• This section is for roleplays only.
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Realistic or Modern OOC: Zombie Apocalypse

I'll get a CS out sooner than later. ^.^
Alright, Ill just sit here.... with this nice rifle..... not thinking about shooting a couple zombies with it..... resisting temptation....
I've been battling writers block and stress, but hopefully by the end of today my workload'll ease up dramatically!
Hello! I'm kinda new/not new to this site. I'm actually using the mobile app, and I'm really unfamiliar with it. I was already unfamiliar with the site too >~< though I'd love to RP as Annie Leonhardt from Attack on Titan if you wouldn't mind??? I'd do the character forum, but I can't get to it-- Sorry >~< If this is for OC's only, I understand.
OC's only I'm afraid! ^^
But feel free to join if you'd like to make a character
I will confirm any characters when I get home, till then, I'm out.
Apologies for all the delays
I will be done with my character tonight and should have a post up too!
Since its taking a few people a while, I'll post again soon in response ^^
Hello there, this RP looks amazing. Are still accepting? I'm very interested. I will say upfront I only post from my mobile but I try very very hard to make sure it's detailed (I certainly focus on quality, and usually try to match post sizes). Please let me know if you have room

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