• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

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Realistic or Modern - ooc - This Summer

i finished up evelyn. her bio is kinda really long, but it's messy, so hopefully the length makes up for it. if i need to change anything, please tell me!
I'll probably finish my drug lord tonight

note: Although I enjoy planning relationships beforehand, I won't edit my cs until characters have been accepted
hey bb, would it be alright if i get an extension for my characters? i've been feeling a bit ill lately and i'm trying to prepare myself for school.

social social
social social im really sorry but could i have an extension for wednesday as well please? i'm also busy getting ready for school and exams and such ^^;
social social I'm sorry but I think I'm going to drop out; got no inspo for characters and I think that the roles I'm going for should go to someone who's more excited hopefully we'll bump into each other again soon; and good luck with the rp; it's an awesome idea < 3
UPDATED Character Deadline
Attention all those participating in this roleplay currently!

Due to various people getting sick and overwhelmed with school, I have decided that I will be pushing the character due date up to Wednesday of this week. However I will not be extending past that because it will be way too difficult for me to keep a personal interest in this roleplay. The roleplay will be starting on this Thursday, I will post a starter in the morning, but won't be available until after school. For any more questions, comments, or concerns, please contact me. Thank you.

logastellus logastellus Nap Nap nymphadora. nymphadora. philocaly philocaly tsuneni tsuneni astraeaaa astraeaaa @kairos ali Rainzen Rainzen mikkisinterlude mikkisinterlude junie junie
I will be accepting characters tonight once I get home from school. You have until around 6 PM Pacific time to get everything finished, or as much as possible, before I accept all the characters. I will announce who is accepted and put you all into a group PM and then we will go from there.
finally finished veronica! sorry if it looks a little bad, i did it on my phone so i can't really tell. ♡
If anyone needs the gender ratio once more it will be in the threadmark button on top where it will say goto first unread or reader mode :3
For those you are interested in joining, I will give you a few extra days to complete your CS but you might miss the start of the roleplay.

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