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One x one!!

Aubrey sit resting at a table on campus as she lays back looking up at the sky enjoying the fact no one is around. It's dark and she's fairly certain she's alone with her thoughts. As she looks up Aubrey is struck with all her life questions. She had no idea what she truely wants in life and is only here because it seemed the thing to do. Finally giving up on those thoughts she thinks of you. She has been careful to avoid almost everyone today but even more so you. She has no idea why she's grown to like you and yet everything about her misses you terribly.
Marcellus rubbed his chin, deep in thought. Aubrey seemed to like him. A lot. Was he being too distant? Probably. He remembered the night before last when they had kissed, but how in the same night how he had closed up a bit when she had asked him about his past. She seemed to be understanding... But she did that thing that girls do so you can tell they're dissapointed in you, but you don't know why, or how they got that way. Marcellus now kinda knew why, but he still didn't know how. Well, he did actually. But that was another gray area. He decided to try to be as open with her as possible, and to make sure to ask her how she was feeling. Marcellus's fingers were trailing white smoke, a habit of his when he was thinking, or concentrating on something excessively. He cursed under his breath and put them out. Other vampires had nervous ticks, the phrase 'sweating blood' came from one such occurrence. Another was possibly the vampires fangs elongating without warning, smoking, as he was now, sometimes even transforming into a swarm of bats in the more extreme cases. Marcellus decided to head over to his table again, and he did, his ghostly white form standing out against the black of night.
Aubrey laid with her eyes closed for quite a while before deciding to just head back to the dorm. It was probably past midnight and yet she wasn't tired. As she sits up she notices something white is coming across the campus but having dealt with strange things lately she isn't to afraid. She don't try to move as it gets closer and she realizes who it is. At first so almost leaves it knowing you probably already have her scent she just lays back down on the table.
Marcellus didn't realize Aubrey was there at the time, she had no open wounds, her scrape had healed. He also wasn't paying close attention to where he was going when he sat down where he usually did. He went to put his arms back and relax on the table, but with a start, he realized someone was there. He whirled around, but realized the person there was Aubrey. His stoic expression lightened as he saw her face framed by red hair, and he smiled. "Fancy meeting you here." He beamed, "What brings you to my humble table?" The table was not really his, but it was where he ate lunch everyday, where he spent his time, both day, and part of the night. So it was his table.
Aubrey laughed a bit unable to help it as she sighed "I can't sleep so I went for a walk. Now I'm watching the stars." She replys as she glances to you "You look less like a vampire and more like a ghost now." She adds as she returns her gaze to the sky and bites her lip. She had no idea she would run into you but she chose this table and somewhere deep down guessed she may cross you but now that it's actual happen she don't know what to say.
Marcellus smiled brightly. "Yea, I've started a few legends wearing this coat. It's probably older than you!" He chuckled. Marcellus decided that Aubrey wasn't here for no reason, she had chosen this particular spot because she was thinking of him. This was the perfect time for him to exercise what he decided he would do earlier. "So you ok? You don't sound ok. Certainly didn't this morning. Is somebody giving you trouble again?"
Aubrey nodded some "I'm alright and no since you handled those guys I haven't been messed with." She turns her head toward you watching you a moment. "Just a lot of thinking..." She sighs quietly. "Plus I slept most the day and now I'm wide awake." Aubrey sits up swinging her legs over and looking down
With a swish of his coat, Marcellus hopped over to the other side of the table, laying on his back next to her. "You seem quite eager to be like my kind. You're sleeping all day, partying all night," Marcellus grinned, giving her a quick peck on the cheek to let her know he cared. "Let me see your teeth, you sure you aren't one?" He joked. Marcellus stretched, looking up at the sky. "Thinking's good though. It's what I've spent most of my time doing. I'm glad people think mor now then they did before. But I mean, Davinchi, he was one of the exceptions. He was a good guy, great mind, great person."
Aubrey smiles slightly and shakes her head "Oh trust me I'm not like you I just stupidly went to that party...and I'm not sure if I'd make a good vampire." She says laughing slightly as she glances to you surprised you made a effort to show you cared. She knows it took some doing on your part so she just decides to enjoy it. "I wouldn't know I didn't get the pleasure of meeting him." She teases and laughs "Although I would have loved to meet a few people in history I'm sure it wasn't recorded all correctly."
Marcellus sat up. "Well, who do you want to know about?" He scratched at his neck, "I've met alot of people. I knew Andrew Jackson, we fought together at the battle of new orleans." Marcellus had spent most of his time in the south, much to his distaste, during the war. "That was one hellofa fight, and what was worse, the sun was out the whole time."
Aubrey laughs softly "So you can be in the sun some or not?" She ask as she glances at you "I thought old legends said you would like burn up or something." She adds as she sits up next to you. "What about Abraham Lincoln? Was he always honest?"
Marcellus shook his head. "Nahh, we just get really bad burns. Like, I spend more time outside than most of my kind, if we're exposed to light too quickly that can happen, like, if you slept for a hundred or so years and were hungry i guess. I feed alot more often than most of us, so I can stand the light more. Our eyes also can't handle light as well as humans." Marcellus lay back down, moving a bit of hair that had fallen in Aubrey's face. "I didn't know President Lincon, I did know general Lee Grant though. We met during his campaign in the west, but it was too sunny out there, I asked to switch divisions." He got a faraway look in his eye. "And I got sent south, haha. I missed Gettysburg, I was so dissapointed." Marcellus wrung his hands. "But it was great to fight under Lincon, he was a wise man. Miraculously for a human."
Aubrey licks her lips and sighs "I'm jealous you have all these wonderful stories and here I had nothing...well good to tell" she says as she rest beside you for a bit. After what seems like hours she shift and glances to you "I probably need to head in and it will be sunrise soon." She says quietly
Marcellus got off the table and stood up. "Doesn't matter if your stories are good or not. They make up who you are. Like me, I'm a teenage, thousand and a half year old immortal dude who knows too much than what's good for him. You're young yet." Marcellus put a hand to his forehead and grinned. "Oh so young. There is so much you have yet to experience, and I'm one you can tell to your children someday. Well, not really. You can just tell them you met someone who led you down the right path. Hopefully." Marcellus grinned and held out a hand to help Aubrey off the table.
Aubrey takes Marcellus hand and shakes her head "Kids...yeah I'm not sure about that." She glances at you as she stands up and smiles "Like what my dad? I don't need someone to guide me. " she states as she starts walking and follows your eyes. "I can only imagine when I'm old and think of you...I'll probably think I made you up."
Marcellus cocked his head, putting a hand on her waist. "I tend to have that impression on people. The mind can only remember so much, and age only deteriorates it further. The oldest vampires, the ones who's lifespans are measured in thousands of years instead of hundreds, if they haven't gone feral they've gone mad from all the different people they've pretended to be." Marcellus drew Aubrey in close, kissing her forehead. "All I hope is to be remembered. Goodnight sweetheart."
Aubrey sighs leaning her head in for the kiss and sighs "Goodnight Marcellus" she says softly before starting to the dorm building glancing back at you once before heading inside. She wakes up the next morning headin to class. She finally makes it to the table and smiles sitting beside you "Hey there stanger."

