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Fantasy Of The Elements (Characters)


River Rose

RIP Avicii 1989-2018
(Faceclaim optional)
-Element (if any)-
-Physical Description (if no faceclaim)
-Extra Things-

“I feel the familiar creep of ice in my flesh. I don’t know where it comes from, only that it arrives in moments of quiet, when I’m still, when I think. When I remember all I’ve done, and what has been done to me. The ice sits where my heart should be, threatening to split me open. My arms curls around my chest trying to stop the pain. It works a little, letting warmth back into me. But where the ice melts, it leaves only emptiness. An abyss. And I don’t know how to fill it back up.” ─ Victoria Aveyard, Glass Sword
baylan abayomi
cisgender female
21 years old
emotion manipulation
skin color
dark grey
hair color
eye color

It is all too easy to judge her as someone unsavoury. On appearance alone, That ever-present sneer of hers has quickly become her trademark, and a warning towards allies and enemies alike.

They aren't entirely wrong in their judgment. Baylan, to a certain extent, is unsavoury, the potential for control over others having gone to her head.

Manipulation, at this point, comes naturally to her. Often, her first instinct in any situation is of the benefits and gains she might attain for her goals. But... she won't let anyone realise that so easily. Those that are fearful, after all, are far too erratic and unpredictable when cornered.

Thus, she chooses to foster affection and trust, and actively attempts to present herself as a safe space to those she travels with. That said, there are times when this desire to earn the favor of others may border on desperation.
Baylan and Zohar might have been twins, but the two shared little else beyond their appearance.

Baylan, for one, was a trusted figure in the community. Thanks to both her charisma and her capabilities in calming the children, she had become the de-facto caretaker and guardian for those left behind at the camp during the nightly hunts.

Zohar, on the other hand, could not be relied upon so easily, not when every swing of his mood could spread to the rest of the clan members. Without meaning to, Zohar had come to be seen as a troublemaker, one who disrupted the previously-steady routine the clan had in maintaining itself. He was a boy with grand dreams that spanned beyond the confines of their temporary camp and had a great curiosity for both the world and his role in it.

No one could stop themselves from being swept up in his shenanigans. Even Baylan, for all her supposed discipline, could not stop herself from encouraging and joining her brother in all of it.

But, then again, who could stop themselves?

Zohar was loved by the Spirit of Emotion. With their blessing, he could effortlessly pull others into his rhythm, often without his knowing. So, it wasn't all that difficult pulling Baylan along on his impromptu adventures. And, quite frankly, she enjoyed those little moments with her twin brother; it all brought a sense of novelty to her otherwise uniform life.

Unfortunately, however, a particular adventure displaced the twins from their home. While the two were out exploring ruins one night, the two were taken by orcs from a larger clan.

Kidnappings were not at all uncommon in the snowy taigas the twins had called their home. Labor was often in great demand, especially with the well-established tribes who found their fortune in the mines. Aside from that, orcs in that area were usually unlikely to make any attempts at reclaiming their kin, not whe the effort itself could cost them far more than what they could gain. As always, survival of the whole tribe must be prioritised over a couple of children, after all.

Baylan, who believed that the clan had no choice, sought to acclimate and adapt to her new life. Her brother had a different perspective and a different conclusion.

Zohar resisted this new way of life, believing it to be far more stifling than their life before. Forced to work in the mines until disease or fatigue took them was no way to live. Escape was the only viable option. So, after recruiting a few other miners to his cause, Zohar pleaded with Baylan, to discard her complacency and to aid them in planning their escape. And, like always, she's pulled into her brother's rhythm.

In the end, Baylan failed to escape, but it wasn't all in vain. Since the escape, she's risen in status within her clan, and strangely enough, has the Spirit of Emotion's blessing, a boon once reserved for her twin. That she has this power has troubling implications.


If she so chooses, she is capable of inducing emotions into others. However, doing so risks detection. Should this act be noticed by the receiver, the emotion dies down at an alarming rate, with her abilities rendered null against them for some time. (Ie. She forces happiness into someone. This person quickly realises that this feeling of happiness was manufactured. Thanks to this knowledge, the feeling quickly loses its hold on them and dissipates.)

