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This will be the out of character thread for JOURNEY THROUGH SUNBALLE, Questions and comments about the roleplay should be posted here!
k soooo like questions then:

- are there such things as dark elves and are they playable or is it just city elves?
- how would you go about creating the rules for a dryad/nature magic charrie? like with crystals and limits kinda dealie?
- speaking of magic, what does the % that the crystals have rep? And how do you recover from casting a spell that nearly kills you?
- soooo like elves are all looking down their noses at other peoples? How do the other peoples feel about elves and each other then?
- if you play a dwarf can you have black powder weapons on you?

k thinkin thats about it for now lol
Alright, great questions!

I was thinking about introducing dark elves in another season, but I think I'd be wasting time instead of adding them on season one, so Dark Elves are absolutely playable!

Would the dryad be manipulating nature? The magic system currently borrows a little from dark souls when it comes to the magic choice, crystal sorceries, hexes and pyromancy come straight from the games, with other types of magic manipulation like lightning, nature and so on being locked behind mysteries in Sunballe (or behind specific races) and being considered slightly more powerful than them, but these magic abilities will have to be discovered during the roleplay. People aren't tied to a specific element, like they aren't born only able to cast pyromancy, they can learn everything and decide what's best, so if you want to have a character that manipulates nature, then you would have to wait for the spells to be discovered during the roleplay.

The % in each crystal represents how powerful it is, for example a crystal spear that is cast from a blue catalyst and from a translucent catalyst drain the same amount of vital energy, but have extremely different levels of power.

About recovering, there is no real way to recover from a spell, while they exist, people consider using magic kinda like a death sentence, you are pretty much exchanging your life for power and the drawback is that you are dying with each use, using a spell powerful enough to almost kill you is a willing decision your character has to make, but it also makes the spell incredibly powerful.

Not all elves are like that, there are two different nations that hold elves, there is ARASSON and WESTMOUNT, with the latter being absolutely open to everyone. Arasson kind of exists as its own world, they thrive as a society and exclude everything from outside, the other nations absolutely despise the elves from Arasson and a lot of people hate elves in general, there is this generalized idea that elves are absolutely spiteful towards anyone that isn't another elf.

Yes, dwarves are allowed to carry black powder weapons!
If you still have questions, or if I didn't answer something please tell me!
Tysm for answers.

k so here is my concept. My girlie is a dark elf. But her people are more like cavern elves than the deep underground elves. So they are shorter than the city elves. They also hunt in the forest but are nocturnal. Their diet includes what they hunt but like also their stomachs have adapted to eat the vegitation in caves and subterranean areas. They are shamanic in tradition and believe in fighting demons. She is considered of 'noble' blood since her mom was basically the lead hunter for at least a century before retiring.

So like i want her to be a hunter with shadow magic and have minor shamanic abilities as well. Is that doable and how would her magic work? Like from what i understand of magic you need crystal tipped staves to cast magic?
Alright, great concept!

Some things that I should probably explain a little better, there are three types of magic you can choose, CRYSTAL SORCERIES, HEXES and PYROMANCIES.

Crystal sorceries and hexes are approximations of what light and dark magic were in ancient times, the latter (light and dark spells) were lost in ancient times, with the recreations being severely weaker than the original, however these spells can be found in Sunballe, its up to the party to explore and find them.

If you want your character to cast "shadow magic" then they should be a hex user, however these spells can only create things, not manipulate existing things, not sure if that's understandable, but these three magic types can only "create" attacks, not manipulate things that already exist in the world, for example, pyromancers can't manipulate a fire that is happening, they can only create their own fire attacks.

[!] Spells that manipulate the environment are to be found in Sunballe.

Hexes are a spell type more focused on attacks, I'm giving everyone freedom on what kind of spells you use, but know that powerful attacks drain more of your character's life, which may lead to death or an inability to cast them eventually.

[!] Hexes are more powerful than crystal sorceries by nature, but also consume more vital energy.

About the staves, yes, to create a staff you need a catalyst crystal and living wood as the base. People can't simply cast with their hands, they used to be able to do so in ancient times but that art has been long lost. So your mage character needs a staff made out of living wood and a catalyst crystal (which can be chosen from BLUE crystal all the way up to GREEN crystals, the other two after that, BLACK and TRANSLUCENT can only be found in Sunballe).

If you still have questions, please feel free to ask!
Absolutely, half-breeds are completely fine! There is no real stigma associated with being one!

The only people who will absolutely despite half-breeds (especially half elves) are the elves from ARASSON since they believe in purity and the absolute power of elves in the first place, but that's all, the old continent was very mixed, especially after GRELMAND became a dwarf and human territory!
However half-breeds, such as half elves don't live as long as pure elves and aren't as good in magic as pure elves since they age more rapidly and spells cost vital energy.
Absolutely, half-breeds are completely fine! There is no real stigma associated with being one!

