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Fantasy Order of the Hunt Character Sheet



Character Sheet




Birthday: (MM/DD)


How long have you been a hunter: (keep it between 1- 10 for story sake)

Appearance:(pic or detailed description.)


Skills: (Skills that you learn through practice)

Purpose for living:

Element: (Based on Zodiac Sign)

Special Abilities/Characteristics: (Abilities given to you after becoming a Hunter. Include the con or the drawback of the ability as well)

See the link below if you need spell ideas.
Spells and magic
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Name: Rylde Londyth

Alias: Eye of Medusa

Age: 32

Birthday: 04/12

Personality: A man who you can trust to see things through. If a task is left in his hands, he will see that it will be handled in the utmost care. He doesn't go back on his word either, no matter what, but that is why he doesn't just give it away. He must be completely sure that he can handle a task before taking it up. He also values comradeship.

How long have you been a hunter: 6 yrs



Weapon(s): Dual weapons. One is the the sheathe and the second is the blade as seen in the picture above. Rylde had his weapon custom made in this fashion. Despite the silver blade not having any special enchantments, the sheathe itself can protrude spikes, causing it to become a deadly tool. He must pour a small amount of his mana into the sheathe and recite the proper incantation before the spikes will appear.

He also carries a large satchel full of ingredients and vials for crafting potions for medicinal or deadly effects. He also has 3 very well constructed notebooks full of notes so that he doesn't back track on his knowledge and his ability as an alchemist.

Skills: Average swordsman, learned most of his techniques from Axlen, hence the dual swords. Master level in the art of alchemy. Before becoming a hunter, he studied the art of alchemy in The Exalted City of Bery which it is famous since he was a youth. Graduated University with top honors but his thirst for knowledge didn't stop there. Able to produce potions and poisons with ease and able to use transmutation alchemy.

Able to perform and maintain up to grand level Transmutation Circles, which is the biggest circle anyone person can do on their own. Has metal and air transmutation gloves tucked away in his waist pouch for easy access for on the go transmutations and other gloves in his satchel. He is exceptional at drawing circles that it doesn't affect the battling process especially when he has a strong forward team. Without being a mage, he tends to fill the mages roll by cover fire with high grade transmutations or healing. Unlike Mages, he doesn't primarily call upon mana from within or from the earth for transmutation, which means it doesn't take as much physically to preform but it takes longer to do and by one's self, it doesn't hit as hard as a truly seasoned mage.

(See tab below for more information on Transmutation Abilities)

Transmutation Definition
Transmutation Circle

Transmutation's sequence is usually described as:
  1. Comprehension - Understanding the inherent structure and properties of the atomic or molecular makeup of a particular material to be transmuted, including the flow and balance of potential and kinetic energy within.
  2. Deconstruction - Using energy to break down the physical structure of the identified material into a more malleable state so as to be easily reshaped into a new form.
  3. Reconstruction - Continuing the flow of energy so as to reform the material into a new shape.
In order to begin an alchemical transmutation, a symbol called a Transmutation Circle is necessary. A Transmutation Circle can either be drawn on the spot when a transmutation is necessary (in chalk, pencil, ink, paint, blood or even traced in dirt) or permanently etched or inscribed beforehand, but without it, transmutation is generally impossible and all Transmutation Circles are made up of two parts:

1. The circle itself is a conduit which focuses and dictates the flow of power, tapping into the energies that already exist within the earth and matter. It represents the cyclical flow of the world's energies and phenomena and turns that power to manipulable ends.

2. Inside the circle are specific alchemical runes. These runes vary widely based on ancient alchemical studies, texts and experimentation, but correspond to a different form of energy, allowing the energy that is focused within the circle to be released in the way most conducive to the alchemist's desired effect.

In basic alchemy, these runes will often take the form of triangles (which, when positioned differently, can represent the elements of either water, earth, fire or air), but will often be composed of varying polygons built from different triangles. For example: the hexagram is a commonly used base rune in Transmutation Circles because it creates eight multi-directional triangles when inscribed and can therefore represent all four classical elements at once.

Examples of Alchemy using transmutation Abilities
Alchemist Weapon
Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self
Duration: Instantaneous
An Alchemist is never without a Weapon as long as he has his mind
You create a weapon out of a chosen element that takes the shape of any weapon you are proficient in.

Any Element respective to what is being repaired
Range: Touch
Duration: Instantaneous
You use your alchemic knowledge to do large repairs on an object.
You repair any big holes,cracks,blemishes, etc. on an object. You can restore magic to an item and only repair its form.
Water, Air, Organic Element
Range: Self (15ft Line)
Duration: Instantaneous
You shoot a whip out of your hand wrapping your target in it
You may attempt a grapple against a creature within Range.

Metal, Earth Element
Range: 30ft
Duration: Instantaneous
You cause the very ground underneath to shoot up to 15ft in spike or cylinder like shape

Any Element
Range: 5ft space within 30ft
Duration: Instantaneous
You manipulate an element to move to a specified space

Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 1 Minute
You create a bubble of air
The creature affected can breathe where normally they wold not be able to

Alchemical Ward
Any Element
Range: Self
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Natures Fury means nothing to you
The damage dealt to you by an element chosen is reduced elemental damage based on the ward put in place.

Imitate Spell
Any Element
Range: As Spell
Duration As Spell
You can cast spells from the transmutation or enchantment that another person is using if they are within 3 feet of you. It takes the same amount of mana from the alchemist that it would normally take to use it but you don't have to know the spell in order to cast it.

Infuse Magic
Any Element
Range: Touch
Duration: Permanent
Using this ability allows you to infuse spell effects from the spells you can cast into an item. You can only add one spell effect to an item at a time, adding a new spell effect to an item that already has one will remove the previous one that was effecting the item by this ability first. This stacks with each spell infused to the item. The more spells, the less the durability of the blade which is governed by spell level, type and weapon composition.

Elemental Burst
Fire, Water, Electricity Element
Range: Self(5ft Cube)
Duration: Instantaneous
You shoot elemental energy all around you in all directions

Air Walk
Air Element
Range: Self or Touch
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
You cause the creature to feel lighter than air by lowering the weight of the creature body and all material attached thus increasing the speed

Organic Element
Range: Self (30ft Line)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
Vines Sprout up instantly tangling the creatures which depending on the nearby vegetation can cause poisoning

Crumble Terrain
Metal, Earth Element
Range: Self(30ft Cone)
Duration: Concentration up to a minute
You break the ground in front of you by re-shaping the very earth you stand upon as if a painter creating art

Wind Press
Air Element
Range: Self(5ft Cube)
Duration: Concentration up to 30 Seconds
You force air flow to shoot downwards all around you
Each creature in the affected area cannot breath and are suffocating due to the massive wind pressure.

Fabricate and Deconstruct
Any Element
Range: Any
Able to create or breakdown items of larger size

Purpose for living: To serve Daemon of the Wild

Element: Aries

Special Abilities/Characteristics: With the simple gaze of his eyes, he is able to turn any being grand or small into stone. He must first have eye contact with them, which isn't hard because eyes appear all over his skin, making it easy to petrify a large group of people. No great ability comes without its consequences however. With every time that he uses his ability, he looses a percentage of his eye sight. He can only use it four times times through out the day before becoming completely blind until the next cycle begins. The main downfall of this ability is the fact that if any creature or human that looks into any of the eyes will be petrified even if only viewed through peripherals. Allies or friendly personnel are not excluded. Rylde has yet to discover how to limit the amount of eyes he can produce nor how to even use petrification with his main two eyes without summoning all eyes on his body. He is hopping Axlen can guide him into harnessing his abilities.
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Alright! Here it is!

Name: Avyn Jik

Alias: none

Age: 16

Birthday: 12/3

Personality: Avyn is young, but serious. Despite always having some banter up his sleeve, Avyn usually understands the gravity of the situations he is in, and knows when to shut up when needed. Due to his limited social contact besides his parents, Avyn isn’t the best at social interaction, so he hides it with jokes. Avyn also tries to be the best person he can be, but the life of a hunter occasionally draws him away from his path. Of course, every once in a while a hint of youthful naïveté will pop up.

How long have you been a hunter: 1 year

Appearance: Ayvn is about 5’2”. He has a short but messy haircut, and black hair. He wears a thin green coat that is supplemented by hidden armor plating. He also wears a short brown cloak worn to the side. His eyes are blue. He has light skin. He visibly wears a long sword in a sheath on his back, but his cloak hides his other weapons.

