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Fandom Of Snakes & Ghouls // Mobius - Creza11



Three Thousand Club

. a Riverdale 1x1 between Mobius and Creza11 .
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
Gianna's day had been the same as it usually was for her. She didn't feel like anything was going to be off at all, and she didn't have any reason to. The young woman pulled up to The Whyte Wyrm a bit earlier than she normally would have, but she had things that she wanted to do and get ready before she opened up for the day. She tidied up the tables and floors before she paid more attention to the pool tables, going a few touch ups on them before putting all of the pool sticks up. Once that was done, she went ahead and looked at what they had behind the bar and what she needed to restock. She went to the basement, grabbing the bottles that she needed before she went ahead and restocked them all.

A couple of hours later, she went ahead and flipped the open sign on, knowing that their afternoon patrons would be more than pleased to be able to get their drinking on early, just like they normally did. Gianna wasn't bothered by the long hours that she got stuck with from time to time, it gave her more time to work on her craft, which is exactly what she did because any of the drink specials that they had going on were all thanks to her brilliant mind. The girl conversed with the regulars as they filtered in, making sure that they had what they wanted and needed before she moved onto the next one. She knew that the day part of her shift was the slower part, and the young woman was more than okay with that.

As it got closer to the evening, The Whyte Wyrm started to become busier than it had been all day. Gianna was used to the rowdiness of all of the Serpents who frequented the Wyrm, and Hog Eye had been very clear that they were able to be as rowdy as they wanted to be, but his staff were not to be messed with. The young woman groaned a little as she watched a couple of Serpents starting to get into it with one another, shaking her head a little before she went over to the two. "Listen up, you both know the rules! Take it outside!" She glared a little, pointing towards the door. Both of the men grumbled and did as they were told, knowing that they weren't done with anything between the two of them just yet.

Gianna went back to her position behind the bar, adjusting her hat on her head before she looked up at a rather drunk Serpent who walked up to the bar and asked for a drink. She smiled, nodding her head and getting him his drink of choice. By the time she turned around to give it to him, she raised an eyebrow as he wasn't there anymore. She looked around before she felt a hand a hand on her shoulder, causing the girl to turn around and push the drunk Serpent out from behind the bar. "Nope, you know better than that! You patrons are not allowed back here!" She glared at him, watching the look in his eyes as he stepped forward once more.

"Oh come on darling, I just have a request for you!" He smirked at her, stepping forwards once more. "Come on, do the Serpent dance for us! You already tease us with your body." The man grabbed her arm and pulled her out from behind the bar, looking around at the others as he gave them a look so that they wouldn't step in at all.

Gianna gasped a little, shaking her head before she backed up to an empty table. She watched him step towards her again, knowing what she had to do. She glared at him before she shoved him down to the ground, stepping onto his crotch with her heel rather hard before she pulled her knife out and pointed it down at him. "You are the scum of the earth. You think that you can order a woman around to perform some sexist initiation ritual?! One that's purely meant for your own entertainment?!" Gianna screamed at him, pushing her heel in even harder before she shook her head. "You've picked the wrong girl to mess with! And as for the rest of you, don't even think about stepping in right now! You're all guilty by association at this point." She glared at the rest of them in the bar before looking at the guy on the floor once more. "Apologize!" She shouted, watching as he squirmed.
Pissed off | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | Mobius Mobius

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai was pacing around the House of the Dead, waiting for Kinsley to get back. It had been way too long since she had left to go to Greendale on a run, and she still wasn't back. He looked at the few of his men as they lounged around, getting under Malachai's skin a little more. "How are the three of you just lounging around?! What if Kinsley blew it? What do you think about that?" He asked as he looked at them. Yes Malachai knew that Kinsley wasn't that dumb, but he couldn't help but think about it at that point. With everything that they had been through, all he seemed to be doing as of lately was second guessing Kinsley's ability to do things the right way, and it was something that he felt wouldn't have been doing if they had really been fine after all this time.
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"Is this all of it?" barked a rough looking man as he threw the strap of a duffle bag over his shoulder. Kinsley huffed and nodded,"Yeah, that's all of it. If you're not cheap next time you can get even more." Was it wise to use such snark at a time like that? Most likely not, but did the Ghoulie care? Not at all. She felt on edge, uneasy. Greendale always had that affect on her. Greendale... bloody Greendale. It always made her feel unsettled, but she could never figure out why. What she could figure out, what she knew, was that she hated having to go to that town. Malachai knew that, which lead his former flame to believe that he sent her there on purpose. "Malachai hasn't taught you manners yet?" the guy responded as he forked over the handsome wad of cash. Kinsley felt her nose twitch from annoyance. Just count the cash. Don't say a word. Count the cash, she told herself. Comments like those were old when she actually was dating Malachai. Now they were so old they could be dug up with dinosaur bones. Even though she was counting the money, she noticed how the guy was becoming annoyed himself. "It's all there," he insisted, his annoyance revealing itself further in his voice. "Malachai taught me to count the dough to make sure it's all there," she replied so casually she shocked herself. The amount of sass that could have been packed in those words, yet she sounded completely casual and nonchalant... oh, she was too good sometimes. The guy went to retort, but before he could, the young woman turned around on her heeled boots and started to walk away. "Come again," were her last words, even though she would have preferred to tell him to go jump in a lake. With the deal done, she proceeded to make herself look casual, entering a couple shops that were still open on the nearby street, purchasing a latte from the Dippin' Donuts on the corner. Things that would throw off any suspicions she might have garnered should anybody have managed to see her. Once she felt satisfied that she'd covered her tracks, she returned to her car and started to head home, thankful to finally be able to leave Greendale in her rear view mirror.

The tarnished streets of the Southside never looked so good. If Kinsley's home had anything going for it, it at least wasn't Greendale. In truth, she loved the town she lived in, even its "bad" parts. Although, there was one place she was starting to like less and less. The House of the Dead, the Ghoulies' headquarters and Malachai's personal lair. Once a safe haven for her, it was becoming less and less of a haven and more and more of a headache. It was the place where she really had to put on her acting cap. It was the place where she had to put up with Malachai's antics. Still... it was something of a second home to her. As she parked outside of the place, she took a deep breath. Everything had gone off without a hitch up to that point. Hopefully Malachai would be pleased. There was something that pricked at the back of her mind that made her think he wouldn't be. Slipping on her black denim jacket that sported a Ghoulie skull on the back and small spikes on the shoulders, she grabbed the wad of cash out of the glove compartment and made her way to the door. She found the Ghoulie King pacing around. Oh, joy. That was never a good sign. Letting out the quietest of huffs, she put a smile on her face and walked up to him. "Hey, Mal," she greeted before she placed her hand softly on his cheek and gave him a somewhat tender kiss. A kiss that made her want to hurl, but a kiss that surely was convincing to any onlookers. Pulling back, she held out the stack of cash.
"That douchebag has his contraband and I have your money."


The parking lot of the Whyte Wyrm was packed as it usually was at that time of the night. Good. It was much easier for FP to drown out his problems when there was a lot of noise and hubbub around him. Little did he know, he would be walking in on quite the commotion. First, though, he had to park his bike somewhere. Once that was taken care of, he made his way inside. What he expected to see was a busy bar floor with people talking and yelling, drinking and maybe even playing some pool. What he actually seen was one of his men on the floor, beneath the heel of the bartender who had no technical ties to the gang. She had a knife pointed down at the man and if looks could kill the guy would've been dead long before the blade ever reached his skin. The other Serpents all stood there motionless, looking on in shock, a couple of them wearing amused or entertained smirks. "What the hell is going on here?!" he yelled, his voice booming throughout the bar and drawing just about every eye over to him. Angrily, he stormed over to the femme fatale and, grabbing her arm, tried to pull her off of her victim. "You better explain yourself really fast," he warned, his hand still latched onto her arm.
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
Gianna's eyes were fixated on the man on the floor, watching him carefully before she heard FP's voice boom through the bar. She rolled her eyes at the whole ordeal, a low growl escaping her lips as her arm was grabbed once again. She was getting tired of all of this, and FP grabbing her arm was pushing her over the edge. The young woman moved her heel from the man on the floor, watching him scramble away before she turned to FP at this point. "Jones, if you know what's good for you, you'd let go of me." She spoke in a low tone, her eyes holding a dangerous look in them. She wasn't fixing to become a pushover, and with being an outsider she knew that she was someone who could afford to stick her neck out and to be ballsy.

She turned the knife towards FP at that point, not caring about the repercussions of her actions. "Now I don't care who in this God forsaken world that you think you are, but it takes a lot more than some biker jackets, tattoos, motor cycles and some weapons to scare me. As for what happened, your minion over there was about to try and force me into doing your sexist Serpent dance. I'm fairly sure that it's not something that you force the women to do, now is it? Because if it's something that they do against their own will, they aren't truly loyal to you. Am I right?" She asked as she looked at the man, tilting her head ever so slightly. Growing up around her father's mob gave her a little insight into how The Serpents ran things. There was no way that anyone would want people to be apart of their gang if their loyalties weren't fully tied to the gang.

