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Dice Oriens Academy OOC Chat

So I wanted to sign up and did a head count, and the tally came to 8 supernaturals and 1 human. Mind if I grab the slot for a human character to fill the 4:1 ratio?
Once I get everything organized and settled with everyone and their characters, we can begin. I don't think there'll be any sort of schedule. I'll just end the day when a big event happens of if a major holiday I want to do a special sort of thing. In either case, I will warn and clear it up with everyone in the ooc thread foirst.
It seems our numbers aren't sufficient enough for me to create a human. If more people joined however, would my character then be acceptable?
Actually @Duwang there's enough for Andrew to join. When I set the limit, I meant it as if there a x number of humans already in the rp, then there must be at least 4x number of supernatural ones before another one is accepted. We currently have 2 humans and 9 supernaturals so Andrew can come in
Oh, and by the way: Do you mind if I edited my character a bit? I feel he might be a bit powerless against those with actual magic and weapons.
I dunno about the other supernaturals (some of whom are really OP in their own right), but Andrew would prob beat Price to a bloody pulp if had got a hand on him lmao
Canon said:
I dunno about the other supernaturals (some of whom are really OP in their own right), but Andrew would prob beat Price to a bloody pulp if had got a hand on him lmao
The thing is, Price has all this training and also weapons. Andrew is a new entry with 0 experience, 0 magic, and 0 weapons. So I have to give him something really extraordinary that sets him apart from the others.
Yeah, I guess the difference would be in experience. I didn't really want to give Price any abilities, but needed some way for him to enforce discipline. It's like sticking a gun on a cop, instant control. His only real weapon is the taser, and it's a standard model distributed to all Disciplinary Committee members. And if the other characters were just ordinary students, I would've made him less skilled at fighting than your average girl. But you need a way to defend yourself when there's demons running around haha
@Duwang You can edit your character anytime you wish before the actual rp starts. Just let me know you did it first. After it starts, then you have to ask me first since I can't really approve of too drastic changes after your character has made its place in the setting.
amdreams said:
@Duwang You can edit your character anytime you wish before the actual rp starts. Just let me know you did it first. After it starts, then you have to ask me first since I can't really approve of too drastic changes after your character has made its place in the setting.
Alright thanks. I added my character's 'ability'. I'm also going to dropping a bit of my character's background as we play and I learn more about the setting if that's fine for you.
@Duwang Interesting ability, and I'll allow it. And just a hint, if you should ever fight Mel, don't take her eyesight, take her hearing. She depends more on her ears and is experienced with fighting in the dark. I put this here so that if anyone does blind her and sees that she can still fight well, you guys can't accuse me of pulling it out of my a**. 
I'll also try to start the rp tonight. If not, tomorrow morning.
I just figured out there's a tab with info + rooming and stuff. Looks like Riff will be rooming with Price - it's gonna be pretty interesting heh

Considering Price has been living there for 5 years now, and Riff is newly moving in, do you particularly care what state the room is in when he first gets there? (just planning a bit of opening conflict)
@Canon Oh, you already saw the reference post? Well, I don't really care how the room is and Riff is pretty easygoing about most things, but at the same time, he has one of the shortest tempers out of my characters. If that even makes sense. Hm . . . How to get under Riff's skin . . . Insulting Mel . . . Insinuating that he's just a slave . . . He doesn't like loud noises and music . . . People with too much ambition that they're willing to step on others Roosters . . . And he hates his nickname, "Riff-Raff".
Hey, under the various kingdoms, in addition to specified races, there's also an ECT. I assume this means I can propose my own? If that is the case, I would like to play an Alraune. I think it would likely fall under the Elven kingdom, but I should like clarification before I start on anything.
@CSA You are correct. The ETC means that you can propose your own race, but what's an Alraune? Is it like the Alura Une from Castlevania?
Ahah, quick google search brought up some... odd results. I'd like to say I'm mature enough to not find this funny, but alas, I cannot.
Yes, similar to the Castlevania one. But I was thinking of the Disgaea design myself. Essentially a green girl that lives in a red flower.

She will be dressed I assure you.
Oh . . . How would she move around? If she can walk, then I guess it's okay. But it'd be classified as a demon.
She would be able to do something akin to walking utilizing the vines under her flower as limbs for means of transit.

If I had to attribute a verb to it, it would be more like 'scuttling' than 'walking', but she gets around all the same. Similar to a spider or crab, I would think. I will start work currently.

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