Weapon(s): Avyn mainly uses his nigh-indestructible magic sword, but he has a couple backup weapons hidden in his cloak. The first is a halberd with an extendable handle. This weapon is not enchanted, nor special in any way besides it’s collapsibility, and Avyn is unskilled with it. It was the last possession of Avyn's father. It is very plain looking, aside from an emblem on the handle. a The second is an ornate knife about as long as Avyn’s hand. Like the halberd, Avyn is unskilled with it. Unlike the halberd, it is enchanted, and thus Avyn can chanel his power through it. He was gifted the knife by his teacher. The knife has an elegant pattern engraved along it's side, and has a red handle. Avyn’s longsword is made of a nigh-indestructible mystical metal, and is deceptively light. It has the power to conduct Avyn’s magical energy. Avyn has had the sword for as long as he can remember, and seems to be magically bonded to him, as it pulsates with a magic light to Avyn's heartbeat. It also will release a pulse of magic energy should someone other than Avyn attempt to pull it from it's sheath. It has a gold hilt, with a multicolored gemstone of an unknown composition embedded in said hilt. The blade itself is silver and has a mysterious design engraved in it. The handle has a slot where the pommel should be. The slot appears to have once held something, but that something is long gone.

• Swordplay: Avyn is extraordinarily skilled in swordplay for his age. His parents had trained him in sword fighting for as long as he could hold a sword. When they disappeared, he continued self teach himself more their books and the monsters in the surrounding area. Furthermore, when he decided to return to civilization, he was accepted and trained even moreprestigious academy in Sadon.

• Wilderness Survival: Avyn was born and raised in utter isolation in an uncharted forest crawling with monsters. His parents taught him how to survive in the wilderness. In the two years after they disappeared, Avyn put these skills to use.

• Magic: Avyn is skilled with wielding his special abilities, but only a novice at wielding regular magic. He can fire homing magic missiles, heal minor injuries and temporarily boost his physical attributes.

Purpose for living: Adventure and excitement. Looking for someone. (Finding further)Purpose.

Element: Sagittarius/Fire

Special abilities/Characteristics:

1. Divine Flame: Avyn can channel a magical blue flame, which can have a number of properties.
1A. Fire blast: Without the use of enchanted weapons, Avyn’s power is limited to sending bursts of the flame.
1B. Weapons-Based attacks: However, with the help of an enchanted weapon or his magic sword, Avyn is given access to a number of other uses.
1Ba. Flaming Blade: Avyn can imbue the weapon with it, increasing it’s power.
1Bb. Flame slash: He can also launch powerful blasts by expelling the fire from the weapon and sending it at an enemy. Most commonly performed with a slash.
1Bc. Flame Explosion: The magical energy within the fire can also be released in an explosively powerful strike. However, the weapon needs to come into contact with another solid object. Avyn is usually unaffected by the blast, but can make himself vulnerable to the shockwave on purpose. He has learned to use this ability creatively, using the concussive force expelled by the blast as propulsion to launch himself.
The flame is capable of harming and killing almost anything, even monsters that can only be killed by silver weapons and monsters immune to fire. However, Avyn runs on a limited mana pool, and exhausting this pool will both limit Avyn’s powers, and his overall health.
2. Mirror, Mirror: Avyn also has the curious ability to communicate with his own mirror image. Avyn is the only one capable of hearing what his reflection says back. His reflection can share important insights, but can have different personalities. However, Avyn can discern what personality his mirror image will have by looking at their eye color. Certain personalities will have certain eye colors. His reflection also seems to have some control over when they appear, as they will not always appear and sometimes appear in the most random of places that have a reflection.

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Character Sheet

Name: Sven Krakmar

Alias: "The Lone Hammer"

Age: 34

Birthday: (MM/DD) 03/07

Personality: Sven is a pragmatic person, preferring to be realistic rather than optimistic or pessimistic. He can be rather gregarious, especially after several mugs of beer. He enjoys good food, good laughs and good company. But whilst on the job, Sven is focused and professional - leaving the ale, cheeky grins and bawdy jokes behind. Like any soldier wanting to see another sun rise, he makes sure he prepares accordingly for every encounter he faces be it creature or man, using every advantage possible to stay alive.

How long have you been a hunter: 8 years.

Appearance:395536-sepik.jpg(pic or detailed description.)


"Myrmidia." (Or "Wailing Doom." Sven can't make up his mind on which is more appropriate. Or dramatic.) A master crafted, runic Warhammer that is enchanted to be more powerful with every creature/being it kills. It's only caveat is that it cannot be a creature/being it has killed before. It has killed many, many things thus far. Sven acquired it by murdering it's previous owner in his sleep.

"Fangs of Valadore." A large repeating crossbow Sven uses to hunt creatures that fly or are too dangerous to fight in melee. While it is merely an extremely well made but otherwise totally normal crossbow, Sven uses a large variety of ammunition to aid him on his hunts.

Skills: A rather infamous mercenary captain, Sven is a warrior with few mortal peers. Since becoming a hunter, he has by necessity learned how to track down creatures, the basics of alchemy and knowing how to speak several different languages. He has to negotiate bounties on creatures after all. Sven is an weapon and armor smith by necessary hobby. He can also drink an entire barrel of ale and still possess reasonablyecognitive function.

Purpose for living: To kill a god. And retire on a large estate, a woman under each arm and a mountain of gold in his coffers.

Element: Taurus

Special Abilities/Characteristics: Sven is big. Like seven feet tall big. Despite this, he moves easily under his heavy battle plate and whirls his hammer around as if it were not more weighty than a broomstick. Sven's special powers have to do with the earth. So long as his feet are touching the elements of nature, particularly soil and stone, Sven will heal from wounds over time. The more purer the material, the better his healing. E.g he will heal broken bones and deep cuts in mere minutes if he fought on fertile farm soil, fighting in a castle on stone bricks would see this healing factor reduced sharply. Though it has never taken more than a full day to heal a wound. Sven is also attuned through the ground, sensing vibration and movements which allow him to react well on the battlefield.

TagochiRein TagochiRein Dream. (forgot to add it in sorreh!)
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Character Sheet

Name: Aldous Rhidelon

Alias: Arcane Hunter

Age: 28

Birthday: 10/15

Personality: Aldous is very serious. He puts the mission first at all costs, and would gladly sacrifice his comrades for the sake of the cause. However, once someone has gained his trust, he maintains an undying and unwavering loyalty to them. It takes a large amount of stress to anger him, considering his vast amount of patience. As long as you don't interfere with the mission, he is a great ally.

How long have you been a hunter: Aldous has been a hunter for twelve years. His entire tenure spent with the warrior Axlen, after Axlen's original partner met an unfortunate end.



Weapon(s): A summoned longbow, designed for shots that could best a modern sniper rifle. His chest-plate stores mana, while the brass knuckles deplete mana upon contact. This process allows Aldous to replenish himself, in the event that enemies are closer than he would like. He is painfully unskilled with a blade, wielding bladed brass knuckles to compensate. (Like Asuma from Naruto.)

Skills: An array of magical arrows. Each of them deploys a group support or defensive type spell. An arrow for a temporary shield, an arrow for a temporary healing circle, an arrow that boosts the strength and speed of those within, and an arrow that grants a sort of clairvoyance to allies, allowing absolute focus in battle. He also has a spell called Seeker Bolt which allows him to fire magickal arrows that seek out their targets. Aldous is afforded a powerful array of magical abilities, the girth of which were only obtainable after he received the curse. Not able to use magic efficiently before the ritual, after it Aldous was greeted with a massive increase to his mana stores, and the aptitude to quickly dissect and apply magical formulas; being able to cast them himself with minimal amounts of study.

