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Fandom One piece rp ooc(real name tba)

Buttered toast? Ugh

All jokes aside, how does it look?
It's true that I'm shitposting right now,but I'll get to it around 1 or 2 am today. I just found my article for psych and gotta read it. e.e

Writing isn't that hard. It's just 450 words,but the motherfucker wants me to read that dry ass academic language. xD
Buttered toast? Ugh

All jokes aside, how does it look?
Joke, I went back to read it. I suppose what's causing me to already raise questions about his history is the town he resides in has a lot of traffic between two major cities,but the city is unsafe due to bandits, pirates, and poor destitute people. Now while I can imagine that merchants would hire mercenaries to protect them. Generally speaking, wouldn't merchants avoid this place at all costs if it was a major liability to them? This doesn't even bring up the question of why the governments don't at least crack down on the unlawful to reform the place and make it suitable to travel through.
I didn't raise you to become such...filth!"

All I have to really say is it was well done for the most part. I liked the cheeky inclusion of the rumors of a devil fruit and the method of training. My only real qualm is the logical situation of the village. If you fixed that, either with small changes or a little more detail. it'd be perfect.

Though that's optional. The errors in logic just stood out to me because it serves a stark contrast to the mostly well woven backdrop.
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Combat rules Draft
Why dice
Combat in this rp will be a mix of narrative and dice rolls. The big difference between a regular rp where the players have complete control of whether they succeed or not, is now they have a dice roll that decides that for them. I believe this will help keep the rp's outcome unbiased, allow people to have stronger characters, and even make it feel a little more like a game. Because now if there's direct confrontation between two people, they have a limited number of resources at their disposal to make something happen. That could play very well into drama and make the stakes feel more real, as opposed to one person choosing to lose.

The basics
Grunts in the rp do not require rolls unless I specify it as a condition. You can generally beat the crap out of them and they won't be able to do anything to you. Grunts serve purposes:
1.Serve story purposes
2. To practice your powers on
3.To serve as a deterrent. If you end up invoking the wrath of an entire island, grunts actually become a threat. They go from fodder to people you need to roll dice against.

Healing generally comes from resting, refreshment, and doctors.
You recover 1/2 of your hp by sleeping.
You recover 3/4 of your hp by eating
You recover all of your hp by having a doctor work on you.
The latter two methods of healing only recover 1/4 each individually.

The Dice
There will be times when an npc is just being a pain in the butt and you don't want to deal with them. Well you have a choice vs some and a chance versus others. Whether we're talking about entering a bar without being stopped in a busy street or fighting at marine ford, every npc can be dealt with easily and instantly. If you just want to pick pocket them without having to alert them, roll against their threshold.

Roll 1 D20 dice for npc's level 5 and under. Whether you succeed or fail, THIS MUST BE RP'd

Note: mobs will have levels that correspond to these levels.
Second note: These numbers are the threshhold you must beat on a D20 when interacting with this npc.
Grunt: none
Level 1 npc: 5
Level 2 npc: 6
Level 3 npc:8
Level 4 npc:10
Level 5 npc:12

When things become a fight and you want to avoid it when applicable: For instance that guard you tried to pick pocket caught you and now is chasing you. On your next turn after the gm posts the gaurd's response, you may:
1. Go to the dice thread.
2. Roll against its level minus 2
ex: A level 1 guard needs a roll of a 3 to escape it. THIS MUST BE RP'D

When things become a fight and you don't have a choice: You failed to flee or it's a boss fight.
1. Go to dice thread
2. Roll a 10 sided dice
3. Every roll above 5 is a successful attack,you deal 5 damage by default.
4. Your npc also deals 5 damage unless stated otherwise in the confrontation post.

Level 1 hp:4
Level 2 hp:8
Level 3 hp:12
Level 4 hp:16
Level 5 hp:20

All other rolling opportunities will against player requested encounters or gm imposed obstacles. For instance if a player wants to explore a vault listed in chapter overview, they may take it on. Each of their rolls for voluntarily taking it it will have a +2 toward completing that task. However when the gm imposes a challenge, all rolls have a -1 and are random. Basically when I feel like being a dick :3

Devil fruit powers need to be invoked via dice. Devil fruits are subject to similar rules for fighting rules,but they can be used for utility purposes as well. How successful you are depends on your luck.
1. Go to dice thread
2. Roll 1 D20 dice
3. Apply modifiers
4. Any roll above 9 will succeed for utility purposes
5. Any roll above 11 will succeed for combat purposes without any changes to battle conditions.
6. Combat requires a Rookie

Dat ranks
An overview of ranks is give everything a sense of progression. One big mistake I made with my pokemon rp was not having ranks, so y'all will be my guinea pigs. Ranks be split between player ranks and special skill ranks that are applicable to everyone else.

