My school actually cancelled. I was shocked AF when it delayed. Then it cancelled and i almost died!

But irl friends ruined it by kicking me from a game chat...

Pffffft Haaaaaaaaaaa

RIGHT! i remember when i would get a pay fo about 110 pounds a month while at school haha and think i was rich now im like bitch..i dont get outta bed for less than at least 200 a week xD

well they don't sound like nice friends ,-,

Ughhhh lifeeeeeeeee. And the trust issues you get with age hahaha.

Yo so guys! on a scale of eh i'd still give you a cookie TO bItch ill drown your ass. How mad y'all gon be if i don't post tonight x.x i ish very tired. @The Broken Mind @shadowz1995

I wouldnt be mad at all the fk lmao
OK guys! here is the deal from the 14-24 i do not have a single day offs. not one. (can I get a half hearted woo hoo?) so my posting may be a bit spotty but I'll post as often as I can and also a heads up for the weekend of the 24th! I will be out of contact completely until the Monday because my two besties from Ireland are coming to visit and we're going to stay in the city :) I will definitely get a replumb up tomorrow and then after that I honestly don't know xD just when I can @shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind
OK guys! here is the deal from the 14-24 i do not have a single day offs. not one. (can I get a half hearted woo hoo?) so my posting may be a bit spotty but I'll post as often as I can and also a heads up for the weekend of the 24th! I will be out of contact completely until the Monday because my two besties from Ireland are coming to visit and we're going to stay in the city :) I will definitely get a replumb up tomorrow and then after that I honestly don't know xD just when I can @shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind

Have fun! Hope no one causes an earthquake or a cold man to suddenly turn warmer towards them alone! Lol.

Now i just gotta hope i don't get fucked with cause my disabilities like yesterday. tomorrow  i'll be safe for a week. Woop Woop!
OK guys! here is the deal from the 14-24 i do not have a single day offs. not one. (can I get a half hearted woo hoo?) so my posting may be a bit spotty but I'll post as often as I can and also a heads up for the weekend of the 24th! I will be out of contact completely until the Monday because my two besties from Ireland are coming to visit and we're going to stay in the city :) I will definitely get a replumb up tomorrow and then after that I honestly don't know xD just when I can @shadowz1995 @The Broken Mind

Good luck
im alive! barely haha and half way through LOL ok so ill do a post now ps anyone know when the site goes down to change back?

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