  • Babylon's Gate: The user fires one arrow into the air, it travels slowly, then exploding into a hail of arrows that rain down upon the ground.
  • Prismatic Bow: A magical Longbow appears in your hands.
  • Delta Divide: Two copies of yourself are created to fight for you.
  • Bane Bow: You touch a nonmagical ranged weapon that uses ammunition, infusing it with nature's power.
  • Web of Alarms: This spell allows the caster to place 6 advanced alarms within 300 feet.
  • Unfettered Strength: A spell that empowers the blows a creature deals.
  • Heatvision: A spell that gives you the ability to see different concentrations of heat.
  • Ethereal Hunter: Ethereal hunter allows the caster to see creatures on the Ethereal plane and deal extra damage to them.
  • Demand Duel: You attempt to force the target to fight you one on one.
  • Scan: Divine a deeper understanding of a creature.
  • Nilin's Bolt: You launch a bolt of energy towards a creature, temporarily remixing its memories, confusing it.
  • Acidic Bolt: You launch a bolt of acid towards a creature, which then dissolves inside the target.
  • Elemental boon: The user is able to enchant their own, or any other physical weapon with the elemental affinity of their choosing.
  • Hades' Breath: A medium sized fireball.
  • Shiva's Embrace: A large spike of ice.
  • Odin's Wrath: A large thunderbolt.
  • Silhouette: The user is shrouded in darkness, appearing as a shadow to the undiscerning eye.
  • Sonic Implosion: A deafening sound is blasted through the air, temporarily disabling those in the vicinity.
  • Spectral Hand: The user summons an extra limb, or numerous ones of ethereal quality. Highly effective in hand to hand combat.
  • Sound Burst: Much like Sonic Implosion, this spell sends a burst of sound toward the target. However at a much higher intensity, this spell is capable of causing physical damage.
  • Crushing Despair: The user batters the morale of the target, forcing them to break and cower, or lowering the metal state of those with higher magic fortitude.
  • Aura Of Invisibility: The user bends light around him, hiding himself and any within a certain radius of him to be hidden from sight. The size of the radius, depends on the amount of mana used.
  • Tri-Enchant: The user lifts the limit of one enchantment, and is able to bestow to additional elements of their choice to the target.
  • Delayed Blast Time Bomb: The user sends a small orb of light from the pointing finger, it moves slowly and vanishes from sight. When prompted by the user the orb reappears, and with a low roar explodes, causing devastating damage.
  • Luis Gustavo's Aura of Blades: The user conjures a portal in the nearby vicinity, when targets come within range the portal draws on the users mana, firing blades out of the portal.
  • Radiant Flare: The user summons a large burst of light that sears enemies with holy damage.
  • Dark Swathe: A dark flame is summoned, momentarily covering the target, before exploding and dealing fire damage.
  • Animal Conduit: The user temporarily robs nearby animals of their senses, sending the stimulation instead to their own brain. This spell allows for information collection by means typically impossible if not an animal.
  • Convalescence: A wave of warm, blue healing energy washes over a creature within range, healing its wounds.
  • Starry Revelations: A child skill of Omnipotence. You surround yourself in a stargazing umbrella of shadowy twilight. This spell creates a large, umbral shield that's spread roughly 40 feet in radius, centered above the caster and allowing the stars to be seen regardless of whether it is daytime or night; this still works if the caster is underground or indoors. For the purposes of spells or any special abilities that require it, the caster is under a clear, night sky. This effect follows the caster for the duration. The caster can dismiss this effect at any time.
    For the duration of this spell, the caster is granted darkvision up to the radius of the shield(if they did not possess it already). Additionally, lighting is changed to dim light. The new light condition cannot be altered with magic: all darkness and light spells fail to function. Likewise, natural sources of light are decreased to produce only dim light conditions.

    Lastly, you and everyone within range of this spell are granted resistance to radiant damage.

  • Might Of Giants: A creature you touch gains the strength of a giant for a limited time.
  • Flesh Mending:
    You call upon your restorative powers and help wounds close and knit itself allowing for proper healing and avoidance of any permanent damage. This may also help with mending bones.

    This spell may also help regrow limbs slowly, depending on the severity of the damage, the process may take anywhere from minutes, hours, days or weeks. If a limb is in the process of being regrown or healed it'll take a few sessions for it to grow back completely. This may be done as light work during long rests, but may only focus on this task alone and nothing else. If the limb is hurt in any way while still in the process of being healed, the spell ends and permanent damage may still occur to the limb.

    This spell only works on organic living creatures.

  • Ancient Tether: Closing your eyes you feel the astral ley lines flowing all around you. Opening your eyes your reach forward and touch an object or a creature and attach a ley line to the object. While this spell is active, you can always find your way back to mark by following the astral ley lines flowing from it to you.
  • Life Seed: You create a seed of positive energy that buries into the ground at a point within range, blossoming into a large golden glow. You and allies within the aura, are healed proportionate to the amount of mana the user is exhausting.

He has a chameleon spell that allows him to blend in with his surroundings. As far as archery, he has mastered the art and can progress no further without the aid of arcane magic. He is also very skilled in hand to hand combat, helping him compensate for his lack of swordsmanship skills. He is a master in the art of Wing Tsun.

Purpose for living: Aldous has absolutely no purpose for living, which is the exact reason why he dedicates himself to hunting so readily.

Element: Libra, Wind

Special Abilities/Characteristics: Omnipotence. This ability allows Aldous site of the entire battlefield, in a third person view as if he were a bird in the air. While he uses this, a third eye opens on his forehead beneath his hood, and his normal pair of eyes shut. This ability allows him full use of his bow, making him capable of shots miles away. Omnipotence is highly effective in hand to hand combat. When the radius of sight is reduced to the area of the fight, it allows Aldous to counter moves that he traditionally shouldn't have seen, afforded awareness of all of his enemies positions, despite how numerous they may be. Unmatched battlefield awareness, coupled with the fighting skills and augments afforded to a hunter of twelve years, Aldous is a force to be reckoned should one find themselves within range of his fists. Omnipotence also helps when searching for enemies hiding out, or general reconnaissance. The more that he uses the ability however, the heavier the burden is on his body. This ability is best used as support for others, an eye in the sky so to speak. Through the years of honing this technique, he has learned that if he focuses on one location instead of focusing on literal omnipotence, he is able to cut the fatigue drawback to seventy-five percent. With this, he is able to be more adaptable with the skill, and utilize it effectively in a wide variety of circumstances.

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Name: Axlen Wynduil

Alias: Spirit Walker

Age: 34

Birthday: 12/26

Personality: Natural Leader type. Very outspoken. Very focused. Observant. He likes to be aware of his surroundings. Willing to make necessary sacrifices for the greater good, hates being idle, Enjoys conversations of depth rather than casual banter, Everything is equal in his eyes, relies on logic rather than emotions

How long have you been a hunter: 18 yrs. He has seen many hunters come and go. He has learned a lot from their deaths and continues to push forward. Due to his long service as a hunter, he has picked up many skills, items, and clout from the people that he has crossed due to his tremendous track record. Dream


Without Armor:







A single cursed blade called "Vulnus" is his go to weapon when a job needs to be done quick and effortlessly. This is worn on his right hip. It causes wounds to be unable to heal due to the fact that it begins to rot and become infected the within seconds of when the wound was received. From there, the body begins to become weaker as the infection spreads which causes aching, fevers, etc. until death is the only thing left. Even a small scratch could prove to be fatal.

Two carbon steel blades on his back (shown in picture) for casual fighting. They are both enchanted with a feather, durability, and sharpness buff.

A dagger made of silver for specific creatures and needs.

He carries other types of weapons and accouterments based on the type of Hunt. Carries small pouches with herbs for medicinal purposes.

Skills: Exceptional with a sword. Many cower away with a single swing. A vast knowledge of monsters of all types due to his long service as a hunter. Vast knowledge of the human body, Average skill with a bow and arrow, Skilled in the art of tactics, minor knowledge of alchemy, minor magic knowledge,

Spells that he commonly uses:

  • Axlen is able to paralyze his enemies, immobilizing them through magical means for a limited amount of time.
  • A paralyzed character cannot move, speak, or take any physical action. He is rooted to the spot, frozen and helpless. Not even friends can move his limbs. Paralysis works on the body, and an enemy can usually resist it with good mental fortitude.

Cause Fear:
  • The affected creature becomes frightened, causing him to cower away in fear. Creatures of high mental fortitude are able to resist this spell.

Charm And Compulsion

Charming another creature gives the charming character the ability to befriend and suggest courses of actions to his minion, but the servitude is not absolute or mindless. A charmed person retains free will but makes choices according to a skewed view of the world.
  • A charmed character retains his original alignment and allegiances, generally with the exception that he now regards the charming creature as a dear friend and will give great weight to his suggestions and directions.
  • A charmed character fights his former allies only if they threaten his new friend, and even then he uses the least lethal means at his disposal as long as these tactics show any possibility of success (just as he would in a fight between two actual friends).
  • A charmed character is entitled to an opposed Charisma check against his master in order to resist instructions or commands that would make him do something he wouldn't normally do even for a close friend. If he succeeds, he decides not to go along with that order but remains charmed.
  • A charmed character never obeys a command that is obviously suicidal or grievously harmful to her.
  • A charmed character who is openly attacked by the creature who charmed him or by that creature’s apparent allies is automatically freed of the spell or effect.
Compulsion is a different matter altogether. A compulsion overrides the subject’s free will in some way or simply changes the way the subject’s mind works. A charm makes the subject a friend of the caster; a compulsion makes the subject obey the caster. Compulsion takes a lot of energy from Axlen. He uses this skill scarcely.

Lesser Wind Wall:
  • An invisible vertical curtain of wind appears. It is 5 feet thick and of considerable strength. It is a roaring blast sufficient to blow away any bird smaller than a full size eagle, or tear papers and similar materials from unsuspecting hands. Tiny and Small flying creatures cannot pass through the barrier. Arrows and bolts are deflected upward and miss. (A giant-thrown boulder, a siege engine projectile, and other massive ranged weapons are not affected. It is not that strong of a wind so most destructive type spells aren't affected as well. Lesser spells are slightly deflected or moved of course) . Gases and creatures in a gaseous form cannot pass through the wall.

