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Dice OOC and Join thread - Servants of Dawn 5e

I have been there before, and its not fun. My sympathies.
Well I’m going to post today so please catch up. Everyone has been very patient but I’m going to proceed with the quest vote
I wanted to make something clear since someone made me aware of it. Copper’s mind is disconnected from me as acting GM. Her opposing vote is not an attempt on my part to sway you into changing your vote. It’s what Copper would choose given her temperament. I personally want you to drag her all the way into that fort and slaughter green evil, or go help a friendly priest make the world a little brighter. Either way you’re doing your duty. There’s no wrong answer
Ironically, by trying to give her sympathy he triggered her dragon pride, so now she wants to fight just to prove she can 😂
So I haven't been getting notifications for this the whole time. Hoping adding a message will wake it up.

  • EXw_I3SWAAM6qTh
    Name: Lyra Goodberry
    Race: Kender
    Background: Guild Artisan
    Age: 29
    Alignment: Neutral Good

    Str: 15 | +2
    Dex: 10 | 0
    Con: 15 | +2
    Int: 9 | -1
    Wis: 12 | +1
    Cha: 18 | +4

    Class: Paladin
    Level: 1
    Experience: 0
    Proficiency: +2
    Initiative: 0

    Hit Points: 12

    Hit Dice: 1d10
    Armor Class: 18
    Passive Perception: 13
    Active Perception: +3
    Movement: 30ft

    Spells: None Until Second Level

    Yklwa: +4 to Hit, 1d8+2 Damage -- Simple, Piercing, Thrown (10/30 ft)
    Flail: +4 to Hit, 1d8+2 Damage -- Martial, Bludgeoning

    Chain Mail: +6 to AC

welcome Lyra to the group everyone! We may have a new challenger for the leader position
Fine with me. I was offering to take the role to help get things started, so if someone else wants it, they are welcome to it.
I’d love to do this as a player but I can’t seem to find an open 5e campaign. Is it me or the site kind of slim picking?
I’d love to do this as a player but I can’t seem to find an open 5e campaign. Is it me or the site kind of slim picking?
You just got to keep a close watch on the Recruitment threads.
They don't get posted very often and fill up quick when they do. Being a DM isn't so bad. Be the 5e campaign you want to see on RPN lol.
Sour Diesel Sour Diesel Do you know anything about the Palladium System and the Splicers setting? I'm running a game of Splicers that has some room to take on a new player.
Since I have no clue the fancy words you just tossed at me, I’m gonna say I probably won’t work out

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