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One more thing...

As Aiden rolled to the side and she got up, his phone can be heard ringing aloud among the various books, papers and notes on his work desk.
Elizabeth smiled as she picked it up and left the room. "You've reached the phone of Aiden Reece. He's taking a much-needed nap right now, but I'll be glad to take a message!" She chirped.
A hearty chuckle is heard on the other side of the cellular device, "Aiden's almost always taking naps. How are you Elizabeth? It's James and Sarah here, we got your pictures so we're just hoping the girls aren't much trouble."

In the living room, Amy and Leah's voices can be heard whispering, watching the television at low volume.
"Oh no! They're such darling little girls... You should be proud of how well they behave. Really, thank you for letting us watch them," she said with a giggle. "Do you want me to bring the phone down to them so you two can say hi?"
With brightened faces, they look at Elizabeth with curiosity, running over to her as they put their faces close to the phone. "Mommy? Daddy?", they both ask aloud near the microphone. Another laugh is heard on the other end. "You girls get smarter by the second", said James as Sarah's soft laugh is heard.
"We're having a lot of fun daddy!", said Leah aloud. Amy giggled, "Uncle Aiden and his friend Elizabeth are awesome!" "That's really great sweetheart", replied James with a smile heard from his voice. "We'll be back in a few more days girls!", said Sarah aloud.
"We have to go, we'll see you two soon!", exclaimed James and Sarah. "Bye!", replied Leah and Amy together as they shut off the phone and closed it with bright smiles.
They gladly returned the smiles as they walked over and pushed the phone into her hands and hugged her waist tightly.
As the girls giggled and let go of her, returning to watching the television, a groan is heard as Aiden sat up, wiping his eyes.
He smiled as he stretched, seeing her walk in he patted the spot beside him, "Of course I did, but I was missing a valuable asset."

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