Dancing Lights:
  • Over the years, Axlen has improved his magic spell known as light. He is now able to summon six spheres of light (which look like will-o’-wisps), or one glowing humanoid shape. The dancing lights must stay within a 20-feet-radius area in relation to each other but otherwise move as you desire (no concentration required): forward or back, up or down, straight or turning corners, or the like. The lights can move up to 100 feet per round. A light winks out if the distance between you and it exceeds the spell’s range.

Homing Needles:
  • Range: 60 feet
  • You create and launch a barrage of flying, magical needles at a creatures of your choice that you can see within range. Stops at bone level if hit directly on flesh. Doesn't have strong piercing power but when use right it, could potentially kill or cause a distraction. The needles all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several.
Magic Missile:
  • Range: 120 feet
  • You create three glowing darts of magical force. Each dart hits a creature of your choice that you can see within range. The darts all strike simultaneously, and you can direct them to hit one creature or several. Has slightly more piercing damage due to it being condensed. Able to rip through bone.
Know Direction:
  • You instantly know the direction of north from your current position. The spell is effective in any environment in which "north" exists.
Forceful Breeze:
  • You make a complex arm movement, causing a very specific area of wind around you to increase in speed to overwhelm a target. Make a ranged spell attack against the target. On a hit, the target is pushed 5 feet in a direction of your choice.
Heated Hands:
  • Duration: 10 min (can be stopped any time)
  • Allows the user to melt up to 6 in. sheets of ice by simply placing their hand on the desired melting spot.
  • A creature you touch is imbued with a virtuous cause, strengthening their resolve.
Suppress Pain:
  • You dull the pain of a creature’s wounds and help it tolerate further punishment.This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Beastial Bloodlust:
  • You whisper arcane words that attempt to awaken a target's primal bloodlust and beastly nature. This spell has no effect on creatures with high intelligence. An overwhelming blood-lust overcomes the target and causes them to see no difference between friend or foe. The target then attacks the nearest creature.

Cure Minor Wounds:
  • You touch another creature, giving them a moment of respite. Able to heal minor wounds like surface cuts or abrasions. Anything further would take far to long to heal and a lot of wasted mana.

Minor Ward:
  • You touch a creature to minutely increase its resistance to magical damage. If you cast this spell multiple times, you can have up to three minor ward effects active at a time, and you can dismiss any one of them as an action. Each ward consumes mana from the caster.
Mana Shield:
  • You create a sphere of magic force around a willing creature you can see within range. The sphere is as strong as the amount of mana poured into it. The mana shield absorbs all damage until it is destroyed. The caster may chose to end this spell at any time and any remaining mana is returned.
Veitch's Marvellous Letter:
  • You conjure a letter with up to 150 words written in it. It flies to a target that you designate at a speed of 6 mph. If it does not reach the target in 24 hours, it disappears. This letter cannot be dampened or torn, but when a creature presses the seal it opens. If the designated target touches it in any way, it opens. It has to be someone the caster has met before and the target must have a mark left by the caster from other magical means.
Holy Blade:
  • You conjure a blade of light and impale a creature or object within range with it. Make a melee spell attack against the target.
  • Effective against undead creatures
Chains of the Guilty:
  • Ethereal black chains appear from the ground in a 20-foot square starting from a point within range. It then wraps anything within the area in the chains to bind the target. When the spell ends, the chains turn to ash and are blown away.
Arcane Mark:
  • Choose one creature or object. You establish a permanent link the subject in your mind, and leave your sigil or mark upon it. At your option, the mark may be invisible, but any creature that can cast spells can always see the mark. Note that an unwilling creature cannot have this mark placed upon it.
  • You can at any time determine the general state of the subject regardless of how far away it is, as well as direction and general distance. If placed upon a castle gate, you will know the condition of the gate and the race of the last creature to have touched it. If placed upon a living creature, you know the creature's current mental state, whether it is injured, etc. You can dismiss a mark you have placed with an action regardless of distance.
Mental Bindings:
  • A creature of your choice that you can see within range perceives everything as closing in and confining it if this spell affects it. The target becomes incapacitated and unable to stand up for the duration of the spell if they are unable to escape.
  • Your footsteps and armor make no noise to avoid detection while moving. The area of the effect is limited to 30 feet.
Glyph Trap:
  • You cast a glowing pool of magic upon the ground by drawing a glyph with paint, or something that can mark a surface, that damages and hinders anyone who wanders through or is pushed into it with a burst of mana cultivated by the caster.
  • Designate an unoccupied area to draw the glyph to receive the magical glyph which then hides the glyph from normal sight.
  • The trap dissipates immediately after it deals damage but leaves behind the drawn glyph, now visible by everyone, and unable to be active again until the glyph is entirely removed, which takes about a minute. Can only have one glyph active at a time.
  • Choose a creature you can see within range. Magic, non-harmful hands begin to gently and benevolently massage the creature. To the creature, this touch feels not invasive, but inherently welcome, relaxing, and stress-relieving. This spell generally affects any living creature with familiar musculature, including all beasts, humanoids, and giants, but may not affect unusual creatures who would never gain any benefit from a massage.
  • You conjure bluish-white arcane fire in the palm of your hand. While holding this, the flames shed bright light for 10 feet and sheds dim light in an additional 10 feet. Objects ignited with this spell last as long as the duration. The spell ends if you dismiss it as an action or if you cast it again or ten minutes pass
  • You can also make a ranged attack by hurling the flame at a creature within 60 feet. The target becomes ignited and takes burn damage until caster cancels spell or ten minutes pass.
  • Gives unique insight into things that seem random for investigations (A small hand lens). This spell lets the Wild Mage make sense of chaos and entropy. It has these main functions:
  • Visualize how something broken looked when whole
  • Pick out individual elements in a crowded group—for instance, picking out a single set of footprints from a crowded muddy market square (though not whose footprints they are; just allowing you to follow them), understanding a single voice over a crowd's roar (though, again, not who the voice belongs to, or what they're saying if you don't understand the language), finding a needle in a haystack, etc
  • Determining the exact number of objects in a group of similar objects (gold coins in a dragon's hoard, soldiers in an approaching army, etc)
  • You must be able to see or hear the thing you're trying to make sense of, and you cannot gain specific information about it beyond what's described above (you can't determine that a given cup is poisoned, just that the liquid inside is different than the liquid in a bunch of identical cups).
  • You can't use this spell to determine a secret message in a pattern (that implies that there's already order to the pattern in question).
  • The spell doesn't work on magic items, so you cannot see how to reforge the Shards of Whatever Magic Sword it Is This Week.
  • You can get a basic idea of how to put a broken object back together; Patternweave gives you advantage on checks to repair broken objects (but not magic items).
  • Range: 10 feet
  • You use force energy to move, hold, suspend or push over an object or target within range, without being detected. You can also make a ranged spell attack to create a Force Bolt against a creature, or even try and topple or push back a target up to 20 ft.
  • For longer effects such as holding heavier objects or holding something back, the caster must concentrate on the spell

Purpose for living: To understand

Element: Capricorn, Earth

Special Abilities/Characteristics:

Spirit Form:

Spirit Sword:

Messor spirituum, or Reaper of Spirits

Full Tattoos:

Since he became a hunter, he has gained the ability to walk as a spirit. While most people need enchanted weapons or silver to combat spirit type monsters which have no from such as Wraiths and Banshees, Axlen is able to simply become a spirit himself and combat them with ease. In this form, he has a variety of abilities to combat spirit type monsters. Once he is in his form, he is not able to harm non-spirit type enemies making this skill very limited, but while others struggle with them, he defeats them with ease. He also uses this skill for other things like walking through walls and communicating with spirits. He can also inhabit husk of other humans or creatures for a small duration of time. This skill can only be used in close proximity of when the soul of the being departs from the body. The mana of the husk remains even when the soul departs for brief moment so Axlen must utilize this window in order to access the body.

Axlen is also able to rip the soul from a being but this skill requires a lot of mana to perform and is used on special occasions.

He also has a familiar spirit that has attached itself to him which takes the shape of a Hawk or Wolf primarily but is able to take any form. It has a variety of uses such as scouting, attacking, talking, etc., Axlen also performs the role of a shaman in his spare time between hunts to grant guidance of spirits to the next world.
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Character Sheet

Name: Torston Garswain

Alias: Blade

Age: 38

Birthday: Unknown

Personality: The quiet strong one. Very stoic, not phased by most things. Can be an asshole if you're too friendly or you don't know what you're talking about. Came to do a job and do it right. Doesn't like idle talk. Knows more than he lets on. Always thinking about an exit plan. Would watch Parks and Rec just to see Ron Swanson.

How long have you been a hunter: 5 years, four months.

Appearance: 6'4" tall, 255 pounds. At every distance he looks like a dense mass of muscle. Short black hair, angry eyebrows. Long and wide jaw, square face, short wide nose. Facial and body scars frequent.

Weapon(s): Massive 2h claymore called the Artifact Blade. A large serrated combat dagger at his hip and a narrower, shorter dagger in his boot.

