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Fandom One Piece - Alternate Frontier [IC] [Always OPEN!]

"A fishman? Cool!", Sariah exclaimed a little more joyfully than a serious situation such as this called for. She could tell right away that she was not supposed to be impressed, and tried to make her face serious again. She glanced at Lars, who looked pretty intent on avoiding a fight with August and Antari, and then at Jordan, who was walking towards them with full intention to kill showing in his every move. "Cap", she called Lars, "I don't think we can get through this without fighting. And my gut tells me we are not to take them lightly. So... What are your orders?". She asked this only to make sure Lars understood things as she did, and to respect any decision he'd make as their captain.
Noticeably, her stance was just as firm, strong, and ready as it had been the second she'd first taken it. She was still not using haki to reinforce her body to the extreme like Martin had taught her, but she was capable to going from zero to a hundred in half a second. All she needed was confirmation that she could engage.

"What do you mean the bloody wind ain't picked up yet?!"

"I mean the bloody wind ain't picked up yet, ya stool piece!"

Two men, both rather large in stature, had been arguing over the wind over and over again ever since the ocean's breeze suddenly went still. This level of frustration was certainly understandable for the crew; their job was to keep moving, after all. They were workers on a medium-sized ship that was open to travelers from across the world. If you had the Beli to spare, they'd carry you all the way to the opposite end of South Blue. They were only supposed to be on Arimiti island for a few hours at most while the captain restocked his ship with food and his own stomach with rum. How convenient that they had docked just in time for the wind to literally be ripped from their sails.

The ground was as diverse as any crew one would find sailing the seas. Men, women, young, old; it didn't matter. As long as one either had the cash to pay the toll, or a good set of arms to help the crew, you were more than welcome. Among the group of paying patrons was a particular man. He had spent the majority of his time on the ship holed up in bed, doing his best to ignore the constant bickering of the workers around him. Not much different from what he was doing now, save for the bed. No, he found himself in a much more awkward position: sitting in the bar stool directly between the two bickering sailors. He had been trying to order a drink for the past fifteen minutes, but the ship's cook seemed to be purposefully ignoring the commotion in favor of cleaning the same five mugs over and over. Perhaps this was normal for a pirate?

Ian Roker, nephew of the infamous Edward Roker. His adventure had only begun about two weeks ago, but he had already accumulated a decent bounty. A few loitering fines for continuously sleeping on Marine property (hey, the shade was comfortable), and an assault charge for the time a marine officer attempted to step over the sleeping man and tripped, ruining his good coat. Ian's dress wasn't that different from other pirates; he wore a tan, easy-breathing shirt with red straps and a gold and black design on the top, brown pants, black boots, and a dark, hooded, fur-trimmed coat that seemed much too warm for the weather. Not that Ian minded the heat.

"Look boys, this has been fun, but the two of you are awful. I'm gonna head ou--"

"You think you're tough, ya goat fucker?"

"It's not nice to call yer own mum a goat!"

And that was his cue to leave. Falling backwards out of his stool with the grace of a lemming, Ian managed to crawl his way out of the bar just before the two began to come to blows. As he stepped through the threshold of the ship onto the dock and into the garish light of day, his excursion into society was greeted with a scythe flying through the air. This is what I get for leaving the bloody ship.

Before him was quite the diverse crowd of noise complaints; the pissed off man and the Fishman -- Fishwoman? whatever -- drew particular attention. "Hey, are you guys alright if I just pass through here quick, or should I just wait until you're done?"

LucianGrey7971 LucianGrey7971
Blackvelvet Blackvelvet
Aurum Aurum
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Kate-East Blue
Kate looked at the two who had just come closer to their ship. They seemed like nice people upon inspection, didn't seem like marines at least, but she had been wrong before in that regard. "Oh, you can navigate" She said looking towards Vaan with a gleam in her eye. "So can I" she said with a bit of glee to finally meet someone with a similar skill set as her, "I can cook as well" she said. "And old pirate who took me in when I was a kid taught me everything that I needed to know to survive the seas a be a pirate myself" She said. "So where ya planning on going once you get to the grand line? I've heard of lots of places I want to visit" she said joyfully.
The Hero The Hero takki takki YoungX YoungX
Bella saw Johns attack coming from a mile away, She simply infused her arms with haki and countered the kick that John had thrown. She was still thrown back by the kick but managed to brace herself enough so that there was no damage. "Seems like you still have the same strength as you did before, but know that I've gotten stronger since our last training session" she said as she drew her sword and pointed it towards John. "Wind wind fruit: slashing whip" She said as a sharp wind enveloped and extended from her blade. As she swung it towards John the wind moved towards him much like a whip would.

