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Realistic or Modern Oh my butler/maid ! [ooc]

I'm still in. I should be able to write up my character sheet tonight.
Still in! However, I'm not 100% sure if I can make the deadline for this Sunday. Have some family obligations over the weekend, so I probably won't be able to finish my CS if I don't get a lot of my CS done after my exam today. ; v ;
Still in! However, I'm not 100% sure if I can make the deadline for this Sunday. Have some family obligations over the weekend, so I probably won't be able to finish my CS if I don't get a lot of my CS done after my exam today. ; v ;
No problem. Even though it's started, I'll make sure not to go too far ahead. ^^
o-oh...I thought we were choosing our partners based on compatibility whoops :'D

Edit: 1hour before my execution >__<;;
o-oh...I thought we were choosing our partners based on compatibility whoops :'D
Heheh, I'm kind of being a mastermind behind the pairings, mainly because I don't want people to just stick with their friends but actually go out and interact with everyone [seen it happen before].

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