On the Hunt

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Ilyeria laughed. "how easily you forget Saxis" she stood up walking closer "Lily has had my crystal since I was her, you were with me." she smirked and saw Michael appear. "it took her longer than I thought." she bent down next to Lily "is your head burning yet?"

Adriana shook her head, "what do you get out of this? Why ruin Lilys mind?"

Ilyeria smirked and looked at Adriana "to ruin a life, to destroy my old shell, I can't leave it just walking around."
Saxis glared at Ilyeria " your the shell Ilyeria.. your a weak demon and always will be.. " he glared at her sensing Roxas enerfy surrounding them " i take it you met Roxas.. i hope he gave you both hell.

Michael grinned evily " not in the least.. he was strong but hes dead.. like all the mortals we killed.. now on to important matters.. " he laughed " hurry up end that miserable girl.. she out lived her purpose love..
Ilyeria shook her head "no this one goes slow, it's slowing rotting her brain until she dies." she laughed. "I only came to watch."

Adriana closed her eyes, but didn't say a word as she dropped the barrier spell.

Lily stood up and glared at Ilyeria "you bitch" her eyes were blood red, the spells taking a toll on her brain made her hungry, made her go a little crazier. She rushed at Ilyeria the power surging through her, she had fire in her hands as she punched Ilyeria.
Michael saw that Ilyeria got punched and he then he quickly jabbed both swords into Saxis penatrating his chest as he glared at him " you will pay for that Lily!!! " he then pulled his blades out as Saxis fell forward and was on the ground. " cant have him causing hell.. " he then glared at Adriannas he was about to strike her down.
Lily looked over seeing Saxis, smelling his blood, she ran to him and started feeding, she was biting like a rabid dog.

Adriana sighed "oh shit"

Ilyeria didn't even get fazed by the hit and she looked over at Lily. "oh a bit hungry are we?" she laughed, "kill him, feed off him until he dies"

Adriana smelled Saxis' blood it smelled delicious but she had restraint. She put up her hands creating a barrier around herself. Then she started chanting, trying to break Lily free of the bloodlust, the pain, anything to make her stop and focus on Michael or Ilyeria.
Michael grinned evily as he walmed towards the girl " you see you wont win here today.. " he laughed as he turned to see Saxis get fed on.

Saxis eyes shot open and he grabbed Lily by the throat to stop her from feeding on him and he stood up and wrapped his arms around her to hold her back " im going to rip both of you to shreds for hurting my Lily
Lily pulled back from Saxis, stoping for the first time. She looked at Saxis "let go" she said calmly, as she pushed away from him, with help from Adrianas magic. She turned to face Ilyeria and Michael. "do you know what's good for a vampire when they're dying?" she smirked "you fucked up Ilyeria, I had no memories of being a vampire yet I fed, because Saxis is tasty, you actually snapped me back here." she looked at Adriana "I'm going to need backup." she started chanting calling in lighting she surrounded herself with it and made it attack Michael and Ilyeria. Adriana changed her chanting and helped making Lilys spell stronger. Both of their magic was attacking them.

((I g2g need sleep bad sorry gotta go to work erly))
(( kk get some good rest goodnight and sweet dreams ))

Michael glared at Lily and saw the lightning and with his blades he stood infront of the lightning using his blades to absorb the lightning. He glared at then using all the energy he could to hold it back glaring at them " i will slaughter you all. " he yelled holding the lightning back.
Adriana raised her hands, as books went flying off the shelves going after them. This wasn't good, they were no match for both of them. Saxis and Lily were both already hurt, and Adriana wouldnt have much magic left.

Lily saw the books heading towards them and decided to move to send a Shockwave at them instead hoping to catch them off guard.
Michael slashed all the books with great speed and he grinned evily shaking his head. But he was caight off guard by the shockwave sending him back alittle " why dont you guya just accept it and die already.

Zero appeared in front of Michael kicking him back and he glared at Michael " because we never give uo thats why. " a smirk formed on his lips
Adriana smiled when Zane appeared. She was going to need all the help she could get. "leave now Michael" she started doing habdsigns making the ground under them quake and eat like quicksand

Lily was in pain, her head was still a little hazy, and her vision blurring. She couldn't stay focused enough to chant.
Michael glared at them being outnumbered annoyed him. He held his blades forward at them. " got to many pests her Love.. what do you want to do?