Gianna looked into FP's eyes, hearing some of the other Serpents starting to murmur about her standing up to FP the way that she was. None of them knew where this girl had come from or what she was capable of, but they were confused about the way that she was dealing with the situation. No one could have ever foreseen someone standing up to FP the way that she was. "Now I know that you're not used to this sort of thing, but I'm not exactly like everyone that you're used to dealing with around here. I'm not going to be pushed around by any of your sadistic minions, I've seen and met far worse people before, and I know how to deal with things when I really need to." She started off, looking around at the other Serpents with a shake of her head. "You all think you're so tough. I'm pretty sure that the little punks that I went to elementary school with did worse to people than any of you could ever dream of doing." Gianna couldn't help but let out a dry laugh, looking back at FP after a moment. "So we can either let this all be if you promise to keep a close eye on that one there especially, or we'll have more problems than you could ever imagine." She said, her voice low once more.
Pissed off | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | Mobius

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai was still pacing around the room before his eyes landed on Kinsley as she walked in, rolling his eyes a little as she walked over to him and placed her hand on his cheek before kissing him tenderly. "What the hell took you so long?! You know how things are supposed to go! In and out, that's it!" He yelled before he grabbed the cash from her, running his hand through his hair. "Is it all here?" He questioned, looking at the wad of cash in his hands before he looked up at Kinsley once more. "And be careful how you talk about the clients, they pay for the things around here." Malachai shook his head at the girl, letting out a sigh before he looked over at the others in the room. "Whatever you all do, just remember to keep things timely! Now we've got more runs tomorrow before the drag race. We can't have you all being late for that." He said before motioning for them to head out. “We’ve got eyes and ears inside the Wyrm tonight, so maybe we’ll get something on the Serpents by tomorrow.” Malachai smirked a little, hearing the others start to laugh a little as they started to head out.
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Did Kinsley have any sort of idea as to how things were going to go down inside the House of the Dead? No, but that didn't make her any less surprised when Malachai's initial reaction to her was close to explosive. What took her so long?! Did he have any idea just how those kinds of deals went?! The deal itself was handled promptly, but she couldn't just leave town immediately after. If on the off chance somebody happened to notice the exchange and became suspicious, fleeing right away would only heighten those suspicions. It made things even riskier than they already were. His kind of plan only worked when dealing individual straws, not a whole damn load! What she did ensured there wouldn't be any dogs sniffing after her trail when she came home. He knew how she operated. How could he not get that?! Her eyes were wide from shock, but an aggravated look decorated her face. That look only intensified as he grabbed the cash out of her hand. "That's exactly how the deal went down, but I couldn't come running back to you right away just in case somebody caught a glimpse and got suspicious so I had to make myself look innocent for a while," she explained through partially clenched teeth, her arms coming to cross over her chest. As the topic shifted to the money, she forced a heated breath out of her nose. She needed to keep her composure. There were other Ghoulies around... which was partially why his reaction to how long it took her pissed her off like it did. How could he have the nerve to talk to her like that in front of other people when they were keeping up the "dating" act? He was Malachai. That was how he had the nerve. "Not a dollar's missing," she insisted, doing her best to keep her voice level this time. However, her "babe" stoked the fires once again when he reprimanded her for how she spoke about the client. Exaggeratedly, she rolled her eyes,"I'll feel more inclined to speak better about that guy when he learns how to watch his mouth around me." As her mouth shut, her jaw clenched tightly in an attempt to curb the quickly building anger inside of her. He sent her of all people to Greendale of all places and he was going to treat her like that? While expecting her to still kiss his ass like a good girl? No way.

It was becoming increasingly difficult for Kinsley to withhold her temper as she watched Malachai's attention shift to the other men in the room. She just knew that whatever the hell was going to come out of his mouth next, it was going to throw gasoline onto an already frustrating, rather embarrassing situation. Her assumption was correct. Malachai flaunted his nerve yet again, this time by giving the others a reminder to keep things timely no matter what. Her nose twitched, a key indicator that the barricades holding back her anger were starting to struggle. She stood there in silence for the rest of the conversation, not even feeling a little spark of excitement at the thought of getting some kind of dirt on the Serpents thanks to the human bug they planted in the Wyrm that night. She was far too frustrated with a certain Ghoulie to care at all about the leather clad snakes. Once the others left, Kins turned to face Malachai, uncrossing her arms to throw them up in a "what the hell" sort of way. "Are you for real, Malachai?! How can you just throw me under the bus like that when we're supposed to be keeping up this freaking circus act?" she exclaimed. "You know how Greendale is. I had to make sure my tracks were covered... you know that,"
she sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair. "You got your precious money so what the hell?" she finished, crossing her arms over her chest again.


The roll of the young woman's eyes was more than enough to tell FP that the upcoming stretch of time was going to make him wish he had stayed home, to say the least. No, no, it was going to be worse than that. All hell was going to break loose. If he was a gambling man, he would have placed a significant amount of money on it he was so sure of it just from the feeling in the air and the defiance in her eyes. The Serpent on the ground was able to scramble away thanks to FP's intervention, but the problem was far from solved. The problem was simply amplified. The outsider made sure of that. She had the nerve to borderline threaten him. Rather than let go like she all but demanded, he increased the pressure. Not enough to be painful, but enough to serve as a warning of his own. His eyes grew darker, becoming clouded by the anger he was, for the time being, keeping in check. "I would rethink how you're talking to me, girl," he advised, his low voice carrying an ominous, foreboding undertone. The next step the woman took was a shocking one. She turned her knife on FP. His reaction was... rather reserved, all things considered. Slowly, one of his eyebrows raised and he said slowly,"I would rethink that move, too. There's several people in here packing more than a little blade and if you so much as poke me with that thing, you'll be tasting lead." He took a step closer to her and went so far as to lean towards her so that he could say closer to her ear,"I don't think either of us want that, hm?" He then stepped back, releasing her arm in hopes that she might decide to wise up and knock the madness off. Unfortunately, she was hell bent on continuing her little fit of rage. As she explained what happened, FP shot a glance towards the Serpent in question. His eyes narrowed slightly before they returned to the enraged girl. It was beginning to get out of hand. Speaking so defiantly to him, aiming a knife at him, accusing one of his men of such a low move. It couldn't be tolerated. Especially not as the other Serpents started to talk under their breaths about her antics.

FP's hands clenched at his sides. It was time to put an end to things. He let her finish her little rant, but not without a scoff at the end. "You best get this in that pretty little skull of yours," he started,"Nobody gets to demand anything of me, especially not an outsider like you." He paused for a moment to let out an angry breath. "I am not going to stand here and tolerate such disrespect towards me and towards my men, I don't care what kind of story you try to pass off as the truth," he practically growled. Once again, he took a step towards her. Placing a finger on the side of the knife, he pushed it to the side. "Now... you can either apologize for this little tantrum or you can get the hell out of here," he told her,"if you're so bothered by the way things are here that you have to make up shit to try to turn things your way, well... why don't you just leave?"
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
The look in Gianna’s eyes darkened dramatically as FP's grip tightened on her arm. She looked at his hand before she looked back at his face, the fire in her eyes burning even more than it had been before. At his words, the girl couldn't help but let out another dry laugh. She wasn't afraid of the guns that they may have been carrying, despite it not exactly something that most people would have been comfortable with. "Oh no, I'm trembling in my heels just thinking about it." She started off, knowing just how cocky she sounded. As FP stepped closer to her and leaned close to speak in her ear, Gianna couldn't help but laugh. Once he was done and he stepped back after releasing her arm, she took a step towards him this time, and she gripped onto FP's jacket as she leaned towards his ear. "Listen Jones, the thought of guns doesn't scare me. None of you Serpents scare me. I don't think you understand just who you're threatening." She started off. "I'd be worried about the targets that you paint on the backs of every single one of your minions, and the bigger one on your own if you harmed a single hair on my head." Gianna finished, letting go of his jacket and stepping back.

The young woman listened to him, glaring as she looked at him. His words made more anger boil up inside of her, causing her to clench her own fists. She stayed quiet as he went on, pursing her lips before she listened to him. As soon as he mentioned her story being a lie, she had been pushed too far, not even caring that he pushed her blade away. The girl put her knife away, laughing dryly at his words. "Make shit up? Who the hell would want to make that kind of shit up about anyone, let alone you idiots?" She snapped back. The young woman took a sharp breath, keeping her dagger like gaze on FP. "Look, you think that you're the big hot shot in town who's word is law. But I've got news for you." She said, tilting her head and looking at him with a small mocking pout. "You're not." She said with a shrug of her shoulders. "Not everyone is ready or willing to bow down to you, Jones." The girl had a look in her eyes that could kill if she wanted it to.

"Now there's two ways that this can end, because that offer you made really only aids you in this sense." Gianna smirked slightly, her tone at this point was completely different. It was eerily calm, yet there was still a hint of danger lingering there. "Option one. You can actually open your eyes to the fact that your man screwed up and that he did something that you don't approve of." She nodded her head, listing the option on her hand with one finger lifted. "Option two. You keep your stance that I'm lying. But I don't think you're going to like the way that one ends, Jones." Gianna lifted a second finger on her hand, looking into FP's eyes. "So it's your choice on which way we go with things." She nodded her head, watching him carefully.
Pissed off | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | FP, a bunch of Serpents, and other bar patrons

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai listened to Kinsley, letting out a frustrated sigh. He had been rather paranoid and on edge lately, maybe it was the breakup with Kinsley that had done it, the male didn't know. All he really knew was that he didn't feel like himself, and he was quite literally putting on an act around any of the Ghoulies. "Just don't take as long next time." He said, shaking his head a little bit. The Ghoulie King knew that he sounded a little off, but with all the things that they'd been through lately he had all the reason to be so he knew that they wouldn't question it. As Kinsley talked about none of the money being missing, he nodded his head. "What about there being any possible fakes? None of them, right?" He asked her, checking through the bills. He didn't have a reason to second guess Kinsley, but it was the buyer that he was more skeptical about. Malachai finished with the bills, rolling his eyes a little at her comment about the buyer. "Did you start the sarcasm, or did he? Because if you did, I can't help you with that at all." He shook his head a little.