Though there exists the potential of inducing emotions within others, her greatest strength (and preferred method) lies in manipulating the intensity of existing emotions. (Ie. small bouts of displeasure could be exacerbated into direct hostility, ecstasy could be calmed back down to contentment.) In essense, she makes mountains out of mole-hills and vice-versa.

In combat, her general tactic is to divert attention away from her. She accomplishes this through psychically aggravating existing feelings of aggression towards the others to so great a degree that she would fade from the perception of her enemies.

This ability is equally applicable to her allies, as well. Baylan is capable of amplifying their aggressions to the point of berserk, leading to physical capabilities that surpass their default states for some time. The opposite can also be done, wherein Baylan can choose to, instead, weaken such emotions to lend them temporary composure.




code by @Nano
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What she looks like in her bird form ^^

Name: Skrawith Vequaniel Ersumoh
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Avian
Element: Darkness
Physical Description: Appearing human at first glance, if one looks closer they can view the avian features that tell she is not human. Her hair is a natural mix of straight and curly locks and is short to not get in her way, being rose gold in color. Light brown skin covers her body with bluish-green eyes that resemble seawater. Her feet end in talons and are scaled like a bird’s with a waxy-feather pattern on her body and large wings that extend out of her shoulders. She has hollow bones and long claws in the place of fingernails on her fingers. The waxy-feathers on her make it sensitive to touch but serve no other purpose. Her eyes are slightly bigger than a human's.
Personality: Destined to be an outcast, she found comfort in the birds around her, always doing her best to show kindness to those that shunned her and her family because of her wings. As a child, she didn't understand why others shunned her family and why they had to move from their home, it was only when she was older that she understood that it was because of her. She took solace in the darkness that enveloped her like a friend, compared to her nestmates and other age mates that were scared of the darkness and sought shelter within their homes. Unlike her age mates, she would hide within the shadows during the day spend her time staring up at the stars at night. She learned to hone her hunting and flight from the birds as she attempted to learn from those around her by listening and observing, teaching herself until her eagle teacher took her under his wings and taught her other things that were necessary for her survival, spoke to her in depth of the prophecy surrounding her which her mother had only spoken of once in her childhood. She was always an energetic child, climbing trees and taking risks which frightened some who believed highly in the prophecy and would scold the child for her daring acts or she rode the winds and soared where she could be free and see for miles due to her enhanced senses as an avian. After her teacher's death and her taking on her hawk body, she would become mute, living solely as a hawk, forgetting the prophecy. Due to her absence of human form, her voice is raspy and hoarse as she hasn't used it in years and is haunted constantly by the memories of her teacher's murder as well as the weight of the prophecy which she'd hoped to leave behind weighing upon her shoulders, even when she was a bird...it presented itself when she was a bird as a nagging feeling in the back of her mind but was overwhelmed by her more animalistic instincts as a bird.
Background: Born within the clan of Avians, neither of her parents were of a high position within the clan, however they were respected. War raged all around them, but it seemed to effect not the Avians at first, not with how far they were within the inhospitable mountains and their forests that none but they could reach. They thought they were safe but war is an ever constant thing and people who hunger for blood will find a way. When the war between the clans reached the Avians they were forced to send warriors to fight to defend their homeland, Skrawith's father being one of them. Her father was one of those who did not come back, at least not alive. When her wings finally freed themselves from their confines within her body at five years old, her wings were black overhead but had the normal gray-white on the bottom with her flight feathers being gray. Because of this, the child was ostracized from her community, forcing her, her nestmates and their mother to be displaced from their home.

