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Fandom OOC - Hogwarts RP

There were only legitimate notes for, like, three of them, so I thought I may as well have fun
I also regret to inform the group that I have removed Maree from the RP. Their characters have been removed due to RPN policy of rights to characters, though the positions (a Gryffindor prefect and Slytherin first year) are available. If no one wants them, then we'll leave the spots blank, as I don't want to involve a new writer so late.

I understand that some people had negotiated outside relationships with Maree's characters, and it will be a bit awkward working around the sudden disappearance continuity-wise. I apologise for the inconvenience. If you have any questions about how to handle it, I'm happy to answer :)
Aww that’s a shame! I can make a Slytherin first year if needs be 😊
I do remember you saying you'd like a character for each house, haha. I typically don't endorse more than three characters to a writer, since there's a lot of work involved in that. However, you've been very active and agreeable, and so I trust you could handle it. If you want it, its yours :)
Aw, I liked her characters.

I could possibly make the new Gryffindor prefect if no one else wants the spot.
I do remember you saying you'd like a character for each house, haha. I typically don't endorse more than three characters to a writer, since there's a lot of work involved in that. However, you've been very active and agreeable, and so I trust you could handle it. If you want it, its yours :)
Thank you!
Huh, I thought Maree left.

Make em as mischievous as possible
Of course! XD
I shall have the new Slytherin up later today, although if anyone else wants to make the Slytherin first year that’s cool too, just let me know 😊
Faye. Faye. Looks like Gryffindor is yours, if you want them. No rush on the character sheet - you can always use the good old 'was sleeping in another carriage' excuse
Faye. Faye. Looks like Gryffindor is yours, if you want them. No rush on the character sheet - you can always use the good old 'was sleeping in another carriage' excuse

Oh yeah, I’ll make him the most cocky son of a bitch out there... And he’ll probably show up late for the prefect meeting as well, just to get on certain characters’ nerves

A stereotypical gryffindork ~
Hi. I have a right to defend myself so I will.

I thought prom was treating me unfairly so I left. It is how I feel and there is no changing that.
That is all there is to it.
They didn't kick me out.

I think you are all extremely lovely and you will make amazing characters of the roles I have given up 💞

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