Malachai couldn't help but smirk as the other guys started to get excited about the thought of possibly getting some dirt on the Serpents. Once they left, he turned to Kinsley, shaking his head. "Kinsley, it's just getting a lot harder! There's been a lot of crap going on! And this takes a lot to try and keep up with!" He shouted back at her. Before she could say anything about his comment, he spoke up once more. "And I don't want to hear any "I told you so" from you over it!" He pointed his finger at her. "And yes I do know. I didn't have anyone else to send out there." He rolled his eyes a little, thinking about a few things for a moment. "Like I said, it's just a lot of stress." Malachai said to her before he grabbed a bottle of alcohol, opening it and taking a swig.
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"Just don't take as long next time." Kinsley translated those words as "be more risky next time". That was something she simply couldn't do. The stakes in her line of work were far too high to take risks like that, plain and simple. How could he not know that? As much as she hated to give him any credit at that point, he had been in the drug business long before she got started. He knew the risks the job carried. Was he just becoming delusional? Was all of his success, or more like all of the gang's success, making him start to get sloppy? As much as he seemed to think he was untouchable, he was far from it. His dealers were far from it. It was dicey requests like that that would bring the house down on top of them. In that moment with the other Ghoulies still around, she didn't find it worth arguing over so she simply nodded slightly, but not without sighing and rolling her eyes. Anyone who knew how to read her would be able to tell that she was still bothered by Malachai's unwarranted displeasure at the way she handled the job, but anybody who was less familiar with her intricacies might have thought that she was giving in. The raven haired woman was far from giving in. She was just putting a pin into that part of the conversation. At the mention of fake bills, Kins huffed and shook her head. "Trust me, I checked for that, too," she insisted. Those icy blue eyes of hers could spot a fake bill from a mile away. None of them were fake, she was more than sure about that. Part of her was annoyed by Malachai going through the cash himself, but part of her understood it. In his shoes, she probably would have checked it herself just to be absolutely safe. One couldn't be too careful when it came to that kind of money. Any kind of slack she gave him went away when he made a comment that suggested she was the one who started the sarcasm and not the other way around. Her face scrunched up in a look of offense. "And just what are you suggesting with that?" she replied hotly, not caring that other eyes were still on them. Even before she found herself in a relationship with him, she was known to be a button pusher, not caring that he was the boss of it all if he said or did something that she felt was over the line or offensive to her.

Kinsley wasn't at all surprised that she received a shout from Malachai as a response to her words. She opened her mouth to reply, but before she could even form the words he was running his own mouth again. He didn't want to hear an "I told you so"?! What else did he expect?! She was exactly right about the whole thing! Keeping up an act that made it look like they were still dating, for absolutely no good reason as far as she was concerned, was going to end in nothing but stress no matter how it played out! How was that not obvious to him from the start?! The moment he pointed his finger at her, her nose scrunched up in anger and a fire lit in her eyes. Blowing a forcefully angry breath out of her nose, she ground out,"For starters, don't you dare point your finger at me." She then watched as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol and took a swig from it. The entire situation was making her crave a cigarette despite knowing how bad it could be for her, but she would have settled for a shot of alcohol at that point. Not that she thought he would offer any of it to her. "So why are we still pretending? What are we gaining from it in the long run?" she asked, sounding less furious and more... tired. Truth be told, the entire act was taking a big toll on her, too. She was exhausted from having to pretend all the time, making sure that she didn't slip up when somebody might be around to hear or see words or actions that would suggest they were anything but a stable couple. Sighing, she walked over to one of the walls and leaned her back against it, crossing her arms over her chest yet again and bending one of her knees of that her boot could rest against the wall as well. "And did you really have nobody else or did you send me there because you know how much I hate Greendale?" she challenged in a partial grumble.


The bitch just wouldn't learn. Rather than dropping the act of defiance, she amplified it, pushing FP closer and closer to his breaking point. He didn't want to lash out at a woman. He absolutely didn't want to lash out at a woman, but that didn't mean he was against putting the fear of God into her in other ways. There was an old saying that went "the tongue is mightier than the sword". Er, it was something along the lines, right? Either way, he could get the job done with the right kind of words, he was convinced of that. What he couldn't figure out was what was more aggravating, the absolutely disrespectful way she looked at him or the cocky laughs. Who did she think she was? Her attitude certainly didn't fit the position she held in the Whyte Wyrm's crowd. The Serpents could devour her in a second if their king gave the order to. As she latched onto his jacket, his anger became almost palpable. His face wore an expression that would have chilled even a dictator's bones and his knuckles were nearly turning white from how tightly his fists were clenched. When she finished her ridiculous threat, it was the Serpent King's turn to laugh. "I think you're the one who doesn't who you're threatening," he corrected. "You're nothing more than a little mouse playing in a pit of cobras. Maybe you should think on that for a second," he paused to give her the chance to think on his words if she felt so inclined,"You're playing a very dangerous game here and you're not the one in control, even if you think you are." The ticking time bomb certainly didn't appreciate her explanation of what happened being called a story. A lie. Something concocted to get her ridiculous pent up anger out. He didn't expect her to appreciate it. In fact, he knew it would make things worse, but he wasn't going to act like he believed it when he didn't and punish one of his men over something that didn't happen. He trusted his own over some random chick who did nothing more than pour the Serpents' drinks and keep their haunt looking acceptable.

As she so boldly and obnoxiously stated that his word wasn't law around the streets of the Southside, FP couldn't help but chuckle and shake his head. Glancing at the Serpents gathered around them, he briefly smirked,
"Do you hear her? She thinks she knows everything about how the Southside works!" With his gaze returning to Gia, the amused glint in his eyes immediately darkened to a threatening glower. "You've been here all of what, six months? You don't know a thing about how this place works," he hissed lowly. As she read off his "options", he stood there silently, the glare on his face doing all of the speaking that was necessary. However, when she finished, he closed the distance between them to where nothing more than an index finger could fit between them and he replied firmly,"It will be a cold day in hell before I let an outsider attempt to boss me around." With an arm stretched out, a finger aimed at the door, his tongue dripped venom as he said,"Get the hell out of here." Neither his voice nor his body language left any room for argument. He wasn't going to change his position on the matter. The matter was closed as far as he was concerned. It was time for the little girl who'd grown too big for her britches to leave the playground.
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
Any other person that was in Gianna’s position would have shit their pants, or they would have cried and ran away probably as soon as FP had tightened his grip on her arm awhile ago. But Gianna was different, and clearly so. None of them had known what to say about her before, not even now. As he mentioned her being the one who didn’t know who they were threatening, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “Oh no I do.” She stated simply, before wrinkling her nose at his comparison to her as a mouse playing in a pit of cobras. “If I was actually afraid of you in any way, maybe I would be the mouse in that metaphor. But I’m not, and you don’t know shit about me, now do you? I could quite easily be your undoing for all you know.” Gianna’s tone was still eerily calm at this point, and she could see a couple of Serpents growing a little uneasy with the way she was reacting to things. The young woman couldn’t help but smile at his next statement, shaking her head slightly. “I live for dangerous games, and I haven’t had a good one in years. I got tired of always being underestimated, but this one should be fun to play. You and the Serpents are going to make this a rather entertaining one.” She smirked slightly at the thought. Gianna never thought that she’d find herself falling into the mold that had been carefully carved out for her by her family since before she was even born, yet here she was, slowly but surely doing so.

The look on the young woman’s face started to become one of boredom, listening to what he said about her thinking that she knew everything about how the Southside worked, before he tried to claim that she didn’t know how it really worked at all. “Even if I don’t exactly know how it works around here, I’ve definitely got an idea behind it. You think that you’re the king of this sea, but there’s always a bigger fish out in the ocean.” She nodded her head slightly at her comment. As he closed the distance between them and stood a mere inches from her face, Gianna couldn’t help but smile at the action, not to mention the words that followed. “Oh goody. Challenge accepted, Jones.” She said softly, the darkness and the fire still ever present in her eyes. “Gladly. Once I gather my things anyways.” Gianna stated simply before she turned around and headed into the office, gathering her things and snatching the tape with the video footage, throwing that into her purse before she slung it over her shoulder and walked back out to the bar. The girl made a pit stop behind the bar, pulling a voice recorder from one spot, and a second from another before she made her way towards FP once again. “Have fun listening to this if you decide to at all. It captured everything that it needed to tonight.” Gianna started off, still a small ways away from FP. “But you’ve just put a target on everyone’s back in here. I’m going to make sure to bring you and your gang down.” She said, placing one of the recorders in his hand before she headed to the door, the second one still in her hand. “Just don’t forget, I’ve got my own copy of that. So destroying that one won’t cement a thing for you.” Gianna smirked a little before opening the door and heading out to her car.
Pissed off | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | FP, a bunch of Serpents, and other bar patrons

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai looked at Kinsley, watching her for a moment before he went back to checking the bills. It didn't take him long at all, but he had to make sure that nothing was wrong with the deal at all, especially with the guy that Kinsley had dealt with that night. He had always seemed to give his men some kind of problem. "It's honestly not you that I'm concerned with, it's the client." He said, putting the money away before he listened to Kinsley as she blew up on him. "Kins, you just have a tendency to be a tad bit sarcastic is all. I don't think that you always see it, but you do." Malachai pointed out to her. He wasn't trying to pick at her at all, it was just a statement really. None of that was news to any of the Ghoulies that were around them before the boys left.

