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Fandom OOC: Digimon Adventures



~~ We're all mad here ~~

Many young adults grew up with Digimon games and the anime and were thrilled when it was announced that a new MMO would be released. In the last year, the MMO was released and was a huge hit. Though these people have lives, jobs, and college, they all find time to quest together and raise their Digimon. Some even grew rather attached to their game and Digimon, loving them like digital pets. Others just use the game as entertainment.
There are several guilds in the game, but 3 of the members are part of the guild known as Tamers and the other 3 will be part of the Conquerer's guild. These are two of the largest guilds in the game and are rivals.

I have a lot of this fleshed out but I almost want a good portion to be a surprise, but I'll post the basics to see if anyone is interested. Is anyone is interested in being a Co-GM for this, I would appreciate it so I will have someone to brainstorm with and further collaboration for the secret events I am planning.

4-6 young adults are sucked into the digital world in more or less random places. They do not have a digital partner at first so they must survive on their own for a little bit. Some will find (or be found) by their digital partner sooner than others. It is possible for either human or their digital partner to die. The Digital World, specifically File Island at the time, has been infected by a virus that not only corrupts data but can also delete it. No one is safe from the virus. At the point of finding out about the virus, it is unknown the targets or how it is contracted, but it is evident all over the digital world. Data is now dangerous to absorb, which makes getting stronger harder. This isn't going to be a journey that would be easy for children or even teens. This is an adult version (due to violence and mature themes) of the adventures. Now, there will be times of laughter and fun, just a warning though, this will get pretty dark at times.

The adventures do have Digivices that were collector's items that they had in the real world. The Digivices will all function like season 1 until a point when they are upgraded to season 3 style. All characters will be original characters and between the ages of 18 and 26.

There will be crests. The following are the crests (and personality traits for plot essential ones):
Friendship [taken]- loner, independent, but cares deeply (secretly)
Courage [taken -]- hot head and somewhat a coward, but ready to jump into a fight for others
Hope [taken- ManicMina] - pessimistic, cynical but always cheers others on
Light [taken]- dependant on others but always happy, makes people see the bright side of things
Kindness [taken]- rude, uncaring, but social and a great listener
Reliability [taken]
Knowledge [taken]
Sincerity [taken]
Love [taken]

Now, you may be wondering why most of the personality traits are the opposite of the crest. Everyone has these traits in them, but deep down the characters will realize they exhibit these traits after many trials, a lot of which involve some self-discovery.

Feel free to ask any questions or post interest. We still have a few spots we can fill.

[b][u]Gender: [/b][/u]
[b][u]DOB / Zodiac:[/b][/u]
[b][u]Guild: [/b][/u] (if any)
[b][u]Description:[/b][/u] (At least a paragraph)
[b][u]Personality:[/b][/u] (At least a paragraph)
[b][u]Equipment/Items:[/b][/u] (If any)
[b][u]Digimon Evolution:[/b][/u]
[INDENT]* [b]Baby:[/b][/INDENT]
[INDENT]* [b]In-Training:[/b][/INDENT]
[INDENT]* [b]Rookie:[/b][/INDENT]
[INDENT]* [b]Champion:[/b][/INDENT]
[INDENT]* [b]Ultimate:[/b] [n/a][/INDENT]
[INDENT]* [b]Maga:[/b] [n/a][/INDENT]
Other: (Anything else you want to include)

Taken Digimon/Evolutions:

Post character profiles below.
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Name: Victor Reese
Age: 18
Gender: male
DOB / Zodiac: 6/27/2000
Occupation: Student
Guild: (if any) Tamers
Description: (At least a paragraph)

Long Khaki pants that have quite a few pockets, with the leg sections going down to the sneakers, a light blue polo long sleeve shirt black sneakers with white bands Victor also packed a pair of blue jeans, a thick sweater that's mainly gray with red sleeves for nights or days when it could possibly get cold, as it sometimes does.

As long as the clothes are clean, Victor isn't one for fashion though he could resemble a walking kaleidoscope to some. Aside from that, he will always strive to look presentable. Carries a smile of cautious optimism, keeping a close eye out for new friends or unexpected events or new areas. Victor walks with great posture giving off an air of confidence that most people will take notice of, it makes him quite easy to talk to without looking as if he's seeking attention.


