[OOC] The Wall [Clashing Waves]

In what specific Craft ability though?

*points to Tome's question on the last page of Rowan's sheet*
A DB serving Anathema? :D

Yes, we need more DBs... even if they're for the wrong teams... :lol:
I'm sorry, I guess this was the thread to wave in.

Hi! Tome said I could play with you guys, so I'm gonna hog the IC AND OoC threads, and tell you all what to do and how to play your characters. :) Sound good?

I really wish there was more DB+Celestials action in games that I see and run. It's the way things were supposed to be, and outside of the reach of the Realm Terrestrials have to make up their own minds about the Anathema like everyone else.

And this character is nothing if not an iconoclast.
Well, so long as you're not loyal to the Dynasty, Fury won't mercilessly slaughter you and take your skull for her collection.
Welcome welcome... 8)

Just remember, we need more DB love... and yeah... a DB+Celestial Exalted game would be nice.
Jukashi said:
Well, so long as you're not loyal to the Dynasty, Fury won't mercilessly slaughter you and take your skull for her collection.
"Loyal to the Realm?"

Um, no. No she wants the Realm to go the fuck away and let people lead their lives on their own terms. She knows that the Immaculate Philosophy is full of shit because she Exalted, and among the last things she is are enlightened, holy, and infallable.

But she's just so damn plucky. :)
Welcome to Team Anathama. We need someone here to do the bitch-work. :wink: So, get busy waxing my Warstrider! I want to see it shine! :D

Seriously, Rowan has no problems with Dragon-Blooded on the whole, just the ones trying to kill him. :?
Sherwood said:
Welcome to Team Anathama. We need someone here to do the bitch-work. :wink: So, get busy waxing my Warstrider! I want to see it shine! :D
BITCH work?

You've that 'motivational poster' about "Happy Lunars" right? The one that mentions sabotaging Warstriders?
Methinks a bit about changing my FA character a little. What I wanted was for Kane'ae to be a kind of swashbuckley musketeer sort of fighter, but as it stands she's got a bit too much of Fury's RIP AND TEAR style going for me to be happy. I want her to have a bit of that ("I see you are a worthy opponent! So I shall unleash my TRUE PWR"), yes, but I think she's got too much.

What do you think?
To all the DB players, have you seen this sheet of Charm revisions?

If you folks want to, I'm ameanable to switching these rewrites in, as they fix some holes in the DB charmsets. Like making Melee not suck ass, for one.

What say you?
I do not like a number of Laundreu's revisions. I dare say most of them. I think that he totally re-writes lots of Charms that just need tweaked or smoothed out. I think that he powers up DBs too much.

I do however like a number of his custom Charms, and think that many of his 'revisions' would work better as custom Charms.

That said, whatever house-rules the rest of the players and especially the GM want to play with are fine by me. I also have my own fairly extensive set of DB Charm revisions if anyone's interested.
Let's have a look then. Mostly I just want to get Melee rewritten and add some sort of ability to defend against a Perfect Attack.
I kind of agree with Braydz (despite my opinion not really mattering on this >_>). A rather glaring issue with the Melee tree is that it has both a semi and true Perfect Parry available with a smaller number of prerequisites than their equivalents in the Dodge tree. Technically, Dodge is supposed to be superior to Parry in terms of defensive capabilities (Melee/MA are also attacking abilities, while Dodge is just defensive). As written in the DB book, they are this way, as despite the fact that Unassailable Body of (Element) Defense has more prereqs than Portentous Comet-Deflecting Technique, the former is far superior.

As far as Applicability-trumping parries go (I assume this is what you're referring to, Tome), Dragon-Blooded should probably not get them until their Essence is rather high. Maybe 6ish? Dodge, maybe 5? And both should be expensive.

I haven't gotten a lot of feed-back on them, sadly, so that's fair warning.

There's a lot of moving Charms around and stream-lining.

I don't know if DBs should have a true Perfect. If they do, I think it should be a high-Essence custom Charm, not part of the standard Charm set. I think their Melee set isn't so bad; what it REALLY has over other Charm sets is that none of its cascades are more than two or three Charms deep.
I like a lot of what you have there. It's pretty simple, short and sweet. Though I do think that War needs more work than what you've done. For one thing, I think Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings should actually work for Mass Combat and have the War Keyword. Also, I'm not so sure Dragon-Blooded should have access to Unnatural Mental Influence effects, but then again, that's only my opinion and out of precedent. Though yeah, they look nice.
I had a 'War' cost for it originally, but then something was pointed out to me:

Enfolded in the Dragon's Wings is ok as-is because a Terrestrial Anima-Banned won't meaningfully affect a whole unit, probably. You use it on your lieutenants that're right by you, and the rest of the Talon just keeps that extra bit of distance. Moving down to a Scale you can cover as many as you really need to keep the unit cohesive and safe, so even then you're good.

Unnatural Mental Influence is just any mental influence, like a social attack, that is supernatural in origin. Any Charm that produces a 'mental effect' produces UMI, and I don't want to deprive DBs of social Charms. None of the Terrestrial-level UMI Charms cost more than 1wp to totally shake off except the lie-detecting Investigation Charm, while some Celestial Charms last longer and cost massively (considering that we're talking about willpower) to totally shake.
Personally, I prefer to leave the charms as is, to be honest and if you want to introduce Landreau or Braydz charms, they should be as normal... custom charms.

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