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One more thing...

He sits closer to her in his chair and gently rests his hands on hers on her lap, a kind look on his face. "I understand, I know how you feel completely, about digging a hole you can't leave, and the more you try, the deeper it gets." He gently takes his hand off of hers to pulls back his sleeve on his right arm, revealing a small trail of aged scars on his arm's underside.
He keeps his smile, "I've been in your position before. Now before you get any ideas of me being like those people on tv, saying that they've been in your position just to take your money, I'm nowhere close to that. All I want to do is help, its my main and only purpose to be here."
She sniffled. Oh no, here come the tears... They ran down her cheeks faster than she could wipe them away. "I just... I don't want to live like this anymore..."
He eyewidens and sits beside her, wrapping an around her and pulling out a tissue with his other hand, wiping her face gently, "Hey hey, it's okay, let it out, I'm here to listen."
She sobbed for a few minutes, whimpering quietly once she finally managed to get a grip again. She sighed. "I just... I don't even know why any of this happened... But it's getting worse and worse..."
"I keep having thoughts, nightmares, they get so bad I can't even sleep sometimes.." She whispered. "All I think about it whether or not I can take one more day... If I should kill myself or not... I'm terrified!"
He gently holds her, shushing her gently. "Shh, it's okay, it's alright. Don't worry, shh..." He gently hugs her, hoping to calm her down.
"Try to continue on, it's what you're here for, right?"

He looks at her, hoping she has calmed down.
He lets go of her gently and returns to leaving his hands on his lap, looking at her still.

"Please be alright Miss Smith."
He gently takes his hand away and nods, sighing a little, disappointed she has to leave. "Alright, I'll see you around."
He nods and returns to his seat, not noticing he even had a tiny tinge of blush on his face until he looked in the mirror.
He looks over, noticing how fast she ran out of the room. He sighs and shrugs, returning to feeding his fish.
After finally cleaning up his office, he grabs his things and proceeds to walk out. He almost forgets his wallet and walks back into his office, grabbing it. The moment he touches his wallet, he has a little flashback of Elizabeth. He smiles a little and puts it into his pocket as he walks out to his car, silently putting in the keys and drives off to his home.

The moment he walks in his house, a mildly big dog comes in and tackles him, playfully licking at him. "Haha, down Rover!", Aiden replies, laughing as he pets the playful age-ridden hound.

After feeding the dog and then finishing up his paperwork, he lies on his bed and proceeds to fall asleep before tomorrow.
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Elizabeth stayed up late, unable to sleep. After about a few hours of laying awake, she got up and went for a walk. She shakily breathed in the chilled aiir, wandering.
Aiden lies in his bed, trying to sleep, however his dog keeps waking him up. Annoyed, he walks to the front door and opens it out, letting Rover go off doing his own business. As he watches the dog disappear and wait for him to return, he looks over the distance to see a shadow walking among the darkness, Aiden can't help but call out to it.

"Hey! Hello? Are you alright?"

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