help, Eric." No, she didn't like to help, she liked to openly (and very successfully) harass people. Which was why he fired her from the Committee. But he had no reason to tell her that and aggravate the situation.

A piece of gum wrapping paper was tossed on the ground.

Price flinched.

"Since this room was reserved for the Student Disciplinary Committee, I'll be needing a new room assignment." The other student clarified unnecessarily before Price could find an response that would cause her to lose interest. Wait. His eyes narrowed at the former Committee member. Suddenly he almost regretted forcing every trainee to memorize a copy of the Oriens Academy School Policy & Code of Conduct. She wouldn't dare.

But this was Darlington. Of course she was delighted to find any way to make his life more miserable.

"Whaaattt? That's it? Why, that's not a problem at all! You were assigned here, and by school rules Eric is not allowed to refuse a roommate." She pointed out his "error" in excruciating detail. "Well, I suppose I understand. You are only... human, after all."

A piece of chewing gum was stuck under his desk.

Price snapped.

"You are right - I am only human. So unlike other vastly superior beings such as yourself, my patience is finite." His deadpan tone dripped with sarcasm.

The Council Head walked up to Lily until his was inches away from her face and paused for a moment, staring her down. Then he turned to retrieve the gum wrapper off the floor and tossed it into a waste bin next to his desk.

"RULE 35: NO LITTERING ON SCHOOL PROPERTY. Penalty: One week of garbage collection duty around the school."

He then pulled the wad of gum off the underside of the desk and added that to the bin.


Finally, he returned to his initial place behind his desk.

"And RULE 27: TRESPASSING IN PRIVATE QUARTERS WITHOUT CONSENT IS FORBIDDEN. Penalty: Denied access to the victim's wing of the dormitory for up to three weeks. Now compound all three of the above, and tell me what the penalty is former Committee member."

Price gestured toward the door - with his taser. "Now you can leave quietly, or I can report you for all charges."
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Though she seemed human enough, the girl Andrew had followed suddenly changed into something obviously non-human. Surely it put a damper on their relationship- Andrew having a disliking to non-humans. It did not, however, hinder Andrew's ability to communicate with others. Knowing his current location, the others around him were also non-human and suddenly, Andrew found himself once again as a minority. Though maybe his 'powers' made him less so.

"Alright. Great" Andrew said, following the shapeshifter. "This might feel a bit wierd" Andrew warned. A ghostly humanoid figure popped out behind him. It was about Andrew's height with the same muscular build and facial structure. Its body was blue with white stars etched into it. Its head and hands appeared a deep red color. In place of eyes, it has to white stars. White stripes form a sort of mask where its mouth should be.

"I'm not really sure of his actual name" Andrew explained "but for now, we'll refer to him as "The White Stripes". His power... I think it's easier to show than tell." The White Stripes flew over to Rilla, swiping his forehead, the demon's arm floating through the shapeshifter's head. Suddenly, her knowledge of the screaming had simply... disappeared. In The White Stri]pe's hand, a white stripe. Andrew put his hand on the stripe. Suddenly, the noise played again.

"Alright then, I think I know where we're headed" Andrew said, following the source of the noise.
Rill jumped back."Hey! That was rude! At least ask before you go ding a thing like that!" She put her hands on her hips and narrowed her eyes (now like a wolves) at Andrew. When the scream was played the second time the memory of the first scream flooded back to her, along with how it was taken.

"Don't do that again." her voice was deadly serious and sharp as her sword, all traces of the startled anger vanishing from it.
As much as Lily was eagerly awaiting Price's outburst (Or as close to an outburst as he could come, which was more like subdued displeasure), she found his words drifting into the background as she stared at the catgirl. Those big, melancholy eyes. Pleading. Wanting. Lily's eye twitched as the girl's gaze bored into her very soul.

She opened her mouth in an attempt to say something, but no words would come. She wanted to say 'go away, kid' or 'what're you lookin' at' but was decidedly unable to.

"Well, I mean..."

That stare. Her words. Those ears.

" I... uh..."

"I'm not really concerned, but kids shouldn't live alone right? She needs a role model, anyways, and there's no one better than me right?"

"Yeah... I'll go. I'm done with you for today anyways, Eric." She said, still staring at the girl. "I'll see you again soon. Hopefully by that time, you'll be ready to consider giving my position back."

She turned and began walking away.

"You coming, kid?" She addressed the Neko "We're gonna live together, right? Well, that should be fine so long as you agree to do everything I say."

"Humans have cats as pets, right? Well since I'm better than humans, I should have this."

As she passed across the threshold, she turned to Riff. "I didn't mean anything by it, Riff. Just messing with Eric. Your mistress must be pretty great to have such a loyal and polite retainer, after all. I'd like to meet her sometime, but right now I have to file some paperwork."

Lily snapped at Anya "C'mon. Let's leave the mean man to his unrewarding, workaday school life."
"Ah? 'Kay!" Anya trotted off after the Alraune. Today was going rather well, so far. She hadn't just made a friend, after all; she'd found a new roommate. Anya didn't quite understand what that meant, but she bet it was fun. Maybe it was like having an older sister? An only child couldn't be sure. It was probably having a super-friend.
Riff watched Lily leave with Anya, still on edge by her human comment. There must've been a part of her that believed them inferior since she said it in the first place. But so far, she showed no ill will toward Mel specifically, so he'd leave it at that.

Closing the door, he now turns to Eric. The blond looked around the room. There was no way, it'd be inhabitable so soon. There would be a lot of moving involved and then they'd have to find space for all this stuff. Scratching the back of his head, he thought of what to do now. It was good news, at least, that he wouldn't have to trouble anyone about this. Well . . . Other than Eric. Riff thought on it and realized that there must've been a reason the boy needed this room and let out a sigh.

"Master Eric, if it's okay with you, I don't need much space. I don't have too many things anyway. I only need a place to sleep at night, so if I could take a small portion of the room, you could still keep your office. This is already better than what I've gotten used to the last 4 years."
And he meant it. Even sleeping in the corner of an office beat sleeping outside in the winter. Being who she was, Mel wasn't welcomed to sleep indoors, whether in hotels or even a shed. And of course, by being associated with her, Riff and Vash were forced to sleep outdoors as well.

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