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Fandom ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺ character sheets ✺◟( • ω • )◞✺

Mizuna Kotori / BNHA Fan Character
  • Kotori Mizuna
    • 01
      mizuna, kotori
      nobinary (they/she)
      date of birth
      feb 13th

      Mizu has long, dark black hair. They keep it in a ponytail or pigtails most of the time. They have pale skin that is usually flushed, and blue-grey eyes. Thin eyebrows frame their face. They're naturally fairly thin and lithe, standing at 5'6 / 167.64 cm. They normally wear the female school uniform, hoever they do prefer to wear the male one in winter. Their face is naturally very bored or even angry looking, and their expressions are usually only seen around their friends.

      Face claim is Kuroh Yatogami from K Project.

      Mizuna is generally very polite, trying to keep an appearance of nobility to please their family. They prefer to have lots of company and friends, even if they may not show their emotions frequently. They have a hard time with asking for help, despite constantly needing it. They aren't particularly good at handling their quirk, so they don't use it as often as needed. They are proficient in weapon and hand to hand combat, and they particularly enjoy knives and swords.

      Constantly seeking out friendships, Mizuna is surprisingly affectionate when close with someone. They are rather affection starved and enjoy spoiling their friends and loved ones whenever they can. Even if a person dislikes them and their antics, they continue to seek that person out until they realize they are unwelcome. Even then, they may leave small gifts behind for said person while making sure they don't know it was them.

      They push aside their own wants and desires most of the time, only asking when absolutely necessary. They will not tell people their birthday, and despite their friends requests, will deny gifts at all turns. They will, however, indulge in sweets. It's the one thing they will accept as a gift from anyone, and is arguably a giant weakness of theirs.
    code by @Nano
    Valentine Petrov / TWILIGHT Fan Character
  • "Love's a fool's game..."
    "And I consider myself the biggest fool around."
    @valentime has set their name to:
    valentine petrov

    @valentime has set their nicknames to:
    val, valen

    @valentime has set their age to:

    @valentime has set their birthday to:
    december 5th

    @valentime has set their grade to:
    12th / senior

    @valentime has set their gender to:
    cis female (she/her)

    @valentime has set their sexuality to:
    @valentime has set their hair color to:
    dirty blonde

    @valentime has set their eye color to:

    @valentime has set their body mods to:

    @valentime has set their distinctive features to:
    eyebags & eyebrows

    @valentime has set their height to:
    5'3 / 160.02 cm

    @valentime has set their build to:
    thin & lanky

    @valentime has set their typical hair style to:

    @valentime has set their typical clothing style to:

    @valentime has set their face claim to:
    cara delevingne
    @valentime has updated their personality summary:
    generally coming off as rather cold and callous, val keeps walls around herself naturally. she doesn't attempt to keep to herself, but she doesn't keep many friends due to her general disconnect from people. getting to know her better shows that she's far from the persona she gives off. she's fiercly loyal once close with someone and greatly affectionate with even friends. she is naturally pretty blunt, and will tell someone how it is based off how she sees it, however this can be a bad thing given she holds no sympathy in telling someone something rude.

    @valentime has updated their virtues:

    ☆ courageous
    ☆ assertive
    ☆ honest
    ☆ loyal
    ☆ open minded

    @valentime has updated their vices:

    ★ unforgiving
    ★ tactless
    ★ vulgar
    ★ jealous
    ★ impatient

    @valentime has updated their likes:

    ♡ hiking
    ♡ rain / snow
    ♡ horror movies
    ♡ rabbits
    ♡ forests

    @valentime has updated their dislikes:

    ❯ sweets
    ❯ most sports
    ❯ smell of flowers
    ❯ planes
    ❯ birds

    @valentime has updated their background:
    born and raised in maine, val was raised by a single father. she and her father were incredibly close for the majority of her life, and she picked up quite a lot of his personality traits. she copied a lot of his actions, such as stroking his chin when he's thinking or avoiding certain swears, and has kept up with them even into her later years out of habit. as she grew older, they stayed close until the day he died.

    her father passed from an animal attack, leaving her with only her estranged on as family. neither Val nor her aunt were particularly fond of one another, so it was decided that val would be moved in to a loft in forks on her own. paying for food and rent until val could get a job secure enough to pay for herself, and after she graduated school, val and her aunt have very little communication outside of simply exchanging greetings every few months.

    moving into forks was a big step for val, especially given she was incredibly apprehensive about the little town. she swore up and down to any of her friends that something was going on there, and that little towns like that always left her anxious. add on the animal attacks that reminded her far too much of her father's own passing, and it was a recipe for disaster. however, she grew fond of the town the first few weeks she was there. the rainy weather mixed with the huge amount of forests made for a general love of the town. finally, after a few weeks of getting acclimated, she'll be starting school again.
    @valentime has updated their family information:
    - father
    val and her father were incredibly close in the time he was alive, she considers him one of the only people to understand her and she continues to wear some of his clothing long after his passing. she keeps a picture of him on her desk and, if asked, will gladly go on tangents about the man and what he had accomplished in his life. she hasn't talked to anyone about his death, and while she avoids mentioning the topic, she will answer about it if asked. she practically idolized him and continues to do so even now.

    - mother
    val's mother is someone val will never mention and if asked about it, will simply reply with a shrug. she has met her mother twice, and she can easily say she dislikes the woman. her mother has a new family with another man, and while val did see her at her father's funeral, val truly doesn't believe she cared at all for him and by extension herself. she's very avoidant of her mother, specifically changing her number should she ever find out her new one through her aunt.

    - aunt
    her aunt is a very odd case, given she dislikes her but respects her. val's aunt is a business woman through and through, and is incredibly smart at that. emotionally, she's distant and very calculated in her interactions with people. val doesn't trust her as far as she could throw her, but she respects the way she brought herself up from nothing and respects her for taking care of things she generally doesn't have to. she knows this is reciprocated and so they stay distant with each other, simply admiring each other's strengths from afar.

    º º code by ditto º º