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Realistic or Modern [ooc] Yours Truly + ᵏᵖᵒᵖ ᵍʳᵒᵘᵖ

oh idk necessarily about making it ridiculous i just wanted to suggest cute things they could do together tbh
i mean i just got that from a random website, idk if that's what crack rp actually is

okay so one thing i really wanted was for them to play mafia. i don't know why i just think it would be really fun.
is mafia similar to town of salem?? bcs i ADORE town of salem lmao
omg i literally found that town of salem is a thing today, and then i went to the website and found out they made it pay to play oof.
but yeah, i think town of salem was inspired by mafia! it's just that there aren't like 50 billion roles, there's just the mafia, the doctor, the policeman, and the villagers.
omg i literally found that town of salem is a thing today, and then i went to the website and found out they made it pay to play oof.
but yeah, i think town of salem was inspired by mafia! it's just that there aren't like 50 billion roles, there's just the mafia, the doctor, the policeman, and the villagers.
iTs PaY tO pLaY nOw!?!??!?!
i feel conned

honestly though less roles sounds MUCH simpler and easier and tbh overall better?? and thats such a good idea like i would absolutely LOVE to see them play it
hi im sorry but im highkey finding hansol and jiao cute

also i found a muffin it's like 11pm idk how i did it lol
hi im sorry but im highkey finding hansol and jiao cute

also i found a muffin it's like 11pm idk how i did it lol
wtf i thought you were stellar for the longest time while looking over these messages
i was so confused bc it said waraeru was last to post but i couldn't find his post anywhere
lmao it was literally you im s t upid
iTs PaY tO pLaY nOw!?!??!?!
i feel conned

honestly though less roles sounds MUCH simpler and easier and tbh overall better?? and thats such a good idea like i would absolutely LOVE to see them play it
ok so apparently if you had an account before you don't have to pay. so you'll be fine.
but i'm not *stares into the distance while the titanic on recorder song plays*

yeah, it also doesn't take as long to play. them playing mafia is honestly gonna be chaotic af like imagine. jae po as a mafia, all of the dodgy people muyeol will be eliminated and it's gonna turn out that the leader's been fooling them all along.

hi im sorry but im highkey finding hansol and jiao cute

also i found a muffin it's like 11pm idk how i did it lol
honestly me too. but also i'd like to give it time.
jiaosol would be a cute ship name though

jdfjdjds don't you have school tomorrow? cause i do, i need to go to sleep lmao.

wtf i thought you were stellar for the longest time while looking over these messages
i was so confused bc it said waraeru was last to post but i couldn't find his post anywhere
lmao it was literally you im s t upid
we're secretly the same person, how did you find out
wtf i thought you were stellar for the longest time while looking over these messages
i was so confused bc it said waraeru was last to post but i couldn't find his post anywhere
lmao it was literally you im s t upid
im gonna take stellar's profile pic just to confuse you now
ok so apparently if you had an account before you don't have to pay. so you'll be fine.
but i'm not *stares into the distance while the titanic on recorder song plays*

yeah, it also doesn't take as long to play. them playing mafia is honestly gonna be chaotic af like imagine. jae po as a mafia, all of the dodgy people muyeol will be eliminated and it's gonna turn out that the leader's been fooling them all along.

honestly me too. but also i'd like to give it time.
jiaosol would be a cute ship name though

jdfjdjds don't you have school tomorrow? cause i do, i need to go to sleep lmao.

we're secretly the same person, how did you find out
true tea, it would be a good ship name

also yeah um basically after i wrote that post i passed out xx
i've actually never had marmite.
what does it taste like?
uuuh it's overwhelmingly salty tbh. it's super hard to describe?? like it's kinda sour but it's also not?? i mean it's like yeast extract or something so,, idek maybe it tastes like really angry bread??? i dont know lmao
uuuh it's overwhelmingly salty tbh. it's super hard to describe?? like it's kinda sour but it's also not?? i mean it's like yeast extract or something so,, idek maybe it tastes like really angry bread??? i dont know lmao
dhhjjdh it tastes like really angry bread that's cute.
but as a person with a sweet tooth, i find the existence of marmite is offensive.

I've been watching YG future strategy office the whole day send help
don't worry i'm sending in the swat team RIGHT NOW

i was going to get ready for bed but... my sister kicked me out of the bathroom :c
is there a bit more time until the cameras roll? or is the show starting already?

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