• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern ~Of Crowns & Ball Gowns~ { C H A R A C T E R S }

Pancakes or Waffles???

  • Pancakes

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Waffles

    Votes: 5 62.5%

  • Total voters


𝘜 𝘕 𝘋 𝘌 𝘈 𝘋 ;;
I C_ T H R E A D

C H A R A C T E R_ S H E E T :

Name: "Prince/Princess" ______


Nationality {as in, what country they're bound to rule}:


Family sigil/emblem {like a symbol or a crest, could even be an animal. Please provide an image.}:





(realistic images preferred):

Voice (a clip of what they sound like, could be anything from a song to a movie scene):




Theme song:

Inspiration {some media that inspired your character

C H A R A C T E R _ R O S T E R :

Princess Hashimoto Emi of Japan = .V1LLAINISM._ .V1LLAINISM._

Princess JingFei of China= PrincessMuk PrincessMuk

Prince Benito Imperiale of Italy = PrincessMuk PrincessMuk

Princess____ of Canada = @Scookie

Princess____ of Dominican Republic = MasterJuann MasterJuann

Prince____ of Zambia = MasterJuann MasterJuann

Prince Atlas Washington of America = paralyzed paralyzed

Prince Nikolai III Alexievich Romanov of Russia = madame moiselle madame moiselle

Prince Chance Darling Kardinal = GreedyBoy GreedyBoy

Princess Morgan Rosemarie White of Australia = Kiroshiven Kiroshiven

Princess Kaafiya Warsame of Somalia = Kiroshiven Kiroshiven

Princess Mariangela Valentina De Rosa Bellucci of Brazil = thumbelinaaa thumbelinaaa

Prince ____ of England = Goonfire Goonfire

Princess-Regent Brumhielda Burkhalter= ThatGuyWithSouvlaki ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
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N a m e :

Princess Emi Hashimoto of Japan

N i c k n a m e (s) :

Em, sushi

N a t i o n a l i t y :


E t h n i c i t y :


F a m i l y _ s i g i l :


D. 0 .B :


Z o d i a c :


A g e:


S e x u a l i t y :


A p p e a r a n c e :

T H E N :

V S. N O W_


V o i c e :

P e r s o n a l i t y :

There was a time in which Emi was not so soft spoken, not so meek & obedient. In fact, there had been days in which she was the exact opposite- outspoken, adventurous, even a little daring at times. A brave member of the Adventurers Anonymous as they once liked to call themselves. But times have changed, so it seems. And Emi, having outgrown her years spent arm in arm with her friends, is now a little less courageous, and a little more sophisticated. You see, there is still a little child that lives within all of us, hoping to be released... And all it really takes is a friend to set them free.

B i o :

Once a proud mother hen to the members of the Adventurers Anonymous, Emi had had a happy childhood to say the least. Always trailing after her younger counterparts, she can fondly recount the days in which they would sneak out of their designated rooms- only to meet at their very favorite spot. The tree house. It was a raggedy old thing, very unstable- and therefore very off limits. But that never stopped the little adventurers, come to think of it, they were rather unstoppable when together. She missed them. Dearly.

But Japan, though progressive in some ideologies, would not accept a carefree little girl as their future leader. No, they wanted strong and they wanted capable. Besides, the mere fact that she was a woman had them sitting on the fence entirely. And so, Emi found herself drifting further and further away from her second family, much to her grief, much to her sorrow. Instead, delving on the tactics of ruling, aiming to please others and to honor the family legacy

Now tell me, where has that little girl gone?

Q u o t e ( s ) :

"The adventurers anonymous- We will always be searching for you, always be waiting."

"Are you hungry? Have you eaten? Well... Do you need anything?"

"If there was a way to go back, to that one summer... I would be there in an instant."

T h e m e_s o n g :

I n s p i r a t i o n :