Victor is eager to observe the world around him and somewhat inquisitive. That inquisitiveness has made him very bright in terms of knowledge of nature but has also led to an unhealthy sense of danger because of it. Due to still being young, he is still a little naive, which results in him falling for pranks, such as April Fools pranks. However, when this does happen, he will see it as a learning experience, a bit of an annoyance, and, in fact occasionally going along with it knowing full well that it’s a prank for the sake of humor. One example of this involves his little brother hiding his collector's item Digivice somewhere around their house. This resulted in among other things, a long arduous hunt for the item that only ended due to little Artur giving it back to him after he had switched its hiding place multiple times for an hour as Victor tore the house apart Victor has high morals and won't allow anything to happen to his friends, going out of his way to try and settle disputes between others, even though it's clearly none of his business, telling the truth whenever he does something wrong, or just being around for people that have had bad days. This does lead to him getting into some sticky situations, however, such as people ignoring Victor during a dispute, at which point he will leave them alone.

Victor will start out shy to any person or Digimon but will gradually warm up to them as time goes on and strive above most things to keep his friends happy, beware he will run away from anyone that lashes out at him. Battle-wise Victor favors being more on the defensive and supportive side, envisioning Digimon encounter to be more like chess matches rather than matches of power preferring to support from the back instead, though if needed, attacks will be used, they just won't be the first thing he thinks of....which may lead to problems. Who knows?

Equipment/Items: (If any) N/A
Crest: Light
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby: Conomon
* In-Training:[/b]Kokomon
* Rookie:[/b]Lopmon
* Champion:[/b]Prairemon or Wendigomon (see below)
* Ultimate:[/b] [n/a]
* Maga:[/b] [n/a]
Other: (Anything else you want to include) (This only works if you allow it, as I want the other characters (and data absorption) to influence the evolution path here. As in data absorption and unfavorable interactions with any character may turn him to the 'evil' side of his evo line (more attack based and techs that target everyone, including allies) and maybe being more of a aggressive hothead as opposed to the 'good' side (more weaker but more support based stuff) and calmer


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Name: Coleman "Cole" O'Casey
Age: 22
Gender: Male
DOB / Zodiac: August 30th/Virgo
Occupation: Cook at a Diner
Guild: Conquerers
Cole is about 6'7 and has Blonde hair with purple highlights in it. He is typically seen wearing dark colors and an assortment of bracelets and necklaces. A standard outfit for him would be a purple or black beanie, a long sleeve shirt under a black t-shirt with a skull on it, slightly torn jeans and black combat boots. He walks with a slightly hunched posture to make himself seem smaller but really all it does is make him look like a delinquent.

Personality: Cole has always been sort of a social outcast, hitting his growth spurt before everyone else made him unapproachable to the other kids and his stature would only attract delinquents. While he had the look of a delinquent he did not have the mindset of one, having a gentle personality and preferring to stay out of trouble separated himself from the only group that would accept him. Only able to take this isolation for so long Cole decided to adopt the delinquent mentality in order to make friends. Years of this facade eventually cemented itself and now he acts against his better nature getting into trouble and generally acting like a thug. Cole now has plenty of friends but still feels lonely, realizing that all of these people he hangs around aren't true friends just people who don't have anyone else to turn too. This realization leaves Cole with a strong desire to find at least one true friend he doesn't have to wear a facade around.
Equipment/Items: Longboard, backpack: Lighter, Hoodie, pocket knife, and random bits and bobs
Cole's Digivice.png
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby:
* In-Training:
* Rookie:
* Champion:
* Ultimate: [n/a]
* Mega: [n/a]
Other: I'm going for a Dark to Light theme in Cole and his Digimon, taking a Digimon that starts with an evil evolutionary line and turning it into one that is good. Sorta like breaking the facade to reveal you true self.
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Name: Leland Ward
Age: 18
Gender: [/u female]
DOB / Zodiac: September 3rd / Virgo
Occupation: Student
Guild: (if any) None
Description: (At least a paragraph)

Leland is about 5'7 with an athletic, fairly stocky, build. She has short black hair usually pulled back in a ponytail and is usually wearing a serious expression. Her standard outfit is a navy blue and white striped tank-top and brown cargo pants. She also has a green sweatshirt and baseball cap. Given the choice, Leland prefers to dress for comfort and conveniance over style.