Malachai groaned at her comment, rolling his eyes a little. "Kins, it's not worth it." He said, taking another swig of the alcohol before he got an idea. The male reached down and pulled out another bottle of alcohol and offered it to her. He wouldn't necessarily have done this on a normal day, but they both needed this more than they normally would. "I don't know anymore. At all. I thought that we were doing this for all the right reasons, but I don't know what we're getting out of this at all anymore." Malachai sighed, running his hand through his hair. "What do you think we should do?" He asked her curiously. At her question of Greendale, he let out another sigh. In all honesty, he knew why he did it, and he didn't see the point in lying any more. "A bit of both to be honest." He sighed, looking up at her once more.

Kinsley raised an eyebrow ever so slightly. Did he mean that, that he was concerned about the buyer and not her, or was he saying that just to try to cover his ass for when they were alone and she could really tear into him? One could never really know what field Malachai was coming out of. Not even Kinsley knew how to read him and she had been in a relationship with him for a good amount of time! In the end, though, whether he meant those words or not didn't matter. He still didn't trust her enough to take her word for the bills being both all there and genuine. It wasn't something she really wanted to argue with him over at that point. It just wasn't worth it. She knew she did a good job... that had to be all that mattered. As he tried to explain himself in regards to his comments about her potentially instigating the frustrating exchange of words with the client, she rolled her eyes and shook her head slightly. "You do realize the guy we're talking about, right? Even if I did want to start something and potentially ruin the deal, he didn't give me that chance," she insisted with a little huff on the end to accompany the visual of her frustration. That client was pretty skilled at lining the Ghoulies' pockets, but Kinsley was being generous when she called him a douchebag. Other more intense words fit him much better. I know better than to start something with a client, she grumbled in her head, choosing to not say it out loud lest she sound like a scolded child. Nothing she said would make Malachai's opinion change. Not now when he clearly had a firm opinion of her already formed and locked in.

It wasn't worth it. Malachai spoke the truth there. The act was not worth it not matter what way Kinsley spun it. Neither of them gained anything from it. It wasn't bringing them back together, it was driving them further apart. It did nothing for their image, nothing substantial anyways. She appeared to be a bit more untouchable than if she didn't have the title of "Malachai's girl", but people rarely stepped against her beforehand. They knew how she could be when she was pushed. Her temper was one nobody wanted to ignite. So, really, the act did absolutely nothing for her and she didn't see how it did anything for the Ghoulie King. If people thought he was single, he would probably have women fawning over him. So why? Why did he hang on to her when there was nothing left? She sighed quietly, shifted against the wall slightly. It really wasn't worth it. To her surprise, Malachai then offered her a bottle of alcohol. A look of surprise crossed her face. That... was unlike him. That was a very... human move. Blinking twice to snap herself out of the mildly stunned state, she reached forward and took the bottle with a soft,"Thanks." She took a long swig of it as she positioned herself back against the wall. Back when she first joined, she surprised the gang by just how well she could hold her alcohol. It took quite a bit to get her wasted, to put it simply, and she had a pretty good taste for the straight stuff like Malachai just gave her. After she brought the bottle down from her lips, she sighed heavily. He sounded like he had a similar train of thought to his ex. He didn't know what they were getting out of the act anymore and she didn't know either. "It seems like nothing but stress and frustration..." she muttered before taking another swig, this one much smaller than the first. When he asked her what she thought they should do, she once again felt surprised. She raised an eyebrow and stared at him for a moment before sighing and running a hand through her hair, pulling the black locks over her shoulder. "Honestly? I think we should just give up the act. We can make it look like we just broke up, not that we've been done for a while now," she admitted, taking yet another swig for good measure,"We might wind up actually getting along again if we do." He might have surprised the young woman twice that night, but he didn't surprise her again when he admitted that part of the reason he sent her to Greendale was because he knew she hated the place. "I figured," she scoffed. "Y'know, it's stuff like that that made us not last," she grumbled, looking down for a minute.


FP knew that the girl wasn't going to budge. He knew that it didn't matter what he said to her or what he threatened to do to her. She was so set in the story she concocted that she was willing to risk brutal retaliation just to see it through. Was she enjoying it? Did she take pleasure in that kind of adrenaline rush? It sure did seem that way. The Serpent King couldn't figure out why she would want to cause such trouble, he couldn't see how she could find such a situation enjoyable, but there she stood, defying him like she actually had a leg to stand on. Poor, naive child. The world was going to smack her in the face one day and it was going to be a rude awakening for her. If she continued to disrespect him, he would help the world out in delivering that smack. Did he really want to go after a woman like that? No, but if it came down to it, he would have no choice but to teach her that actions have consequences and the consequences of crossing the Serpents were nothing to laugh at. She, however, was convinced that she would be his undoing. He chuckled slightly and shook his head. This entire thing was incredibly frustrating, but pretty entertaining, too. It was hilarious that somebody so insignificant thought she could be the downfall of one of Riverdale's toughest institutions. She was so calm in how she spoke, too, like she actually thought she was the one controlling the puppet strings of the situation. "You're the one who's in for a rude awakening," he replied, a growl in his tone. The audacity of this woman. The audacity. He raised an eyebrow as she went on about dangerous games. Who was this woman? What was in her past that made her crave something like this? Not that it mattered, she would still be squashed beneath the Serpents' boots if she decided to try to back up her likely empty claims. She soon appeared bored, but after he closed the distance and demanded she leaved, a smile of all things came onto her face. She accepted the "challenge". Fantastic. He almost felt guilty. If the Serpents did need to fight against her, it would be like the high school bully going up against a kindergartener. Perhaps she had been drinking that night and it made her delusional? Whatever, she was finally going to leave. After she collected her things, of course. FP made sure to keep a watchful eye on her as she went about her way, but when she returned and handed him a recording device, his eyes narrowed. "I should have you skinned just for thinking of placing these things around here," he ground out as his hand angrily clenched around the recorder. By that point, he really was fuming, but he thought he was doing a pretty damn good job of controlling himself. As she walked out, threatening them yet again, he rolled his eyes,"I'm sure we're all trembling in our jackets." His eyebrows furrowed as he looked back down at the piece of tech in his hand. Just who was this woman and what was she actually capable of? What did we just get ourselves into?

Meanwhile, as Gia went about collecting her things, an unassuming looking gent slipped his way out of the bar to perch himself against the metal railing. He lit a cigarette and took a long drag from it, barely able to keep his lips from curling up in a smirk. Safely in the pocket of his mock leather jacket was his phone, which had effectively captured everything that just went down inside the Serpent den. Oh, ho, Malachai was going to be very pleased with what he discovered! Maybe he'll be rewarded? No, he couldn't get ahead of himself. There was still work to do. Speaking of work, she just opened the door to catch some of his smoke in the face. "My apologies," he said sincerely,"I didn't think you'd be coming out the front door... not unless you were in a body bag." This time he did allow his lips to curl up into a smirk. A slight one, an entertained one, but a smirk nonetheless. "That was pretty impressive. I've only ever seen Malachai of the Ghoulies attempt to stand up to Jones like that," he continued. Taking another drag from his cigarette, he let his eyes trail over her. "I must know the name of the woman who has bigger balls than about three quarters of this forsaken town."
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
Gianna rolled her eyes a little as FP said that she was the one who was in for a rude awakening. As much as she wanted to, she wasn't about to say anything just yet. She made sure to stay quiet until his comment about the recording device, a small smile appearing on her lips once more. "Oh honey, I've been taught to make sure to cover my own ass since before I could actually walk. And I do things rather precisely because of it." She said on her way to the door, pointing towards the recorder in his hand. "By all means, do what you want with that. It's all yours now. But just remember that won't make it go away." She smirked slightly before she walked out of the bar with her middle finger in the air.

As soon as she walked out of the Wyrm, she was greeted by part of a cloud of smoke. She waved it away a bit, looking at the man before her as he apologized then began talking. "There seems to be a lot of underestimating going around here." She shook her head ever so slightly, a small laugh escaping her lips as she looked at him before her. "God, how many gangs do you all have in this town? And it's nothing that I haven't been groomed to deal with at all really." She shook her head once more, thinking over things before tilting her head slightly at his question of her name. "Gia. And what about yours? I'd like to know the name of the man who's about to spread my own with that." The young woman nodded her head towards his pocket where his phone was. She wasn't dumb, and she certainly knew what it felt like to be recorded thanks to her family.
Pissed off | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | Ghoulie spy

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai sighed a little bit as he looked at Kinsley as she spoke, shaking his head ever so slightly. "I do. But besides that, I'd rather not have something happen to you at all if anyone did decide to get offended later on down the road." He pointed out to her. It might not always seem like it, but Malachai cared about his people dearly, and Kinsley was still one of them. He couldn't help but think about things for a moment, knowing that he wouldn't have felt right at all if anything did happen to Kinsley at all.

He nodded his head at her thanks, knowing that it seemed off for him, but hey, the guy was human after all. "Yeah, of course." He replied, talking another swig of his alcohol. At Kinsley's comment, he nodded his head once more, knowing that she was telling the truth about the situation at hand. "You're right, it is." He sighed. As she voiced her opinion on what they should do, Malachai couldn't help but smile slightly. Before they had started dating and everything went to shit, he and Kins were pretty close. "That sounds like a good plan." He nodded his head, looking at the dark haired beauty before him. "It's hard to think that there was a time where we got along so well, don't you think?" Malachai asked, his smile falling at the thought. How did they manage to let it get so bad between them? He honestly didn't know. At Kinsley's response to his orders for her going to Greendale, he sighed. "Yeah, I realize that now. I don't know why I felt, or still feel the urge to do something like that if I'm being honest." He sighed, running his hand through his dark curls.

