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Fantasy Not Your Average Fantasy High School || OOC

Your character's always going to be teaching (till lunch I suppose I'd there wanted to be some interaction) but the only class hours that are going to have more "major" student NPCs are your chosen hours. The others are just going to be mildly elaborated on.

Thanks, but you still haven't answered my question about posting order. Does it matter what order we post in? Like, those who are focusing on period 6 have to wait until people focusing on periods 1 and 2 through 5 have posted? 
Thanks, but you still haven't answered my question about posting order. Does it matter what order we post in? Like, those who are focusing on period 6 have to wait until people focusing on periods 1 and 2 through 5 have posted? 

Everyone will post for each period. Those that aren't focusing on that hour will just have shorter posts than those that are. Once everyone has posted once, I'll advance to the next hour.
@Skryx Your wall of text is nothing compared to the one I'm about to drop.

This is kinda how I want people to eleborate on their class preiod, or longer.
@Skryx On the long side but TBH I have seen longer. And consistently long too. I don't mind as long as it isn't a mini novel, and GM Stonewolf obviously doesn't.

No schools today would ever use calkboards. Fix is please.

LOL my school actually does. It's in an older building though. Perhaps a better way to say it is that this school does not use chalkboards. 
@Skryx On the long side but TBH I have seen longer. And consistently long too. I don't mind as long as it isn't a mini novel, and GM Stonewolf obviously doesn't.

LOL my school actually does. It's in an older building though. Perhaps a better way to say it is that this school does not use chalkboards. 

More of, schools recently built. I went to one that had them as well and the building was extremely old.
@Skryx Your wall of text is nothing compared to the one I'm about to drop.

This is kinda how I want people to eleborate on their class preiod, or longer.

Sorry to disappoint then :D  I'll be sure to have a bigger wall next time. Wasn't sure how long you guys thought was normal. 

I'll take third and seventh then.
Apologies, I'm mildly confused, we can pick the same period that others have already picked correct? If so I'll pick third and seventh.

Read through the last page of the OOC, all of its explained. But I want no more than two people per hour. 
Hi, I'm a bit confused about the period structure, although it looks like I've been removed from the RP :(

I can definitely get a post up if we're supposed to focus on another period - which ones are available? @StoneWolf18
Yo my bad something came up so I couldn't post, I'll try and send in a post in asap, Im currently having some issues with the internet my bad

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