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Fantasy (OPEN) Unite & Conquer



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- Unite & Conquer -

(The World of Tor)

In the year 512, the Moravan dominated the Continent with justice and might. The Moravan's had dwelled there since before written history, properly harnessing Tor's magic and mystery. The fields were fertile and full of bountiful splendor. The people were free, their cups overfilled with joy. The land and all within it were at peace.

Fate for the people of Morava turned sour when the Altarean's arrived on the Eastern Shores. Swiftly and brutally, the Altarean king, Alioth took down the Moravan King, Yehuda, in hand-to-hand combat. Due to Moravan Law, one who could take down the divine hand of the Goddesses, the Moravan King, would become King or Queen themselves.

Although Alioth was powerful, he did not know the legends. He did not know the history of his newly claimed land nor what was prophesied to come to those who were not meant to rule it. This was partially due to him destroying the temples and all those who openly opposed his false claim.

Due to the dispute given by the original citizens of Morava, he banished them all to wander the Northern Seas, to find a place to find refuge. For if they remained and questioned he and his heirs rule, they would be wiped out.

Many Moravan's accepted his mercy and took to the seas to the North. Those who stayed, were slaughtered.

King Alioth brought forth heirs, and gradually, they brought ruin to the realm.

Chaos and unrest emitted from all corners of what was once Morava.


- Refuge -

By the grace of the Goddesses and with the help of their new silently appointed Queen, Deidra, the Moravan people found refuge quickly in a continent just as bountiful as the one they had previously inhabited. They called it Rhema. Castles, towns, and buildings were quickly erected, and life began once again. The people were not thriving as they were before, but they were alive and that's what mattered.

Queen Deidra raised her heirs to be strong yet silent. Her fear of annihilation had grown irrational. She made it law to not speak of the past. Her stomach twisted and turned at the thought of the Altarean King finding the Moravan people once more. Deidra would do anything to stop it. She was only twelve when she saw her father defeated by Alioth.

Hundreds of years past, and it was as if nothing had ever happened.

Yet some carried the tale of their rightful homeland and how it fell to the hands of a monster.​


- The Informant & The Warrior Heir -

One day, under the reign of Deidra's great-great-great grandchild, Queen Morrigu, a traveler from the former Moravan homeland came to Rhema. Immediately, due to generations of warning, Queen Morrigu threw the young traveler into chains, locking him in the dungeon. It was imperative that he not be able to incite interest in returning home to ANY Moravan. Even more so to not return himself and share information with any Altarean's of the Moravan's whereabouts.

But Queen Morrigu faced a fear far greater than she had anticipated. Her heir had visited the captive traveler. The heir had learned of the entire history of the Moravan people, the truth about their home as well as how they lost it.

The traveler shared with the heir that even some of the Altarean people wanted the Moravan heir to return to what once was Morava, now Tiamat. They prayed for the day that the prophecy would be fulfilled.


From the forgotten people, a regal champion shall rise
Returning Morava to glory and back from its demise

All five heroes shall be found 'cross the sea.
Conquering Tiamat, the hero shall claim divine victory


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