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[class=bkgd] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; background: #790D03; width: 710px; height: 590px; border-radius: 10px; overflow: auto; margin: auto; padding: 0; align-content: center; [/class] [class=image] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 245px; height: 245px; left: 60px; top: 20px; border-radius: 100%; background-image: url(https://www.rpnation.com/gallery/zhang-xinyaun-2-jpg.41560/full); background-size: 110%; background-position: 40% 15%; border: 3px solid #EAA221; [/class] [class=emblem] position: absolute; width: 250px; height: 250px; left: 60px; top: 20px; opacity: 0; border-radius: 100%; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=emblem state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=basics] position: absolute; overflow-y: scroll; width: 308px; height: 270px; border-radius: 10px; background: #B21226; padding: 5px 25px 5px 5px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-weight: Normal; color: #FFFFFF; line-height: 14px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=basicscontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 320px; height: 285px; left: 20px; top: 280px; border: 3px solid #EAA221; border-radius: 10px; background: #B21226; [/class] [class=pages] position: absolute; overflow-y: scroll; width: 308px; height: 530px; border-radius: 10px; background: #B21226; padding: 5px 25px 5px 5px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Book Antiqua; color: #FFFFFF; text-align: justify; font-weight: Normal; line-height: 14px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 320px; height: 545px; left: 370px; top: 20px; border: 3px solid #EAA221; border-radius: 10px; background: #B21226; [/class] [class=subtitle] height: 10px; display: inline-block; background: #EABA3D; padding: 0px 4px 5px 3px; color: #000000; font-size: 16px; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-weight: Bold; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 2px; border-radius: 10px; [/class] [class=credit] position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 580px; overflow: hidden; width: 200px; height: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; [/class]

[div class=bkgd][div class=bkgdpic][/div]

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[div class=basicscontainer][div class=basics][div class=subtitle]Name:[/div]
JingFei -- 静非

[div class=subtitle]Nickname(s):[/div]
Jing-Jing (by close friends and family only), Jie-Jie ("older sister" -- called by younger siblings)

[div class=subtitle]Rank:[/div]
State Princess -- 固伦公主

[div class=subtitle]Nationality:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Ethnicity:[/div]
East Asian

[div class=subtitle]Age:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Gender:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Sexuality:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]D.O.B.:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Chinese Zodiac:[/div]
Fire Ox -- Lucky Numbers: 1, 4. Lucky Color: Green. This year promises great progress in one's career, finances, love life, and health.

[div class=subtitle]American Zodiac:[/div]
Capricorn (Earth)

[div class=subtitle]Quote:[/div]
"Please, don't tell. I have too much to lose."

"We'll be together always, right?"

"As the first Emperess to rule China in over a thousand years, I must be perfect. Failure is not an option."

"Do you want to know a secret? Sometimes I wish I was a normal girl. It's selfish but I do. Sometimes everything just feels like so much... and there's nobody to help me."

[div class=subtitle]Voice:[/div]
Find it here!

[div class=subtitle]Theme Song:[/div]
In My Blood -- Shawn Mendes

[div class=subtitle]Face Claim:[/div]
Zhang Xinyuan

[div class=textcontainer][div class=pages][div class=subtitle]Personality:[/div]
JingFei seems like the perfect daughter -- she's quiet, reserved, thoughtful yet only speaks when required, kind, and her opinions seem to follow her father's perfectly. As a princess, she has a strong moral compass and is stepping up to embrace her responsibility. However, JingFei is not who she seems. Underneath her perceived shyness, she longs to speak her mind and break the barriers set by her culture. Her attraction to women, though well-hidden, is something she fears she cannot keep secret for long, but she knows if it were to get out, the scandal would ruin her family's name forever.

[div class=subtitle]Bio:[/div]
As a child, JingFei knew her place. However, going to boarding school and meeting the Adventurers Anonymous brought out her more playful side. She looked up to those older than her and thought they'd be best friends forever. Now, she knows she was naive to think that. She has few friends besides her siblings and those she's forced to like because of their ranks, and longs to go back to when things were simpler. Still, she knows the responsibility she has, and thinks it stupid to dwell too much on the past.

In her teen years, JingFei was a bit sneaky, going to parties and even having a relationship with a girl from far lower ranks than her. All of it, she did under an alias -- MiMi Wen. She was discovered by her younger sister, MeiLi, but she promised not to tell. Promptly after, JingFei decided to quit her rebellion and focus on becoming Emperess before anyone else found out about the parts of her she tried so hard to keep hidden.

In an attempt to appeal to Western Society, the Chinese Empire decided to allow State Princess JingFei -- firstborn of the current Emperor and Emperess -- to inherit the throne over her younger brother, Chao. Despite causing family drama (Chao has refused to speak to JingFei again unless he becomes Emperor) the act has been mostly well-received. As JingFei reaches the age to become ruler of China, she faces more criticism than ever as the public wonders if she is ready to rule. However, as she slowly gains more power, she has proved herself again and again. The only thing left for JingFei is to find a suitable partner to rule with her... the only problem is, she doesn't like the candidates her parents have seen fit for her. She fears she may never be truly happy; she will only ever be what she is supposed to and what the public thinks she is.

