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Fantasy OakWood High

Jilly said nothing in reply, but merely left class, her face bright red, seeing as a couple of guys kept staring at her. I w-wish they'd st-stop.. she thought. Onii-chan, where are you?!

Rookie was already in the hallway, having left class early. He inhaled deeply, and the scent of food caught him. He turned around and ran to the cafeteria, making it there in 30 seconds. He grabbed a salad and promptly devoured it in one huge gulp.
MurfBall353 said:
"That's cool! And hey kid, don't be so nervous! Your never going to concer the world in in fear! And, hey, I like a girl with mystery.." Kat felt like that cool rebel girl in school, but then again, it was probably just a feeling. Time passed, and they got let out of class.
She then met the winged boy in the halls, once more. Or..more like stumbled upon. "Hey, your probably just going to class, so to meet up with you again, could ya give me your number?"

@The Chronicler Croi @xXBeautifulDreamsXx
Hitsugya raised an eye brow at the girl who asked him for his number "Umm. . . .You're talking to me? . . . ." he asked, confused at why some random girl wanted to meet up with him. It could just be a trick or something.

@MurfBall353 @The Chronicler Croi
She smiled and stole the blanket, she hadn't had anything to eat or drink so she tiredly stood and made her way to the cafeteria, her hair still wet, and her clothes. She wrapped the blanket around herself, she stumbled into the cafeteria and slowly made her way to the checkout, with a carton of orange juice, a cheeseburger for Cody and a small pot of fruit salad for herself. Shivering, she struggled to put the straw in the carton, setting the other foods on the table nearby. She finally did it and soothingly,but tiredly, drank from it, carrying the other foods timidly as she avoided the stares she received.

(I have twins in the works but again in the works their visualized and somewhat on screen I let the image flow from my mind then name and think of their story sometimes it's the other way around these two been waiting awhile just been busy...cleaning and doing dishes at moment so multitasking sorry if replies are slow.)
It took her a moment to realise she was being spoken to. "...I..Urm...Hi?" Her eyes widened as she tightened the blanket around herself, not quite hiding the bite to her neck. She smiled softly and looked up at him. Then she frowned slightly "You came to talk to me because I look tired?" She raised an eyebrow and grinned wider.

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She then pulled her blanket up to cover her neck. "Nothing, why?" She began to blush a little, her feet squeaked on the tiled floor anxiously as she shuffled around; she took a step forward, ready to walk away before she realised how rude that would be.

Desirea blinked when it started to rain. "Dang it." She muttered, slapping her sketchbook shut and shoving it in her backpack. She then hopped out of the tree and ran across the school's field. She hadn't brought a jacket and was soaked through by the time she reached the school's doors. She walked in and frowned, looking at herself. "This is not happening." She made her way to her dorm, drying herself off and changing out of her soaking uniform. She sighed and ran to the Canteen to get a snack.


She returned the smile and mumbled. "I'm Abel, preferred to be called Abel." She smiled once again. "It's nice to meet you.....I would offer to shake your hand but, I'm a bit soaked...It's raining you see..."

@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]

"Nice tattoos I have I love tattoos actually I have wings too. " Kia whispered she paused for a minute trying to think of something to say when the pink haired girl came by she waved. Kia put her hand against her throat a little hoping it would help project even if it made her throat hurt worse


"I have very little voice due to an accident."

She heard the comment." Oh his number"

@Veyd "it seems she wants your digits muscles"

Out over nowhere Kia's spaded tail swings around and with the flat side of the spade smacks Hitsugya's bum. Kia goes red in the face..." I'm sooooo sorry" she grabs her tail and it writhes like a mad snake "I swear sometimes it has a mind of its own" (actually will work on Kia's subconsious thoughts as well as command)
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(Britain xD )

She tumbled over onto the floor because she was so tired. She sighed and sat up, rubbing at the back of her head. She did, however, manage to keep ahold of her blanket.

"No, it's fine, it happens a lot." She mumbled.

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The Chronicler Croi] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24503-veyd-sahvoz/ said:
@Veyd Sahvoz[/URL]
"Nice tattoos I have I love tattoos actually I have wings too. " Kia whispered she paused for a minute trying to think of something to say when the pink haired girl came by she waved. Kia put her hand against her throat a little hoping it would help project even if it made her throat hurt worse


"I have very little voice due to an accident."

She heard the comment." Oh his number"

@Veyd "it seems she wants your digits muscles"

Out over nowhere Kia's spaded tail swings around and with the flat side of the spade smacks Hitsugya's bum. Kia goes red in the face..." I'm sooooo sorry" she grabs her tail and it writes like a mad snake "I swear sometimes it has a mind of its own" (actually will work on Kia's subconsious thoughts as well as command)
Hitsugya backed up a bit "Why do you keept calling me mucsles I have a name y'know" he explained with a bit of sigh in his voice. He cracked his knuckles a bit and put his hand out to the girl, implying for her to give him her phone.
"Alright, if you really don't trust me." She complained. Quickly, she scribbled her number onto a index card and gave it to him. She put back on her headphones and left for her dorm. On the outside, she looked cool. But on the inside, she was congratulating herself.
Jilly merely ran off, terrified of being yelled at. She ran back to the dorm with her name on it and flopped down on the empty bed, staring at the ceiling. She wondered who shared the room with her; maybe it would be the nice, slight rebellious-looking girl from earlier..

She stared in shock. "...Oh...Uh...Maybe i should leave.." She began to walk away, her feet pattering subtly on the tiles. She turned around, and smiled slightly. "Nice to meet you...Kuroso, I mean, Rookie. Maybe I'll see you around." She turned back and walked away, the food she had purchased in her hands as she walked down the school hallway.


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