There was a time when Kinsley thought that she and Malachai were actually going to make a good couple. Believe it or not, there was a time where they actually got along. Really well. Then the relationship card came into play and things started to go south. Their personalities began to clash, their differences became more and more obvious, things... changed. They weren't able to work things out, though she could at least say that she tried to. It was a shame, really. If they could've made it work, it probably would've wound up being a good thing for a both of them. While they did have their differences, there were aspects of the two of them that bettered their partner, that helped them out. They had the potential to be a "power couple", but it just didn't work out. Now they found themselves struggling more than they ever had when they were together and for what? It just didn't seem worth it to Kinsley, even after he admitted that he didn't want to see something happen to her if somebody was stupid enough to try something with her. Still... she hadn't expected him to say that. It seemed like he meant it, too. For a brief moment, a small smile tugged at the corners of her red painted lips. "That's... sweet," she admitted,"but I'm tougher than you even realize." Even in the rough world that she lived in, the world of gangs and thugs, she wasn't too concerned about her safety. She genuinely believed she could handle anything that came her way. That might've only been partially true, even if she believed that it was completely true. Sighing softly, she glanced down and lightly ran her index finger along the rim of the bottle in her hand.

Upon hearing that he thought she was right, Kinsley looked back up at him, a slightly surprised expression decorating her face. Those were words people rarely heard from Malachai. The Ghoulie King admitting that her view of the situation was right was the first step in them finding a resolution for it. The surprised look on her face grew when he said that her plan was a good one. "For real?" she couldn't help but reply. He actually liked her plan? Acting like they were just breaking up so finally giving up the act? She had assumed he was going to shoot it down, but it sounded like he was going to go along with it? Really? Maybe things were finally starting to look up. She chuckled softly and nodded slowly, almost sadly, when he said how it was hard to believe there was a time when they actually got along. "Yeah... really hard to believe," she sighed,"it's like the people who got along were different people entirely..." As her voice trailed off, she brought the bottle of alcohol back up to her lips. There was a time when they were like an unstoppable team. There was a time when... she genuinely believed she loved him. She just about said that, but decided it wouldn't help their situation. "Heh, I remember back before we started dating, I would just randomly twirl your hair in my fingers 'cause you'd get so pissed off," she snickered,"but I think you actually liked it." Ah, good memories. That's all they were, though... memories. He didn't know why he felt the urge to do things like send her to a place she hated. She sighed and shrugged. "I can't tell you why, Mal. That's a you thing," she told him plainly.


She had been taught to cover her own ass since day one? FP's eyes narrowed. Just who was this chick? She didn't speak like a naive girl who had grown to big for her britches. She spoke like somebody who knew how to handle a situation like the one she started. Was there more than met the eye when it came to the now fired bartender? It didn't really matter, did it? It wasn't like one woman who barely knew how Riverdale operated was going to be able to do anything harmful to him or his crew. If she did attempt anything, they would be ready for it, they would be able to handle it. Once she would step out of the door, she would be nothing but an annoying memory that would probably be forgotten within a couple of days. Right? Right. As she finally left, middle finger in the air for good measure, he rolled his eyes. "Ah, yes, we should definitely take that one seriously," he said sarcastically, causing a couple of the guys around him to laugh, albeit maybe a little bit hesitantly. The Serpent King glanced down at the recorder in his hand, moved it around with his fingers for a few moments, inspected it as he thought on it and on the woman who gave it to him. Maybe, just maybe, he should give the thing a listening to. Just on the off chance that her words had any sort of merit to them. Huffing, he shoved it into the pocket of his snakeskin and waved the others off to do whatever the hell they wanted to in the bar. "Hog Eye, give me a beer," he said through a heavy sigh.

The Ghoulie spy chuckled,"It does seem like that, doesn't it?" He took another drag from the cigarette, but this time he was careful to blow the smoke away from her. Couldn't be scaring her off. More like disgusting her off. He just about laughed out loud when she asked just how many gangs the town had. Even though it sounded like one of those rhetorical questions, he answered it anyways,"Just two. The Serpents, who you've obviously become quite acquainted with, and the Ghoulies." The last part of what she said lingered in his head. She'd been groomed to handle tough situations, but by who and why? The woman was quite the mystery. Right up Malachai's alley. "Gia," he repeated, smirking after the letters had danced off of his tongue,"A lovely name for a fierce lady."
He wasn't about to deny the lady his name. No, he might've been a Ghoulie, but he did have enough manners to give a woman what she wanted... especially when that woman could be helpful to his cause. "I'm Rodney," he introduced himself, standing up straight so that he could bow in a grandiose way. Straightening back up, he gave her another smirk. "I believe I might be able to offer you something... helpful," he told her in a way that he hoped sounded intriguing. Glancing back at the door to the bar, he motioned for her to follow him and started to walk away from the building, wanting to be out of earshot. "Remember how just a minute ago I told you about the Ghoulies?" he asked as he walked across the parking lot, not planning on stopping until they were down the street and out of eyesight,"Well, you're speaking t' one of them and I think my crew just might be able to offer you something you'll find helpful in your quest to make those Serpent scumbags eat their words."
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
Gianna nodded her head a little at his comments, a small smile forming on her lips. "Well it sure seems like there's more than just two with how much goes on around here. Maybe it's because both of your groups seem to give off the feeling of being too much for your own goods." She pointed out to him. It wasn't even meant to be a jab at either gang really, just an observation of what she had seen over time while being in Riverdale. Gianna shook her head slightly at the man’s comment, a slight smirk appearing on her lips. “And that whole incident was nothing if I’m being honest.” She nodded her head slightly, adjusting the hat on her head ever so slightly. As the man introduced himself and offered her a grandiose bow, she raised an eyebrow slightly at his comment. “Something helpful?” Gianna questioned him before she went with her gut and followed the man anyways.

She tilted her head slightly at his question, thinking for a moment. “I do indeed.” She nodded her head, following him across the parking lot and down the street. At his next comment, she couldn’t help but let out a small laugh at the thought. “God, you guys are ballsy as hell. With that aside, I’m intrigued by what it might be that you’ve got as an offer.” Gianna smiled slightly, thinking things over about what they might possibly have as an offer for her.
Pissed off | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | Ghoulie spy

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai knew that Kinsley and him had once shared a wonderful relationship with one another. He thought that they could make it in the long run, but something happened that was pretty much beyond repair and he didn’t think that they’d end up back in the same kind of relationship at all. He had messed up pretty bad, and he knew better than to think that he'd be able to make everything better between them for any kind of romantic relationship. He did however hope that he'd be able to salvage any kind of friendship between them, especially because he did care for Kinsley still. At her comment, Malachai couldn't help but smile slightly. "Oh no, I certainly realize how tough you are. You've held your own around here for years, Kins." He nodded his head, knowing that his statement was true. Kinsley had a large reputation of being a hothead and standing her ground, so it's not like she'd have anything less even after their breakup which was going to be public knowledge rather soon.

As he looked up at the raven haired woman before him, he couldn't help but let out a slight chuckle at the look of surprise on her face. "For real. I know not many people hear anything like that from me, but you aren't exactly just anyone now are you Kins?" He asked her curiously, a small smile tugging at his lips. These were moments that he missed. That he had managed to screw up. But how did he ever let things get this bad with them? When he saw the slight nod of her head, he could feel the bit of sadness that came with it. The next words that left her mouth caused a sigh to leave his before he pulled the bottle back up to his lips and he took another swig. "I don't know how we've fallen so far apart from one another. It's not anything that I ever wanted for either of us." Malachai frowned a little, looking down at the floor for awhile and thinking things over as well. It wasn't until Kinsley spoke up and brought up the memory of her twirling his hair in her fingers before they started dating, he couldn't help but smile a little once again. "I remember that vividly. I'd get pissed off because you would start to distract me to be honest. I couldn't concentrate on anything when you would do something like that." He chuckled a little before he found himself nodding his head slightly. "As for liking it, you're right. I did like it." Malachai walked over and placed his hand on her cheek gently, almost sadly at this point. What they had together were just memories, and he couldn't help but think about what it may have been like if he had really worked to preserve their relationship. But her comment about him hit him in a place he didn't think he'd feel anything at all, if again anyways. "I'm sorry... I know that doesn't mean much, especially now, but I am. I mean it." He said softly, frowning a little before he allowed his hand to drop from her cheek.

