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OldBlood [with Mena]


The Pun Tyrant
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My Interest Check
I came out of the tent, taking in the smell. Fresh blood. Coming out way. How delicious, how imprudent. If those humans knew what they were getting themselves into, they would surely duck and hide. But then how would I have my fun? What would I have for supper?

One of the generals approached me, running.

"My lord, the enemy has been spotted approaching rapidly! We are about to sound the horn." He said after bowing. I smirked. It was time.

"Sound them, and move. Leave some for me will you? I`m starving, and I wanna play a little. I`ll just get a shower first. One can`t show and kill someone else without manners, can they?" I commented. The general seemed astonished, for some reason.

"My lord, your wounds they..." He stopped as I showed him my chest. A huge scar right in middle of it was quickly fading, leaving a trail of black smoke as it disappeared, leaving my body as if it were untouched. "Very well, my lord. We`ll meet in the battlefield."

I smiled again and moved inside my tent. There was this large bucket, large enough to fit a person, covered with a sheet in the middle of it. I removed the sheet and stepped inside, the blood coming out of the bucket from the excess of volume.
I watched as one of the human villages burnt down to the ground. My master, Klaus, was talking with the other vampires about what to do with the hostage. The hostsage was a little girl no older than 6 in human years, she was holding a teddy bear. Master whispered into my ear and told me to kill her.

They filled out of the room, leaving me with my meal to be. I grabbed her neck then squeezed the life out of her. I heard her gasping and struggling for air, then a loud poping sound echoed. I had snapped her neck by accident I realised. I tossed her head back then sinked my teeth in her, a warm flow of blood dripped into my mouth.

'So good. Who thought humans tasted so good?' I thought, draining the dead corpse of the girl then walked out the room.
As expected, the battle had begun by the time I had come of my tent again. Also as expected, the humans were loosing. Not only did we have superior numbers and more powerful bodies, we had necromancy among many other abilities to strengthen our army. It was time to fight and beat the humans. I jumped down the hill myself, feeling the thirst for the delicious blood I was being offered.

Our lines advanced, well and we nearly had the human army surrounded. It was strange to see the humans confused by how their swords didn`t seem to hurt me for long, and I removed their ugly heads with a smile and a stroke of my blade. Didn`t they know we were superior. Well, clearly not.

And then, suddenly, I start hearing screams coming from our own army. Something was wrong. My smile only grew. That was interesting! I ran, trying to figure out what was going on. I saw dozens, no, hundreds of my kin lying on the ground, grabbing their own necks as if chocking. It was strange, as not a single human was visible from there. Even their scent was further away than it should be for them to have done that work.

The screams surrounded me. More and more units were dying out mysteriously. My smile finally faded. I gave the order to push forward. Maybe if we could clear the threat, we could end it`s effect. And yet, our troops couldn`t get close. Fire rose to the sky every time a vampire approached the enemy lines and exploded. I growled and decided it was over. We`d have to rethink our strategy: I ordered our retreat. Still, it was too late.

The humans chased us down, and on that very day, nearly every vampire in existence was dead. Humans took over our territory.
Choas erupted in our camp, the humans that we had driven off earlier were back but this time something about them was off. I growled as they parked thier lousy army outside OUR base, who do these humans think they are?! 'Besides that, where was the front lines army, did they take them out?! No, our kin wouldnt meet death from mere humans already.' I smirked at the thought, watching all the soilders prepare for battle. "Stay here, Mena. You arent ready to fight yet." My master spoke to me, as he was lacing up his boots.

"Aye, sir. I wish you the best of luck in sending the enemy to hell!" I spoke out, letting everyone hear me. They shouted the same thing back, it was kinda of our motto, then ran out to confront the enemy. Master soon ran out to fight too, thats when I heard it. It was a screech of some sorts, it came from outside and grew in numbers. I decided to take a peek to see what was going on, I instantly regretted it.

I saw the dead bodies of all the men and woman vampires here even my Master's. I ran to him and crouched down, shaking him, telling him to get up. He looked at me and smiled weakly saying, "Make sure, you survive another day." He gasped out in pain then burned up, not moving at all anymore. I grabbed his burnt hand and started to cry,drawing attention to myself. I saw the humans start to run at me, so I started to run away, away from the bloodbath of the former base.
5 months later

War is never a peaceful thing. War is never free. War takes everything away from you. But this was the first time I couldn`t get it back. I entered a bar, a most disgusting place. It didn´t just reek of human., but also of their horrible beverages. Only the nobles amongst humans still drank wine. Instead, all the lowlife soldiers had reduced themselves to drink this thing, this "bear". I drank it too, just to avoid being discovered for the vampire that I really was. Not that`d I`d care about it anyway. Whatever weapon or sorcery humans had that they used to destroy our armies, it wasn`t in use anymore. In the very least, not among the common people. As for real nourishment, well, humans killed each other anyway. If I could disguise my work as a human murder, I could pass by unnoticed.

