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Fantasy Once Upon a Time : Death of Dreams



The following is a list of recommended fairy tales and characters available to play. Remember that they are lost in the modern day. Some of them remember their stories and some don't -- it's your choice. Please remember to put a modern day twist on them. You can also play a normal human character. It's your choice. Please make sure you ask before you take a role to make double sure it's not taken. If you don't see a fairy tale character you'd like to play, please suggest them!

  • Peter Pan
    - Peter Pan
    - Captain Hook
    - Tiger Lily
  • Frankenstein
    - Dr. Frankenstein - Taken by Senpai Stalker
    - "The Monster Frankenstein" - Taken by Senpai Stalker
    - Igor
  • Alice in Wonderland
    - Alice
    - The White Rabbit
    - The Mad Hatter
    - The Queen of Hearts
    - The March Hare
    - The Cheshire Cat
  • Cinderella
    - Cinderella
    - Prince Charming
    - The Fairy Godmother
    - The Evil Stepmother
    - The Ugly Stepsisters - One Taken by Haley
  • Beauty and the Beast
    - Beauty
    - The Beast
    - Gaston
  • The Little Mermaid
    - The Little Mermaid
    - The Prince
    - The Sea Witch
  • Thumblina
    - Thumblina
    - The Fairy Prince
  • Rapunzel
    - Rapunzel
    - The Evil Witch
    - The Blind Prince
  • The Polar Bear King
    - The Princess of the North
    - The Polar Bear King
  • Hansel and Gretel
    - Hansel
    - Gretel
    - The Sweets Witch
  • Snow White
    - Snow White
    - The Evil Queen - Taken by Senpai Stalker
    - The Prince
    - The Seven Dwarfs
    - The Huntsman
  • Sleeping Beauty
    - Sleeping Beauty
    - The Prince
    - Maleficent
    - The Three Good Fairies
  • Little Red Riding Hood
    - Red Riding Hood
    - The Wolf
  • The Snow Queen
    - The Snow Queen
    - The Snow Princess
  • Swan Lake
    - The Swan Princess
    - The Prince
    - The Black Swan
    - Rothbart
  • Anastasia
    - Anastasia - Taken by Senpai Stalker
    - Rasputin - Taken by Senpai Stalker



[insert Character Picture Here / Centered, please!]

Name: (Full name)



Hair: (Describe texture, appearance, style, etc.)

Hair Color:



Body Type:

Fairy Tale: (What fairy tale are you from?)

Fairy Tale Character: (What character are you from that fairy tale?)

Appearance: (Describe their appearance beyond their picture. Do they have scars? Tattoos? Etc?)

Biography: (Give us a small summary of their original story. Tell us what they're doing now that Peter has disappeared and they're on Earth. Do they know that they're a fairy tale character? What are their goals? Tell us about them beyond their original story. You can personalize them here and make them your own. Be creative and put your own twist on them!)

Extra Notes:
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Name: Anastasia Tremaine​

Age: Her fairy tale is as old as 1697 but she looks about 22

Gender: Female

Hair: Long and curly, perfect in every way.

Hair Color: Red

Eyes: Brown

Height: 5'9

Body Type: Perfect

Fairy Tale: Anastasia and the others- okay fine, Cinderella.

Fairy Tale Character: One of the step-sisters.

Appearance: She has no tattoos, she prefers to keep her skin clean and "flawless", no scars and barely a freckle anywhere despite her red hair.

Biography: Once upon a time there were two beautiful young girls, Anastasia being the better looking of the two, who got everything they wanted. Their mother would do anything for them, especially spoil them. Anything they wished they would have, new dresses, shoes, jewelry, pastries, anything! They lived in the lap of luxury lapping up every fine item they could get their hands on, but alas... eventually the money began to dwindle, such is life whenever it's all play and no work.

Lucky for them, their mother married a handsome rich man and BAM they were back into the lap of luxury- except not because they had to share it with their new step-sister, Ella. She was a total daddy's girl who was super sweet and sugary and never asked for anything, but was always given everything and Anastasia hated her. She hated the way her blond hair always looked great even when it was a mess. She hated the way she could walk into a room and all the eyes would immediately go to her as she glided through like a weightless fairy. She especially hated how she could sing anything and hit all the notes without flaw. Everyone loved Ella and it was as if Suddenly Anastasia and her sister, Drusilla, were placed on the back corner. The only one who still showed them the same amount of attention and affection was their mother who seemed to hold the same distain for Ella as her daughters did. Much to the three ladies misfortune it seemed as if this would be their new life, second hand luxury in the shadow of a young perfect girl that everyone loved more than them.