Personality: (At least a paragraph)

Leland is not one most would describe as emotional. Leland is cool-headed, stubborn, and a bit cold. With most people she has a habit of being brutally honest or just overly harsh towards there ideas and mistakes. While she can be nice, she rarely ever is towards strangers of whom she often very judgemental.
Leland has never been one to shirk away from a challenge. She has always been furiously comepetitive whether it be an argument, competion, or game. So long as she cares about it, she will refuse to give in to anyone. Being on the losing end of a fight she really truly cares about is one of the few things that can get under her skin.

Equipment/Items: (If any) N/A
Crest: Kindness
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby:
* In-Training:[/b]
* Rookie:[/b]
* Champion:[/b]
* Ultimate:[/b] [n/a]
* Mega:[/b] [n/a]
Other: (Anything else you want to include)
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Name: Anna Jackson
Age: 18
Gender: Female
DOB / Zodiac: 30/01/2000
Occupation: Student
Guild: (if any) Tamers
Description: (At least a paragraph) Anna has long, brown hair that she usually wears in a braid. She has blue eyes and pale skin. She is 1.60m tall, a little on the shorter side. She wears a black skirt that reaches just above her knees. She wears a tight white shirt, with a blue sleeveless crop top on top of it. She wears blue shoes.

Personality: (At least a paragraph) Anna is a cheerful person who loves to make people laugh. She doesn't think before she acts, which causes her to get in trouble quite often. Despite that she's not known as a troublemaker, as she is always eager to fix her mistakes. She's quite gullible, and always willing to trust others. She believes there's good in everyone, and is always willing to give people a chance. She's stubborn, and can be grumpy when things don't go as she wants them to. She is a hothead, and the smallest things can set her off. She's not afraid to apologize if she thinks she's made a mistake.
Equipment/Items: (If any) N/A
Digivice: D-3_(Yolei)_t.gif
Crest: Courage
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby: Poyomon
* In-Training: Tokomon
* Rookie: Patamon
* Champion: Angemon
* Ultimate: MangaAngemon
* Mega: Seraphimon
Other: (Anything else you want to include)

Name: Beatrix "Trix"
Age: 21
Gender: Female
DOB / Zodiac: November 8th / Scorpio
Occupation: College Student
Guild: Tamers
Description: Trix is a small girl, only standing 5'4 barely. She is slender but has curves where she needs them. Her arms are the smallest part on her, while her legs and thighs are a bit bigger. Her hair is short and a shade between purple and black, cut short in a pixie cut, with longer bangs that are normally side swept. Her green eyes are larger, due to how she wears her dark eye makeup. In contrast, the dark colors make her skin seem even paler than it actually is. A normal day's clothes consist of a band t-shirt with the sleeves and collar cute off, making it more of a tank top. Either blue jeans or a skirt are often preferred. She has numerous accessories including several bracelets of her favorite fandoms, a silver necklace with charm, fishnet gloves that go to her elbow, and stockings. Her shoes are simple off brand converse that are knee-high.
Personality: Trix is a bit of a contradiction. When by herself, she is pessimistic, cynical, and nearly depressing. She often has negative thoughts about anything and everything, and nothing works out in her favor. She is known to have horrible luck. Despite these negative traits, she is often positive for others. Knowing the pain and thoughts of darkness, she tries to be upbeat and encourage all around her. There are times when her darkness seeps out with cynical and sarcastic words, but she makes a point to be as positive as one can when someone else is down in the dirt. Deep down, she has a sadness that she fights with. Sometimes it wins, sometimes she wins.
Equipment/Items: Messanger bag (1 laptop, cell phone charger, pens, notebook, 2 lighters, 2 packs of smokes, feminine products, and various other small everyday items); cellphone
Digivice: Red Digivice (season 3 style)
Crest: Hope
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby: YukimiBotamon​
* In-Training:Nyaromon​
* Rookie: Salamon​
* Champion: Gatomon​
* Ultimate: [n/a]​
* Maga: [n/a]​
Other: Due to Trix's Digimon staying in the champion form most of the time (vs rookie form), she is not as powerful as other Digimon and may fatigue faster.
Zeebruh Zeebruh That is correct, for the most part. For some like mine, they will be encountered at champion level, but she is not as powerful as other champions. She only has about rookie level strength.
Name: Lily Campbell
Age: 19
Gender: Female
DOB / Zodiac: Jan 27/Aquarius
Occupation: Idol(On hiatus)
Guild: Tamers
Description: Reference image[IMG='width:224px;']https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/UlM2kD4A8XxcRK9RKNbAvsEcg8y05SL1Df37gsC3bxLU7rpmrR3el0HGHxoQd-rglyGvKuRZyOWTkdNM3QGrmi1Q3kbXyrgrETD_6B5GV11xzhuXo4lBjDJaTYypb09H1PhoBlNo[/IMG][IMG='width:155px;']https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/5BTykdMVsN5_kVN9i-HPDRlYUJyB19dctK9GDZMjYCGBtaUGFcuJ9OntOMZIrzFMQ-xGzfIHSOXmZ1IFUwYqfwPWRFcWD2PNXANk1sQTc0sIJW6kEgfxn4OwjlQz3WKqXvvK2LY4[/IMG]