I moved along, and took a seat. Large, fat, juicy humans laughed and drank and made drunk jokes about our kind, like to we use to do about theirs. I had to admit, even our jokes seemed a lot less funny now that I hadn`t seen another living vampire for months. As far as I knew, my powers might have been the only reason I managed to survive thus far.
12 months later

I looked up at the stars and wondered if I was being forsaken by the big guy himself. I have been on the run for a couple months now, living in this small cave. The humans haven't discovered that I am here, which is good. The air near here is poisonous, being a vampire makes me have a stronger sense of immunity, so I am safe for now. All I have now is a small picture box, some blankets, a water bottle, a pillow and just myself. Its been about a year since everything Ive cared about was ripped from me, I'm still trying to get over it. The humans....don't they have enough?! but yet they always want more and more...that's what I hate about their race. At least vampires don't try to make things go extinct but we try to leave at least a couple of their species intact.
The scared human backed against the wall, shaking, trembling before the death of his companions.

"Weren`t you yourselves who said that there`s nothing more dangerous than an injured animal?" I asked, showing him how my wounds were starting to close again. I smirked at his face of terror, as I pulled out my sword again and shoved into his chest. I removed one of those metal bottles human had come up with (one of the few good things they had actually ever made) and I placed it under the human`s wound as I pulled out my blade. Blood flowed into the bottle, allowing me to store it for when I needed. I had been doing this for a while now, and this metal bottles didn`t show anything that was inside. So, I could use them to disguise what I was drinking. I sometimes spilled a bit, of course. But I used those times to re-fill.

I continued to climb the mountain, now on my own. There a tiny cave in there, in which I decided to rest. But wait...what was that I smelled? I rushed over to the cave, confirming my suspicions: there was another vampire in there. I bared my fangs, showing her what I was.
I looked up and saw a human but wait, humans don't have fangs....

Realization hit my face as I jump up, hugging the vampire. "Sorry if this is uncomfortable, but its been so long since I've seen another vampire besides myself." I apologized, and stopped hugging him. I sat on the cave floor and stared up at him eagerly to find out where he had came from. "So where are you from?" I tried to make some small talk too sooth the awkward silence.
For a few moments, I couldn't do anything but stare, awkwardly. The other vampire had just hugged me. I smiled nervously and patted the vampire on the head as she apologized.

"That`s ok. I haven`t seen another of our kin myself in this last months. After the war." I said, my eyes going down to the ground. I fell silent again. Then I rose my eyes. "Same place as you, probably. The kingdom. I come from the eastern mountain region. My name is Fanris Cleaver. Nice to meet you."

I reached out a hand for shaking.
"My name is Mena Hastu, I'm from the northern region, nice to meet you too." I smiled, shaking his hand. "So how did you get up here, most humans and vampires cant climb up here at night or day, huh?" I asked nervously.
"Humans don`t respect their boundaries. They attempted to get up here and I thought it`d be a good chance to stock up some blood without getting noticed. Then I smelled you, and just rushed here." I replied with a large smile. "And you? How did you survive all this time? As far as I know, I`m the only vampire with phoenix blood...so how did you survive? Even our strongest comrades fell to those foul human tricks."
"Well I don't know, I passed out one day in a forest and then boom, I'm up here." I said, rubbing my head trying to think. " I didn't think anyone survived what happened a year ago...but I'm really glad that I'm not alone." My eyes had a hint of sadness and regret.
I placed my hand on her head, rubbing it with a reassuring smile.

"Don`t worry, you`re not alone. I didn`t think anyone else was alive besides me, until I met a few pals of mine in the early months. After we got separated, I didn`t see any other vampire till today." I replied. After that I took out the metal bottle and offered it to my companion. "From what you told me, humans haven`t managed to come here. You must be thirsty, starving. Have some blood, I have more than enough. Beside, I`m far harder to kill than I look."

I headed and sat down on the rock. What now? I had managed to find an ally. Did that change anything? How would I know? Probably not, since we were still only two...and besides the humans might sill have that weapon of theirs, hidden somewhere.
"Thank you." I took the metal bottle from him, then put the small container to my lips. The blood formed down my throat, quenching my thirst for just a little while. I didn't drink all of it because I wanted to be fair, so I handed him back the container.

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