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One more thing...

He hears a "Yes" emit from the form and a yelp of surprise. Aiden sees Rover tackle the form and runs over quickly.

The moment he gets close enough, he sees Elizabeth, Rover, happily on top of her and licking her face joyfully.

Aiden tells Rover to get off, partially laughing while doing so.

He takes off his coat and wraps it around her gently, noticing its cold out here.

"Haha, I'm sorry, Rover gets very excited when he sees new people. Do you want to come inside? It's very cold out here and I don't want you getting sick."
She blushed lightly. "Thank you..." She murmured, clinging loosely to the coat. She stood up weakly. "Quite an energetic dog you have there."
"Haha, you can say that", he replies, gently patting Rover's head. "Come on, we can talk inside."

He walks over and holds the door open, whistling so Rover would go inside, to which he does.
The girl stepped inside, behind the dog, looking around. It was a nice, cozy place. She smiled lightly as she watched the dog.

Elizabeth knelt down and pet the pooch, giggling as it resumed its attack on her face.
He smiles seeing Elizabeth petting Rover, to which Rover replies by licking her face. He laughs a little as he walks behind the counter, grabbing glasses, "Haha, It looks like Rover likes you Elizabeth. Do you want anything to drink? Water, Hot Cocoa, some Green Tea perhaps?" He asks as he spills some tea into his own little Chinese stylized glass, letting the mist emanate from the tea in his glass.
He nods as he pours some more of his tea into the second glass, placing them both into a small metal tray. He decides to turn on the fireplace by Elizabeth and Rover, letting some heat enter the room. He walks and sits beside them, his legs crossed and the tray on the floor. Rover decides to make himself comfortable and curl into a ball. Aiden takes a glass of tea and sips quietly, enjoying the tea.
He nods with a smile, "It's my pleasure. Now if you would mind, would you care to explain why you were out there Elizabeth?" He asks as he strokes Rover's back gently, to which Rover replies by wagging his tail softly.
Aiden nods, understanding, "I'm guessing you felt trapped? If you wish, you can stay here for the night, you can sleep in my room and I'll sleep on the couch. I won't mind." He smiles, hoping she'll be alright.
He nods and sits on the floor, still gently petting Rover. "Alright, here..." He reaches over to his desk and pulls out a small card with his name and number scribbled onto it. He holds it out to her, "If there's anything you need, don't hesitate to call me, it's my cell phone number."
He nods and walks over, holding out the door for her with his usual kind smile, "You can keep my coat until next time, you'll need it for the way back. Don't want you to freeze solid out there. And one more thing, please, call me Aiden."
She left the home, clutching the coat around her. The scent that clung to it worked to comfort her somehow. She began to feel droopy. Once she got home, she collapsed onto her bed and actually slept for once, unplagued by nightmares.
As he cleaned his tray and the glasses, he cheerfully sits on the couch, in the darkness, letting the fireplace keep the light. He decides to cover himself with a small blanket, watching the television. Rover decides to move and curls himself again, but this time curls beside the couch, underneath Aiden's arm. He smiles and pulls off another blanket, covering the dog in warmth. He lies back, watching the tv until he finally gives up, and lets the swarm of sleep plague him.
She woke up early the next morning, still quite fatigued from the lack of sleep. There were bags evident beneath her emerald eyes. She looked at herself in the mirror and sighed.
The following morning, he finds himself still covered in the blanket, but this time, Rover was lying on his stomach, not allowing him to get up. Aiden laughs a little and playfully pushes Rover down onto the floor, to which Rover rolls onto the ground with a surprised whimper. He laughs and pets Rover's head, "Oh, don't be like that you old coot, you know it wasn't even that hard." He laughs jokingly, walking off upstairs to shave and get ready. Rover looks at him with what seems to be a bewildered look before crawling to Aiden's spot on the couch and curling into a ball again.
Elizabeth looked at her reflection and felt her heart ache. Scars rested all over and she had gotten so thin one could see her ribs. "Why did it come down to this? Why must it be this way?" The ache became bubbling anger and she lashed out, breaking the reflective glass and gaining cuts all over her hand and arms. She just stood among the glass shards and let the blood drip from her fingers before pulling the glass out and wrapping her hand up. She hardly felt the pain anymore beyond her barrier of numbness.
After receiving a clean shave and a new set of clothes after a fresh shower, he walks downstairs to see Rover still on the couch. Aiden smiles and laughs as he rubs Rover's stomach, making Rover reply by rolling around with his tail wagging. He goes into the kitchen to make himself a small sandwich and refilling Rover's food and water bowl, before walking out and leaving to his office. He enters his car and starts it, driving to the center.
Elizabeth tugged on a jacket, tucking her bandaged hands into her pockets. She got a reminder that she had another appointment later on in the day and grabbed the coat Aiden had loaned her before heading in, making it there just in time.

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