HP: 50-80
Damage: 5-8
Number of attacks:2 -3
Exp tokens to spend:3
You may spend 1 token to get 1 bonus damage.
You may spend 1 token for 10 bonus hp.
You may spend 3 tokens for 1 extra attack aka dice roll.
Concerning devil fruits: See devil fruit levels
Concerning haki: Dormant
How to level up: Gain 5 exp.

HP: 50-110
Damage: 5-11
Number of attacks:2-3
Exp tokens to spend:3
You may spend 1 token to get 1 bonus damage.
You may spend 1 token for 10 bonus hp.
No change, max of 3 here. You may still buy your third if you didn't for novice.
Concerning devil fruits: See Devil fruit levels
Concerning haki: Dormant
How to level up: Gain 5 exp.

Devil fruits
Level 0: Default, requires 5 exp to reach level 1
Perk: All rolls carry a -2 modifier

Level 1: requires Novice, Need 10 exp to reach level 2
Perk: modifier = -1 instead of -2

Level 2:Requires Rookie, Needs 15 exp to reach level 3
Perk: Modifier -1, can be used for combat

Haki: Dormant until Paradise, we'll have a chapter just for awakening its basic potential

Every chapter we complete is 5 exp.
Every side task you take on voluntarily is 5 exp.
Training montages get you 5 exp, fun ones get 10 exp Word minimum:500 words
You can think of these as extra credit. Everyone will rank up every 2 or 3 chapters depending on our pace.

Max bonus exp gained during chapters:
Chapter 1: 5
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I'm struggling a bit with making all the requirements work in a way that feels organic to any of my ideas atm, so I might take a while. :c IF I take too long and you want to get started without me, that's okay too though, I won't be mad.
I'm struggling a bit with making all the requirements work in a way that feels organic to any of my ideas atm, so I might take a while. :c IF I take too long and you want to get started without me, that's okay too though, I won't be mad.
What requirement are you having trouble with in particular?
What requirement are you having trouble with in particular?

Well, most concepts in general don't really predesignate my character to any specific job on the ship, which is problematic. Also, usually my characters start out really weak, and I find it really difficult to have them possess a background where they learned how to fight already, but are otherwise coherent with their meek portrayal. This is especially difficult for the two concepts in which I wanted to utilize devil fruits, as it makes no sense for them to have fighting experience and skill with a certain combat style, but zero with the most obvious tool. I just find it difficult to balance the requirements while at the same time making a character I like AND then keeping the character cohesive and logica, if that makes sense?
Well, most concepts in general don't really predesignate my character to any specific job on the ship, which is problematic. Also, usually my characters start out really weak, and I find it really difficult to have them possess a background where they learned how to fight already, but are otherwise coherent with their meek portrayal.

This is especially difficult for the two concepts in which I wanted to utilize devil fruits, as it makes no sense for them to have fighting experience and skill with a certain combat style, but zero with the most obvious tool. I just find it difficult to balance the requirements while at the same time making a character I like AND then keeping the character cohesive and logica, if that makes sense?
Well given how much thought you put into this, I only made the cs as a general rule for most people including myself(if I were to make a character). You say your character doesn't really have a job, then that's fine. Not everyone is in a position to be industrious or self teach themselves. Otherwise we'd have no need for mentors or schools. So if you want someone who is a blank slate, which for me sounds like a peasant beggar or a slave with no formal family structure or training.

That's fine. You don't need to have a role on the ship. It just makes it easier in my opinion because most of the one piece characters were defined by their roles. Even sanji's kicking style was derived from being a chef,but I digress. Don't feel pressured if that's the case.

As for starting off weak, most people want to be competent fighters starting off. At the very least grunts shouldn't be an issue for a oprp character, but that doesn't seem to be what you want for your character. If you can't think of a fighting style, then perhaps think of a fleeing style? Something geared toward survival? Or perhaps you can leave it blank with the note that your character hasn't developed themselves in that regard.