It was a shame how far they had fallen apart. Kinsley, to be completely honest, had never thought about the damage that could have been done to their friendship and business relationship if their romantic relationship didn't work out. Now she was unfortunately having to experience it first hand. If she knew before what she knew now, she wondered if she would have dated him at all. The good times were great, but the bad times far outnumbered them. The waters were rarely calm and easy to sail. All she wound up getting out of it was frustration and stress, although in the beginning it had looked like they would have a successful relationship. Perhaps she had allowed herself to become blinded by the glitter and gold of the new relationship to see it for what it was or was it was shaping up to become. Maybe if she hadn't had her blinkers on, she would have been able to save it. The thing was, she didn't blame herself. The entire time she had tried to make things work, tried to smooth things out, but Malachai made it difficult. Malachai kept dragging them further and further down the path to destruction. It wasn't her, not entirely anyways, and she didn't blame herself. She just wished that things didn't turn out the way that they did. They could have been an unstoppable force if they both had worked at it. Unfortunately, they couldn't go back in time and change the mistakes that were made. They could only live with them, try to move on in a way that would be healthy and beneficial for the both of them. He actually acknowledged her strength, her tough resilience that allowed her to thrive in the dog eat dog world that was their gang. She couldn't help but smirk at his words, a sly glint in her eyes. She brought the bottle back up to her lips and took another swig. "I think I shocked a lot of people that I managed to outlast them," she thought out loud, her smirk widening. Briefly, she glanced down and chuckled when he said that she wasn't exactly just anyone. When she looked back up at him, the smirk was still on her face, but there was the slightest hint of sadness to it that maybe he might not even pick up on. Sadness that the person who knew her so well had moved so far away from her. "Nope, I'm not. You of all people would know that."

Malachai didn't know how they managed to fall so far apart from each other, but not only that, it was something that he never wanted to happen. "I tried as hard as I could," she whispered so quietly she barely heard the words herself. She didn't want it to come to this, she really did try as hard as she could to save what they had left, but she couldn't. Their issues, however they managed to come up, were just too irreconcilable. They couldn't coexist in the way romantic partners needed to. Hell, they could barely coexist like business partners needed to at that point. "Y'know, I honestly thought there for a while that we might actually go the distance, but now I see how wrong I was," she said, laughing shortly, bitterly afterwards. It was clear there was a part of her that was hurt, but it was a part that she was trying to bury away. Disappointment and sadness she could deal with, but she couldn't deal with the fact that she was hurt by how a relationship of all things went. She wasn't that type of girl. She insisted that she wasn't that type of girl. The recollection of how she would twirl his hair was a much needed positive shift. The somber mood was still there, but the bitterness that she felt for that little bit of time faded away. She laughed, this time genuinely, as she heard that it distracted him. He couldn't focus when she played with his hair. Oh, that was gold. When he admitted that he liked it, she grinned and exclaimed,"I knew it!" As he walked towards her, she raised an eyebrow, not sure what to expect from him getting closer to her. Never in a million years would she have expected him to put his hand on her cheek. The gesture both warmed her heart and broke it. What they had... how did they lose it? They really could have been something, yet there they were, farther apart than they ever had been. The typical mischievous glint in her icy blue eyes was gone, replaced by a distinct look of sadness that seemed to drain the typical glow from her face. With a soft sigh, her eyes drifted closed, allowing herself to focus completely on the feeling of his touch. Something she used to welcome, something that maybe she actually missed despite everything they had went through. She brought her own hand up, resting it gently on top of his. With each passing second, the warmth was drowned out further and further by the growing sadness within her. As he spoke, she opened her eyes again to look at him. It was an apology. An apology that came to late... but still an apology. Another soft sigh escaped her as his hand fell away from her face, her own returning to her side. She wondered if that was the last time she would ever feel a touch like that from him. It was probably for the best, but it was still a sad thought nonetheless. "I wish sorry could fix everything," she whispered, squeezing her eyes shut shortly after. No, no. She couldn't cry. He wasn't worth her tears. He couldn't see her cry. She had to swallow the lump in her throat, push on. "I... I guess it doesn't have to be the end for us, though..." she started, looking at him again, trying to keep her voice steady,"Yeah, we're done, but... that doesn't mean we can't kick ass and take names like we used to. Partners in literal crime." She smirked, hoping it didn't look forced.

Even though the comment did come off as a jab to the Ghoulie, Rodney couldn't help but laugh at it for two reasons– one, he did actually find it humorous, and two, he felt like catering to her was a smart plan. Keep her in a good mood, keep her interested in talking to him, keep her going down the path to the Ghoulies. This woman, this ballsy woman might be the tool they needed to finally bring the Serpents down. If she was willing to not only stand up to FP, but to threaten FP then she just might have what it would take to actually bring him down. That was the kind of person Malachai would want attached to his puppet strings. Somebody like that, with the Ghoulie King's guidance, could really help to raise the Ghoulies far above the Serpents. There was a chance that he was overthinking things because he really wanted to be successful with his mission, but he didn't think he was stretching things all that far. Hearing that the incident in the Wyrm was nothing to the woman, he raised an eyebrow in surprise. She definitely was a different breed. Capable, intriguing... the Ghoulies needed her on their side. He couldn't screw this up. He just couldn't! If he did, well, he was going to have to doctor up that footage before showing it to Malachai. His leader did not need to know about him losing a person that appeared to be a game changer. Hopefully he wouldn't have to worry about that.

Rodney half expected the girl to not follow him. He wouldn't have blamed her if she didn't, even if it would have been frustrating, annoying even. A woman like her surely wouldn't find the Ghoulies to be a trustworthy bunch. At least he wouldn't think she would. Logic and common sense seemed to be strong within her. However, his words must have been intriguing to her, for she did in fact follow him once he started across the parking lot. Good. If she was interested enough to follow him, he just might be able to set the hook and reel her back to the House of the Dead, or at least urge her in the right direction. Her words only further drove the point home that his offer had caught her attention. Oh, it was almost impossible to not smirk victoriously! "Yes, indeed," he said with a nod before glancing over his shoulder. The bar was getting farther away, but he wasn't comfortable just yet. A bit farther... Finally, he stopped, leaning against a light post that was positioned next to a bench. It was the bus stop, but no buses would be stopping there for the rest of the night. "I believe you and my gang have something in common," he started, lighting a new cigarette,"We both want to take down FP. I can see the two of us being powerful allies in that quest." He stopped to take a long drag from the smoke stick, blowing the cloud straight up into the air. "You should stop by our headquarters, meet the king himself," he suggested,"I don't think you'll be disappointed." He paused for a few moments to let his suggestion sink in, then he finished with a slight smirk,"Or... the two gangs are gonna be going at it at a drag race tomorrow. I'm sure Malachai would appreciate another spectator cheering him on."

(I just realized I stopped italicizing his dialog halfway through the last post oops lol. I'm just gonna not italicize it from now on.)
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
Gianna wouldn't have normally followed some random guy like she currently was, but she couldn't help herself. There was something about him that peaked her interest, but it probably had something to do with the fact that he was so loyal to his gang. He had been willing to go into their rival gang's territory to try and collect information for their own gang's benefit. It was brilliant really. But with knowing that he had that amount of loyalty to his gang meant that he was planning on using her as some kind of pawn in this game that the two gangs had been playing for god knows how long now. But Gianna wasn't too worried about being considered a pawn by them, it would make her life that much easier to get more of what she needed done around this town and she was more than willing to humor them to get her own job done and over with. She wasn't one who was going to step down anytime soon, not from something that she was so passionate about anyways. So letting a few others think that they were getting what they wanted from her wasn't going to be an issue at all.

The girl couldn't help but smile slightly as she heard the smirk in his voice. That was something that she had known far too well with people since growing up with everyone that she did. She couldn't help but keep the smile on her lips as she listened to him. Rodney seemed to have a valid point, and she was willing to listen to his idea. As they arrived at the bus stop, Gianna leaned against the light post and listened to what he had to say. With an eyebrow raised, she finally spoke. "Lord have mercy on us all. Why do both of your gangs feel the urge to call your leaders Kings?" She asked, shaking her head ever so slightly. At the mention of a drag race, Gianna was intrigued by the two gangs even more. "A drag race? Well that sounds interesting. What time is this drag race supposed to be? Because I'm going to need to have time to process things first." She nodded her head, adjusting her hat on her head briefly before she looked back up at Rodney once again. "What kinds of things do you lot in the Ghoulies even get involved in? And don't bother lying to me about it, I'm not one to get scared off by things. So don't be afraid that you'll scare me off at all." Gianna watched him curiously, making sure to read him for any hint of a lie at all. She wasn't about to get involved in anything if she wasn't completely aware of what was going on behind the scenes at all.
Pissed off and curious | The Whyte Wyrm | Outfit | Ghoulie spy Rodney

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai knew that this must have been harder on her than it would have been for him at all. As much as the relationship meant to him, he knew that it meant more to Kinsley. The two of them had made great bonds with one another, and the memories that followed meant the world to him. He knew that he had let the relationship go downhill, and he had watched Kinsley try so hard to make things work, but deep down he couldn't really find it in himself to truly let go and be happy. He had to have something get messed up and go haywire just as things got good for him. That's how he had always managed to be over the years. And that was really only when there wasn't something directly messing things up for him. Maybe part of Malachai thought that's all he deserved. That he wasn't meant to have anything good happen in his life. He was pulled out of his thoughts as he heard Kinsley speak again, a chuckle escaping his lips. "Oh you certainly shocked a lot of people with outlasting them like you have. But that's a great accomplishment if you ask me." Malachai smirked ever so slightly as he looked at her. She was tougher than most other people that he had ever really met, and it was something that he would always applaud her for. As he looked over her face, he could have sworn that he saw the slightest bit of sadness cross her expression, but before he could really say anything about it, the look was gone from his sight at least. "I do indeed know that." Malachai couldn't help but nod his head slightly once more.