The family was forced to live on the outer fringes of their society with other outcasts. Nobody wanted to play with the child due to her wings and so she sought companionship with the birds around her, feeding them and caring for those injured before releasing them back into the wild when they got better. Among the birds, at least, she earned a name for herself. A name she couldn't say was unpleasing to her, 'The Shadow Mistress' for taking in birds of all kinds and healing them, even trying to heal other outcasts and villagers alike, despite them shunning her and her family. As an outcast, she would find comfort with the birds around her that didn't judge or scorn her for her wings. From the birds she learned to fly and from an eagle avian, she would learn to heal and hunt, both as a bird and in her normal form as well. The birds and the eagle avian were her only friends and she would often be seen in the eagle avian's company. When her teacher was killed trying to protect the child from some angry mix of avian warriors and some human prisoners who had been captured sometime after her birth for trying to kill the leader of her race. It turned out this was a ruse, they were not there to kill the avian leader but to kill the avian child of a prophecy that had been foretold during her early childhood years, a prophecy which her teacher had already told her of, affecting all the clans and the natural elements of the world plus emotion.

One day she just disappeared from the village where her family had found themselves, the girl heading towards the peaks of the mountains where she hoped none would follow. It was in hopes of giving her family a chance to head back to their former home and so, she disappeared without informing anyone. It was within the mountains that she discovered the element of darkness which explained so much for her. To escape the horror of her teacher's life being taken from her, she shifted into her avian form and lived fully as a bird within the tops of the mountains. Only when she hears a voice that speaks to her, that causes her to miss some of her prey when hunting, that she resumed her regular form and dared venture from the mountains in which she lived.
Extra Things: She can turn fully into a zone-tailed hawk and communicate with birds. As for her power of darkness, she can camouflage herself in darkness and see in low-light or pitch-blackness, even as a bird. She can use darkness to attack and create little shadow creatures as needed, teleport through shadows and absorb light, create tendrils with which she can attack others but using it for a long period of time give her headaches and even put her into a coma if she uses it for a long period of time as well as manipulate the beneficial aspects of shadow and darkness.
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Elf w/control over water


Name: Nicholas
Age: 18
Species: Elf
Element: Water
Physical Description: Skinny, often forgets to eat or sleep. Normally has dark circles underneath his eyes. Scars, so many scars. Deep ones scattered across his back, lighter ones on his legs. Dark band-like scars around his wrists and ankles. A jagged lightning-shaped scar on his arm.
Personality: Rather reserved, doesn’t talk much. Can be perceived as shy, but around people who share his interests he can be very social. Self-conscious to a fault, thinks he can’t do anything right. Is prone to breaking down when the action stops. Is a sucker for affection as he has been treated with violence and indifference.
Background: The elves did not take kindly to prophecies that were not their own. So when the time came for their hero to be introduced, he was the object of their anger. His family disowned him, and he had no friends as a child of four years. Too young to understand why he suffered. As he grew, so did their fury. The elders beat him if he did not train well enough. At age fourteen, he ran away from his home in the elven woodlands. He still practiced every day, still did his best to hone his skills. But it seemed, trouble followed him everywhere. Late one night, men in dark masks broke into the inn he was staying at. They were slavers, sent to capture him and other runaways. And they succeeded. At the slave camp, Nicholas learned not to speak, but to listen. Not to act, but to watch. Not to eat without permission, or too frequently. But, like heroes always do, he escaped that horrible place. Where he is now, not even he really knows.
Extra Things: Like most young elves, he was taught the ways of the bow. He was the most skilled archer in his community, able to kill a target from miles away. His abilities with water are mostly for defense. He can create shields of solid ice, bring rain and snow, as well as control currents and even stop tidal waves. There is also a healing aspect to his powers, but it drains him quickly.​
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~Name: Avani
~Age: 18
~Species: Siren

~Element: Earth

Avani is friendly and curious about everything, however she has no sense of personal space, which makes her come up close to people and "analyze" them. A bit naive, because she does not realize that first impressions are important and they may be hostile or weirded out by her. Energetic and restless, she can't sit still for too long and always has to be busy with something. Very stubborn, if she doesn't agree with something or get her way, she will make it known to the world. Avani is never angry or depressed for long though, preferring to distract herself or ignore certain feelings. Eager to prove herself worthy of the Earth element and fight alongside the other Chosen Ones, despite being occasionally confused about land dwellers and their cultures.

~Background: Avani never had a strong connection with water like her sisters, it was something she required to survive but treated it apathetically. Her sisters found it odd, for the spirit to bless her with an earth element as a siren. They teased her for the ungraceful way Avani moved her tail to catch up with the speed of her sisters as they glided through the water, racing each other. After that, she preferred to stay at the floor and hide away in the grasses, which grew around and concealed her when she was in danger. Or play in the sand, mesmerized by the ocean plants and the life that buried itself under the sand as she came to study it.

