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Of Angels and Demons (Sins vs Virtues)

Dylan stepped into the restaurant, a relatively upscale establishment that seemed to be pretty crowded. He couldn't spot anyone who gave him a demonic feeling immediately. Either the demon was further in or was working in the kitchen. Either way, it looked like Dylan would have to get a table.

"Table for one. Ideally close to the back." he said, walking up to the counter, where a college-aged man was standing. He picked up a menu and led him to a small, empty, table in a corner. After being told a waiter would come out to meet him soon, Dylan took a new look around from his new vantage point. He still couldn't see the demon he followed into the bar, but...it looked like Greg Stevotski was sitting at a table not far from him, starting a conversation with some kid at some other table. That kid gave him the same creepy demonic feeling Stevotski did.

What are they doing here? Dylan thought. Is this some sort of secret Demon meeting? Dylan was operating with far too little information for his liking, so he decided to take a direct approach. If they were potential allies, they needed to meet Dylan anyway. If they were instead demons merely disguising as people, they wouldn't risk blowing their cover anyway.

Dylan took his chair and pulled it over to Stevotski's table. "Greg Stevotski," he said, sitting down abrubtly, and mostly ignoring the child he was starting conversation with. "You don't know who I am, but I hear a war of sorts is coming. I need to find my allies, and you seem like someone whose allegiance I should know." He extended his hand to Stevoski. With his power, a handshake could say so much more than a conversation.
Harry stood up from the bench after he helped Mr. Levinson clean up his pristine board game, shook his hand and made his way towards the restaurant across the street. Harry did not usually stop by this establishment for breakfast, but he felt that this restaurant was the right choice this morning. Harry made his way to the back of the building, through the connecting alley way and knocked on the door, waiting for the owner to show up. A few moments go by and the owner comes out looking flustered, and a bit sweaty.

"What'sa - who's there? Oh, it's you Harry... . Say, eh, now's not the best time, we've got a 'unique' costumer here and he's makin' it a bit difficult on the kitchen right now."

"Oh, I don't mean to add any sorts of trouble on your plate there sir...", Harry began to say before trailing off since something else had caught his attention. He started to feel incredibly anxious, just like he was when he had that dream last night. 'This has to be more than just a coincidence.' He thought to himself.

"Who'd you say was in there just now?",Harry asked apprehensively, as he tried to crane his neck to see inside the building.

The owner gave him an odd glance before saying:
"It's ehm, Greg Stevotski, you know, that big business guy? He's been barkin' orders at us all mornin' an-and i'm just too afraid to say anythin' to him, 'cause I don't want him shuttin' me down or nothin'..." As he finished his thought, the owner's head slowly looked down in defeat. Harry noticed this, and decided to try and help him out. "Hey, why don't I go in there and try talking to him? It wouldn't do you any harm, it'll just seem like an old bum tryin' to talk some sense into him." He reassured the owner.

"Whatever, do what you want, Harry. I give up at this point, it's not like I can stop him, and you don't seem to care about his money so go for it. He's the powerful lookin' guy talkin' to a couple'a kids back there." Harry nods to the owner in thanks as he walks into the kitchen, stroking his beard. The cooks and waiters pay no mind to Harry as they are too preoccupied with preparing orders. Harry spots a table with 3 people that fit the owner's description. As he makes his way to the table he opens his mouth to speak. "Pardon me sir, but I-". He cuts off speaking once he feels something that he could only describe as the hot hands of death creeping around his neck. There was something otherworldly about these individuals that gave them this powerful aura. Harry began to sweat profusely as he once again felt that crippling anxiety just like the one in his dream. It was in that moment Harry's mind was made up, that vision he saw was way more than just a dream...
Floyd's eyebrows arched sharply, and his smile faded into an angry look of revulsion. Nobody ignored him! He interrupts and then has the nerve to only glance over him! How dare he! Felicity knew what she was doing as she swiftly picked up her silky purple clutch, leaving for somewhere else briefly, probably the ladies washroom. She knew through her years that Floyd wanted minimal people around.