John pivoted his airborn body by using his plunged staff and shifting his weight, spinning halfway around it in the air. "Accent." He said before his free hand reared back and shot forward a few inches, the air around his fist shimmered for a moment then shot forward, the force of his blow creating a focused shockwave that hit her blade, knocking it back. He then twisted his staff as he came down, prying it free, "One ton sweep." He said as his staff extended, sweeping across the ground aimed at her feet while the tip turned a shiny metallic black.

Bella tried to jump back out of range of the attack but John still managed to catch one of her feet with his attack, she didn't really lose her balance but she stammered back a little hoping on one foot until she caught herself and regained her stance. She swung her sword forward, "Wind wind fruit: slash" She said as a sharp wave of wind rushed towards John.

John gave a frown as he clutched his hand, "I told you, start taking this seriously." He growled as his entire haki-covered arm became coated in what seemed to be a haze, making it difficult to focus on the actual arm."Vibrato" He said as he raised his arm and brought it back for a punch. He struck forward , the air seeming to shimmer in front of him until the shimmers reached the shockwave which then collapsed in on itself releasing a shockwave. "Those attacks lack haki, or maybe it's that your will has since become shaken while I was gone. If such is the case, then so be it. I will temper your will in fire." He yelled as he lunged forward, his other arm and his staff beginning to grow hazy as well, the entire staff now coated in shiny black as he thrust it forward, almost like a stab towards Bella.
Ryden Bexin
As soon as Ryden heard the word 'Grand Line', he took interest in their conversation. "Now that you say it..." Ryden thought about his ambition, but, he didn't actually have a plan. If he and Vaan didn't meet, he'd have trouble getting to the Reverse Mountain, then to the Grand Line. It actually didn't matter on which islands he wanted to go to, since he always thought that not knowing any islands about their geography is a fun, exciting, and surprising journey for him.

"Well, I'm actually not planning anything. If it's possible, I'll stick to this guy because I'm his first mate, as I would call it. Right, captain?" He put his elbow on his shoulder. Even though Vaan was an adventurer, he wasn't actually a pirate. The captain stuff may not matter to him.

Blackvelvet Blackvelvet The Hero The Hero YoungX YoungX
location- the west blue: ebony isle streets
My, Pascal sure was suddenly eager to get after that bastard captain of his. She wondered why, but the wonderment was lost as she let go of her new best friend's arm and cracked her knuckles. "Aight, lead- hic- the way, little man. We gon' have ourselves some angry words!" She let out a cheer of sorts and stumbled awkwardly behind Pascal as they went to the docks, her kanabo and drinking gourd in tow.

( SolemnSongbird SolemnSongbird )
note- holy hell it's been too long​
Location: East Blue

"Do we now?" Bin asked, wringing out her wet hair while Aki spilled some sea water out of his shoe. Hearing Bin's comment, Aki looked over and nodded. Now that he confirmed no one was hurt, he returned to his usual silent self. "Gah," Bin sighed, shaking and lowering her head. She raised it up to listen to the foreign company. "Pirates, huh," Bin thought in her mind, glancing at Aki to see his reaction. He was unreactive. "Well," she said, "we're just here for some handouts and a ride to the closest island, not really looking to hang with some filthy, scur-" Her mouth was blocked firmly by Aki's hand. "Just want some directions and food to the nearest island; we're lost."
Neil Delfon and Pascal Smith

Location: Ebony Isle

Currently Doing: Making a quick getaway.

Pascal took a rather long and roundabout path to the docks in order to make sure he wasn't followed... though just to make sure that even if he was nobody could actually catch up to him he set a few rather... large pitfall traps that would make it almost impossible for people to even navigate through anywhere he'd passed through. It seemed as if one or both of the two HAD managed to keep the people that were likely chasing after him from catching up though, so it probably worked... probably. Pascal led Mari onto the Storm Chaser and took a second to talk to one of the deckhands to ask if Neil was back at the ship already. The answer, fortunately for Pascal, was no, so hopefully Pascal would be able to weasel out of this confrontation. Pascal turned his attention back to Mari. "Seems he's not here right now... Oh well, we probably just missed him. Too bad, huh?" He said, trying his best to look anything but relieved and just ending up making a very awkward looking expression that didn't convey much of anything.


Neil Delfon and Pascal Smith

Location: Ebony Isle

Currently Doing: Kidnapping someone... wait WHAT?

"You'll never catch me alive!"
Neil yelled behind him at the large crowd of other pirates chasing him. He couldn't find a navigator that wasn't affiliated with a crew or wasn't a complete drunkard, so he'd decided to do something absolutely idiotic and kidnap one from another crew!... So he stealthily followed a navigator he'd met earlier who was already part of another crew back onto their ship, knocked them out, and made a break for it with their unconscious body in tow... aaaaand now he was being chased by almost the entire crew of that ship. It was very apparent he hadn't thought this through in the slightest.​

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