Aubrey sighs leaning her head in for the kiss and sighs "Goodnight Marcellus" she says softly before starting to the dorm building glancing back at you once before heading inside. She wakes up the next morning headin to class. She finally makes it to the table and smiles sitting beside you "Hey there stanger."
Marcellus smiled. "Hey, is today a better day than yesterday?" he chuckled. Marcellus stretched and yawned. "Today's been hard, I've got a whole shitton of work to do for all my morning classes." Marcellus hated homework, he was too old for taking anything from the college professors. He considered eating one once, but decided against it.
She shrugged "It seems a little better. I surprisingly managed to have none." Aubrey had a pretty nice night and feels somewhat better deciding either you'll like her or not but it's not like she's immortal and she does have a time limit on life. She takes a sip of some water she has and glances to all your books "Should I let you work?"
Marcellus shook his head. "Nah, I'm good. I can persuade someone to do it if i don't feel like it. I know all of the history stuff, the math, the english, it just takes awhile. I'll be done in half an hour." He looked her up and down in her normal clothes, comparing them to his darker, more covering attire. "It's more of a tedious chore than anything else."
Aubrey runs a hand through her hair as she shakes her head "Lucky you" she smiles some having kept her distance since the night at the lake. She only has contact with you if you start it. "Do all of your kind dress like you? Or is there some that look more like me? Not that I don't like your clothes tho" she comments laughing as she sees you looking over her.
Marcellus laughed. "Are you trying to ask me if I've seen any good loking vampires?" He chuckled, "Don't worry Aubrey. You look gorgeous." He finished his sandwich and opened one of his books. "Back in the old days everyone wanted to copy Dracula. He was a very popular fellow." Marcellus took out a pencil and paper and began working. "But during the day, if you do see us, we wear mostly black. It blocks the most sun. Cowls are a favorite, but I like the air of... toughness, I should say, that comes with a hood. And you can see more so that's good. I also like jeans, ever since the california gold rush, I wore jeans. They're tough, durable, and breathable. Marvelous things you humans come up with." Marcellus had finished his math homework in the time it took him to explain about his daytime attire. "Now at night," he continued, "We wear all sorts of things. My style is all white. It's a classic color, not too flashy, but it draws people's atention. The coat you saw me wearing last night was made in the 1800's by a dutch friend of mine. He gave it to me as a present."
Aubrey blushes a little and smiles "Jeans...that's your idea of a marvelous thing we invented." She giggles some as she looks to you "I like your clothes it fits you..." She likes your laugh as well as realizes the more time she's around you the harder it will be when you leave. She glances to you work and shakes her head " Want to start doing mine as well? That paper would have took me three days to finish." She says quietly. Aubrey glances up as she sees her roommate and sighs "She will come over ...because your a guy and I'm actual talking to you..." She whispers as sure enough her friend smiles "Aubrey...there you are."
Marcellus put his math away and started working on advanced latin. This was one of the first languages he had learned aside from his native celtic. "Ey, hello. How are you?" He said, flawlessly scribbling all the right answers in his textbook, putting his pencil down a moment before cracking his knuckles. "I'm Marcellus. Aubrey tells me you're her roomate." He stuck his hand out and tilted his head a bit so she could see his face from under his hood.
She smiles brightly "Ah well I knew someone had been keeping her busy. I'm glad to meet you! I'm Katie" she shakes you hand am glances to me. "You'd think when my best friend gets a boyfriend I would be the first to know." She teases as I shake my head "We are just friends...." Aubrey sighs as Katie just shrugs "we can talk later have fun" she states before heading off as Aubrey sighs "She will bother you from now on but she don't mean anything she's just nosey."

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