"Excuse me," Floyd snapped, leaning over the table, a fire burning in his eyes. "But didn't anybody tell you that it's terribly rude to walk in on someone else's conversation?" He leaned back onto the bench, a smug look briefly passing over his features, "My name is Floy..." before some old bum shambled over to them. He began to speak, for no reason to other to bug them, Floyd decided. "Pardon me sir, but I-" "You too!? What do you want!? SHUT UP! Are you asking for CASH!? Because honestly THIS IS NOT THE PLACE TO DO SO!!" His voice becoming louder with each passing second. He looked ready to pounce, his face slightly flushed, shoulders back, eyes narrowed. A single strand of blonde hair fell into his eyes as he jerked forward again, and in one skillful movement, he tucked it behind his ear.

Something about the presence of these two people made him sick, but the old Homeless man was much worse. There was something that just set him on edge. Made him angrier. Floyd settled on his strange aura that came onto him strongly.
"I've done so much better." He snarked in his head. "I've got so much NERVE! Talking to some big ol' business guy!"

"Waaaait... Did that guy say a war was coming? Definitely questionable. Probably creepin' after me... It can't possibly be the same 'war.'"

As Floyd combed through all the possible answers, he became more and more wary of the first dude. Yeah. He was definitely aware of something. But the bum? Floyd could feel a headache hit the base of his skull already.

@Frogtruck @Jeff Broski @Cyborg Pugilist
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The restaurant Damned Delicious was open for business and man was there plenty of business currently to be had. The restaurant wasn’t a particularly a giant one but perhaps decently sized. Having about twenty tables or so twelve being regular tables and thirteen being booths instead. There was a set of swinging double doors to the kitchen, a small stage for occasional guest bands although there were none yet here, a double door entrance although with windows handles and the like. The restaurant floor appeared mostly to be beige tiling, most of tables were made out of metal and so on. The ‘security’ had exited the kitchen after some call, which they mostly ignored but did notice a fairly disruptive and costumer. The current security sent out was two tall women and a male that went over to table twenty three or so to encounter the costumer that had been causing a bunch of racket. Another man that was posing as the owner, was identified and thrown out the door only a second later. The co-owner and temporary manager had been in the office for the past half an hour or so and the other co-owner was out of town for the next few days on a trip. “Sir, we kindly ask you to leave.” One of the female security guards looked toward Greg. The two other security guards waited for the response and looked over to Floyd for a moment or so as they seemed to be a possible trouble maker as well, but didn’t want to throw them out yet. Nor the two other fellows, although the group seemed a bit suspicious. A waitress watched from a distance as security had come over.

Sin kept watching table five and seven expecting someone to show up but no one had quite been headed to those spots. Although security had went to the back to look at some other fellows.

@Cyborg Pugilist @Diminium @Jeff Broski @Frogtruck
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"Hmm....How odd." Simon zuckerberg, the man sitting in the desk of the CSAR Communications Surveillance Computer muttered quietly, seeing a name of a Buisness Professional; Greg Stevoski calling this number. He couldn't believe that he even recieved the message. Simon sighed, and dropped the call. He watched the restaurant as a group of 3 different people were all on the same table. It doesn't look like any of them were acquaintances. In fact, one was homeless. Why would a homeless old man be with such high class people? He rarely known anyone with THAT compassion.

Soon enough, the doors of the restaurant banged open. As a group of men wearing black officer uniforms stormed it.

"Stick em' up, this is a robbery!" The leader of the group shouted as he pointed his pistol at the counter.

Simon cackled quietly, as he was about to figure out what are those chosen doing out of hell!

He clicked the Leader's name: 'Aaron Strongdude'

"Tell your men to surround table 5 AND 7. Detain them if needed." Simon ordered as he dropped the line.


