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Fantasy Order of the Hunt Social



Here you can post any non- story or RP related material. You can post here without being in the RP. This is open for all people who simply want to chat.
Yea, I most definitely going to enjoy this one. I have a bunch of ideas for monsters and story progression. Going to make the fights as entertaining and gut wrenching as possible. The foes that the hunters will face will vary with difficulty depending on the hunt. I want to try and keep this close to a role playing game as possible so there will be character strength progression or magical items that are found or curses and ailments that will take affect, etc.

Looking forward to the Journey.
Don't worry everyone I won't ever post that long again lol... unless I'm doing a flashback.

No, I would prefer longer post. I was actually going to send another message on that. I want as much detail you can squeeze out at a time. Granted it doesn't have to be as long as your post at all times, but I generally would like at least half if not more. I totally understand that some scenes won't allow for lengthy post but go for it whenever you can. I want to be emerged into the scene so I can feel the character motives and feelings, plus more details give more insight on your character. I also didn't ask for a bio because I want to see it develop organically through exposition and dialogue.

BugDozer73 BugDozer73 H Hal lucination KaldorDraigo KaldorDraigo Proletariat Proletariat Berries Berries HaruAketchi HaruAketchi
Gotta say, Sven really killed it with that intro. I'm not one for flashy introductions, so a man clad in full plate, bootsteps making the ground tremble, really gave me the goosebumps. Looks to be an interesting RP so far, good luck guys!

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