Lily is what anyone would expect from an idol from her long golden blond hair, to her ocean blue eyes that almost seem to sparkle. Her skin is smooth without not a blemish in sight and of course she has a beautiful voice. Standing at 5’5 she isn’t very tall, she also isn’t incredible skinny under her clothes she is actually well toned. Speaking of clothes as if to completely clash with the idea of an idol, Lily wears jumpsuits, of sweatshirts with sweatpants. She also will normally have her hair up in a bun, despite how pretty her eyes are she will often glare giving off a completely different aura.

Personality: Lily appears to be just another pretty face until you talk to her and realize she can be very rude to those who think that. She hates being hit on and can get pretty rough with those who don't know how to take no for an answer. Lily is much nicer to those who don't even bother flirting with her and will typically give nicknames to those she likes.

In fact it's common knowledge to those who know her that if she doesn't give you a nickname within the first minutes of meeting her, she doesn't like you very much. Lily enjoys going to watch various sports from boxing, football, rugby, sumo, and wrestling. Her favorite being boxing her love for all contact sports comes from living with solely her dad her whole life as her mother walked out on them at a young age.

Lily also uses contact sports as a way to take out her anger on others, being told it’s a healthy outlet as Lily is actually pretty anger and hateful for a beloved idol. She despises it when people recognize her and if they have already seen how she really acts she won’t even bother trying to cover up her rude nature. Lily often calls it how she sees it so if she thinks someone is a moron she won’t bother trying to spare their feelings.

Equipment/Items: Nothing but the clothes on her back

Crest: Love
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby: Poyomon
* In-Training: Tokomon
* Rookie: Tsukaimon
* Champion: Devimon
* Ultimate: [n/a]

* Mega: [n/a]


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Name: Joe McDonald
Age: 23
Gender: Male
DOB / Zodiac: July 13/Cancer
Occupation: Farm hand
Guild: None
Description: Joe stands at 5 ft 5, with dark brown hair and a fair complexion. He usually keeps his hair cut short so its out of his eyes, whose shade of green varied slightly depending on what angle you were looking at him from. Joe has a fair amount of muscle on him from his years of working on the family farm. There is a permanent scar that runs down the inside of his lower right leg, and a small scar on his left cheek just under his eye.

Personality: Joe is a friendly guy as long as you're on his good side. Joe is a Southern Gentleman. His parents always taught him to treat a lady right and with the utmost respect, and he strives to follow that to the best of his ability. He, like his father before him and his father, will easily stand up for what he believes in. Joe learned his tech smarts from his father, which translates to being able to turn on a tv and knowing what the weather was going to do for the next few days. What he lacks in technical smarts his older brother makes up for, which allows Joe the privilege of being in charge of the field work on their family farm. If there's ever any concerns regarding employees, any unexpected trouble, or anything of that nature, Joe is the one everyone calls.