Skills: Urban survival: Torston grew up as a broke street urchin. He knows the ins and outs of surviving in a city. Wilderness survival: For many years Torston has had to survive on low or no rations in several different wilderness settings. He could surprise you with how long his body can run on sweat and bark. Apprentice Level Blacksmithing: Torston has been around weapons since he was a teenager, he can sharpen or clean just about any blade, flatten out armor, polish armor, and he knows the basics of metalworking. Caligraphy/Tattooist: To work on his anger problem, Torston developed a hobby. That hobby had to require concentration and patience. He decided on calligraphy, he can write beautiful characters and even make tattoos with less-than-professional supplies. Unorthodox Swordsmanship: Torston didn't learn how to fight growing up as a noble's son, he learned first in the streets, then in the army. Experience served as his teacher. He isn't afraid to use dishonorable tactics to see a fight through. Better alive and disreputable than dead and honorable.Field Surgeon: For a few years, Torston served as a medic in the army. He saw some of the most gruesome and violent injuries during that time. He knows how to clean and dress a wound, make a splint, make a tourniquet give stitches, CPR, and even saw off a limb if he needs to.

Purpose for living: To keep going and to be useful. Giving up is for the weak. Being useless is for the lazy and the craven.

Element: Aries

Special Abilities/Characteristics: (Abilities given to you after becoming a Hunter. Include the con or the drawback of the ability as well): Torston wields a weapon known as the Artifact Blade. It is an ancient sword made of some sort of light colored, durable metal. He found the blade and restored it to its former glory. When he fixed a soul gem to the hilt, previously invisible runic symbols on the blade began to glow neon blue. The sword gave him special abilities that work extremely well in combat, but drain his fatigue much quicker than regular fighting.

Rage Wave, after several seconds of channeling anger and mana, Blade swings his sword in and direction and a trail of fiery magic shoots in the direction and angle he chooses.
Warblade, the longer Blade fights, the more rage and battle adrenaline he builds up. He can expend the adrenaline and some mana to overcharge his regular weapon attack with magical power.
Blink Strike, Blade uses magic to increase his speed momentarily. He becomes a living blur until he finds his mark with a lunge. This spell consumes mana at an incredible rate, so he always uses it in short bursts.
Critical Eye, Blade pauses for several seconds and recites a magical incantation, writing runes in the air with his finger. For the next few minutes he can see all of his opponents' weak points and his agility increases.
Flame Blade: Torston's enchanted sword can become totally engulfed in flame almost immediately on command.
Phase Shift: In order to become harder to hit and to dodge projectiles, Torston can enter a defensive stance whereby he appears to start vibrating. He appears to vibrate so quickly and violently that his form becomes extremely blurry and he forms partial afterimages beside himself on either side. As he moves, the afterimages shift around him and even disappear back into the main form. It is very disorienting and even disturbing to watch for most beings. The more rage he has, the longer this form can last, as it consumes emotional energy. Therefore the longer the fight, or the more damage he takes, the longer Torston can sustain this form. NOTE: Phase Shift cannot cancel out True Rage. However, Torston can enter phase shift in True Rage form, but it does not deplete his temporarily endless source of rage, making him an incredibly dangerous individual.

Hunter Ability: True Rage; Throughout Torston's life, he has always had anger issues. The older he got, the more control he had over his temper. Still, whenever he was pushed over the line, his pent up rage would be unleashed and he could become dangerous and lose control of his actions. The hunter curse exploited that anger and intensified it. Through years of extensive meditation training, Torston managed to rein in his new True Rage during normal circumstances. During combat, though, it was only a matter of time before he snapped and became a berzerker that would level anything in his path. The trade off is simple: the longer Torston fights, the angrier he gets. The angrier he gets, the more powerful he becomes, even surpassing human limits after only a brief time fighting. However, the more angry he gets, the harder it is for him to control himself. His conscious mind takes more of a back seat and his emotions take over. If Torston takes enough damage, or he fights for too long without releasing rage through abilities designed to lower his adrenaline, then Torston will enter a state called True Rage. In this state, Torston becomes a whirlwind of metal, moving at inhuman speeds and wielding over 3x his normal strength. The downside is that he has no control over his actions, and he will fight anything he can sense. True Rage is only sustainable for about five minutes, and then Torston passes out, having no memory of what he did in his True Rage form.

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Johanna "Joha" Blackfoot




Joha's personality is full of color as she is capable of feeling every range of emotion possible. Her passion is fiery, despair bottomless and happiness boundless. Her moods tend to change on the fly in response to even the smallest stimulation, making it tiring to deal with her most of the time. One might wonder how one as fickle and erratic as Joha might hope to accomplish anything with her life, but her willpower is a force to be reckoned with and once she sets her mind on a goal she won't rest until she achieves it. She relies heavily on first impressions and once she takes a first look at another she is prone to making her judgement right then and there.

To the eye it seems like the woman is rather shallow and has the incapacity to take anything seriously, making it hard to rely on her for anything, but when times get rough she knows how to get down to business. Her motivation is a fickle and unreliable thing; one second she will be rearing to go but the next she'll be snoring in her bed. The most reliable way to get her in action is any mention of treasure or riches, and the second best way is through mention of alcohol of any sort. Joha has a vendetta of sorts against anybody she deems stronger than herself and has a fixation on proving herself to others so that they don't underestimate her.

Years a Hunter
4 Years

Joha stands at 5"6 and weighs 154lbs. Her build is muscular and somewhat stocky. Her eyes eternally have bags under them from either continuous exhaustion or sleep deprivation, but her eyes themselves never lose their fierce glare and sharp concentration. Her hair is shoulder length and usually tied up or braided for combat. Joha's clothing is usually muted and neutral in color with her favorite being shades of brown, and is hardly ever seen wearing bright colors. Her boots are dark brown leather.

Twin Axes - A pair of identical axes that her father crafted for her, Joha's ax blades are made of steel and have an olivewood shaft. Their shafts are around two feet long and the blades are inscribed with the Blackfoot family insignia: a wreath of lines surrounding a rudimentary-looking foot.
Small Knives - Kept in a small sheath on her belt, Joha's knives are well-sharpened. They are only three inches long and are mainly used for cutting meat for cooking, though in a pinch she will use them as throwing projectiles. There are three of them.
Round Shield - A basic round shield that is approximately three feet in diameter. It is made out of wood with metal plating at the front. While she can't use it alongside her two axes, if she is somehow disarmed or forced to go on the defensive Joha is known to discard one of her weapons in order to use it. It is usually stored on a strap on her back.

Throwing knives, lifting heavy objects, tracking, cooking, navigation, wilderness survival, basic first aid.

Purpose for Living
To enjoy herself. To dream.

Sagittarius, Fire

Special Abilities/Characteristics
Burning Blades - If activated, Joha’s axe blades heat up as if they were just exposed to an open flame. This allows them to cut through metal and other hard objects with ease due to the immense amount of heat and is capable of slicing straight through bones. The disadvantage of the ability is that it takes awhile to “charge” up because it takes awhile for the blades to reach their maximum heat, and at their full heat they can burn Joha if she carelessly lets them near her body. Using the ability for too long can also damage and warp the blades meaning that they need maintenance afterwards. If the ability is used for too long the whole weapon can be heated up, burning Joha’s hands. She cannot control the heat of the blades, the ability simply heats up over time. She usually uses it against opponents with strong armor or as a finishing blow.

Unholy Flame - Upon activation, Joha will burst into flame. This ability coats her entire body with it including anything she's directly touching, such as her weapons. Upon contact with other people or items, the fire will spread to them inflicting burn damage. While the flames can be put out with water, they spread rather rapidly in the even that the inflicted person touches something else as well. The flames do not distinguish ally from foe and can be dangerous to any allied fighters. The flames on other people only last while Joha has the ability activated, and once it is deactivated all flames caused by her will be extinguished. While the fire doesn't initially damage her body while she is in this state, over time her body loses its immunity to the fire and becomes burnt. If activated for too long, Joha can and has before emerged with severe burns that have inhibited her from fighting for months. The catch is that she cannot feel herself burning and is therefore unaware of how long she can keep the ability activated for, and for this reason has to keep a close eye on her status to make sure she doesn't go overboard. Additionally, after the ability is deactivated, she loses a lot of energy and often cannot continue fighting. For this reason Joha has to use the ability as an all-or-nothing, last-resort ability or else it can lead to herself getting killed.
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Name: Maeve Feilora

Alias: Ally Cat

Age: 19

Birthday: (MM/DD) November 12

Personality: Maeve is cocky, high on her own talent. While she almost as incredibly talented as she thinks she is, especially for a girl of her age, she does have a bad habit of letting her own arrogance let her traipse into unfavorable circumstances. Despite her own arrogance, she is jaded, and incredibly sarcastic. It is a rare for anyone ever catching a glimpse of Maeve showing that she cares about anything, because for her, attachments are weakness. She tends to put more faith in her knifes than in anyone else, a bi-product of her past. Despite her stand-offish attitude, and general distrust of people, Maeve can be good company: fun at parties, for sure. When she isn't on the hunt, or stealing from anyone and everyone, she is a bar rat (she hates the term). She has worked in groups before, and will make use of others talents to finish her missions, but once the mission is complete, and her need for someone else expired, so is her friendly mask.