[div class=subtitle]Relations:[/div]

(In order of age)

Father - Emperor Zaizhen (載振), fifty-four years old. Zaizhen is a man who holds traditional Chinese values close to his heart. However, he recognizes the importance of appealing to the rest of the world in modern times. His views on women, despite his other views, are very western -- he believes they are equal in many ways and should be able to have rights and rule. Therefore, he has implemented many laws in his time to give women rights and make the country more westernized. Still, in most cases, he holds firm in his beliefs. As a father, he is stern yet loving, and he expects nothing but the best from his children. Public mistakes are met with harsh punishments more often than not, though he's rarely hit his children. He has especially high expectations for JingFei and believes her actions will determine not only the success of the country, but the success of women as a whole.

Mother - Emperess Xiao'An (小安), forty-six years old. Xiao'An is loving but rarely says so, showing her care for her children through providing what they need and by offering them advice... even when they don't want it. She is a paragon of royalty and has rarely been criticized by the public. Her relationship with JingFei is a fairly positive one, though she makes more efforts to keep the family image clean than to communicate with her children.

Younger Brother - Prince Chao (超), nineteen years old. JingFei and Chao got along well in their younger days, but now that JingFei is getting ready to inherit the crown, Chao is very jealous of her. He believes the empire is his birthright as the eldest (and only) son, and has vowed to not speak to JingFei again until he gets what he wants.

Younger Sister - Princess HuiFang (慧芳), fifteen years old. HuiFang is very responsible and takes her public image very seriously. She is very intelligent and loves to read, and has even been working on a novel for about a year now that she wishes to publish. She likes JingFei and approves of how she acts as a princess, though she suspects her sister has a secret...

Younger Sister - Princess MeiLi (美丽), thirteen years old. MeiLi, as her name suggests, is a very beautiful young girl. She is kind but has a bit of a rebellious streak... in secret, of course. MeiLi absolutely adores JingFei, and though she wanted to be just like her when she was younger, she now is striving to be independent and recognized as her own person. She knows JingFei used to sneak out, but does not know what she did -- and she'll never ask.
[div class=credit] Code by PrincessMuk PrincessMuk [/div]

Edit: Color changed to #EAA221 (gold) since I didn't realize before Japan's color was red. Hope this is good!
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[class=bkgd] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; background: #78BC43; width: 710px; height: 590px; border-radius: 10px; overflow: auto; margin: auto; padding: 0; align-content: center; [/class] [class=image] position: absolute; overflow: visible; width: 245px; height: 245px; left: 60px; top: 20px; border-radius: 100%; background-image: url(https://www.rpnation.com/gallery/xavier-serrano-3-jpg.41574/full); background-size: 110%; background-position: 10% 20%; border: 3px solid #D82E3F; [/class] [class=emblem] position: absolute; width: 250px; height: 250px; left: 60px; top: 20px; opacity: 0; border-radius: 100%; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.2); color: white; z-index: 2; [/class] [class name=emblem state=hover] opacity: 1; [/class] [class=basics] position: absolute; overflow-y: scroll; width: 308px; height: 270px; border-radius: 10px; background: #E4F3D8; padding: 5px 25px 5px 5px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-weight: Normal; color:#000000; line-height: 14px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=basicscontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 320px; height: 285px; left: 20px; top: 280px; border: 3px solid #D82E3F; border-radius: 10px; background: #E4F3D8; [/class] [class=pages] position: absolute; overflow-y: scroll; width: 308px; height: 530px; border-radius: 10px; background: #E4F3D8; padding: 5px 25px 5px 5px; font-size: 14px; font-family: Book Antiqua; color: #000000; text-align: justify; font-weight: Normal; line-height: 14px; margin: auto; [/class] [class=textcontainer] position: absolute; overflow: hidden; width: 320px; height: 545px; left: 370px; top: 20px; border: 3px solid #D82E3F; border-radius: 10px; background: #E4F3D8; [/class] [class=subtitle] height: 10px; display: inline-block; background: #D82E3F; padding: 0px 4px 5px 3px; color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-weight: Bold; text-transform: uppercase; margin: 2px; border-radius: 10px; [/class] [class=credit] position: absolute; left: 260px; top: 580px; overflow: hidden; width: 200px; height: 20px; text-align: center; font-family: Book Antiqua; font-style: normal; font-weight: normal; font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF; [/class]

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[div class=basicscontainer][div class=basics][div class=subtitle]Name:[/div]
Benito Imperiale

[div class=subtitle]Nickname(s):[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Rank:[/div]
Crown Prince

[div class=subtitle]Nationality:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Ethnicity:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Age:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Gender:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]Sexuality:[/div]

[div class=subtitle]D.O.B.:[/div]
May - 22 - 1995

[div class=subtitle]Zodiac:[/div]
Gemini (Air)

[div class=subtitle]Quote:[/div]
"Wait, wait, wait. Slow down. Which girl are you talking about? I've been on four dates already this week."

