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Realistic or Modern - ooc - This Summer

Okay ppls. So I'm still coding and everything, but I figured I'd get it all up and running at least in here and the sign up area so you guys can relax. For now I do not have a due date for characters, so don't stress. When you are picking a role, the description is the first secret that was revealed. Every role obviously will have more than one secret, but only one is revealed in the beginning of the roleplay.

philocaly philocaly Nap Nap logastellus logastellus astraeaaa astraeaaa tsuneni tsuneni @tiedyed unicorn nymphadora. nymphadora. constellation constellation
don't know if i should do a male musician or jock tbh but i'm super hyped for this!! ♡
i was planning on making one of my characters genderfluid, but idk if i want to go through the research trouble ://
philocaly philocaly God you can't like attack me so early in the morning by using my bae Lily XDD I love her so much oml

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