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Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

Sorry for my lack of posting.

Been a little lazy with my posts, scrounging up motivation to actually do things.

But for now, time to get a post together~
Okay, so I have a bit of an announcement and stuffs.

First of all, starting Sunday, there will be some complications in my life that will make it difficult for me to post or even get online as often as I'd like. And I'm not talking about waiting 2-3 days for me to post. There could possibly be weeks in between my posts. Though once I get on, I'll try So, to ensure that I sort of don't just drop off the face of the planet and ruin the rp, I've decided to promote @Advent Azure and @TenaciousTinkerer to become moderators of the rp. Sort of makes sense since they are the only ones who've been here since the beginning.

They would be able to do things such as accepting/denying new characters, and generally helping push the rp along in my absence. And though I wouldn't say they are all powerful or something, I do think they have a very good idea of how I like to handle things (in terms of rules and such), so I'd like to ask for everyone to follow their instructions, though feel free to speak up if something seems wrong or abusive.

I also thought I'd remind everyone that though I do have some arcs planned, this isn't a roleplay where everyone follows a certain storyline one after the other. In fact, that would make it a bit awkward considering one arc in particular only applies to a certain race. Instead, I like it when multiple storylines and arcs are happening at once. That way, no one gets left out and also you don't have everyone trying to scramble around, trying to get in on a single villain or anything. I know I plan on having 2 arcs happening simultaneously at one point.

And speaking of plans, I thought I should tell you what I plan in terms of what's happening right now.

The current rp day will be used to help establish relationships and your typical getting to know you stuff. Once I feel everyone has a good base to work with for the next timeskip, I will probably start the fight I need to end the current arc I was in the middle of in order to move on. Because it'll only really be between my own characters and a bunch of NPCs, I can probably get it done in 1-3 posts.

After that, we will have a timeskip to Valentine's Day for Valentine's shenanigans. But 'm not exactly sure what we can do since we only have one pairing that even remotely resembles a couple. There will be a big thing starting the arc that everyone can participate in though, but I shall not spoil it.

This will be a skip of 12 days, so feel free to discuss how your characters' relationships would've progressed by then. I'm assuming people would become closer as friends though not to the point where you're spouting secrets about yourselves, unless you're a really open person. Though we should probably talk here first before I go off making assumptions.

Anyway, after Valentine's Day, there will be another massive timeskip to March 3rd, Rose's birthday and the start to Rose's developmental arc or the first of many. Of course, this will only be if no one has anything they'd like to do in the time between, and feel free to speak up or pm me if that's the case.

So, that's only what I was thinking, but I'm more than willing to compromise on anything you'd like. So, if you have something to say, say it now, please. Or any time between now and when the ball starts rolling. I hope I'm not abusing my authority or anything with this.
So just right now, i was notified I'm gonna be visiting my grandparents.

Gonna be busy for the weekend apparently... and i don't have any internet access... 

@Sayuri Tokage

I kinda am curious. Is Sayuri, and Lairen from some sort of wealthyish family?

Cause i dunno if that means anything to any of my characters at all.

Very wealthy. It's a bloodline of half demons and half humans that have existed for centuries.

It's not supposed to be of any significance in this RP. I just didn't want my posts to be short because of my writers block. I'm also mentioning their family because I didn't write a History or Bio on my CS, so I thought I'd fill that in just a bit.
@Sayuri Tokage

Your kinda causing something more significant if its existed for century's. And if they are very wealth, again its causing more significance. At least to a character or two. Mainly for mine being Victor Brenzkof, Jayus, and Maxine.

So, least I know about that now. Especially for Maxine, since she should know things about ya already. Unless Sayuri's the type to idle by herself all the time to the point of not really doing anything, or talking with anyone.


Also, half human demons, I dunno how well that fits into the lore.

Seeing as demons would rather look down on humans, not try to mix their blood with them. and if the laws of enslavement have only been lifted a 100 years ago, then that makes things odd how they would get wealthy. Considering they would already be weaker than the average demon due to being mixed with humans, nulling various effects gained by being some sort of demon, unless of course the parents were some sort of extremely high and powerful demon that wanted to get fancy with a human. Then I can probably see things going on then.