"Roger Superior." Aaron said, as he looked at the group of People sitting around table 5. "The Boss wanted those men, NOW." He barked, as 7 seven people headed towards the table.

"Didn't you hear what he just said, PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" A Rookie said, sticking a pistol onto the old man's head.


[My, my. Things are looking grim for those guys. @Diminium @Cyborg Pugilist @Frogtruck @Jeff Broski @Thane Korino ]


M49 Stopped as soon as he felt something odd happening to his body. A feeling of being slowed down. He didn't like this. He walked back, avoiding the girl who just drove away.
To Sue's surprise the very restaurant she didn't want to go into was suddenly getting robbed. The fourteen year old smirked and leaned against the wall next to her to watch the scene unfold. She probably should have ran, but she wanted to watch these people loose their money with no way to stop it. She wouldn't admit it was because she was envious of their wealth and good lives. But something seemed off to the young girl, they were mainly surrounding one area. 'Are they going to go from table to table? The cops will show up before they're able to finish though...' she thought confused. 'Are these guys really robbing the place?' Sue hesitated but slowly walked closer to the restaurant.
Marina pulled into the restaurant's parking lot, hair still blue, skin still a scaly yellow-green. When she looked in her rear-view mirror the wrong way, she could swear she had horns. But every time she looked at herself, it bothered her a little less. She looked otherworldly. Powerful. Demon-chic.

Besides, she'd be too lazy to bleach it blonde again.

She was feeling better about today the more she thought about it - she'd discovered a superpower (other than restraining herself from maxing out her credit card at the mall). But her heart practically fell out of her chest when she saw the men around one of the tables through the window. They were... robbing the place? The place full of friends. Were those people going to be okay? Should she go in and slow the place? Could she save them?

She really didn't want to. That would require getting out of her nice, safe car and into the cold air, and into a restaurant full of robbers. The root of laziness is fear, she remembered one of her teachers saying. That was so painfully, stupidly true. It made her want to slam her head onto the nearest hard surface.

She did, and her horn pierced the air in and out of the restaurant. She screamed out loud.
@Diminium ((sorry for my absence I was in the ER and continued to be in the Hospital Q_Q))

He replied to the boy ignoring the young man attempting to talk to him. "Hey, I like how you act, you act with a fire, and I just feel like I need somebody like you, somebody to help me" he leaned in closer to him, taking a few steps closer, gazing deeper into his eyes. "If you know who I am, we could wield control bigger than anyone has known, I need somebody to help run my company, somebody with fire just like me, you seem to have it, you are quite persuasive one could say.". He reached out his hand to the boy openly. He said with all sincerity, all "honesty" "How would you like to be Chairman of Eastern Operations for MEPO, I know I seem to come out of the blue." he continued "full-heartedly", "Think about what you want, I know what you crave, I know what you lust for, don't deny it anymore, you know what you wan't.". He continued, almost a glimpse of nostalgia on a random tangent "You remind me of myself, of long ago, regardless...." he cut himself off.

He stepped back to give the boy whom he already respected purely off his seeming abilities. He continued "I know what you're capable of, I have been watching you for a long time. This is all part of my plan, trust me, you are well accounted for." He turned to the young man attempting to talk to him "Excuse what happened there, he had something much more important to hear, what wa." He was cutoff. Men suddenly stormed the restaurant, they ordered "Hands up!" Stevotski slowly made his way to their leader, with a slow and methodical walk. He slowly lowered his hands, and began using his silver-tongue "It would not go well for you, to mess with the top, I could make it worth your while if you left now.". He continued, "If you detain me, you will suffer, believe me, nothing gets in my way, also you well let this boy go, is that understood." He reached his hand out to lower the crook's gun, his eye's beaming into his, he looked away in almost shame. Suddenly a demonic blare was heard, ear screeching. Stevotski looked left, and right this was no ordinary being, this was something extraordinary. He turned to the man robbing the restaurant "We have a greater threat! Do you hear that, we can straighten this out later!. Stevotski drew his concealed firearm, a Colt .45 ACP. He flipped over a table and threw the boy behind it with himself, preparing for what the shrill scream was. He yelled "Get down!".
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Floyd was split half and half. Did this man really know, or... "Did my father set this up?! Another?! When will he get it through his head that I'm not interested in being a paper-pusher!" He spat, crossing his arms. "I want to be a mechanical enginer."