Avani smiled as the great kelp forests parted in her path with the wave of a webbed hand. Not even having to swim around them or struggle to push them out of the way as her sisters did. She remained on the boulders longer than sirens usually do. Accepting the risk of sun drying her up because of the way its light gleamed down on the huge rocks and made them glisten. While gazing beyond the horizon on a rock, staring at mountains in the distance, Avani knew it was time to leave. As she explained to her mother and sisters she had to abandon the ocean for her true calling, her mother nodded while her sisters wept. Avani told her goodbyes, lifted her staff, and began her journey through dangerous waters.

When she made it to land and dragged herself up onto solid ground, her tail split into two legs. Avani stood up, clicked in her language and sent a prayer to the ocean that raised her, thankful that it gave her life. She stumbled into the trees, never looking back.​

~Extra Things: Prefers to use her staff to channel her elemental ability even though the results may be weaker, it is more reliable.
Scales can turn from regular to hard as diamonds when she feels threatened.
Razor sharp teeth.
Interested in growing medicinal herbs and their purposes.
Has a soft, silvery voice. Capable of vocal replication.
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Naald Oshin
Skin Walker

Fire is energetic. It burns hot. So people with fire-based abilities typically sport an equally fiery temperament, however this is not the case for Naald - he needs to maintain his cool to keep the element from getting out of control. His quiet demeanour tends towards the brusque or outright rudeness, but if he ever shows true emotion, it's likely to be explosive in its intensity. Naald is stoic, speaking few words and instead diverting all his efforts into mastering his body and power, a task he approached seriously and dived into isolation, so even those who are relatively close to him can struggle to eke out whole sentences from him.

Background: Skin walkers rarely congregate in groups and their social circles tend to be tiny, with generous parents perhaps spending a few years teaching their kin how to use their abilities before being left to survive on their own, keeping skin walker traditions and techniques in closely knit groups that rarely shared even amongst other skin walker groups. After all how do you get to know someone when their entire race uses the forms of others to hide their own? It's not a recipe for trusting relationships and openness.

An exception was made: the child chosen by fire would rotate between various tribes and groups, each of which would impart training and knowledge of their customs onto them in order to forge the perfect amalgamation of Skin Walker prowess, however this child was forbidden to foster any close relations to prevent crossflow and contamination of ideas between groups unwittingly. It was an honour to train the warrior, taken by either the strongest or most cunning member of each group but this led to the child becoming a warrior devoid of social ability.

Between rotations, he was made to survive alone in the wilderness to enact the training he had received, as well as develop intrinsic survival capabilities of hunting, foraging, and basic combat. The boy, though capable of using his flames at range, excelled at hand-to-hand and martial combat, donning simplistic weapons and minimal clothing so he can utilise his flames at close range since his bodily constitution essentially shields him from external temperatures such as heat and cold. He carries the pelt of a juvenile bear he slew in his teens, which he uses both as clothing and so he can take its form. For similar reasons, he adorns his body with various animal hunting trophies, such as teeth, claws and feathers.
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Name: Kadelin Bright
Age: 20
Species: Human
Element: Light​

Personality: Kadelin is someone who has taken their gifted element completely to heart. Often cheerful and friendly to almost anyone he meets, Kadelin has taken inspiration from his own powers and has grown with the desire to be the bright light in the world, even giving himself the second name of Bright. He very much sees himself as a Hero, and wishes to be the epitome of such; kindness and compassion tempered with a sense of justice and the strength to resist villainy with one's own might, if it comes to that. However, he may not have the humility of a true hero, deciding to take great pride in both himself and his powers, and is unashamedly arrogent in thinking he always has the right idea, despite any evidence to the contrary. When driven to anger, usually through wounding his pride, he can sometimes forget his heroic veneer and, as some might say, allow his true self to slip out from behind his mask.


