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Dice Of Devils, Monsters, and Men (Lore)



Herald Of The Dark
Welcome to the world of Atlas, & the Grand Kingdoms of Renmore.

Major Cities of The Holy Empire

The impenetrable city of the Gods, located in the heart of Renmore. Avalon is surround by 30-feet thick 100-feet tall stone walls, protecting both the city itself and the farm lands within its boarders. The city is self-sustaining and has the largest military power in the world. A fortress of solitude for humanity in times of crisis. In the Demon Crisis the city never once fell, and never once felt its walls penetrated. Now it serves as the leading location of mass trade, government, science, and military might.

The Holy City, located in east Renmore at the edge of the northern mountains. Birth place, foundation, and up holder of religion. Haven stands as a monument of hope and peace to all who witness it. During the Demon Crisis its cathedrals and towers served as clinics and sanctuary to all who came seeking care, and now retains that face 50 years later. Taking in all refugees, no matter who or what they may have been. Haven is small by human standards, but guarded fearlessly by veteran and in training Paladins and Clerics alike. It is also home to the Grand Clerics, who's voices echo with the power of Kings both on sovereign soil and far lands. Haven is also known as defenders of one of the few remaining trade routes leading down into the Deep Roads.

A sacred site to all civilization, located high in the northern mountains far above Haven. Marlennia is the very grounds on which Chaos was defeated and thrown back into the Abyss during the Demon Crisis. It now stands as a monument to the woman who rended Chaos back to the Abyss. Pilgrimages and Rites of Passage are made here in the summer, as the ground is so soaked in holy energies that just being near the monument will heal small wounds, ease pain, and cure illness.

Major Settlements of The Territories of Terra Nostra

Port Nydia
The primary shipping port of Renmore, if it came by boat chances are it stopped in Nydia. Heavily damaged 50 years ago the port has since only seen growth as its population has started to boom. The town itself has expanded faster than the law has been able to keep up, leading to large chunks of shanty town, city being built precariously on top of more city, rampant vagrancy, unauthorized pubs, sleazy dens/clubs, and a thriving black market. Nydia has something for everyone, long as it can be bought with a knife or gold. Pirates are also well known to stop in port year round to enjoy the lush beachs, and warm weather, only adding to Nydia's problems and seedy wealth.

O Nidum
The capital of Terra Nostra located in the Southern Great Lake Lacus. Much like Avalon the city use to be a fortress during the war but since has settled down to a city of trade and culture. A melting pot of varies races deemed to dangerous to live within human walls live here with a semblance of peace and happiness, raising families and grounding the future beneath their feet. O nidum is a surprisingly bustling city regardless of it's reputation of being a cess pool of the worst of the worst. Orcs, Goblins, Cannibals, Teiflings, Beast people, Gnolls, Necromancers, and Cultist all call the city home. O Nidum is also last true vanguard of civilization before travels into the desert waste.

Magnus Gigas
Mangus Gigas use to be the capital of Terra Nostra. Now a expansive harsh wilderness in the south west. During the Demon Crisis the land was ravaged by utterly cataclysmic battles that ripped the land apart leaving behind nothing but endless waste, ravines, and sand. Adventures, treasure seekers, bandits, historians, and all manner of beast now make the place home. Small tent camps can be found dotting the landscape alongside the ruins.

Gurgite Membra
Hidden deep in the central sea between the four continents, few know how to access it. Because of the city's isolated location it was hardly touched by the Demon Crisis. To enter it now is considered a rare and glories event, only possible by invitation. Anyone who has ever had the chance to visit the great city speak of grand sights, buildings made of spiraling coral, lights generated by magic, and exotic people that seem to be half aquatic life. Gurgite Membra isn't technically a member of the Territories of Terra Nostra after the events of the Demon Crisis, but still use the old connections to stay relevant in the new world.