"Guys! We're gonna get in trouble... What if we get kicked out of school? What if they say we can't be royal anymore? Or worse, what if our parents find out?"

[div class=subtitle]Voice:[/div]
Find it here!

[div class=subtitle]Theme Song:[/div]
Uptown Funk -- Mark Ronson ft. Bruno Mars

[div class=subtitle]Face Claim:[/div]
Xavier Serrano

[div class=textcontainer][div class=pages][div class=subtitle]Personality:[/div]
Benito has changed a lot since he was in school. Gone is the shy, scared kid who always followed the rules and studied hard. Now, he lives life as he wants and breaks whatever rules he feels like. Deep down, Benito has a kind heart, but it's been overshadowed by a need to impress and keep others guessing. He truly does want love, but comes off as shallow because he's always with a new person since his breakup with his girlfriend, Ami. He describes himself as carefree and fun, but truthfully, he's become selfish and irresponsible.

[div class=subtitle]Bio:[/div]
Growing up, Benito was a well-liked prince. He did his best in every area of life -- studies, friendships, personality -- and found close friends in the Adventurers Anonymous. Though he was the squeaky wheel whenever they did something that didn't quite follow the rules, he cherished their time together and still looks back on it fondly. As he got older, he found an interest in the more 'normal' side of life, such as public school (as shown on television) and parties. He decided to go to college and get a degree in political science, looking forward to the future.

After an assassin killed Benito's father and older brother, he was suddenly thrust into the limelight as the new heir to the throne. Instead of taking on the responsibility, Benito reacted by drinking and fell into a depression, as well as dropping out of college. (Or taking a break to mourn, as the news articles said.) This caused his relationship with his girlfriend to crumble. After they broke up, he decided to change his life again, this time by going on as many dates as possible and doing whatever he wanted, from driving fast cars to commissioning a classical nude statue of himself to go in the palace. His mother disapproves, but he refuses to listen to her, not wanting to face the truth of his life.

[div class=subtitle]Relations:[/div]

(In order of age)

Father - Leonardo Imperiale, deceased. Leonardo was a gracious king who cared deeply for all of his subjects. He worked hard to promote peace and to treat all of the people living in his country well. He had high hopes for Benito and had faith he would be a great person and prince.

Mother - Genevive Imperiale, forty-eight years old. Genevive has always been the strongest figure in Benito's life -- she was a mere fashion designer before she caught the eye of Leonardo and became the love of his life. She is a great mother and raised her boys to be kind and responsible, but now that Benito has changed so much, she isn't sure what to do. She's trying to prepare the kingdom for Benito while also trying to rule it, and it's definitely taking a toll on her. Still, she handles it all with the grace and strength of a true Queen.

Older Brother - Romeo Imperiale, deceased. Romeo had always been ready to be King -- he was responsible, intellectual, caring, and was so good at diplomacy it made Benito gag. He'd been a mentor to Benito in many ways, and a nuisance in others. Still, when compared to his brother, he showed his best trait -- humbleness -- and always said they were equal in their abilities.

Ex-Girlfriend - Ami Di Angelo, twenty-two years old. Ami is a Baroness Benito met through a gala held at the palace to celebrate his brother's eighteenth birthday. She is sweet and self-confident, and very beautiful. However, when Benito spiraled after the deaths of his father and brother, she did what was best for herself and left him.
[div class=credit] Code by PrincessMuk PrincessMuk [/div]

Color is #78BC43






[div class=fyuriwrapper][div class=topper][div class=charactername]prince
Washington[/div][/div][div class=wrappertwo]
[div class=left][div class=faceclaim]
[/div][div class=textarea]

[div class=subheader]INFO[/div]
Name: Atlas Washington

Nickname(s): Used to be lassie, now he heavily dislikes being called that.