Then the unexpected happened. The handsome rich man fell ill and soon after passed away. the sister's mother inherited all the money and yay, the girl's were back in the spotlight! The only problem was that they still had to take care of their step-sister, Ella. Thankfully, that wasn't a problem for long, they made good use of their step-sister. Turns out she was just as talented at cleaning, washing, cooking and tailoring! It wasn't long before Anastasia and her sister gave their step-sister the affectionate name of Cinderella and It stuck. Then the rest was history, there was a ball, Cinderella snuck in, showed them up and married the Prince all within like 3 days. They thought that would be the end, sure they were embarrassed at the fact that their "mistreated" step sister ended the breadwinner and becoming the princess of their kingdom but hey- at least for the most part they were left alone to live fairly harmoniously with just the three of them and what riches were left after Cinderella's speedy move out to the castle.

Usually the tale just kind of ends there though, everyone lives relatively happily ever after and the book is closed, so you can imagine the surprise when the small family of three woke up one morning far, far away from their perfect fairytale home and suddenly on the outskirts of a small town in 21st century, United states of America, at a gas station. The scene went a little something like this:

Anastasia halfway opened her perfect, crust covered eyes and let out an ungodly noise that would rival a demon as she stretched and nearly cracked every bone in her perfect body. She lazily sat up and squinted into the blinding sunlight as she ran a hand through her completely tangled hair and let out a very unladylike belch as she ignored the fact that what appeared to be a mosquito escaped her maw and nearly fell dead in mid flight away from her terrible morning breath.

it took the young lady a few moments longer than she'd ever admit to anyone that she was not in her plush, four poster bed in her adorable cottage that she shared with her mother and sister, but was in fact, outside, on the ground next to an odd painted stone building that smelled terrible. She smacked her dry lips a few times as she looked around their surroundings, the quizzical expression intensifying with every inch her eyes explored. Then suddenly her wide moth opened and let loose a loud, ear-piercing shriek.

"MOTHERRRRR!" She gasped for breath and frantically looked around for her family, but found herself alone.

A ding to her left rang, and what appeared to be a glass door opened up and out walked a ridiculously dressed, and dirty man who was holding some device in his hands. "It's okay! The police are on their way! Are you okay?!" The man yelled and held the device to his ear.

"WHAT? WHO ?!WHAT!?" Anastasia screamed as She clumsily climbed to her feet.

"Whoa, just calm down, are you hurt? How did you get here? Are you drunk?" The man looked concerned and just as confused as she was.

Anastasia kept screaming and looked down at herself, frantically moving the ruffles of her party dress she had fallen asleep in the night before to check for any injuries. "NO, I'M FINE HOW DID I GET HERE?! WHERE IS HERE?!" She screamed, forgetting how to control the volume of her voice.

The man gave her a deeper concerned and confused face as he struggled to find the words to say. "I-uh...You-you're in Roanokee, s-southside of Renkshaw." He said, a southern accent shining through his thick nervousness.

Anastasia's mouth fell open in a dramatic show of complete and utter shock. "WE'RE IN BLOODY WHERE?!" She shrieked.

Needless to say, adjustment to life on Earth hasn't been easy for Anastasia. she's been on Earth for almost 5 months, unable to find her mother and sister, moving around, taking random odd jobs and trying to locate her family while also surviving as fabulously as she possibly can. At the moment she find herself in a bustling Metropolis city that she often forgets the name of, in a tiny apartment and working all kinds of jobs to live.

She's still not entirely sure what has happened to her, only that in this world her story is just make believe to almost everyone and the more she adjusts to her new life, the more wrong she feels.

Extra Notes: N/A
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CelestialBunny, I'm sorry, but your pictures don't go with our rules. Anime only, please.

Also, we need to work on those bios. But I'll explain more when I'm off work.
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Mm'kay. I'm home now so we can get this semi-sorted. I'm tired, so I'll try and keep it short before I nod off and don't make any sense. So to first address: this is not a Disney roleplay. So "Tangled" doesn't count as a fairytale. However, the original Brothers Grimm tale of "Rapunzel" does. So no pictures from Disney movies, no Disney movie references, names, etc. So let's scrap all that and start over.

