Other Oka... save me, The all out discussion.

Bob Brawler

Riddle Me this


Soo, here is the deal. I'm at work... Chat not working, bored AF!...

Ill drop a few questions here that you can answer, I will answer them all in the duration of the next hour and a half.

Some question I've seen around ill add a twist of my own to them. (and add your own if you want to.)


  1. What is your perfect sandwich?
  2. What was the anime/movie that touched you the most?
  3. What are your thoughts about the new chat system?
  4. Any current addiction?
  5. (bit weird one) Have you ever tried Drugs... mhm, if so what was your first experience?
  6. Any favorite cocktail or soft drink?
  7. Etc... more to come.

(( or if you know any good forum games you can put here.))
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  1. I would say that it would be a big baguette, with some fresh lettuce, onions, tomatoes and some pickles which all act as a bed to some honey pastrami with pesto sauce on the side.
  2. em, it would be a little not so well known anime called "Air Gear" so much that I even got a tattoo of the main crew on my arm.
  3. i kri evri tayme. It wont work on my work Pc, so im a bit on the Nty side...
  4. I'm a smoker... (I know its bad) and im really addicted to a game called PayDay 2.
  5. I tried a bong once.... Nothing much happened was bit disappointed, never tried more after that.
  6. A Mojito FTW!!
    ((this took alot less time then expected...))
1. My perfect sandwich? It would be one with lots of meat, some cheese, lettuce, onions, and mayo!

2. That honor goes to The Lion King! It's one of my favorite movies!

3. Meh, I'm indifferent to it. I don't use the chat much.

4. I'm actually addicted to typing out tidbits of the stories in my head!

5. Nope, I've never tried any drugs.

6. I do love red pop!
1~ My perfect sandwich... Spicy vietnamese chicken sandwich (five spiced chicken, pickled vegetables, mayonnaise, letuce, jalapeno pepper, cucumber).

2~ Tokyo ghoul... the feels.

3~ None really, haven't been a member of this site for so long.

4~ Sushi.

5~ Nope.

6~ Safari orange for the moment.
  1. Perfect sandwich? Smoked salmon, jalapenos, veggie cream cheese, spinach, vinegar, and sliced tomato on an fresh Everything bagel.
  2. Contact followed by Close Encounters
  3. I'm banned from the chat so I don't have any.
  4. Velveeta mac & cheese and Titanfall, if we're talking about safe, legal addictions.
  5. Oh yes. I've had many things. I'd rather not discuss my experience in a public, PG13 forum though. Haha.
  6. Favorite cocktail is a screwdriver.
1. My perfect sandwich: Avocado, alfalfa sprouts, tomatoes, lettuce and mustard. It sounds disgusting but it's actually quite amazing.

2. The Fall. It's a great movie if you haven't seen it.

3. Eh. I'm new, so.

4. Sleeping.

5. Yep. It was at a small party.

6. I don't have a preference.

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