Nationality: American

Ethnicity: American

Family sigil/emblem:

October 7th, 1996

Zodiac: Libra

Age: 23

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Faceclaim: Aaron Taylor Johnson


Quote(s): "

"Guys when we grow up, we're gonna rule the world, woww." Then

"You guys are my friends, nothing can change that." Then

"Call me lassie again, I dare you." Now

"I used to be that boy, not anymore."

Theme song:

Inspiration {some media that inspired your character

[div class=subheader]PERSONA[/div]


[div class=subheader]BIO[/div]
Atlas was a kind and caring child without a worry in the world. He had everything he wanted, and therefore he got joy from helping others. Being the only son of the King of America was all fun and games. He thought nothing could bring him down, he was in a place where he felt safe. He didn't expect his life to get better, but when he met the Adventurers Anonymous he found true friends. Nothing could bring him down, he felt special. Like, how could someone be gifted a perfect life, with perfect friends who brought out the best he could be.

"They say when you're in the darkest, saddest place you could be, when everything sucks, it can only get better. Well, the same can be said for being at your happiest. Life can only get worse."

Everything comes to an end eventually especially joy, Atlas learned that the hard way. Losing his friends gutted him. After his father was diagnosed with an untreatable stage 4 cancer, reality shrank in. His youth was gone, he was the heir to the crown and soon to be king. He took his true self and locked him away, America needed an heir they could trust in. He would be him, no matter the cost.

"The old Atlas was weak, he thought the point of life was to be happy. No, the point is power. Without power, there is chaos. Chaos is cancer and I won't have the same fate as my father."

Trading friendship for strength and kindness for knowledge, he was on his way to becoming a powerful king. The only problem was; deep down, he hated the man he had became.

[/div][/div] [/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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might be a sinner | might be a saint.
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[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"] nikolai III alexievich romanov [/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"]

royal title |
Grand Prince of all Russia | Currently standing in as acting Emperor-Regent of all Russia

nickname(s) | nicky (as his grandmother was known to call him)

age | twenty-four

gender | male

sexuality | heterosexual

d.o.b | december 6th, 1995

p.o.b | st. petersburg, russia

nationality | russia

ethnicity | russian & jewish

zodiac | n/a (nikolai doesn't bother with astrology
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[div class="imgcontainer"] [div class="img1"]
[div class="img2"][/div] [div class="img3"][/div] [/div] [div class="detaildiv"] [div class="name"] "trust's a dangerous game i've played too often." [/div] [div class="postscroll"] [div class="post"] [div class="text"]


voice | this, but with like 3x better english/accent


theme song | like this - nf

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""i hope to one day die late, in love, and a little drunk."
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BIO. [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div] [/div]
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Prince Chance Darling Kardinal


Darling (close friends)



Family sigil/emblem:


April 1st 1995






-laid back
-tends to make the wrong jokes at the wrong time
-feircely loyal to his friends

Chance was always a very rebellious and defiant boy, since he was born. His mother tried her best to keep a tight rein on his antics, worried for his future as king. His father, however, took great amusement in Chance’s free spirit. He enjoyed having a sly, rebellious son as he had been so used to bringing up his perfect daughter, Stephanie. His father was the only one who could help Chance with his anger.
However the king was murdered and the crime is still unsolved.
as a result, Chance is acting out just as he did when he was young, desperately trying to keep some control over his own life.

-“aw c’mon guys, are you really gunna let a little blood ruin the mood?”
-“Plan B, run”
-“How dare you even suggest I don’t care about my friends! I hate them all, naturally”
-“What the fun in rules?”
-“I mean I didn’t punch him that hard!”
-“I love you man, full homo”
-“go on, tell me to calm down. See where it gets you.”

Theme song:

Find here!

-JD from heathers

-Jerome valeska from gotham
-A few previous RP’s
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Name: Princess Mariangela Valentina De Rosa Bellucci

Nickname(s): Angel

Nationality {as in, what country they're bound to rule}: Brazilian

Ethnicity: South American (mostly Indigenous, African and European)

Family sigil/emblem {like a symbol or a crest, could even be an animal. Please provide an image.}:

D.0.B: February 28th 1998

Zodiac: Pisces (moon in pisces, rising in scorpio.)