Also, please no "will finish laters." This is for everyone. It is -- or should be -- in the rules. Please finish in full before you submit. I've seen way too many people just "forget" to finish it. If it's not in the rules, I'll put them in there in the morning.

I should have put my characters up before opening the roleplay so everyone had an example. I'm sorry. My fault. I'll get it done first thing in the morning with me coffee.
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Yes it does, just like the leaving your CS as a work in progress thing she said applied to me as well.

Rosalynn Berube

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Rosa.jpg.54c9d7339db6525f1ab44b3aa9f10ec2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78496" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Rosa.jpg.54c9d7339db6525f1ab44b3aa9f10ec2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Rosalynn.jpg.6fe20c68f396315a0430eec94f40fb15.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="78497" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/Rosalynn.jpg.6fe20c68f396315a0430eec94f40fb15.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: (Full name) Rosalynn Berube

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Hair: Short/medium thick wavy hair, normally messy, but it looks pretty nice when she bothers to style it.

Hair Color: Brown, with honey brown natural highlights.

Eyes: Green (Forest Green, almost verging on a pale brown)

Height: 5'8

Body Type: Very tall and thin, almost to the point of perhaps being emaciated, but not quite.

Fairy Tale: Beauty and the Beast

Fairy Tale Character: Beauty

Appearance: Rosalynn is tall, skinny as a rail, and naturally gorgeous. She doesn't put a lot of effort into her appearance, yet somehow her noble destiny as a true Beauty shines through, no matter what she wears or when the last time she used a hair straightener was. Sure, sometimes she looks like she hasn't slept for a week (because she hasn't) but you don't have to look at her twice to see the echo of beauty that she might possess if she took care of herself. She looks cute when she wears her thick red glasses, but then she swaps them out for contacts her face gains a more elegant beauty. She bears no scars, but she has a tattoo swirling up her wrist, a quote from Stephen Chobsky's The Perks of Being a Wallflower: "We accept the love we think we deserve"


The tale as old as time doesn't really bear telling again, but since there are many different versions, I'll write down the details of the one Rosalynn is from: A poor inventor, desperate to sell his latest invention and gain some financial care for his daughter, invades the home of the Beast, and is Imprisoned there. Beauty offers herself in exchange for her father, and takes up residence in the ancient castle. Slowly, through her stubborn nature, kind heart, and refusal to accept him as the cruel monster they claim to be, she warms the Beast's heart, and slowly but surely, the two fall in love. When her father lies ill, Beauty leaves the castle to aid him, and finds herself in a forced arrangement with a local town Leader (Gaston's character), who refuses to give her father medical aid unless she agrees to their proposal. She flees to the Beast to see them one last time and perhaps confess her love to them before her life is ruined by her forced marriage.The Leader attempts to murder the beast out of jealousy and fear, but Beauty prevents them from doing so, and together, the lovers overcome him. When Beauty reveals her love to the Beast, they are restored to their true form.

On Earth, things are a bit different:

Rosalynn is a busy pregraduate student trying to get her Honors Degree in English. She has no memories of her fairy tale, other than a few vague dreams she can't remember in the morning. As far as she knows, she is but a regular college student trying to make ends meet and become a High School English Teacher.

Between classes and her job at the local library, she takes care of her ailing father, a scientist more interested in research than actually selling anything. What free time she has is used to read anything she can get her hands on, from books, to comics and manga, to visual novel video games. She's passionate about stories, and often feels herself connected to tales where a girl changes a troubled man into an ideal lover.

She leads her life in a strange balance of working hard to satisfy herself with this reality, and dreaming and imagining something more. She knows hard work is the only way to get what she wants, but she can't help but wish for a grand adventure like those in her stories.

Sometimes she's a bit too romantic, however, and while she dreams of a fairy tale life, reality is rarely so kind. She can be pretty naive at times, and for some reason, can't seem to stop putting her faith in other's people's words. Her inability to see the bad in people has led to many an awkward date and stolen paper, and yet, she can't seem to figure out when to trust someone and when not to.

Extra Notes: I'm willing to play Rosalynn as any sexuality, and I have no qualms about her not ending up with the Beast Character. Any of the above details can be changed/tweaked to fit with the story or with other characters, as needed.



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