Crest: Knowledge
Digimon Evolution:
* Baby: Mokumon​
* In-Training: DemiMeramon​
* Rookie: Candlemon​
* Champion: Wizardmon​
* Ultimate: [n/a]​
* Mega: [n/a]​
Name: Hank Dean
Age: 21
Gender: Male
DOB/Zodiac: May 19th/ Taurus
Occupation: Clerk at a Surfing Shop but moonlights as a surfer.
Guild: Conquerors
Description: Hank is a tall, lanky young man with blond hair and tan skin. On the top of his head is a pair of sunglasses, which he only really wears in order to look "cool" to his surfer buddies. He wears a bright and colorful Green and Red Hawaiian shirt with yellow and red tiki statue images on it. He wears standard blue jeans with "decorative" tears here and there to appear more fashionable. Finally, he wears a pair of Air Jordans, which are his pride and joy and strives to keep them in great condition, even if it means holding on to them and walking barefoot.
Personality: Hank is a laid-back man who prefers to go with the flow and tries to deal with whatever life throws at him with a even attitude. He is also a excitable individual who is often ready to embrace new concepts and ideas with a positive attitude and a open mind. He has often been called the life of the party, due to his bombastic attitude towards fun and socializing, earning him many "bros" and broettes" over the years. Hank's most endearing trait however, is his gregarious ways of socializing. When he talks to people, he projects a calm, very friendly and open attitude that draws people to him with flies to honey. He is also a positive thinker who always tries to think up the good side of any situation, regardless of how dire the situation really is.

Like all people, Hank has some flaws that affect him and make life a bit more difficult for him to handle. Hank's biggest flaw is that he tends to be hit with random bouts of anxiety, especially under extremely stressful situations. Hank is usually able to keep his anxiety under control in most situations. However, in some instances, his fear and anxiety take over, leading him to panic blindly and flee from whatever situation triggered his anxiety. Hank's second biggest issue is that he tends to get worked up under either stressful or extremely infuriating situations and will uncharistically snap at people who stress him out even more, revealing another trait of his, his impatience, which often causes him to rush into things without a clear, well-thought out plan, often leading to trouble.

Equipment/Items: N/A
Digivice: Blue Digivice Season 3 style
Crest: Reliability
Digimon Evolution
Baby: Relemon
In-Training: Viximon
Rookie: Renamon
Champion: Kyubimon
Ultimate: Taomon
Mega: Sakuyamon
Great profiles! We only have one more to post their profile, but I will be working on the IC tonight and we can post soon.

Theo713 Theo713 If your Digimon is normally in his Champion form, make sure to remember that it isn't as powerful as the others in their champion form (just like Gatomon). That way we don't have any unbalance.

Also, we have the following characters in the Tamer Guild:
Trix (Me), Lily (Nenma), Anna (ShinyMari), and Victor (Mdebourg).

In the Conquerer's Guild, we have:
Hank (KillerClown) and Cole (Zeebruh).

If you are in a guild, there is a good chance you will know one of the other players. If you wanted to chat about the characters interactions, that would be a good idea. In turn, you could also have interactions with a member of the opposite guild. I will be PMing some of you some ideas I had for interactions between our characters.
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ShinyMari ShinyMari Zeebruh Zeebruh mdebourg mdebourg Killerclown Killerclown Kazig Kazig Theo713 Theo713 Nenma Takashi Nenma Takashi BeyondTheStars BeyondTheStars
Alright, the IC (<- link) and first post is up. Some notes: You do not have to post what your Digimon is going through in your first post. I had inspiration and ideas from before that I wanted to use. Plus, I thought it would make a good example for the next set of posts when we get into the Digital world. Your first post should be the events leading up to the Digital world, NOT in it though. I will send you a message on where your character ends up. Not everyone will be in the same place starting off. Also, please remember you will NOT necessarily meet your Digimon first post. I will send each of you PMs on the information after you make your first IC post.

New Digimon Adventures
ManicMina ManicMina
I was wondering, will evolution be handled like the original series or in tamers? Original being that evolution, aside from ultimate and mega, come quickly while in tamers, evolution takes a while to perform then master.
I think it will depend on each digimon and tamer, how they interact and such. I think a good medium point would work best. That way it's not too easy but also not too prolonged and hard.
Anyone who hasn't posted needs to tonight or PM me if it will take longer.
Sorry for the wait guys, the last two days have been crazy busy and hectic for me. I will get the areas you appear in filled out and pmed tomorrow. Thanks everyone who has posted and is still here!

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