Age: 21

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance (realistic images preferred): (still searching)

Voice (a clip of what they sound like, could be anything from a song to a movie scene):

Personality: "Basket case", "airhead", "absentminded" is how many would describe the current Princess of Brazil, Valentina. To many, it would seem as though she has kept her childlike naivete, despite her family's tumultuous relations being documented for the entire public to see in the last couple of years. it's to the point where some are starting to have their suspicions. Out of the private eye, while a bit zany and certainly artistic, Valentina isn't quite as clueless as others think her to be and she plays into this quite well. In fact, her family dynamic as it is requires her to be the little princesa frozen in time.
Due to her unfortunate upbringing, she hasn't quite explored who she is as a person; she is rather intense, clinging to people and running away when things start to go under. Valentina has no qualms with imitating people she admires, is especially attracted to people who are well put together considering how scattered she is and feels like. This can be a bad thing, as she can be influenced by people with bad intentions.
When she is around loving people, she thrives well. Her compassion for others, romantic sensibilities and passion is quite evident. She is as colourful as her Brazil.

Bio: At the tender age of 5, Valentina was being prepped to become princess of Brazil, a most fascinating ocassion considering there hadn't been formally any Princesses for a long time. However, she was found to be a direct successor to ones who had held the title in the past, and already being from a wealthy well off family, Valentina had no trouble accepting the new role being thrust upon her. Though she wasn't aware at the time, her parents were not adjusting as well at all...
The first scandal rocked their little family only a few years later. At the time, Valentina, barely understanding what was happening but seeing her mother in pain, took refuge among the Adventurers Anonymous—the best friends she would never forget. She enjoyed being looked over during that time, but eventually after they all drifted apart, Valentina found herself lost, and as a teen she began to find fun and trouble in the streets of Bahia, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo.
Nowadays she lives a double life, partying at night or holed up in a private sea side home creating art and occasionally slipping back into the political world with her aging parents to keep them steady.

"You are a JERK! I want to kill you! I want to kill you! I want to—no. Leave me alone."
"He is so beautiful. Oh my god. If he asked me for my heart I'd rip it out of my chest. Still beating, yes."
"I don't need proof okay? I felt it."
"It is the disgusting things that really excite me."

Theme song: (under construction)

Inspiration {some stuff that inspired your character}: (Under construction)
Princess Morgan Rosemarie White of Australia

Morg, Rose, Rosie, "The Wild Princess"

Nationality {as in, what country they're bound to rule}: Australian

Ethnicity: European (Caucasian)

Family sigil/emblem {like a symbol or a crest, could even be an animal. Please provide an image.}:
australian crest.png

D.0.B: December 4th, 1996

Zodiac: Sagittarius

Age: 23

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance (realistic images preferred):
Morgan 2.jpgMorgan White.jpg
Morgan is a modest height of 65" or 165cm tall.
Voice (a clip of what they sound like, could be anything from a song to a movie scene):

Just add an Australian accent with your imagination, please and thank you. :)

Morgan never grew up from her wild child behavior. She is heavily impulsive, doing what comes to her mind first and living in the moment rather than thinking about the future. She is just as nature loving as she was when she ran with Adventurers Anonymous. Finding more to enjoy in the wilderness of the outback than the halls of the nobles. She plainly speaks what's on her mind and doesn't shy away from an argument, even when she doesn't have the facts to back up her own side. She lets her emotions lead her about rather than being dictated by logic and decorum. Many people say that when she DOES decided to get serious about dealing with the nobility she is quite the skilled speaker and manipulator, but that side is so rarely seen behind the fun loving "wild princess" of the outback.

Deep down though, Morgan is fully aware that if she continues to blindly follow her passions that her people may be the ones that suffer. With rumors of civil war filling the streets, the young princess finds herself in a constant state of battle with herself. Should she choose her heart and support the natural wonder of Australia and its people, or does she side with her duty to maintain the prosperity of her nation. This has, in recent months, caused her to cut herself off from her family, the nobles and the subjects she rules over. As well as pushed her closer and closer to the darker side of the human mind; filled with doubts, fears, and loneliness.

Often mistaken as a boy during her times with Adventurers Anonymous for dressing and acting like one, Morgan was the first to go off and do something that wasn't very much like a princess or prince. Whether that meant jumping in a mud puddle, or dragging the others off to find some flower that only bloomed around their school once every so many years. Sneaking out in the middle of the night to catch a ghost and playing around with her friends was her favorite things in life growing up, and are her most cherished memories.

Now as the crowned princess of Australia, she has learned to dress more feminine, wearing skirts and dresses more often than shorts or pants. However, her wild spirit has never been tamed. She is often in the Australian papers for meandering about amongst the common folk, fighting to protect the rights of animals, aborigines and the value of the beauty of the land rather than its resources. Many among the nobility believe she will drive the country into bankruptcy while the people believe her to be the greatest potential ruler to date. Her father only hopes that when he leaves the throne to her, that the country won't fall into civil war.