Course this isn't to say it can't happen, course it can, just that it seems odd with those specific things lining up for that to happen, but i won't stop ya.

stuff to keep in mind \o/

EDIT: Also, excuse my curiosity and words for things of character backgrounds. If its creating some problems for your characters I mean, just that it feels a bit odd to me reading that, that's all.

I'm looking at my previous post and face-palming. I meant to say decades, but wrote centuries instead. Urgh.

They grew to be wealthy by an assortment of ways, some of which could be considered illegal/dirty/scandalous/etc. I don't want to go into detail.

No, no. I understand. Sayuri is the kind of person who would rather be alone and not talk to anyone unless it's needed. The only time she talks about herself/her past is when she's with someone she's extremely familiar with. Since she doesn't feel on the same level as Maxine, I don't think Sayuri would tell her past.

I don't really feel like explaining details though. Thank you for explaining this to me.

Well, just in case, make sure ya get some idea what ya want in the event that ever is explained. Cause lorecrafting is fun haha.

. . .

How long has Sayuri been in the disciplinary? Honestly id think she would know Maxine a bit, and is familiar with her.

Course this means id probably have to pm ya with some stuff she'd probably wind up sayin to ya.
Are we assuming that Eric Price, the "original" head of the Disciplinary Committee still exists?
Well, things got a bit awkward with that happening in the rp, before he disappeared.

Since he's pretty much gone now, and with a post i made, i kinda was expecting Maxine to be a head, who stepped down temporarily handing it to Eric, seeing if she can pass the leadership baton permanently at the same time, since he did excel in his own work.

And then she comes back and sees that your the only person in the disciplinary at the moment haha. So at the moment, id suggest that she is the original head. And Eric was meant to pass her up, but since he's kinda gone now. Have to take the leadership role once again.

EDIT: Wow, reading over this post, man im all over the place, hopefully I didn't make it too confusing xD
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I thought he was just a member, but I guess I don't really remember anymore. That user disappeared from RPnation I think, but I think that's the fair thing to do.
I understand. It makes sense.

Sayuri has been on the Disciplinary Committee for about 3 years. However, seeing as how she had no close friends or thinks of anyone as such, I think that Maxine would only know bits and pieces of her history.
Hi. Sorry for not posting for so long. Things were a bit . . . hectic over here. A bit more drama than I had expected. But I am back and I will try to get a post up right away.
So ill get a post up probbably after school

School lastin for 6 hours, kinda will take some time.

Just having a lil bit of trouble thinkin of a post, but ill have something up soon! sorry if i'm delaying guys >.<


What happened.
Stuff. Stuff happened.

But if you're asking about the current day. Azure nearly got kidnapped. We actually have a disciplinary squad again. New students: Yuuma, Lairen and Vize. Returning Students: Maxine and Stone. A lot of talking. Meeting people. It's lunch.

That's about it.
Everyone went to Azure's room. And are now at the cafeteria.

Couple of people went to the disciplinary, they are now in the cafeteria.

Thing happened between Shift and Bunny, bunny is now going into the main building.

Bunny was watched by Victor, who is doing something for Kylier, he's currently following her.

Navel and Stone are doing things around the dorm, Navel seems like shes gonna repair Azure's door, and Navels scouting off the dorms for anything weird.

Jayus is by himself.

uhh... i think thats about it.
TenaciousTinkerer said:
Everyone went to Azure's room. And are now at the cafeteria.
Couple of people went to the disciplinary, they are now in the cafeteria.

Thing happened between Shift and Bunny, bunny is now going into the main building.

Bunny was watched by Victor, who is doing something for Kylier, he's currently following her.

Navel and Stone are doing things around the dorm, Navel seems like shes gonna repair Azure's door, and Navels scouting off the dorms for anything weird.

Jayus is by himself.

uhh... i think thats about it.
So um, Jayus is the big guy right?
Now that I have time to think for myself (sorta) I managed to get back to posting :)

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.
@neverin Don't worry about playing bitchy. Decent people know that playing a role is perfectly fine. Hell, my Lerrus is a total ass too xD

Sent from my stone tablet using Tapatalk because I used a Tardis.

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