Maeve's friends are few and far between, and built exclusively on respect: If you can earn hers, you can pet the kitty. Maeve respects power, talent and reputation, and despises high energy people, extensive jokes, boisterous men and women, arrogance, and swimming. She has an intense natural curiosity, and has on several occasions, stalked people that have caught her attention.

How long have you been a hunter: (keep it between 1- 10 for story sake) 3 years and 8 months.

Appearance: (pic or detailed description.)
Maeve is a tiny girl, standing only at 4'11, weighing only a tiny 97lbs. She has always been the shortest girl in her environment, but that makes her easily under-estimated, a benefit she exploits often. She is always wearing her rouges clothes, beneath her knife harness and then her blue and purple enchanted long coat, which enhances her speed and mobility. Most notable about the tiny rogue are her head of pink curls that she never ties back, and her glowing blue crystal eyes with slit pupils, like a cats.

Weapon(s): Maeve is an experienced, and talented knife fighter. A less than useful tool in the hands of most becomes instruments heralding death in her tiny paws. Years of intense training, combined with her own talent have given her the ability to hurl her blades with uncanny precision and force. They are just as deadly without leaving her hands as well. Her blades, while not very long, have no problem finding the soft spots when parred with her speed/agility and dexterity. He knife fighting is revered and whispered throughout the criminal underground.

Her knives are special, as well: A gift from her late father when she was but a kitten. The harness itself she has perpetually strapped to her lithe form is enchanted to return the blades she throws back to their sheathes, although not instantly. Each blade normally has about a 20 second lag time, so she keeps at least 24-28 uniform silver coated knives strapped under her long coat at all times. The blade itself glows pink slightly, themselves enchanted with a decent strength paralysis spell. Though, with Maeve, it is rare that her strikes are not aimed to kill, or unable to do so. The blades return to their sheathe by being magically relocated to the belt: when they reappear, they disappear from where they had been thrown into.

Skills: (Skills that you learn through practice) Besides her mastery of knife fighting, both throwing and and remaining in her grip, she is well versed in many types of hand to hand combat. Due to her stunning lack in size, she makes up for in speed and precision what she lacks in weight and muscle. She is able to take down targets much larger than her by pinpointing her targets weak-spots/pressure points and striking them skillfully before they can react.

Maeve is skilled in the art of stealth, learning to be as unnoticeable as possible: Through years of training, she has learned to make no noise when she moves, unless she is moving at full speed, in which she makes very little noise. She has become incredibly quick and agile, using her small size to her advantage. She can leap unnaturally high, dart short distances with surprising speed, scale almost vertical surfaces, and travel lightly over things like ropes and cloth. She has also fine tuned running over seemingly impossible things, like ropes, thin branches, even short spans of water.

Her own senses had become heightened through training, giving her a considerable advantage when tracking prey or detecting an oncoming attacker.
Her eyes can detect the subtlest of movements; her ears so attuned and sensitive that she can feel the vibrations of mice running through her ear drums. Her nose is just as powerful, able to detect and distinguish smells precisely enough to track her prey without her sight and hearing. Together, her senses form a combination that makes it near impossible to surprise or evade her.

Maeve is also a practiced illusionist, her magical assault on the senses her only defense should her natural speed fail her.

Sight Eclipsed: The ability to warp the light around the caster and make her unnoticeable to others. Sight Eclipsed (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki

Nightscar: The ability to mark a target so that only the target, the caster, and 7 other people can see the scar. The scar cannot be concealed, and doesn't ever go away unless removed by another spell. The scar allows for easier tracking by the caster, and the ability for the caster to see it through walls as long as the target is within 100 feet of the caster. Nightscar (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki

Deceiving Touch (instead of bolt): Touching a target, confusing them and making them attack the nearest person/animal that the target notices. Deceiving Bolt (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki

Concealment: The ability to cloak small objects to hide them from others: uses a very small amount of mana, but grows in its usage the more objects she conceals. Concealment (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki

Dancing Shadows: The ability to cloak other people: this spell can only work for short amount's of time: it is increasingly more difficult to cast the more targets it affects. Dancing Shadows (5e Spell) - D&D Wiki

Shadow clone: The ability to make several copies of oneself made of shadow/smoke that can move and act within the will of the caster. They are physically identical, but can't speak. The clones can touch things and attack and deal damage, but if they are hit with anything the clone is immediately dispelled. The more clones conjured uses exponentially more mana.

Vertigo: The caster assaults the senses of a creature/person, making their vision begin to swim and sway, and they lose their sense of balance. Other senses like hearing and smell also become distorted and can lead to the discomfort of the subject. This spell can only affect one target at a time, and the caster has to keep the subject in its sight in order to maintain the spell.

Minor Illusion: The castor can create a sound or an image in an area visible to the castor.

The sound can be from a whisper to a scream, and can be casted to sound like it is coming from the direction of the casters choosing. The sound created can be any sound the caster has heard before.

The object can't be larger than a 5 foot cube. It cannot create and sensory effects, like light or sound, but is a perfect replica of any object that the caster has seen before. If the caster has interacted with the object, the caster can manipulate the illusion to be intractable in the same way. (i.e. a chest that someone can open up) A creature with standard to high levels of intelligence can usually discern that the object is an illusion should they interact with it.

Archaists Magic Aura: With a touch, the caster can place an illusion on a creature or object so that divination spells reveal false information about it. This can appear in effects like making a creature or object either seem magical when it is not or un-magical when it is. This can also be cast in the sense of a mask which makes a person or creature undetectable by magical means. These effects last only for a duration of 24 hours. If the same spell is placed in the same target every 24 hours for thirty days, then the spell lasts until it is dispelled.

All of Maeve's illusion spells have varying affects on targets, depending on the level of intelligence.

Element: (Based on Zodiac Sign) Scorpio

Special Abilities/Characteristics: (Abilities given to you after becoming a Hunter. Include the con or the drawback of the ability as well)
Maeve's senses, while already attuned to such a high degree, were enhanced even further when she became a hunter: She was granted True-sight. The ability to see in all light levels, resist mind altering spells, locate hidden traps, see through illusions, and size up her targets with a glance. Maeve also attained the ability of the sixth sense state: a temporary state of mind and body that gives her an attuned sense of awareness, allowing her to predict the actions of her enemies effortlessly. While in this state, she can dodge attacks with ease, and land her own attacks to weak points with unimaginable precision, at a speed that would seem impossible to most: When she is in this state, her eyes switch from a glowing blue to a haunting yellow. HOWEVER, while in this state, Maeve begins to hemorrhage both mana and stamina. The longer she uses the ability, the more and more tired she becomes. When entering the state, it is to finish off the prey quickly or make an immediate escape, because this ability leaves her almost defenseless afterwards. If she were to remain in the state to long, her body would collapse from exhaustion, very probably in a state of unconsciousness. The normal laps of time she can maintain the stance is 10 minutes before she begins to feel serious effects and 15 before she begins to lose consciousness.
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Name: Tyth Pendragon

Alias: White Mage

Age: 23

Birthday: (03/28)

Personality: Tyth is a kind soul, however he can be shy at times. He's very graceful, and almost every movement seems to have purpose. He'll fight for his friends even when no one else will, and will stick up for what he believes in, as long as his shyness doesn't get in the way. He's very friendly, but doesn't talk much. Tyth can be a little quiet, but when in good company and surrounded by decent friends, he can always find something to say. He is very fond of magic, and will strive to collect as much information about it as he possibly can. This mostly includes books and scrolls. (As a cautionary warning, he will try to read any and all books he sees including your personal journals and diaries. It is advised to keep these well hidden if you don't want someone perusing through your intimate thoughts.)

How long have you been a hunter: 3 years


Tyth is about 5' 9'' he is small in build and lightly muscled. He usually wears a red shirt with a white cloak. He has bright red hair that comes down to his shoulders and is usually well combed and straight. Around his left index finger he has a ring made of silver, with a bright red ruby embedded in it. Tyth never slouches, and always keeps his back straight. (We've asked him why this is and he only smiled and walked away.) Near his left eye he has a faint scar that runs from his eyebrow to the top of his cheekbone.

Weapon: A wooden staff that may or may not be magical. (Who knows?)

Skills: Tyth has a keen mind, one that can perceive even the most minute detail. During his training in Sadon, he found that he could read books incredibly fast (Like a 300 page book in less than an hour.) using this skill Tyth has learned many useful things in said books and his hunger for knowledge (and more books) knows no bounds. He has also mastered the very peculiar art of grass whistling and all who have heard it will tell you that it is very... "unique."