The only people who will absolutely despite half-breeds (especially half elves) are the elves from ARASSON since they believe in purity and the absolute power of elves in the first place, but that's all, the old continent was very mixed, especially after GRELMAND became a dwarf and human territory!
Ah okay, thank you that's good to know.

However half-breeds, such as half elves don't live as long as pure elves and aren't as good in magic as pure elves since they age more rapidly and spells cost vital energy.

In this world are you considered "good" at magic if you can cast super powerful spells and not die? Or are you "good" at magic if you know your limits and never go beyond them?
Here's the thing, magic for all beings is limited.

Using a powerful spell that let's say, nearly kills you basically makes you unable to use magic again, because magic drains life out of a person, for humans and dwarves that age up to a 100 years max, it visibly ages them and may even kill them.

A good mage knows that magic is a powerful but dangerous and limited source of power, so you may see a lot of mages who only use it when absolutely necessary.

A mage who intentionally casts powerful spells, knowing it may kill them is either ignorant or in a situation where they are ready to sacrifice their lives
Oh no, not necessarily! Elves are better at magic because they live longer and can cast spells for longer than humans or dwarves, but they are free to be regular warriors and so on.

No one is truly obligated to learn magic, unless your character's family kind of forced them into a magic school or something
K so like I'm still so lost with the whole magic thingie so imma make a Dwarven gunner/bomber then.

What kinda blackpowder weapons can she use?
I can explain magic again if you want to!

But about the weapons, those flintlock pistols and rifles are good to use, bombs are also ok as long as they are as powerful as small grenades, cannons and bigger weapons are also completely free to use but anyone who carries a cannon with them would probably be very slow (and would have to sit still to even use the thing) which is probably too dangerous anyways.
K so
I can explain magic again if you want to!

But about the weapons, those flintlock pistols and rifles are good to use, bombs are also ok as long as they are as powerful as small grenades, cannons and bigger weapons are also completely free to use but anyone who carries a cannon with them would probably be very slow (and would have to sit still to even use the thing) which is probably too dangerous anyways.
lol naw its all goods. kinda liking the idea i gots for the dwarven gunner. Thinkin she is military or black ops of some kind or even just a big game hunter. Sooooo like part of my concept for her is that she joined the airship cuz she is sooooooooo into one of the pilots that gunna fly it or like one of the engineers that helped build it. But then as soon as she boards little does she realize that her crush is on another project and never joined the mission lol
Would it be possible to imbue magic onto a weapon?

The basic idea I have is to create an elf archer. Like the staff, her bow is made out of a catalyst crystal and living wood. Besides firing plain arrows, she could turn them into magic arrows that apply effects to the target, such as a fire arrow that inflicts burns.
Hey, since I posted in the interest check I just wanted to say - I've realized that my stress levels/work stuff doesn't really mesh with committing to a new RP right now, so I won't be joining y'all, but I hope everything goes well!
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Very interesting use of a catalyst crystal! Usually to be able to cast one would need a staff, but having the stone infused in your character is quite an interesting idea that I had not thought about, although I suppose having this direct connection between stone and user would make magic drain her vital energy in a greater way than it would if she used a staff, but I love the character and her story! Absolutely accepted!

Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater you said your character was still a WIP, whenever you feel like you're finished with everything, please do let me know!
Would it be possible to imbue magic onto a weapon?

The basic idea I have is to create an elf archer. Like the staff, her bow is made out of a catalyst crystal and living wood. Besides firing plain arrows, she could turn them into magic arrows that apply effects to the target, such as a fire arrow that inflicts burns.
That's an interesting thought, I suppose you could, although every arrow that is shot with magic drains your character's vitals, but it can absolutely work, I guess you could make any weapon magic if its base is made out of living wood and a catalyst crystal!
BuggaBoo BuggaBoo Very interesting use of a catalyst crystal! Usually to be able to cast one would need a staff, but having the stone infused in your character is quite an interesting idea that I had not thought about, although I suppose having this direct connection between stone and user would make magic drain her vital energy in a greater way than it would if she used a staff, but I love the character and her story! Absolutely accepted!

Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater you said your character was still a WIP, whenever you feel like you're finished with everything, please do let me know!
Tysm! Yeah I had an idea of what I wanted for her magic and needed a work around. Like i wanted her to be more about the guns and explosives and her using magic as like tools rather than attacking.
Hell0NHighWater Hell0NHighWater I absolutely love Theo, amazing character and very much accepted! I really enjoy the whole backstory and his motives to join the expedition, excited to see more about him in the roleplay!

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