There was some very shiny appeal to parts of the offer. Power, control. Even if this was some sort of setup, This man clearly saw him not as just some teenager. "However... Maybe I'll take you up on that offer..." He traced his finger in random patterns over his table. Maybe he could flip some cash, have some fun... "Of course, I play by my rules. So we'd have to go over a--"


Now, that made Floyd jump. His first instinct was to duck, but much to his surprise (and horror), The man started towards the group, calmly trying to persuade them that robbing the store was indeed, a bad idea. He was talking, but his brain glossed right over exactly what he was saying.

It was eerily quiet.

A loud, blaring, tear-your-hair-out-nails-on-a-chalkboard sound overcame the entire restraunt. Floyd opted to clamp his hands over his ears, until- it happened much too fast- he was grabbed (mostly by the collar), and tossed behind an overturned table. He wasn't very alright with that, not at all, actually, as he gained his bearings. The restaurant was suddenly in a frenzy, or maybe it wasn't so bad, because the noise was making everything worse.

Even from his current spot, back pressed against the table, he peered over the side, anger bubbling up, not like a pot of water, but like a vat of oil.


And everyone did, a lull breaching the room.

At least for a moment.

"Don't listen to him, you idiots!" One snarled, smacking another with his pistol.

"I said. SHUT U-URK--"

Floyd (and his respiratory system) was cut off as two rather large hands clamped itself around the back of his neck, fingers digging into his windpipe. The world fuzzed out, and he was reduced to gaspy noises, clawing at the hand that had lifted him up. He wanted to scream, and maybe wave some cash around. "One hundred dollars if I never have to see you again. Ever." Is what he would've said, if he could breathe.
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With a pistol now digging into the back of his skull, Harry's anxiety turned into a panic. His arms instinctively moved upwards, as he slowly raised his hands above his head. He closed his eyes and thought to himself, "I have a feeling today is only going to get worse..." And just immediately after the thought left his mind, an ungodly noise penetrated his already weary eardrums and he winced in pain. Harry began to juggle the probability that he'll make it out of this place alive. Harry opened his eyes again as the business man and the blonde kid were vaulted over a table. Harry quickly scanned the scene as his heart-rate began to slow down and noticed the men robbing the place, were dressed in a peculiar way. They seemed too formal and organized to be robbing a small restaurant.

Harry's attention shifted as he saw a man strangle the blonde kid, and he could see how much the kid was struggling against the much larger man. Harry began to silently pray for the kid, because no one at that age should have to leave this world because they were strangled to death. After his short prayer, Harry's legs began to slowly give out, and he could feel himself lose his balance and make a slow descent to the ground. The gun pointed at his head followed his skull, but the man holding it was slightly confused as he watched Harry collapse.

[(Harry has used his ability to double Floyd's strength)]

Sue had watched as a business man just walked over to one of the men, probably the leader, but that's when the young girl noticed something odd about the men. They weren't dressed as robbers and thy were more organized like a SWAT team. Why she knew how organized SWAT teams were no one needed to know. Then she heard a piercing scream. Sue's eyes flew over to a scaly woman with blue hair in an all too familiar car. "Th-that girl?" she thought out loud. The restaurant only got more chaotic because of her screech though. 'This is getting bad....' she as she watched a kid get picked up by his throat. 'Is that the guy I almost stole from?!' she thought shocked. 'Are we drawn to each other or something?' her thoughts became annoyed. She scanned the rest of the restaurant but none of the other customers were being bothered, just shaking in fear. "Hmmm....this is really weird..." the young girl muttered to herself. A demon girl, robbers that act like cops, and only two tables in the restaurant being attacked. 'Could that dream have been talking about this?'
Floyd was struggling all he could, but he felt like it was all over. Over for what? It's not over.