Biggest note I can make here is if you want me or our crew mates to train your character to develop into someone who wants to find their own path in life, we can. You'd just start off as an ussop character really. He had nothing going for him. Nothing at all. He had a knapsack and a sling shot and didn't develop into a marksman later on in the series(was probably due to his affinity with his haki). You can be that character if you want and go from there.
That's really helpful! And I actually had an idea how I could perhaps make a ship position fit the character, logically, just now. So that leaves only battle competency in question, which if it's no trouble I'll just keep low then. Thanks!
That's really helpful! And I actually had an idea how I could perhaps make a ship position fit the character, logically, just now. So that leaves only battle competency in question, which if it's no trouble I'll just keep low then. Thanks!
All's well that ends well! HUZZAH
Sunbather Sunbather ChazGhost ChazGhost SodaToast SodaToast Joker987 Joker987 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17

A few things:
1. Does anyone have any requests for the ic story line? I'm gonna start planning and possibly posting it soon,but that doesn't mean anyone will be left behind. Just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas before I just went forward. This includes any set up for Devil fruits and stuff.
2. Who's gonna be captain? Should we have a chapter dedicated that?
3. Do you guys want me to fill in roles for the ship? Like shipwright and doctor down the road? Or should these with the exception of a navigator, be npcs you talk to as you travel from island to island?
1. Completely open to whatever you have in mind. As long as there's proper progression and a real path to go down, I'm completely cool with anything.

2. I actually would've imagined that you'll take the role and lead us through the adventure, basically. I feel like that'd make sense.

3. If you're not captain, I feel being within the crew directly could lead to weird disagreements, where the captain basically goes against what you're trying to do? I mean, it's your call, and I'll be fine with it either way, it'd just be a very unusual set up for me, personally.
1. Anything is fine, really. There's plenty of room for character development and intense action scenes on the open sea!
2. I'm not really sure, and it depends on how long a "chapter" would be. I'll just leave it to you to decide.
3. I'm fine with the npc concept and if you're fine with filling in roles you definitely can but I'd say sticking to whatever you wish to play the most. It is a RP after all, and I believe whatever role you pick we'll find a way to work things out. Hopefully.

Also, about my character's history, I'm gonna procrastinate on that as I have a ton of studying to do. For now, I'll leave the village in its illogical mess of a state and just get to it later.
1. Completely open to whatever you have in mind. As long as there's proper progression and a real path to go down, I'm completely cool with anything.

2. I actually would've imagined that you'll take the role and lead us through the adventure, basically. I feel like that'd make sense.

3. If you're not captain, I feel being within the crew directly could lead to weird disagreements, where the captain basically goes against what you're trying to do? I mean, it's your call, and I'll be fine with it either way, it'd just be a very unusual set up for me, personally.

1. Anything is fine, really. There's plenty of room for character development and intense action scenes on the open sea!
2. I'm not really sure, and it depends on how long a "chapter" would be. I'll just leave it to you to decide.
3. I'm fine with the npc concept and if you're fine with filling in roles you definitely can but I'd say sticking to whatever you wish to play the most. It is a RP after all, and I believe whatever role you pick we'll find a way to work things out. Hopefully.

Also, about my character's history, I'm gonna procrastinate on that as I have a ton of studying to do. For now, I'll leave the village in its illogical mess of a state and just get to it later.
1. I usually leave those open as courtesy to others,but you guys can always interject if you've got something you're itching to do. I've actually sort of kind of have a plan, but first I gotta see how you guys mesh as a group. And I need to solidify a certain npc for the task.

2. In many ways I'll be the guiding wind for everyone. I'm the bartender, the thug, and the admiral lol. So I didn't think it would be necessary for me to play along as the captain. But if it simplifies things I can do that. SodaToast SodaToast The captain chapter would most likely be a friend competition to see who's in charge if I didn't do it. Like let's say a roll of the dice or some silly competition.

3. Nah soda don't need you to play more than one character unless you can handle the work load. As we can see, you're already slacking with your first one. e,e <3 And it wouldn't be an issue sunbather, as I'm more of a force of nature. Sure the captain(if it's not me) can want to go south,but if I make the wind blow the opposite direction, he's shit out of luck. xD

One of the perks of being the gm. :3
1.I eventually want to deal with the Dark Cirrus I brought in my CS
2.I'd say chapter to figure whose going to be captain would be nice
3.You should have character of your own think but the rest of the crew that are not us can be npcs
Sunbather Sunbather ChazGhost ChazGhost SodaToast SodaToast Joker987 Joker987 DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17

