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Multiple Settings OOC for my roleplaying

What I am making now!
  • Cheeseburger sits in her wooden doghouse by Fire Creek. Cheeseburger has three heads but they are not all awake.Two can smell something that smells like that has been crapped on.
    One looks at Two once she starts to smell something bad as well.
    The smell does nothing as Three sleeps.
    Cheeseburger leaves her wooden yellow doghouse.
    An old white male covered in trash appears with a rolled up newspaper.
    The man attacks Cheeseburger with the newspaper.
    Cheeseburger runs and jumps on the man. One bites the mans arms.
    Two bites the man in the face, and the man gives up and runs off.
    One barks loudly and the bleeding man runs away faster.
    Three wakes from her sleep and spots blood on Two's face.
    "What did I miss," Three asked?
    The other two heads, tell Three about the man but Three does not understand. One and Two can only bark and three speaks English.
    Cheeseburger goes back to the doghouse. Three goes back to sleep as Two eats catfood from the copper bowl of food inside the doghouse.

    Three speaks English.
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