"I live amongst the people, not those old birds." Now
"The wilderness has a voice that cannot be ignored simply out of greed." Now
"I will not live in a gilded cage." Now

"C'mon guys! I heard the staff talking about a ghost in the library!" Then
"Anybody else want to go climb that mountain?" Then
"We're kids! Mud is like our best friend!" Then

Theme song:

Inspiration {some stuff that inspired your character}:
Pocahontas (Disney movie)
Generic Hippies
Mulan (Duh.)
My own wild ideas
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Princess Kaafiya Warsame of Somalia

Fee, Kafi, Kate(for those that didn't like the Somali pronunciation)

Nationality {as in, what country they're bound to rule}: Somalian

Ethnicity: African

Family sigil/emblem {like a symbol or a crest, could even be an animal. Please provide an image.}:
Somalia Crest.jpg

D.0.B: October 31, 1998

Zodiac: Scorpio

Age: 21

Sexuality: Bisexual

Appearance (realistic images preferred):
Kaafiya has grown to an impressive 70" or 178cm tall, despite how short she was during school.

Voice (a clip of what they sound like, could be anything from a song to a movie scene):

Kaafiya was once a quiet book worm that enjoyed reading and spending relaxing times with Adventurers Anonymous. She was reserved and although she protested against many of their endeavors, she went along with the group. She often stuttered and found it incredibly difficult to speak her mind and often shied away from physical activity. She was a "precious flower" in the group and often treated like a little sister.

Since then, little Kaafiya has become an entirely different woman. She is fierce and passionate, though calculated and cunning. She watches, listens and learns before speaking her mind, though she won't hold back on her opinion. She stands by her decisions and sees them through even if they don't succeed. She is a bit more hostile towards people though and finds that mercy is reserved for those that deserve it. Kaafiya is a busybody and often fails to take time to relax, constantly preparing for the next pirate raid on their trade ships or port town. She hates the idea of the strong taking advantage of the weak. Though some may call her rule a tyranny, her people are her highest priority.

In the past Kaafiya was a very cautious woman. Growing up in the country of Somalia where pirates raided the coasts regularly, she was reminded constantly of how important she was. She was the only heir to the throne, the one to guide Somalia into the future. She tried constantly to act as a voice of reason or remind the Adventurers Anonymous group of the risks, to no avail. She didn't mind it though as they were the only people she knew that didn't treat her as if she were made of glass. Her memories of good times served as part of her motivation to the woman she became.

After the death of one of her closest friends, a maid she grew up with, at the hands of Somali pirates, Kaafiya swore to stop being the fragile girl everyone wanted. She trained in the way of the sword and how to sail and command. She devoted her time to growing stronger and after a few years, bought herself a boat, hired a crew and set out to the sea. She began to fight the pirates on their turf, imprisoning, executing or hiring on the pirates to serve her. Although her "fleet" is now a mere five boats and she's only been sailing for two years, she has earned a name in Somalia as the "Pirate Queen". Her father has reservations about his daughter out on the seas battling pirates, but cannot deny the good that she's done for her country in such a short time.

"Isn't the tree house a bit dangerous?" Then
"The teacher's going to notice we're gone." Then
"Can't we go one day without getting into trouble?" Then

"For the fate of Somalia, I shall fight!" Now
"Unless a man can withstand the force of my blade, I shall rule alone." Now
"Either bow to the Pirate Qeen of Somalia or lower your head so that I may remove it from your shoulders." Now

Theme song:

Inspiration {some stuff that inspired your character}:
Entirely original ideas from within my brain.
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Name: Princess-Regent Ishani Gupta


Nationality {as in, what country they're bound to rule}:

Ethnicity: Indian

Family sigil/emblem {like a symbol or a crest, could even be an animal. Please provide an image.}:

D.0.B: 28/05/95

Zodiac: Gemini

Age: 24

Sexuality: Homosexual

Appearance (realistic images preferred):

Voice (a clip of what they sound like, could be anything from a song to a movie scene):
English voice:Jo Wyatt (Ciri from witcher 3 and femHawke in dragon age)
Hindi voice:

The Gupta royal family is a controversial one both internally and internationally. They were not destined to rule as they were a cadet branch of the former royal family of India. This changed when the Heldi's father took power with the aid of the military several years earlier and enacted reforms to bring the monarch to the power akin to that of the Maurya or Mughal Empire. This was unpopular as you can imagine the royal family struggled to maintain power and positive relations outside of the country. Even Gupta's military supporters were slipping.

