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Fantasy Of steamworks and magick obscura


The Great
Classic fantasy and steampunk collide in this Rp that has been heavily inspired by, and ripped its name from the, game Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura.

For the people that never played the game, I'll explain the things that make this game unique. In this steampunk world where marvels as the steam train and zeppelins are recent developments, there is a divide between magic and science. Those who are around science a lot, work well with their inventions or products, but can't use magic at all. Healing potions, spells and magical items have less and less effect the deeper you go into science, but medicine and gadgets (like rifles) will become more useful to you.
Magic on the other hand causes nearby machines to break down, if you are a powerful sorcerer/sorceress and can't use the gadgets, because they'll fail and hurt the user. This means that they can't use small vehicles, since they have to stay away from the engine. They do have a ton of spells that are possible to be learned and magic items are more effective for them.
You see, in this world magic and science are both mystical sources that cancel each other out and this creates a hatred for each other.
Though there are those that walk the middle path, being able to take a small advantage of both sources, but not get the max out of it.

I'm currently working on a plot, but I wan't to see if there is any interest in this idea.
I'll like to see what'll happen here. Sounds interesting.
I see that "oh" and raise you an "oooooh".

I will admit that I've never played the game, although as this isn't posted in fandom I'm hoping it won't be too much of a problem if you're using to just hijack the setting/ambience. The concept of science vs magic also vaguely reminds me of the Old Kingdom books, albeit with different time periods/styles. Either way, consider me interested <:
Since it's in a generic fantasy setting, all the stereo typical races are available + some others. I won't be placing that much of a limitation on it.

And as for the plot, I do have something, but I need to find a way to get together.
Bah! Who needs gadgets and the like when you can call upon spells? Those fools should just learn their place already...

I'm quite interested in the idea. In what way are you thinking of having the players interact with the world?
How do players interact with the world? Well, I don't want to play the Game Master here, so it kinda depends on what is going on. With some things a game master will be needed and I'll play that when that time comes, but at other times? I hope that you all are intelligent enough to know what your character can or can't do.

Or did you mean it in a vague way to talk about the plot? Because then I have an idea, but am still working on a way to get people together.

Short version of the plot is: A certain dwarf clan (still unnamed) is angry with an eleven settlement and vice versa. So the dwarfs are making a tremor machine in the mountain, so that they can destroy the elves, while the elves are constantly killing and resurrecting dwarfs to thing out the population. I'm thinking a diplomatic force will be send in or multiple travelers will be caught in between the conflict.

Now criticism is not only allowed, but even requested. If enough people think it's lame, I'll scrap this plot and try again.
I was asking for both ways of interpretations in a sense, thank you for the answers.

The plot sounds like a good enough way as anything to start things off, but I do have a few questions.

1. By "resurrecting" do you mean raising dwarfs into undead? That'd be a interesting war strategy for the elves. Makes sense to, since elves typically cannot afford to have any significant number of their troops getting killed it'd be almost necessary to have some form of punching bag units to help fill numbers.

2. Do you intend for us to play the diplomatic/travelers? Or are we open to choose sides? I'm guessing the latter but I don't want to assume things.
I'll address your points in order.
1. Yes, necromancy. Nice and cheap troops.

2. Any choice is a valid one in this conflict. If you want both settlements destroyed, make it happen. You have the opinion of "To hell with this, I'm moving to Canada." it's possible. I mean with the latter you move past the bulk that I have prepared right now, but if that is what you want.

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