Background: When Kadelin was born, it was apparent to all that he had been blessed with the gift of light, and for such a blessing to be found in one so young could only mean that destiny lay in his future. His parents, wishing the very best for him, contacted a group of monks that had dedicated themselves to the ways of Light, and asked them to take Kadelin in, to train him in all he must know for his destined future. Kadelin spent his entire upbringing amongst these monks, who taught everything that he knows, but most importantly they taught him how to use his gift of Light. While they did value the ways of Light, they also understood that such power should not be solely relied upon, and so they taught him their ways in martial arts, eventually deciding to focus on his aptitude for the sword and shield.

The monks lived in an isolated abbey, a beautiful and peaceful place perfect for a life of quiet contemplation, but a rather lonely one for Kadelin, given he was the only child in the abbey. So, to make up for this loneliness, Kadelin developed a keen interest in other people, growing extrovert where others may have embraced the solitude. Kadelin would be caught out of his room, where he would have escaped the abbey and made off to the nearby town, often to meet other children and play games with them. Kadelin would often get a scolding for these excursions, but the monks did understand his feeling and were never too harsh. Kadelin soon developed a love for meeting new and interesting people.

When Kadelin was not training or visiting the nearby town, he would enjoy the rather extensive library at the abbey, and not for the purposes of study. He became fascinated with stories, fiction and legends, usually of great heroes defeating terrible evils, much to the delight and relief of those who suffered. Kadelin grew an interest to become a hero from those stories, and tried to take what lessons he could from such stories about the virtues of being a hero. While the monks were certainly kind but firm, Kadelin understood that the monks were not heroes for they remained in their abbey, not wishing to do what heroes do. Kadelin did not resent the monks for this, but he did understand the difference between a good person and a hero.

When Kadelin finally came of age, the monks would provide one last gift for their young student, a specially commissioned set of armour with a sword and shield, along with travel clothing and a great red cape complete with a furred collar; gear worthy of a true hero. Kadelin could not have been more delighted, and spent what days he had left with his monks training with such gear, taking the best care of them. When the day finally came when Kadelin must do his duty, he was as ready as he could be, and gave his goodbyes to those he considered to be his family. After dreaming of the day he might leave for so long, it proved harder than expected to finally do it, but he did. And what awaits him in the wider world, only the spirits could know.


Extra Things: Kadelin has been trained not only to use his light powers but trained in the ways of martial arts, typically using the sword and shield whilst wearing plated armour. Not as strong or powerful as one who has dedicated themselves utterly to the ways of magic or the ways of the sword, but tends to have the versatility of both.

As for his light powers:
~ He is able to create flashes of light that produce numerous effects, from blinding opponents to providing distractions, but can also be used to envelope himself in light to give himself a holy aura as well as provide luminosity. Kadelin's aura can change colours, depending on his mood or his intentions.
~ He can use his light powers to create illusions, from mirroring or blurring himself or others to creating phantom images to trick and fool opponents, and he can even manipulate light to make it pass straight through himself or others or even objects, effectively achieving invisibility for as long as his concentration and willpower last.
~ Light can be used as a weapon, allowing Kadelin to create concentrated beams of light that can be cast upon foes, though the harm dealt will depend on the opponent. These beams can also be used to cut through material, depending on the type and thickness of the material. Kadelin can embue objects with light, harming any opponent that touches them, from weapons and armour to any other small object. Embued objects can also provide luminosity.
~ Kadelin is empowered during the day, when in direct sunlight, and is weakened at night. Starlight and Moonlight can stave off this weakness, for as long as he is directly exposed to such light.
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View attachment 790037
Name: Kadelin Bright
Age: 20
Species: Human
Element: Light​

Personality: Kadelin is someone who has taken their gifted element completely to heart. Often cheerful and friendly to almost anyone he meets, Kadelin has taken inspiration from his own powers and has grown with the desire to be the bright light in the world, even giving himself the second name of Bright. He very much sees himself as a Hero, and wishes to be the epitome of such; kindness and compassion tempered with a sense of justice and the strength to resist villainy with one's own might, if it comes to that. However, he may not have the humility of a true hero, deciding to take great pride in both himself and his powers, and is unashamedly arrogent in thinking he always has the right idea, despite any evidence to the contrary. When driven to anger, usually through wounding his pride, he can sometimes forget his heroic veneer and, as some might say, allow his true self to slip out from behind his mask.