The Last Renments of the Elvin Gweriniaeth

Y Ddinas Hardd
The capital republic city of the Elves. Hidden away deep in the western Fey Woods, few have ever see it that aren't born into it. The city is open to all, but welcomes none. Its a rare sight indeed to see anything but a Elf here. Y Ddinas Hardd is beautifully crafted out of marble, flowing water, harmonious with nature, further decorated with gold, silver, fine jewels, jem stones, and the finest of elven craftsmanship. The city was build with the purity of buety in mind, far away from the walls and eye soars of human or dwarven make. The surrounding enchanted forest provides protection seamlessly instead.

The second maiden city of Elven culture, located to the south west of Y Ddinas Hardd with in the Fey Woods. Hafan is the main home stead of Elven power and culture. Known world wide for its arts, crafts, and enchanted weaponry. Just as Y Ddinas Hardd though, few have ever seen it in person. Hafan is build more as a temple than a true city, its size simply allows for its use as a city after the annihilation of every Elvan city outside the Fey Wood.

Dŵr yn Llifo
Built near the edge of the great Fey Woods Dŵr yn Llifo has the most visitors of any Elven city. To such a extend that its common place to see a Terra Nostra and Fey merchants. Humans and Dwarves are less welcomed do to conflicting politic views, but are seen on occasion none the less. The city itself is built around a massive and ancient cypress tree, spreading out over its branches, roots, and the water ways under its roots. The entire city spirals around the tree and waterways.

Fleuve is a small, sleepy, and peaceful town resting on the edge of the Fey Woods. Its not uncommon to see a Terra Nostra native or Elf walk the towns streets. Fleuve is still a new town, only recently built after the war as a gathering place for the Fey and Genasi. Flevure is a large conglomerate of wooden shacks, woven huts, magical groves, and aquatic homes. It wants for little, and has even less to give other than a simple life free of judgement, and resentment.

The Barren Southern Waste

Pinhehk Myth
More a collection of ravagers and settlements than a city or town. A shipment of prisoners to Hell went south years ago. The prisoners adapted to the harsh life, making a living off of the desert and passing travelers. They realized to late that what food was available in the hellscape was either toxic, or mutagenic though. Most if not all lost their minds, and many more became twisted mockery's of their former selves.
Pinhehk Myth is the old tongue for "Burning Sands", a fitting name for the new desert waste.

Hell's Prison
Located in the great southern expansion of desert known to many simply as Hell. Hell's Prison is the world's waste bin, for the things better left to rot than die. Surround by the endless waste of what was once Magnus Gigas its impossible to escape with out withering away in the sands or being captured by the Pinhehk Myth. Which death is worse is arguable. Caravans deliver resources once every month at the request of the Warden.
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Notable History and Events

The Demon Crisis
A little over 50 years ago the world ended its war with a invading force of powerful demonic entities. This event changed the world for ever, nearly destroying the entire world. The invading army was lead by a demon that claimed to be a god, calling it self "Chaos". Despite the magical and physical power of this "God" it was eventually sent back to the Abyss by the sacrifice of Princess Marlene Alexandros, a Aassimar born to the Holy Empire in it's darkest hour. Filled by divine light she led the crusades to battle back the invaders and eventually won after years of bloody conflict.

This same event also lead to a great influx of Teiflings, Changlings, Cambions, and other monstrosities, those lucky enough to survive birth would go on to to struggle in a world that hates their very being, regardless of their actual disposition.

The Obliteration of Elves

The first attack of the Demon Crisis happened on Elven soil. Knowing the threat before them many Elves fought not for their own lives, but those of the world. Holding back the advancing onslaught of the demonic forces. It is well believed that if not for this sacrifice that the rest of the world wouldn't have had time to prepare, and all of Atlas would have fallen. Now only a few pockets of Elven life remain in Renmore. Any hopes of reclaiming their ancestral home, or grip on world domination fell into oblivion along side their numbers. It isn't spoken out loud, but the renments will pass on in the coming years, unable to repopulate from current numbers. Many are to proud to mix their blood with any but other Elves, while a few are starting to turn to magic and cross-breeding in hopes of a future.

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