Purpose for living: Despite his rather quiet personality, Tyth strives to reform an ancient sect devoted to the god "Elixh Ossilf." Often he has considered abandoning this quest, but whenever that happens, he is saved by some miracle that renews his faith. He says it is his dream to one day live in a world where everyone praises "Elixh Ossilf."

Element: Aries (Not too sure what element that would be, but if I were to choose, Tyth's would be Light)

Special Abilities/Characteristics: Now we get to the real nitty gritty. Tyth has studied in Sadon for most of his life, and as such he has great knowledge in most magical arts, however he prefers the magic of Light. Light magic is a very peculiar magic that bends and refracts light in many ways, some common ways would include, invisibility, and focused light (More on this later). Tyth has studied all of these forms of light magic, and while he does know how to cast some basic "Illusion" spells (I.E. invisibility) he prefers to stick to focusing light. After becoming a Hunter, his spellpower has increased significantly and complex spells he could hardly cast before became childsplay to him now. He knows most light spells, but for simplicity sake, he tends to use about 5 of them.

First is the classic healing spell, cure. This spell works differently from what you might think, it essentially just cauterizes the wound by focusing light onto it to heat it up, thus sealing the wound. This works also as a detoxifying effect as it can draw out most poisons and toxins with its heat.

Second is "Ball of Light" and no, this does not refer to a glowing basketball. Ball of Light is a purely offensive spell that sends a glowing ball of pure light rocketing towards it's target. The speed of the ball falls off quickly as it gets further and further away from Tyth, but its damage is quite large and it can be moved incredibly quickly provided it's close to Tyth. It's max range is recorded at 859 yds.

Thirdly we have "White Shield." White Shield is essentially just several smaller balls of light that rotate around Tyth, or an ally, extremely fast. This shield follows the target and will intercept most attacks. This effect can also intercept attacks made from inside the shield, (I.E. firing an arrow from inside the shield would cause the arrow to hit the shield and effectively disintegrate.) and so it is used mainly as a tool to keep someone out of danger until they are in a better position to fight. Tyth will almost always have this spell cast on himself while fighting, as his spells are not affected by the shield.

Fourth is "Aura of Light." This spell is mainly used to illuminate surroundings or to cast a mass invisibility on the people around him, but it can be used to damage enemies by increasing the light to insane amounts, effectively blinding all around Tyth, or causing small light damage. However, this spell can be incredibly taxing if used on a wide area. It also requires great concentration, so Tyth must move at no more than a fast walking pace. The effect's power scales with how close the aura is around him, smaller areas generate a better effect, while larger areas are quite weak. Max range is ~250 yds.

Lastly Tyth's "Ultimate Move" is called "Shackles of the Sun." Tyth must channel the spell for several seconds before it activates, but when it does, all the land in a 100 yd radius will become "Shackles" and any enemy present when this happens will be grabbed and chained to the floor while the second phase of the spell gets underway. The second part is essentially Aura of Light on steroids as it bumps up the light to "as if you were right next to the sun." This can cause massive damage and will almost certainly cause permanent blindness. The Shackles effect and Aura effect can be concentrated on one target to almost assure their demise. Again though, this takes a massive toll on Tyth and it can only be used approximately once every month, and even then it can cause permanent damage to Tyth's body as he too will have to bear the full force of this spell.

There are many more spells that Tyth knows, however these are probably his most used ones.
Name: Marigold Grove

Alias: The Stone Sorceress

Age: 23

Birthday: 09/09

Personality: Being born in the Blackened Hole, Marigold was introduced to physical labor from a young age. She could often be seen pulling carts of mined ore back up to the city. She was also confronted with the occasional attack of cave-dwelling dragons that would descend from the Dragon’s Perch above. Because of this way of life Mari is thick-skinned both literally and figuratively. She is incredibly disciplined and can often be stubborn.

When her family realized that she was inherently skilled with magic they pooled together enough gold to send Mari to the Sadon Academy of Natural Arts, where she excelled in her studies. Mari never forgot this kindness and often tries to make life better for others like her family did for her. Marigold is focused, determined, and observant. She often puts up a stone face when surrounded by her allies, but deep inside she is a motherly person and will fight to the death for her friends.

How long have you been a hunter: 6 years 2 months

Appearance: Marigold is shorter than your average girl standing at 5’3”. Most would call her small and petite, however, Mari is incredibly toned. Her skin is extremely fair as she was raised in the Blackened Hole, a place untouched by the sun. She often wears all black clothing as well as hats to protect her from the sun’s harsh rays. Locks of long golden hair often get in the way of her soft brown eyes. Despite her size, Mari always carries herself tall and with an air of confidence.


Weapon(s): As a mage, Mari does not utilize weapons for combat, however, has equipped herself with three magical artifacts.

Runic Spectacles: These thick spectacles are inscribed with various runes, allowing her to see clearly in all condition. The spectacles do not reveal magical effects.

Stone Ring: Marigold uses her stone ring to channel her magic, similar to a wand or staff. The ring itself is made from an uncommon mineral that allows magic to pass through it easily. Without the stone ring, Mari’s magic is more difficult to control and maintain.

The Obsidian Cube: A magic artifact of Mari’s own design. The cube has a length, width, and height of 3 meters. On each of the cube’s faces is inscribed a complex series of magical circles, allowing the cube to dissipate large quantities of damage without shattering. The Obsidian Cube was designed to travel several meters beneath the earth and is primarily used as a shelter and means of mobility for Marigold. While underground the cube travels slightly faster than a horse with the added benefit of avoiding roadway obstacles. When Mari isn’t using the cube it sits underground waiting for her to summon it.

Sack of Seeds: A non-magical sack of various seeds.

Skills: Marigold is an exceptionally powerful mage, born with a naturally vast mana pool. She is a master of earth and flora magic as well as talented with natural forces magic such as spatial, temporal, and gravitational magics. Mari is also a highly acclaimed botanist allowing her to create powerful cures and potions.

Earth Golem: Marigold imbues earth with her mana creating a limited amount of animated golems.

Stone Shatter: Marigold focuses earth magic on one or more golems causing it to violently explode, sending shrapnel in all directions.

Stone Substitution: Marigold combines earth magic and spatial magic causing her to swap places with one of her golems.

Psionic Stones: Marigold focuses earth magic on her surroundings allowing her to temporary geokinetic control over earth.

Stone Skin: Marigold focuses earth magic on herself or an ally transmuting their skin into stone that can vary in hardness.

Stone Shape: Marigold imbues her mana into earth allowing her to shape it.

Phase Shift: Marigold imbues earth with her magic in order to change its physical properties.

Tremorsense: Marigold imbues earth with her magic sending out a single deep pulse of magic that reverberates through the ground allowing her to feel the presence, shape, and form of the earth for up to a mile.

Overgrowth: Marigold imbues flora with her mana stimulating its growth depending on the amount of mana she commands.

Grasping Vines: Marigold imbues flora with her mana allowing her to bind a target using the flora.

Herbal Cocoon: Marigold combines flora magic with temporal magic creating a cocoon of flora that can accelerate the natural healing process or decelerate cell death.

Healing Palm:
Marigold imbues her target with healing magic, using her palm as a medium.

Healing Pulse: Marigold imbues her surroundings with a slow steady pulse of healing magic.

Erosive Touch: Marigold imbues her target with corrosive anti-life magic causing a slow decay as long as contact is maintained.

Lightweight Charm: Marigold imbues her target with gravity magic in order to lighten their body.

Heavyweight Charm: Marigold imbues her target with gravity magic in order to weigh them down.

Natural Attraction: Marigold imbues her target with gravity altering their bodies natural attraction.

Quake: Marigold imbues massive amounts of mana into earth causing a large-scale earthquake.

Magma Burst: Marigold focuses earth magic into the ground pulling a plume of lava to the surface.

Meteoric Crash: Marigold focuses earth magic towards the sky pulling a meteorite down towards her target.

Purpose: Marigold lives to protect her loved ones, and provide for the outcasts of the Blackened Hole.

Element: Virgo, Earth

Hunter Skill: Life Tap is the special ability Marigold gained when she became a hunter. Passively this ability allows Mari to sense the life force of all living things. When she activates this ability she is able to draw from the natural well of mana that runs within the earth. This amplifies her own power as well as acts like a magical reservoir. However, extended use of natural mana within the body is dangerous and will slowly eat away at the body until the user decays and dies.