Ish paid no mind to this at first, she was the quintessential rich brat or trust fund kid. She lived a hedonistic life enjoying the perks of royalty, partying and expensive purchases they whole nine yards. She could not care less about the rule she was faced to take over. This changed three years ago when there was an assassination attempt on Ishani's father. He was shot several times one striking his head. Quick reaction by the royal staff mean he survived the attempt but he was left infirm, unable to rule for long period of time. As per the rules set by her father, Ishani was to take over as princess regent during her fathers infirmity.

Ishani was therefore was left the unenviable task of running an increasingly hostile country on the brink of rebellion while her father recovered. She surprised everyone including herself by being up to the task she toned down her partying and rolled back some of her father reforms. She even appeared more in public supporting charities even showing a more human side to the royalty. In particular she was known go to all games of the national teams of the country sitting in the stands with other fans. She even produced several Bollywood films.

Once her father recovered enough to rule once more, he began a return to his policies leading to friction between the Father and Daughter. Also lead to an uncertain future for India as the two keep bidding heads and is not long until the people have their say.

Then - "Oh seriously?! I just go these nails done. "Sigh" Oh fine this has better be worth it"

Then- "We have access the combined treasury of the UN between us, let's use it to have some real fun."

Then- "uh yuck!"

Now- "Ham Ekajut Hain! Ham Ekajut Hain! Ham Ekajut Hain! (United we are Stronger"

Now- "The Raj must be a monarchy of the people!"

Now- "Just because I have become the designated driver of my people doesnt mean I cant still drink you all under the table.'

Theme song:

Inspiration {some media that inspired your character}:
Some historical inspiration such as the english Regency but nothing specific media inspiration
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U N D E R _ C O N S T R U C T I O N


Prince Tanetoa Wākea of French Polynesia


Tan, Toa,

Nationality :

Tahitian/French Polynesian


indigenous, pacific islander

Family sigil/emblem:










Appearance :



{Refer to 2:34, Sitka, the one in dark brown}


Wise beyond his years, Tannie is extremely spiritual regarding his beliefs and the well-being of others. Seemingly always in tune with his surrounding & his people, the prince's highly perceptive nature allows him to easily read his counterparts (despite any ongoing facades), as well as become sure of himself, know himself. Resembling an elder-like persona, he is often seen encouraging self expressionism and liberation through even the tiniest of means- constantly aiming for harmony and peace throughout his time as prince and soon, his future reign as king.

However, with his tiny little friends, he was always the more cynical one out of the bunch. Having had a particularly rough childhood, he had more often than not, expressed his soured opinions/beliefs with them, appearing as somewhat of a bully. And yet, they still wanted him around, despite his mean remarks, his once belittling nature, they still wanted him around. And for that, he would always cherish them. Why, the little adventurers- without even knowing it, had turn the young angry man into a strong and peaceful warrior. They had calmed the storm.



Theme song:

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Name: Prince Howard Fitzroy of England

Nickname(s): Howie, Fitz, Howard the Coward

Nationality: English

Ethnicity: Caucasian (Western European)

Family sigil/emblem:


D.O.B: July 7, 1998

Zodiac: Cancer

Age: 21

Sexuality: Homosexual



Voice: (Skip to 2:10)


Howard earns his less savory nickname, to a certain degree. Despite being blessed with good looks and a lifetime of financial security, he is rather timid, self-conscious, and bashful. For him, plan A is to not get into trouble in the first place, while plan B is to gather any friends and run when plan A falls through. Of course, plan A is almost guaranteed to fall through, as he gives in to peer pressure easily, to the point of being a pushover. He tries to avoid paparazzis and any unwanted attention. Some may see him as superstitious or irrational, as metaphysical things like astrology, fortune telling, and reiki fascinate him.

Despite his love for “magic” and “parlor tricks”, Howard is an intellectual of sorts; he enjoys studying physics, astronomy, and history. He seems like a well-rounded individual and is kind enough, though he might not always be too open about what he knows or who he likes. Due to his timidity, he may clam up if the subject of love, dating, or crushes is brought up. He tries to spare people’s feelings to the best of his ability, going out of his way to break news softly.



Theme song:

Inspiration {some media that inspired your character
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