As Kinsley whispered a response, Malachai frowned ever so slightly. He knew that she had tried so hard, he felt it every day. "I know you did. I really do." He whispered back, a frown on his lips before he took another swig of his alcohol. Malachai wasn't normally one to stew over things like the end of relationships or anything, but the relationship between him and Kinsley was different from one that he had ever had before. They had started off as acquaintances of sorts and built their relationship from there. It was better than one he had ever had up until then. Her next comment hit him a little harder than it probably should have at that point. "I did too. What we had was different compared to anything else I've ever had before. It's weird to think about it." Malachai nodded his head once again, looking down at the ground and frowning ever so slightly. As she laughed, he couldn't help but smile a little bit once again. It was something that almost felt entirely foreign after everything that they had really been through as of lately. "Yeah, yeah. I don't think I'm going to hear the end of it now am I?" Malachai asked her with a small smile, a chuckle escaping his lips once more. He knew that she probably wasn't expecting his hand to be placed on her cheek, but he couldn't help himself, not with everything that they had been through with each other. Malachai knew that he had been the one that caused it all really, and he had no one to blame but himself at all really. As he felt her hand on top of his, he couldn't help but feel the pang of guilt rise up in his chest. It made his heart feel heavy. Something that he hadn't felt in quite some time if ever now that he thought about it. Kinsley's words made that pang worse than before. He nodded his head and let out a small sigh. "I wish it could too. It's not the same though." He frowned a little, his eyes remaining on Kinsley's face. Malachai watched the look of sadness appear on her face, knowing that it was something that was fully warranted, something that he had caused for her none the less. When she brought up the idea of it not having to be the end for them, he raised an eyebrow before smiling and nodding his head as he listened to her full idea. "That's true. You've always been one of the best I've had around." He couldn't help but smile a little more, looking into her eyes.

(It's all good! It made sense still, lol. And sorry if the Malachai post is at all any kind of confusing. XD It made at least some bit of sense in my head lol.)

It came as little to no surprise to Kinsley that she had managed to not only survive in the rough gang world, but to thrive in it. Call it cockiness or confidence, but whatever it was, she never really felt intimidated or worried. She had always been convinced that she would make Riverdale's dark side her oyster. Her grandparents, especially her grandfather, on the other hand never thought like she did. They worried about her safety, they worried about her winding up on the wrong side of a jail cell's bars. That was why her grandfather had fought against her decision to join the Ghoulies as hard as he had. Her grandmother, on the other hand, just sat back with only a few concerned words, knowing that nothing she said would change her granddaughter's mind on the matter. Nothing ever did change her mind and now she was basically one of the top dogs. Even the Ghoulie leader himself was willing to acknowledge her abilities. That spoke volumes. "It's definitely a feather in my cap," she agreed, taking a swig of alcohol in an almost victorious manner. She had the Ghoulie King in a position where he would even acknowledge that she wasn't just anybody. She wasn't just an average punk on the streets. She was somebody much more than that. At least she didn't let it get to her head like some people would. Some people included Malachai. Unlike her former flame, she knew there was a time and a place for any kind of cockiness or egotistical antics. Yet another difference between them. It seemed like there were too many differences to name at that point.

There was a frown on the Ghoulie King's face. He was capable of realizing the weight of their situation. At least it appeared that he was capable of doing so. He was trying... or did Kinsley just want him to try to acknowledge it all so badly that she was imagining it? It was a shame that it was too late for accepting and admitting things to make a difference. There was no hope for their relationship, but maybe, just maybe, it could bring closure. "It wasn't enough to inspire you to try, though," she muttered quietly, a bit of bitterness dripping off of her tongue. There was something else there, though... disappointment. Yes, she was definitely disappointed that despite her efforts, he didn't even work for it. After seeing her fighting for their relationship, he still did next to nothing for it. There had been a part of her that thought that if he seen how hard she was willing to fight for it, he would have started fighting, too. Unfortunately, she thought wrong. He let her down... he disappointed her... he hurt her in that way. He hurt her in a lot of ways, but that was the way that was on her mind at the moment. He was right about one thing; what they had different. "It was different... but a good different," she said softly, sighing quietly. She was beginning to wonder if talking about it was making it better or worse. Her heart was aching and that was something she wanted to avoid, not encourage. At least there was a bit of positivity to it all. She now had something she could hold over his head. Her sad frown turned to an amused smirk. "Nope. Never. You're going to regret telling me that," she told him slyly, lightly bopping him on the chin with her index finger. The downcast expression returned, though, as the topic once again became heavy. No, it wasn't the same. "It'll never be the same," she sighed, taking yet another gulp of the alcohol. At that point, she couldn't wait for that sweet foggy feeling to settle in her mind. For now, she had to take any kind of positive shift in the conversation as relief from all of the negative emotions and, with her suggestion, it seems like she would get at least that. "Correction: I'm the best you've had around," she insisted, smirking slyly once again as she reached forward and purposely twirled a lock of his curly hair around her index finger.


The girl wore a slight smile, but Rodney, unlike others perhaps, didn't think anything of it. It was nothing more than the innocent smile of a woman, right? It couldn't possibly mean that she was picking up on things that were between the lines. Nah, no way. Rodney had guts, that was for sure, but he lacked in the thinking department, at least somewhat. Where a Ghoulie like Malachai, Kinsley, or even Verne would have noticed that she was catching on to more than she was letting on, he... did nothing of the sort. He thought he was the one controlling the game, but really it was the unaffiliated woman who had control. If she decided she'd had enough, there was nothing he would be able to do about it. She was the game master and he was the pawn, not the other way around like he thought. He chuckled at her disdain for the way the gangs referred to their leaders. "When you rule kingdoms like we do, the leaders deserve proper titles," he replied with a shrug that suggested he didn't quite get it himself. The drag race caught the lady's attention and he couldn't help but smirk at that. "Ah, a lady of culture. I knew it," he chuckled. There was a pause to allow the Ghoulie to take a drag from his cigarette. The cloud of smoke floated away from the pair as he answered,"Everybody'll be rolling in at about three. By the time things get going, we'll just manage to avoid the late afternoon traffic." One only made the mistake of racing later in the day, unless late at night, once. It was smarter to time things like they had this time.

She proceeded to ask what the Ghoulies were involved in. A surprising question to Rodney, considering he thought that their reputation as Riverdale's resident drug lords and chaos bringers was pretty widespread. "We like to say we're in the candy business," he answered slyly, tilting his head back and, using his cigarette, acted like he was eating a pixie stick. However, anybody with half of a brain on the Southside would realize that he was not indulging in a fake pixie stick, but a fake jingle jangle stick. It was time for the Ghoulie to ask her a question, a question that was accompanied by a raised eyebrow,"Catch my drift?" He couldn't see how she wouldn't get the picture, but if she did in fact not understand the real meaning behind his words and imagery, he would explain it more directly. "I will admit, associates of the Ghoulies can't scare easily. You may have heard that we thrive on chaos," he informed her, flicking the cigarette away,"But if any of that tickles your fancy or at least doesn't turn you off on the idea of having an upper hand in your slithery situation, you should show up tomorrow. I don't think you'll be disappointed."

(I followed it, haha! Ew, this post is so bad, I'm sorry!)
Gianna Paola Rossi
Do not test my power, and do not tempt my fury.
This time it was Gianna's turn to smirk as she listened to Rodney comment about the Southside being like a kingdom for the two gangs, shaking her head ever so slightly. It was a rather odd idea in her opinion, especially with how she grew up anyways. "Well I've never heard that logic, and I've been around plenty of other people who've been part of gangs in my life. I've never met any of them who have referred to their leaders and whatnot as kings or any kind of royalty. But it seems things are a little more different here in Riverdale than I thought it would be." She nodded her head before a small round of laughter escaped her lips at the comment that was made about her being a lady of culture with her excitement for a drag race at least. "I'm not sure about that being culture fully, but I'm certainly a lady who enjoys a good race. They're far more entertaining to take part in than to just watch, I must say." A smile started to appear on her lips at that point, a hint of mischief appearing in her eyes at the thought. It had been awhile since Gianna had taken part in a drag race, and she rather missed it. But tomorrow was about this drag race between the two gangs. These two rival gangs were planning this drag race for a reason, and she wanted to be able to be able to see this all play out before her eyes. It was an interesting thought to her. Especially with the tensions between the two gangs and all. At the mention of the time that they were looking at arriving, Gianna nodded her head slightly. “So getting there around three. That’s not a problem at all. Plus that gives me plenty of time to think things through a bit more.” She smiled a little more at the male before her. He seemed rather loyal to his gang, and it was something that she thought was rather applaudable seeing as it was a little harder to come across true loyalty these days.

Being in Riverdale for six months at this point, Gianna picked up on the illegal activities that went on in the Southside thanks to having worked at The Wyrm up until tonight. But she wanted to hear about the Ghoulies dealings from none other than a living, breathing Ghoulie. It’s always better to hear things like that from someone that’s actually involved in it all, that way it’s not rumor or anything else of the sort. As Rodney started to explain the Ghoulie business dealings to her, Gianna couldn’t help but smile a little more and shake her head. “It’s always good to hear things from people who are really part of it all. That way you get a better picture of things and you aren’t worrying about rumors taking over at all.” The young woman smiled a little bit more. “So you guys are behind the whole jingle jangle hype. I never heard anything super definitive in the Wyrm. Probably because they tended to be drunk and all.” Gianna shrugged her shoulders a little. As she listened to the male speak again, she couldn’t help but laugh at the thought. “Well it’s a good thing that I’m not one to scare easily at all. You found the right kind of person to get on board.” She smiled again, looking up towards the sky for a moment, as if she was thinking for a little bit. “Well I’ll be there tomorrow, you can count on that much. We’ll see what everyone’s made of and what goes down tomorrow.” There was a flicker of mischief and enjoyment that appeared in Gianna’s eyes again, and she saw no point in hiding it at all, especially because Rodney already knew of her distain for the Serpents at the moment.
Curious and entertained | A bus stop | Outfit | Ghoulie spy Rodney

coded by weldherwings.