Zero glared at him and shook his head " leave now or you two will die..
back after her mind is gone." she smirked. And in a puff of purple smoke she was gone.

Lily after Ilyeria left collapsed, falling to her knees, then flat on her face.

Adriana sighed in relief then went over to Lily "Saxis are you conscious?" she was unsure if he got knocked out or not since he was bleeding. "I need to work fast but I'm not even sure I know how to fix her
Michael grinned evily and vanished with Ilyeria and he then appeared back home woth her " seems you got what you wanted love.

Saxis rushed towards Lily and started to give her energy placing his hand on her head " i dont know what to do
((wtf just realized it deleted some of my Ilyeria haha))

Adriana shook her head, "I'll try what I can" she was trying to think of anything to help. "Zero thanks for coming to our rescue" she smiled "Saxis find me the crystal I had planted on Lily, I'm going to need it." Adriana placed her hand on Lily's forehead, her hand was glowing blue. "memories are tricky, I tend not to mess with memory magic"

Ilyeria smirked "I couldnt let someone have fragments of my memories." she smirked "that bitch will die soon" she laughed.
(( lol aww ))

Saxis nodded and rushed quickly to the library room and found the cryatal she gave her. He rushed quickly back and he then kneeled next to her and handed it to her " please save her ..

Zero nodded and smiled " no problem " he then slightly looked down " im just glad i got here in time.. " he sat down next to Adrianna and sighed shaking his head.

Michael grinned evily and nodded " yes. Im glad thats one oest out of the way " he pulled ber close to him " now what to do love..
Adriana took the crystal and whispered into it, it glowed and then looked faded. She then pulled away slowly like it was a struggled pulling memories out of Lilys mind and transferring them to the crystal. You could see the path of memories, it was time consuming, and Adriana was shaking trying to be delicate one wrong move could mess up everything.

Ilyeria smiled and moved closer to him. "I will do whatever you like Michael." she kissed him.
Zero watched carefully with Saxis. He then slowly stood up and heaed outside of the beach house to give her room and to concentrate better.

Saxis sigbed and followed behind him as he made his way outside he crossed his arms " just seems like there is no break.also been meaning to ask you.. you look my father..

Zero smirked well my father is your father but mine is from the future timeline me and adrianna are from
Adriana finished and fell on her arms exhausted. She spent a few minutes sitting there, she then pulled herself up, holding the crystal in her hand, she walked out slowly to Zero and Saxis. "okay I pulled the memories and they're here in the crystal" she held it up and leaned against the house. "can someone point me in the direction of a forest or something, I can't smell anything but salt."
Zero looked over at her and nodded " sure " he walked up and placed his hands on her shoukders and then turned her towards the forest and then took her free hand and waked with her towards the forest
Adriana smiled as Zero grabbed her shoulders, and went to take a step but her knees buckled under her falling to her knees. "sorry I can't move, that took more out of me than I thought." she gripped the crystal, trying not to drop it. "Lily will awake in about an hour or so, I want to stick around make sure everything is okay." she held her head.
Zero caught her and then got in front of her and nodded letting her lean on him and picked her up carrying her on his back " dont worry i will stay too " he smiled calmly " walking with her to the forest

Michael kissed her back deeply " im thinking we go pay Jason and Scar a visit.. see if we can become allies
Adriana leaned on Zero's back, she hated being carried, it was harder to 'see' anything but she had to trust Zero, she tried to hod her breath, being this close to his neck was hard for her to resist. She was trying to tune out the noise of his heartbeat, she needed to wait until they were in the forest, until she could find food for herself.

Ilyeria smiled, "do you think that is a wise decision?" she shook her head "Scar hates me after what I did" she looked down
Michael placed his hand on her cheek " its okay obviously Jason had to have felt that power Roxas unleashed.. hes a threat.. along with all his annoying friends. For all of us to survive we will need to help each other. Plus if she tries anything i will kill her

Zero continued until they both wer in the forest he set her down and he stood in front of her " you need blood? I can get some for you
Ilyeria looked up at him when he put his hand on her cheek, she gave him a smile. "well let's go make this alliance" she leaned on his shoulder.

Adriana slowly slipped off his back standing on the ground. "no I can manage but um can you not watch me, I feel weird eating in front of people, and your blood is calling more than anything." she spread her feet further apart, getting a grip on the ground, searching for something large enough to satisfy her hunger.
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