A few things:
1. Does anyone have any requests for the ic story line? I'm gonna start planning and possibly posting it soon,but that doesn't mean anyone will be left behind. Just wanted to see if anyone had any ideas before I just went forward. This includes any set up for Devil fruits and stuff.
2. Who's gonna be captain? Should we have a chapter dedicated that?
3. Do you guys want me to fill in roles for the ship? Like shipwright and doctor down the road? Or should these with the exception of a navigator, be npcs you talk to as you travel from island to island?
1. I was just gonna go with what you had planned. We could always make something up in the future.
2. A BATTLE TO THE DEATH!! Nah, we could always take a vote, but I'd be down for it if no one else is.
3. We could use NPC's and put a bit of character into them as we go.
1.I eventually want to deal with the Dark Cirrus I brought in my CS
2.I'd say chapter to figure whose going to be captain would be nice
3.You should have character of your own think but the rest of the crew that are not us can be npcs
1. I was just gonna go with what you had planned. We could always make something up in the future.
2. A BATTLE TO THE DEATH!! Nah, we could always take a vote, but I'd be down for it if no one else is.
3. We could use NPC's and put a bit of character into them as we go.
I will decide after chapter 1. :P Duly noted.
Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

The reason the merchants travel along the road is because they're being protected by the World Government as they transport supplies from one city to another. The bandits and mercenaries simply aren't paid enough to mess with them. xd

I don't know if I need to add that into the CS sheet but that's my half-ass explanation of it. Yep.
Bacon is fluffy Bacon is fluffy

The reason the merchants travel along the road is because they're being protected by the World Government as they transport supplies from one city to another. The bandits and mercenaries simply aren't paid enough to mess with them. xd

I don't know if I need to add that into the CS sheet but that's my half-ass explanation of it. Yep.
You don't have to,but do note that when we're in the ic. I'll have you make changes there.

CS are just a formality to me,but they're nice to see. So I experimented with trying to have meaningful cs's,but there's still that part of me that doesnt mind too much. I care more about the ic performance.
For my character's history, I briefly mentioned his desire to claim a specific devil fruit.

One which allowed the user to alter/remove/insert new memories (basically things involving memory/the human mind)

I've realized that a devil fruit with those abilities would be extremely, extremely overpowered (already discussed with host) and so I was thinking of alternative ways to achieve the same result.

Basically what I'm trying to do is come up with a creative way for the devil fruit to function so that it's primary purpose involving memories is still present but it's not seen as stupidly broken. I'm also trying to think of a way in which to shape the fruit so that, like the gum-gum fruit, it seems useless from the outside but, when used to its full potential, is a formidable threat.

Some ideas I have so far for it (as suggested by the host):
- The user must make physical contact with the target's frontal part of their head (forehead)
- Possibly the user developing their own form of haki, similar to Luffy and Gear 4th

If anybody here is kind enough to pitch in a suggestion or two of your ideas for the fruit, that would be highly appreciated.
Hehe poor toast. Maybe you'd have better luck if you were, "buttered toast". <3

SodaToast SodaToast Sunbather Sunbather DarknessSama17 DarknessSama17 ChazGhost ChazGhost Joker987 Joker987

A few tasks for y'all to do while I make the first ic post. Do not post there until after completing these tasks, capiche?

1. Read the combat rules and verify that they are indeed okay with you. I want to make sure they make sense that everyone is okay with a level up system for your characters, haki, and devil fruit powers. Failure to do so will result in me annoyed with you for not having read them in the first place e.e. One piece rp ooc(real name tba)

2. Answer soda toast, even if you just don't have any ideas.

3. Choose a form of haki to focus on early on. You will submit these via pm to show me you've done everything on this list. It's important you let me know because things you do in the ic will be affected by your choice of haki. For someone who has kenbushoku haki, you will not be utilizing this power,but you might have a great affinity for marksmanship that goes beyond normal human limitations. Resulting in your character just sort of believing they're just talented, but to us we know it's because of their affinity with a certain form of haki. Likewise if yer like James bowie, where you can be shot and stabbed several times and still live to tell the tale, you've probably got an affinity for bushokou haki or the color of arms.

So pick one that's most likely the main focus for your character. Give me the context for at least 3 situations in which your innate affinity would help you out in every day life. Things like super accurate shot, or natural born leader, or super tough guy. Things of that nature. If you can't think of 3, at least try to think of one iconic talent that would spring from your dormant haki that makes your character extraordinary in some way.

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