Extra Things:
Kadelin has been trained not only to use his light powers but trained in the ways of martial arts, typically using the sword and shield whilst wearing plated armour. Not as strong or powerful as one who has dedicated themselves utterly to the ways of magic or the ways of the sword, but tends to have the versatility of both.

As for his light powers:
~ He is able to create flashes of light that produce numerous effects, from blinding opponents to providing distractions, but can also be used to envelope himself in light to give himself a holy aura as well as provide luminosity. Kadelin's aura can change colours, depending on his mood or his intentions.
~ He can use his light powers to create illusions, from mirroring or blurring himself or others to creating phantom images to trick and fool opponents, and he can even manipulate light to make it pass straight through himself or others or even objects, effectively achieving invisibility for as long as his concentration and willpower last.
~ Light can be used as a weapon, allowing Kadelin to create concentrated beams of light that can be cast upon foes, though the harm dealt will depend on the opponent. These beams can also be used to cut through material, depending on the type and thickness of the material. Kadelin can embue objects with light, harming any opponent that touches them, from weapons and armour to any other small object. Embued objects can also provide luminosity.
~ Kadelin is empowered during the day, when in direct sunlight, and is weakened at night. Starlight and Moonlight can stave off this weakness, for as long as he is directly exposed to such light.
Wow. That’s awesome. Accepted
View attachment 790037
Name: Kadelin Bright
Age: 20
Species: Human
Element: Light​

Personality: Kadelin is someone who has taken their gifted element completely to heart. Often cheerful and friendly to almost anyone he meets, Kadelin has taken inspiration from his own powers and has grown with the desire to be the bright light in the world, even giving himself the second name of Bright. He very much sees himself as a Hero, and wishes to be the epitome of such; kindness and compassion tempered with a sense of justice and the strength to resist villainy with one's own might, if it comes to that. However, he may not have the humility of a true hero, deciding to take great pride in both himself and his powers, and is unashamedly arrogent in thinking he always has the right idea, despite any evidence to the contrary. When driven to anger, usually through wounding his pride, he can sometimes forget his heroic veneer and, as some might say, allow his true self to slip out from behind his mask.


Extra Things:
Kadelin has been trained not only to use his light powers but trained in the ways of martial arts, typically using the sword and shield whilst wearing plated armour. Not as strong or powerful as one who has dedicated themselves utterly to the ways of magic or the ways of the sword, but tends to have the versatility of both.

As for his light powers:
~ He is able to create flashes of light that produce numerous effects, from blinding opponents to providing distractions, but can also be used to envelope himself in light to give himself a holy aura as well as provide luminosity. Kadelin's aura can change colours, depending on his mood or his intentions.
~ He can use his light powers to create illusions, from mirroring or blurring himself or others to creating phantom images to trick and fool opponents, and he can even manipulate light to make it pass straight through himself or others or even objects, effectively achieving invisibility for as long as his concentration and willpower last.
~ Light can be used as a weapon, allowing Kadelin to create concentrated beams of light that can be cast upon foes, though the harm dealt will depend on the opponent. These beams can also be used to cut through material, depending on the type and thickness of the material. Kadelin can embue objects with light, harming any opponent that touches them, from weapons and armour to any other small object. Embued objects can also provide luminosity.
~ Kadelin is empowered during the day, when in direct sunlight, and is weakened at night. Starlight and Moonlight can stave off this weakness, for as long as he is directly exposed to such light.
Nvm, still waiting for your background
View attachment 790375

~Name: Avani
~Age: 18
~Species: Siren

~Element: Earth

Avani is friendly and curious about everything, however she has no sense of personal space, which makes her come up close to people and "analyze" them. A bit naive, because she does not realize that first impressions are important and they may be hostile or weirded out by her. Energetic and restless, she can't sit still for too long and always has to be busy with something. Very stubborn, if she doesn't agree with something or get her way, she will make it known to the world. Avani is never angry or depressed for long though, preferring to distract herself or ignore certain feelings. Eager to prove herself worthy of the Earth element and fight alongside the other Chosen Ones, despite being occasionally confused about land dwellers and their cultures.

