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Realistic or Modern [OOC] The School for the Supernaturally Gifted.

We have been in this one day for almost a week in real time now. I really want the plot to move forwards as right now it is just a mess of people wandering around saying random things without a clue as to what is going on.
Everybody is exploring the campus right now, I can't really force an advancing of the plot at this moment
I'll see what I can manage The_Omega_Effect The_Omega_Effect , for now I won't really do anything, however I do have an idea on how to advance the plot. It won't take any more than a day or so.
Alright then. I am no big fan of disorganisation so getting back on track in terms of having everyone on the same page and having a goal of sorts would pretty much reignite my interest.
no, I haven't been able to post because of my exams, I have my last one in a few hours. I'll post when I'm done :)
Hello everyone, I am very sad to say this but I will not be continuing this RP.
I just finished my exams and because of unexpected private reasons, I'm afraid I won't be able to post as much as I'd want to.
And well, I hate to drag everybody here down because I can't post.
Because of this I'll retire from my own RP (Yes I know, stupid.)
Anybody who wants can continue the story and use my characters, I believe you guys should not stop the RP because of me.

I'm very sorry everyone, I did enjoy RPing with you guys and I hope that when I get back I'll be able to RP with you again, be it the same RP or a different one.
I hope you guys are not mad at me for this, but I understand if you are.

Take care everyone.

KrisKun KrisKun
Galaxy Bear Galaxy Bear
SRUNewman SRUNewman
R Rock And Roll Boy
Hollycrest Hollycrest
Azerothii Azerothii
Skaggon Skaggon
NineTimes NineTimes
DigitalEcho DigitalEcho
PolkaBat PolkaBat
Rumble Fish Rumble Fish
DramonFire DramonFire I'm not mad, though maybe a bit sad, however I do understand. I wish you well for in everything. I don't think I'll be continuing this rp without you, it simply wouldn't be the same even though I enjoyed rping with everyone. If you find yourself in the future making another rp or whatnot, please tag or pm me. I would love to join it =]

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