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Fandom OOC - Hogwarts RP

So I'll be leaving on a trip starting tomorrow until like Monday so I'll try to post but might be slow depending on wifi access
So I'll be leaving on a trip starting tomorrow until like Monday so I'll try to post but might be slow depending on wifi access

Have a good time on your trip!

I'm actually going to the lake house either tomorrow or on Friday and will be back some time next week, but I'll try to post as usual :)
I’m holidaying in the city right now anyway, so don’t worry about it. It’ll give some quieter members a chance to write for a bit :)
I just realized that Joey does not talk like an eleven year old. I don’t remember my speech patterns from when I was eleven, but it wasn’t THAT advanced.
I’m rereading Order of the Phoenix and Kingsley Shacklebolt is just the best.

Also I knew Umbridge was evil but never as much as this time round with the whole Marietta Edgecombe thing
Ive never read the books and barely remember the movies lol, all the knowledge i have comes from fanfictions haha
Ive never read the books and barely remember the movies lol, all the knowledge i have comes from fanfictions haha
Considering you've never read the books your knowledge is pretty great!

I watched the first three films before ever reading the books and since then I've probably reread the books a hundred or so times lol
I starter reading the books when I was about four years old, and then I reread them again and again and again ehe

First actual novels I ever read <3

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