Malachai Moore

Malachai knew that he had treated Kinsley differently than he used to, but he wasn’t used to putting up with the kind of feelings that had been boiling up within him since their breakup. He hadn’t expected things to go on as long as they had, but he also hadn’t attempted to really put an end to it. Maybe part of him thought that putting up the charade of their relationship for the Ghoulies this whole time it could salvage at least something between the two of them. How wrong he had been about it all. Nothing was the same, it was never going to be the same, and he didn’t know why he thought that it could go back at this point. Not after everything that he had put her through. Malachai was pulled out of his thoughts as Kinsley spoke once more, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips a little. "A pretty big one if I do say so myself." He smirked a little, taking another drink from his bottle at this point. He wasn't exactly anticipating being in an upset mood or anything of the sorts this evening, especially not the night before the drag race.

He didn't want to be seen by others in this state at all, but he didn't see Kinsley as just anyone at all. They had been through enough with each other, so this extraordinarily rare exposure of true emotion was nothing for them. Malachai looked at her and shook his head ever so slightly as he let out a sigh. "I know, and I didn't mean to hurt you. I promise that much. I know that it won't fix everything, but I'm sorry." He sighed once again. The bitterness that was in Kinsley's voice was completely warranted, especially after everything that he had been put through. As she commented on how what they had was different but a good kind of different, Malachai smiled a little bit and nodded his head. "That it was. You helped me more than I can tell you, thank you for that." He watched her for a moment, thinking things over for a moment. As the subject changed and she mentioned him regretting admitting that she had managed to distract him, a chuckle escaped Malachai's lips. "I probably will. But I'm glad that you think it's so humorous Kins." Malachai smiled once again, reaching up and running his hand through his curls. He frowned a little as he looked at her, walking over and placing his hand on her shoulder gently. "I know, and I'm sorry for that Kins. I never meant to hurt you. Not the way that I did. No one deserves that." Malachai frowned a little once more, looking at the woman in front of him. He had taken so much out of her over the course of their relationship, and he could certainly see it that much was certain. After a moment, as Kinsley corrected him, Malachai couldn't help but laugh slightly. "Well that's probably true." He smirked a little, feeling his eyes close over for a moment as she twirled a piece of his hair. "Kins..." He whispered softly, opening his eyes and looking at her.

(OMFG, that took forever, I swear. Sorry about the wait again!)

Would things be different between them if they hadn't put on the act for the gang? Would their relationship as friends or... whatever they were at that point be better than it was if they didn't try to act like they were still together for the public eye? They would never know, but Kinsley couldn't help but wonder. The act had put such a strain on the both of them. They had to show emotions and do things that they certainly didn't want to. They had to handle each other in a position neither one of them felt like holding anymore, fake or otherwise. It took more of a toll on Kinsley than she had expected it to, if she was being fully honest. If they could go back in time, if they could do it different, she would, just on the chance that they would've wound up in a better place together. Not together. She knew they wouldn't have stayed together no matter what path they took, but at least better with each other in a platonic sense. There was no going back, though. She could only wonder the what ifs. If there was any sort of good with the state they wound up in, it was that they could still talk with each other. They could still stand being around each other... although, there were times where that was in question as far as Kinsley was concerned. For the most part, she could handle being around him and that was something, she supposed. At least they were capable of agreeing on things, like how much of an accomplishment it was that the young woman managed to not only hold her own, but thrive in the dog eat dog world that was the Ghoulies gang. She smirked at his words. It was a pretty big feather in her cap, indeed. She tilted her bottle towards him to acknowledge what he said, her smirk widening. Even if they did find themselves at odds more often than not, being acknowledged in such a way by him was something that made her feel pretty good. He wasn't her just her ex, he was the leader of her gang, the head of the operation. If he thought something about a Ghoulie was impressive, well, then it definitely was.

Malachai wasn't acting like usual. He was being... honest. Up front. Open. He was letting it all out, not holding any words back because they might be too emotionally charged or not "tough" enough. Kinsley appreciated it, even if she didn't actually tell him that she did. They were at the point where putting up an act around each other just wasn't going to cut it and he was saying all of the things that she had wanted to hear from him for so long at that point. Were they true, those words? Did he mean what he said? He said that he didn't mean to hurt her. He said that he was sorry. That five letter word was one a person rarely heard from the Ghoulie King. If he ever said he was sorry, he meant it. At least that was the conclusion she had come to by then. Quietly, she sighed, choosing to just look at him for several moments, processing what he said. "No, it doesn't fix everything..." she started quietly,"but it's a good enough bandaid." It was, honestly, what she really wanted to hear from him. Should she say it? She hesitated for a moment. Well, if he was willing to belt out a sorry, she could tell him that it was what she had been hoping to hear from him. Sighing again, she glanced down and admitted just above a whisper,"It's what I've been waiting to hear from you, though." A small, sad smile tugged at her lips. She knew she'd helped him out during their time together, but she didn't know that he seen it that way, too. "Heh, don't mention it," she replied, taking a swig of the booze before adding casually, yet slyly,"Or do. I won't stop you if you ever want to mention it again." She finished off the little joke with a shrug. "Distracting you like that? It's not just humorous, it's hilarious," her smirk could be heard in her voice. The mood became heavy once again as he placed his hand on her shoulder. Her icy blue eyes flicked towards his touch before coming back up to meet his gaze. She was silent for some time, trying to find the right words, trying to push down the emotions that were welling up inside of her. "I wish sorry could just fix everything," she sighed, glancing down. "I swore I would never let somebody have such an affect on me. I honestly blame myself... partially," she mumbled with a shake of her head. Looking back up at him, she gave him half of a smirk,"It's definitely true." Then, as she twirled a lock of his hair, something came over them. It filled the air around them and made it weigh down on the girl. He whispered her name, looked at her, and she found herself standing completely still. All she could do for several long moments was just silently stare at him. Why did she have to feel so sad over it? She'd made up her mind; he was frustrating, annoying, and overly self-centered. Yet there she stood, feeling like she just might break. She couldn't stand there any longer. "I-I better go," she said quietly, letting go of his hair and stepping around him to set the bottle down,"Long day tomorrow and I... I've got a commission to work on." She shook her head. It felt cloudy, but she was convinced it wasn't from the alcohol. It was from all of the emotions that hit her that night. Running a hand through her hair, she sighed and walked back over to him, pressing one last kiss to his cheek. "Bye, Mal," she whispered before heading for the door.


There was something about the woman's smirk that made Rodney think that she would fit right in with the Ghoulies. There was something cunning and sly about it. There was something cunning and sly about her. Cunning and sly worked quite well within the ranks of the more chaotic of the two Southside gangs. Cunning and sly always caught Malachai's attention. Oh, boy, did Rodney hit the jackpot tonight! He sneaked into the bar to get into and sneaked out of the bar with a living, breathing tool against those slippery snakes! A pat on the back was surely in store for him, if not more, if not much more! He had to keep his cool, though. He couldn't scare the girl off. Although, if she didn't leave yet, she most likely wasn't going to. She was knee deep into the twisted waters of the Ghoulies, there wasn't too much of a dive left for her. Why leave now? Of all the things that confused her, it was the way the gangs referred to their leaders as royalty. Apparently, she'd tangled with gang members before. Those gang members never called their leaders "kings" or anything of the sort. He chuckled and smirked slightly,"Riverdale is it's own little world, darlin'. You better just forget everything you think you know if you don't want to wind up losing your mind." Another puff of cigarette smoke billowed from his mouth after that, as if to put a fluffy period on the end of the statement. As she spoke again, a smirk slowly stretched across his lips. "It's culture as far as I'm concerned," he confirmed. He took a long drag from the smoke stick as he let his eyes slowly scan over her. "I agree. It would be far more entertaining if you were the one behind the steering wheel tomorrow," he told her, that smirk of his widening even more below it parted to release more smoke. Yes, he definitely liked that thought. Too bad it would be Malachai driving and not the fiery woman. The mischief he spotted in her eyes only made him smirk even more. Oh, yes, he'd found quite the catch for his gang. She was going to be the turning point for them... or possibly the death of them. He chose to believe the former. "Mhm, plenty of time to do all the thinkin' you need to do," he nodded.

It was always better to hear things straight from the horse's mouth. The girl had logic on her side. "Pretty and smart," he complimented with a wink. Hearing her mention how the snakes in the Wyrm were typically drunk, he laughed briefly. "Well, what else can you expect from them when you've got the king of the drunks calling the shots?" he snickered, shaking his head. When his laughter died off, he cleared his throat and continued,"But, yup, we control the jingle jangle trade around here. It's a pretty good racket if you know what you're doing." With a slight huff, he flicked his cigarette away, watching as it momentarily bounced along the cracked concrete of the sidewalk. "Good, then you'll definitely fit right in with us then," he told her with a reassuring nod before he pushed himself off of the light post. His arms crossed over his chest as he listened to her guarantee that she would be at the drag race. "It sounds like a plan," he replied with a slick, sly smile. Tipping an imaginary hat to her, he turned to walk down the street,"Take care heading home. It'd be a shame if you made it through that hell in there only to be struck down on your way home." A weird way to end the conversation? Yes, but Rodney wasn't exactly known as the most normal of individuals even by Ghoulie standards.

(No worries! I figured now would be a good time to skip to the drag race? Btw I'm not happy with this post gahhh.)

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