~Background: Avani never had a strong connection with water like her sisters, it was something she required to survive but treated it apathetically. Her sisters found it odd, for the spirit to bless her with an earth element as a siren. They teased her for the ungraceful way Avani moved her tail to catch up with the speed of her sisters as they glided through the water, racing each other. After that, she preferred to stay at the floor and hide away in the grasses, which grew around and concealed her when she was in danger. Or play in the sand, mesmerized by the ocean plants and the life that buried itself under the sand as she came to study it.

Avani smiled as the great kelp forests parted in her path with the wave of a webbed hand. Not even having to swim around them or struggle to push them out of the way as her sisters did. She remained on the boulders longer than sirens usually do. Accepting the risk of sun drying her up because of the way its light gleamed down on the huge rocks and made them glisten. While gazing beyond the horizon on a rock, staring at mountains in the distance, Avani knew it was time to leave. As she explained to her mother and sisters she had to abandon the ocean for her true calling, her mother nodded while her sisters wept. Avani told her goodbyes, lifted her staff, and began her journey through dangerous waters.

When she made it to land and dragged herself up onto solid ground, her tail split into two legs. Avani stood up, clicked in her language and sent a prayer to the ocean that raised her, thankful that it gave her life. She stumbled into the trees, never looking back.​

~Extra Things: Prefers to use her staff to channel her elemental ability even though the results may be weaker, it is more reliable.
Scales can turn from regular to hard as diamonds when she feels threatened.
Razor sharp teeth.
Interested in growing medicinal herbs and their purposes.
Has a soft, silvery voice. Capable of vocal replication.
View attachment 790041
Naald Oshin
Skin Walker

Fire is energetic. It burns hot. So people with fire-based abilities typically sport an equally fiery temperament, however this is not the case for Naald - he needs to maintain his cool to keep the element from getting out of control. His quiet demeanour tends towards the brusque or outright rudeness, but if he ever shows true emotion, it's likely to be explosive in its intensity. Naald is stoic, speaking few words and instead diverting all his efforts into mastering his body and power, a task he approached seriously and dived into isolation, so even those who are relatively close to him can struggle to eke out whole sentences from him.

Background: Skin walkers rarely congregate in groups and their social circles tend to be tiny, with generous parents perhaps spending a few years teaching their kin how to use their abilities before being left to survive on their own, keeping skin walker traditions and techniques in closely knit groups that rarely shared even amongst other skin walker groups. After all how do you get to know someone when their entire race uses the forms of others to hide their own? It's not a recipe for trusting relationships and openness.

An exception was made: the child chosen by fire would rotate between various tribes and groups, each of which would impart training and knowledge of their customs onto them in order to forge the perfect amalgamation of Skin Walker prowess, however this child was forbidden to foster any close relations to prevent crossflow and contamination of ideas between groups unwittingly. It was an honour to train the warrior, taken by either the strongest or most cunning member of each group but this led to the child becoming a warrior devoid of social ability.

Between rotations, he was made to survive alone in the wilderness to enact the training he had received, as well as develop intrinsic survival capabilities of hunting, foraging, and basic combat. The boy, though capable of using his flames at range, excelled at hand-to-hand and martial combat, donning simplistic weapons and minimal clothing so he can utilise his flames at close range since his bodily constitution essentially shields him from external temperatures such as heat and cold. He carries the pelt of a juvenile bear he slew in his teens, which he uses both as clothing and so he can take its form. For similar reasons, he adorns his body with various animal hunting trophies, such as teeth, claws and feathers.

