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Fandom One Piece: The Eternal Race

Lady Warlock

Anime RN


How it Started
It started as three pirates who became three captains. One of them never made it off the island and a new captain came in. The second perished on the first stop. However, back when all three were together, they made a pact that started everything - they made a bet on who could get to the greatest treasure of them all first. Only one remains to get there, but that does not mean the race is over. There are still three crews and there can only be one pirate ruler.

The first chapter found our pirate crews on the island of Mirstone. Crews formed, the captains made friends and they made their fair share of enemies too. Marines showed up and complicated the situation. Pirates were pursued, bounties were gained, and in the end, the island blew up before anyone could find what they had come to find in the first place - legend had it there was a map to the One Piece. Of course, legend was inaccurate. It still served to spur on the next great pirate era, though, and now millions of pirates who escaped with their lives all flock to the Grand Line. Our crews are no exception.

Each made their first stop before reaching reverse mountain and our West Blue Trio Arcs ensued from there. The Shattercrest Pirates have encountered an island where the menace haunting the town is a new breed of being… something not quite alive and something definitely at least partially mechanical. The Red Wave Pirates have encountered an island where animals are being captured when some of their own crew members have pets. And the Red Ribbon Pirates have stumbled upon an age old artifact that islanders are trying to hide from marines… and from a mystery thief. Time will only be able to tell what fate has in store.

Where it's Heading
I think you’ll find that the New World Times has many secrets of what is coming up next to share with you. Yes, the first article does summarize what happened in Mirstone (although the Marines may tell a different tale than the tale that actually unfolded on the island), but beyond that you’ll find that the smaller non-headline articles are ones that share many details of the world we’ve woven for this story to take place in.

In the New World - the second half of the Grand Line - there’s a crew of pirates who are slowly gaining notoriety and becoming feared by all others. If there’s one thing that the World Government has to be afraid of, it is what would happen if the four Pirate Emperors all teamed up and that’s something that this up and coming new captain might very well be trying to brew. Not to mention that the rumors of this new emperor’s age make him even more potentially dangerous. Who knows where that storyline could lead?

Furthermore, there are some hints to events closer to where our current crews find themselves. Just within the first few islands of the Grand Line, there’s a different sort of mysterious trouble brewing and this kind of trouble is turning the water black and thick. The marines haven’t made a move on it yet because many of them are still occupied cleaning up Mirstone and rounding up escapees, but it’s definitely something our three crews won’t be able to avoid when they finally reach the Grand Line. If they reach it… who knows what could be waiting just on the other side of Reverse Mountain? With this story going the way it is, you can be sure that even crossing the mountain won’t be as easy as it seems.

How To Join
Now that is a marvelous question and we’d love to see your inner pirate join one of our crews! To join the roleplay, first you should have a good idea of what kind of roleplayer we’re looking for. We are a detailed roleplay and we expect members of our story to be able to write two paragraphs or more. We also expect members of our roleplay to be able to post at least once every week and to actively converse with us in the OOC. We are picky about characters and we work hard to make sure that no characters are overpowered so that everyone can have a chance to shine.

It’s probably helpful for me to clarify who I mean by ‘we.’ This roleplay is run by a Storyteller Team of myself, AllHailDago AllHailDago and shadowdude505 shadowdude505 . Each of us plays the captain of a crew and each of us works together to weave the story that will no doubt sweep your characters into its malestrom.

Beyond that, joining is actually quite simple. Make sure you read The Pirate Code because those are the rules of the roleplay. Then anyone is welcome to submit a character here and the Storytellers will evaluate your submission and PM you in regards to whether or not you are accepted. You want to know another awesome thing? No one is ever outright denied. If your character doesn’t make the cut, we do everything we can to help you bring your character within acceptable limits so that you’re able to join.

If One Piece is an anime you love or if a pirate adventure sounds like something you would enjoy partaking in, come check us out! Come aboard, and bring along all your hopes and dreams because together we will find everything that we’re lookin’ for! There’s always room for you!
Should the roleplay ever return to a one-crew setting, hit me up on Skype. <3 In any case, I wish you much success, you guys have been doing an awesome job keeping this alive for such a long time. :)
Should the roleplay ever return to a one-crew setting, hit me up on Skype. <3 In any case, I wish you much success, you guys have been doing an awesome job keeping this alive for such a long time. :)

You could always join a single crew with a single character for similar effect!
Hello everyone! This rp has been moving at a slower pace for a little while now, but myself and my co-GMs got together last night and put together some marvelous and exciting plans that we're just about ready to start with. Now is an absolutely wonderful time to join and we hope to see a few new faces sometime soon!

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