[OOC] The Wall [Clashing Waves]

Jukashi said:
Haku said:
:shock: :shock: :shock:
See, Solars are supposed to have the biggest dice-pools, right? Attribute + Ability. But at the Essence 6+ level your highest Attributes/Abilities are going to get raised to 6. So when a Lunar uses Fury, their dice pool limit increases to Attribute + Essence; now a maxed-up Lunar's dice pool is equal to a maxed-up Solar's dice pool. Then Lunars can boost their Attributes higher with DBT and that DotFA Charm, increasing their dice pool maximum higher than a Solar can go. Kane'ae's maximum dice from her excellency, for example, is 15; an Essence 6 Solar could only add 12.

Not counting the extra success all combat actions get in Fury mode.

That maximum limit can then be applied even to rolls for which the Lunar has no Ability rating, and they can reduce its mote cost by up to their essence for a scene.

But Lunars still don't get a perfect block! One measly explosion and I'm out.


I still feel like I could do with more versatility Combo-wise, though. I get this sense that I've a gap in my combat abilities, and she is supposed to be a warrior.
Hehe, you can throw around DVs high enough to be perfect blocks. And you do still have Flowing Body Evasion >_>.
Just a heads up for everyone, but school is back in action on the 25th, and I may need to slow down my posting to focus on my studies. I'm taking four classes this fall; Microsoft Networking 1, 2, 3, and A+ Software. Then, I have to prep for my Network+ and A+ Certification tests at the end of the semester.

Hopefully I won't have any trouble keeping up with the pace of the game.
I don't start till the 3rd myself, but once school starts up again things will be hairy once more.

On another note, I'll be backpacking in a state park with a friend from Tuesday till Friday.
We has a Tome sighting in the absence thread... we don't need to sent out the hellhounds to hunt down his soul in the underworld... :lol:
Does that mean that Tome is actually a virus-infected zombie?! :shock:

Cool! :D
Been real busy lately and worn out after work.... not sure when I'll be able to next post....
Shockingly, my excuse for being missing recently is almost the same as Haku's, save substituting "college" for "work".
College in the UK eats the soul.

How can you first worlders do this whole full time thing all the time?
Apologies on my part. Everyone seemed busy, so my attention took a turn away until things picked up again. I DO have an action for our unknown friend. I know exactly what he's going to do/say. It's really just going to be another guard action and some short dialogue. Oh, and maybe a countermagic. :wink:
I forget.. Tome, are you running the Craft ability as it is in the books for this, or are you using some sort of special rule? In specific, regarding the different types of Craft. >_>
What is your stance on upgrading Combos? I'm planning on buying one including Five Dragon Claw, Pounding Surf Style, and Crashing Wave Style (4m, 1w plus 2m per attack). It costs 11 exp. If I later want to add Dragon-Claw Elemental Strike to the combo, do I have to make a whole new one or is there some way we can defray the cost?
Say, how many folks here have taken Craft: Magitech?

You see, I read this interesting house-rule somewhere, about using the Necrotech rules as a basis for creating Automatons using Craft: Magitech, and I was wondering if anyone in this game possessed the requisite Ability?

(The Necrotech rules are actually pretty good, in my opinion, and it gives Craft: Magitech users, and Craft: Genesis too at a stretch, something to do without having to spend the ridiculous ammounts of time required to build an actual Artifact.)
Well, Theran as a Solar had Craft Magitech, and Ommeus most certainly does. Our unknown friend, however, does not.
Rowan has a few dots of Craft, and I have plans for many more.

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