What she looks like in her bird form ^^

Name: Skrawith Vequaniel Ersumoh
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: Avian
Element: Darkness
Physical Description: Appearing human at first glance, if one looks closer they can view the avian features that tell she is not human. Her hair is a natural mix of straight and curly locks and is short to not get in her way, being rose gold in color. Light brown skin covers her body with bluish-green eyes that resemble seawater. Her feet end in talons and are scaled like a bird’s with a waxy-feather pattern on her body and large wings that extend out of her shoulders. She has hollow bones and long claws in the place of fingernails on her fingers. The waxy-feathers on her make it sensitive to touch but serve no other purpose. Her eyes are slightly bigger than a human's.
Personality: Destined to be an outcast, she found comfort in the birds around her, always doing her best to show kindness to those that shunned her and her family because of her wings. As a child, she didn't understand why others shunned her family and why they had to move from their home, it was only when she was older that she understood that it was because of her. She took solace in the darkness that enveloped her like a friend, compared to her nestmates and other age mates that were scared of the darkness and sought shelter within their homes. Unlike her age mates, she would hide within the shadows during the day spend her time staring up at the stars at night. She learned to hone her hunting and flight from the birds as she attempted to learn from those around her by listening and observing, teaching herself until her eagle teacher took her under his wings and taught her other things that were necessary for her survival, spoke to her in depth of the prophecy surrounding her which her mother had only spoken of once in her childhood. She was always an energetic child, climbing trees and taking risks which frightened some who believed highly in the prophecy and would scold the child for her daring acts or she rode the winds and soared where she could be free and see for miles due to her enhanced senses as an avian. After her teacher's death and her taking on her hawk body, she would become mute, living solely as a hawk, forgetting the prophecy. Due to her absence of human form, her voice is raspy and hoarse as she hasn't used it in years and is haunted constantly by the memories of her teacher's murder as well as the weight of the prophecy which she'd hoped to leave behind weighing upon her shoulders, even when she was a bird...it presented itself when she was a bird as a nagging feeling in the back of her mind but was overwhelmed by her more animalistic instincts as a bird.
Background: Born within the clan of Avians, neither of her parents were of a high position within the clan, however they were respected. War raged all around them, but it seemed to effect not the Avians at first, not with how far they were within the inhospitable mountains and their forests that none but they could reach. They thought they were safe but war is an ever constant thing and people who hunger for blood will find a way. When the war between the clans reached the Avians they were forced to send warriors to fight to defend their homeland, Skrawith's father being one of them. Her father was one of those who did not come back, at least not alive. When her wings finally freed themselves from their confines within her body at five years old, her wings were black overhead but had the normal gray-white on the bottom with her flight feathers being gray. Because of this, the child was ostracized from her community, forcing her, her nestmates and their mother to be displaced from their home.

The family was forced to live on the outer fringes of their society with other outcasts. Nobody wanted to play with the child due to her wings and so she sought companionship with the birds around her, feeding them and caring for those injured before releasing them back into the wild when they got better. Among the birds, at least, she earned a name for herself. A name she couldn't say was unpleasing to her, 'The Shadow Mistress' for taking in birds of all kinds and healing them, even trying to heal other outcasts and villagers alike, despite them shunning her and her family. As an outcast, she would find comfort with the birds around her that didn't judge or scorn her for her wings. From the birds she learned to fly and from an eagle avian, she would learn to heal and hunt, both as a bird and in her normal form as well. The birds and the eagle avian were her only friends and she would often be seen in the eagle avian's company. When her teacher was killed trying to protect the child from some angry mix of avian warriors and some human prisoners who had been captured sometime after her birth for trying to kill the leader of her race. It turned out this was a ruse, they were not there to kill the avian leader but to kill the avian child of a prophecy that had been foretold during her early childhood years, a prophecy which her teacher had already told her of, affecting all the clans and the natural elements of the world plus emotion.

One day she just disappeared from the village where her family had found themselves, the girl heading towards the peaks of the mountains where she hoped none would follow. It was in hopes of giving her family a chance to head back to their former home and so, she disappeared without informing anyone. It was within the mountains that she discovered the element of darkness which explained so much for her. To escape the horror of her teacher's life being taken from her, she shifted into her avian form and lived fully as a bird within the tops of the mountains. Only when she hears a voice that speaks to her, that causes her to miss some of her prey when hunting, that she resumed her regular form and dared venture from the mountains in which she lived.
Extra Things: She can turn fully into a zone-tailed hawk and communicate with birds.
Quick question before I begin working on a response. Is water the only one that sees their spirit or do all the characters see their respective spirits?

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