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Celina Tempest
Raven Krár
Hardened by the horrors of her past, and the battles of recent, Celina is known as a woman of few words. A deadly predator, she uses her observant, and untrusting nature to learn what she can about her environment and those around her. She's not known for playing well with others, as her communication is a little lacking, but you can't argue with results. She knows her way around both blade and bow, and can quickly maneuver around her opponents. However, Celina is loyal to her brothers and sisters in arms, there no doubt about it. She just doesn't open up much, which makes conversations awkward because she also hates small talk.
How long have you been a hunter:
7 years, 6 months
Appearance: Celina stands at 5'9" in total height, a rather tall woman, and her weight is unimportant, as it's rude to ask. Her body is toned, a neat hourglass figure, riddled with unseen scars of her past. Her hair is cropped short, and white. A little gift from her mother...anyway, she has Elven like facial features, though more human in build, its quiet clear that Celina is a half-breed. One thing that really nails it? Her beautiful, and very rare lilac eyes. She's a very beautiful woman, standing proud.
- A steel longsword: For humans and nonhuman beast. Very sharp, forged with top quality materials, able to withstand most of what Celina cuts through. And enchanted with a fire rune that Celina only needs to active by using a small ammount of mana.
- A silver short sword: This one is for the monsters...obviously. Also extremely sharp, and made from some of the purest silver she could fine, this blade has been with Celina for years.
- A crossbow: Half the size of a normal crossbow, easy to load, and fires seven inch bolts. The bolts can all withstand being set on fire, some even with interchangeable heads of steel, silver, and an explosive oil like substance made unstable with mana.
- Hidden Dagger: A small, also silver, dagger hidden in her left boot.
- Posioned Ring: Twist the top, a small blade like thing pops out coated with an extremely deadly toxin.
An expert, near master, of blades and bow, an incredible spy with a knack for espionage and sabotage, and other strategy maneuvers. She moves swiftly through the battlefield to find her targets weak points, fast on her feet, observing so she had the most damage in. She even picks a tricky lock here an there. Also, due to her years as a hunter, and has a great knowledge of many monsters, giving her pretty high success rate .Alchemy is another strong suit, she's decent cook, and a strong tracker.
Purpose for living:
Celina doesn't have a definitive answer for this. Can't even dream of one. Though, maybe it's pure spite.
Element: Aquarius
Special Abilities/Characteristics:
Celina has been given the ability to summon highly aggressive groups of crows to attack her eneimes. Said crows swarm, targeting exposed flesh, and often the eyes of whoever they're attacking, inflicting a rather substantial amount of damage, or serving as a great distraction. However, the amount of mana this requires is quiet large, leaving Cleina weakened if she either summons to many crows, or, uses her abbilty in rapid succession without time to rest. The crows themselves are also easy to destroy, yet the way they attack makes it a difficult task.

Another side to this is her raven familiar. Summoned the same way as her crows, this is a weak bird, with no intent on attacking anything. Instead, the raven, which Celina calls Lynn, gives it's master a second view point, allowing her to see through his eyes, given she isn't moving. Either sending it over head for a birds eye veiw, or giving her an advantage over those she's setting an ambush for, Lynn can also reveal the locations of items out of reach, or even retrieve them. However, using him is strenuous, because he requires a good bit of mana as well, and more often than not, it leaves Celina with a terrible headache.
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Character Sheet

Name: Janice Vamkumar

Alias: 'The nice one'

Age: 24

Birthday: (MM/DD) 11-16

Personality: Janice has issues when it comes to rejecting people and saying the word no. She's always been thought of as an overly-nice person and her niceness can at times become annoying. She loves to help people fix problems and hates being in arguments with her fellow hunters. Her dream is to one day make enough money to pay for her brothers treatment. (To be explained more in roleplay.) She secretly wants to fall in love and have kids, but knows she probably wont. She's a hunter, one of the supposedly 'tainted' humans on this gorgeous planet Earth, and no one wants 'tainted'...

How long have you been a hunter: (keep it between 1- 10 for story sake) about five years, soon after her brother was diagnosed.

Appearance: (pic or detailed description) Janice has long, flowing red ringlets that go down to her chest. She is 5'3 and weighs about 130lbs. She loves to wear a set of rose-gold earrings her mother gave her (R.i.p...) and is never seen without them. She wears a set of black-steel armor, very strong, yet not warm at all. In the winter she wears furs under her armor and in the warm months she wears just under-clothes under it. She wears a pair of black combat boots, her only pair of shoes and you will never see her without her black-steel heart locket. Very few of her fellow hunters know what the pictures are inside.

~ Seventeen throwing knives she has hidden in the chinks of her armor. Five of which are poisoned with a semi-deadly toxin. (Humans and semi~strong monsters)

~A three foot long two-hand rapier with a lavender hilt, specially crafted to fit in only her hands perfectly. She has a holster (cant think of the actual word atm) on her back, attached to her armor. (Strong monsters)
~ A normal bow with around sixty arrows with an extremely deadly toxin coating the arrow-head (Extremly strong monsters)

Skills: (Skills that you learn through practice) She has amazing archery skills from practicing with her father so much when she was younger. Her swordmanship skills arent perfect, but pretty good and she hits almost every center of the practice targets when she throws her knives. She is slightly good at climbing, but not really and she is horrible at shooting a moving target.

Purpose for living: Her purpose is to get enough money to pay for her brothers operation.

Element: (Based on Zodiac Sign) Scorpio

Special Abilities/Characteristics: (Abilities given to you after becoming a Hunter. Include the con or the drawback of the ability as well) She can shift into small animals.
~ Being a small animal helps with her speed and when she is in her cat form her agility is ten times better.
~ she can hide easily from the monsters in her smaller form
~ she doesn't have to eat as much in a smaller form

~ she can be easily killed in her smaller form
~ more predators in her smaller form
~ she can only shift when she is 100% naked and cannot carry anything in her forms

TagochiRein TagochiRein
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Name: Madison Weston
Alias: "The Madman" but he prefers Mad
Age: 38
Birthday: 10/21
Personality: Mad is a very rash and honest person, so much that it may come of as rude. He is extremely loyal to those he calls friend and equaly crule to those he calls foe. Mad is a joyful guy and he usually has a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eye even in the midst of battle. He isn't one for plans prefering the brute force approach. He the only thing he loves more than his pipe and drink is a good fight. His dream is to kill one of evey creature.
How long have you been a hunter: 10 years.
Description: Mad although not tall at 4ft 10in he more than makes up for it in muscle. He has shoulder length shaggy red hair that frame two pale blue eyes and a large beard. He wears a deep red kilt, hide boots, and metal gauntlets with spiked knuckles. His body is covered in scars and strange tattoos. He always carries a flask full of a a brew of his own make.
Weapons: Spiked gauntlets.
Skills: Brawling-when it comes to using ones fists, feet, head, knees, elbows, and even teeth to to damage there is no one better.
Dirty tricks-He learned early on that monsters don't fight fair so nither does he. He uses whatever he can to win, no mater how low a blow.
Alchemy-If you need a bomb or a strong drink he's your guy, but if you need healing......if you don't mind temporary blindness and a three day hangover sure.
Animal/Monster tactics-During his proving for his tribe he spent 8 years in the wilds studying the way monsters fought both him and each other and adapted said tactics for himself.
Purpose for living: Fighting, smoking, drinking, gold, and fighting.
element: Scorpio
Special abilities: Primal Strength- He can activate his primal strength to deal devastating blows at the cost of several damaging his body.
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(Don't worry I will complete this just thought I post what I have so far so that you know I'm interested)

Storm Astley




Ironically despite her icy magical abilities Storm is quite a warm and loving person once you really get to know her but piss her off and she becomes as cold as her magic, she doesn't tolerate it when she sees someone praying on the weak or if someone hurts her friends and she is not afraid to step up and voice her opinions and she will never back down from an fight if she is protecting someone she cares about or if she is just fighting for what she believes in.

How long have you been a hunter: (keep it between 1- 10 for story sake)
4 1/2 years

Appearance: (pic or detailed description.)

Longsword, her ice sword, water whip (tends not to use this too often)

Skills: (Skills that you learn through practice) WIP
Lock picking
Ice Blade: With a couple quick movements, Storm can pull a sword made from solid ice from thin air
Frost Bolt: Storm can hurl a ball of magical frost at a creature
Ice Shards: Shards of ice rain from the sky
Ice Wave: When Storm touches the ground, a thin sheet of ice rapidly extends forth towards who she is aiming at
Water Whip: Storm can summon a long, rubbery whip of pure water
Floor of Ice: When Storm focuses on an area of earth or and area of water it becomes iced over, with sharp icicles protruding upward randomly across the surface.
Water Tendril: The water Storm touches grows a prehensile limb-like tentacle from the point you touch, which obeys her commands.
Frozen Tomb: The spell encases the target enemy or yourself in ice.
Ice Ward: When Storm throws up her hands as shes attacked, and icy symbols protect her from harm and slow her assailants.

Purpose for living:
To help those in need and to see the world as she does.

Element: (Based on Zodiac Sign)
Aquarius - Air

Special Abilities/Characteristics: (Abilities given to you after becoming a Hunter. Include the con or the drawback of the ability as well) WIP
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