He felt a spark of hope at that very moment however- A hot feeling of determination. He was a Rosathain, and Rosathains weren't quitters. He knew that. He wasn't going down without a fight. He grabbed onto the hands that threatened to strain away his life, yanking them away with newfound strength. Dropping down, he was glad to have his feet back on the ground. He had the upper hand, he felt, as he put as much pressure onto the wrists as he could, and the hands started to s
quirm in pain. "Good." He thought to himself, smirking. This jerk would pay.

He gripped into said jerk's arm, throwing him over his shoulder, sending him flying across the room, much to surprise of Floyd, who- if he hadn't needed to compose himself- would've started jumping up and down, cheering. He wiped his wrist over his neck, which throbbed in pain, and was dotted with purple bruises, realizing that he'd drawn blood, which now smeared over his shirt cuff.

"HA!" He barked in triumph, adrenaline shooting through his veins, he put his hands on his hips. "Try me." He threatened, baring his perfect set of teeth. He wanted to do that again- throw someone across a room, but, where did he get all that power from? He glossed right over that, because he had just tossed somebody with roughly 120~ pounds on him across the room, and yeah, it felt great.

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Dylan was struggling to maintain his control. Everything was going wrong. Suddenly his whole body felt wrong. His hands were shaking uncontrollably, his chest felt too tight to contain even short breaths, and his vision was becoming blurry and unfocused. He was terrified. He had never been threatened with a BB gun, let alone been the target of an armed assault. He always had his power available, but it had proven notoriously unreliable in the past. If Dylan tried to transfer his panic to one of the robbers (kidnappers? terrorists?), there was no guarantee that'd make any of them stop. For all he knew, they could just start firing their weapon randomly.

As Dylan sat, trying to collect himself, his fear began to be overshadowed by a stronger feeling. Anger. He was so close to getting some answers, only to have it taken away by these people. This was clearly a targeted assault, someone was trying to eliminate all the people caught up in this whole war thing. They sent an armed team to a table in a restaurant, with a child no less. He needed to get out of this. He was going to get out of this. The fact that he was still terrified wasn't going to stop him.

Once the child got in a fight with one of the robbers, Dylan made his move. Raw fear might not cause the right results, but if he took away any motivation and ambition...well, he didn't have many other options. He leapt towards the nearest robber and grasped for any exposed skin. The wrist, the face, an unbuttoned part of the shirt. If Dylan could neutralise the robber, he could try to use the robber as a human shield or something. If the robbers were as professional as they acted, they wouldn't want to shoot one of their own.

The security guards, had really no idea what was going on at the time being. There was some crazy screech from somewhere, some random organized robbers had burst inside, people for some reason and somehow were being thrown across the room. They went down to their sides and hit an emergency ‘panic’ which did a few things, first was send off an alert to multiple people. Which included the police, those in the office and in the kitchen. Taking in a deep breath each, oddly they seemed sort of calmed and fearless. Each pulling out a pistol of their own and facing them toward the shooters if only to give some leverage. “Hey, let’s be calm here, one of the security guards said.

Seeing as Sin, was not near the others and was watching tables five and seven from a distance and since no one was sitting there! He instead started sneaking toward the kitchen, and gesturing some others to do so as well, at a slow pace. Sneaking into the kitchen.. The organized robbers seemed to be mostly focusing or near a group of new visitors and security guards, five in that group seeming ready to defend themselves especially the one that threw someone across the room, somehow. Sin snuck out through the kitchen and was kidnapped by some black van and taken elsewhere for training and study.

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