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Fantasy Not Your Average Fantasy High School || OOC

Probably my fault for not sleeping yet. I've got the curse where everyone posts when I'm not awake. 
Ah. I just wish the site would pick back up in activity. The update destroyed the population of

active users...

Side Question: Would you be at all interested in a 1x1?

Yeah, it kinda did. Quite a few people I used to rp with just kinda poofed after expressing confusion and/or dissatisfaction towards the update.

I would be, not like I really have much going on rp-wise right now. In fact I looked at that vrmmo rp interest check and was interested, but I honestly got distarcted and forgot about it before I could express my interest Dx. Your question reminded me lol.
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Yeah, it kinda did. Quite a few people I used to rp with just kinda poofed after expressing confusion and/or dissatisfaction towards the update.

I would be, not liek I really have much going on rp-wise right now. In fact I looked at that vrmmo rp interest check and was interested, but I honestly got distarcted and forgot about it before I could express my interest Dx. Your question reminded me lol.

Some people can't handle change unfortunately.

Well I'm still looking for people if you wanted to give it a go. I mean, we don't even have to follow the prompt. I just need something in VR right now x3
...I miss you all...are you all sleeping? Why are you sleeping? I guess sleeping is pretty great isn't it. Well...I guess Ill wait for you all my sweets...right here...alone...in silence. Oh cup song...you were so right. I really do miss them when they are gone. Music you speak to my soul...at least the music speaks to me. :') But thats okay because I know you will all be back soon. 
...I miss you all...are you all sleeping? Why are you sleeping? I guess sleeping is pretty great isn't it. Well...I guess Ill wait for you all my sweets...right here...alone...in silence. Oh cup song...you were so right. I really do miss them when they are gone. Music you speak to my soul...at least the music speaks to me. :') But thats okay because I know you will all be back soon. 

I'm awake too xD
Yay! The coffee dragon is alive! I like to imagine that instead of breathing fire this dragon just has like really bad coffee breath and maybe shoot like a ball of coffee grounds you know!?

xD  imagining that just made my night. Coffee (cafffiene in genera tbh, tea, soda etc.) is my life so I fell in love with this picture the moment I first saw it and decided it needed to be my rpn avatar forever. xD  
xD  imagining that just made my night. Coffee (cafffiene in genera tbh, tea, soda etc.) is my life so I fell in love with this picture the moment I first saw it and decided it needed to be my rpn avatar forever. xD  

Yeah because you see this dragon isn't interested in stealing away the princess he just wants to share a good cup of joe in the morning with her but one day the rest of the dragon nation attacked and ruined his image so now when he comes around the castle they attack him until he leaves. His tale is actually quite the tragic one. Eventually, he could no longer hold back the caffeine craving because everyone knows coffee cannot be made by dragons. So he steamed with anger but the steam was actually his horrid coffee breath that filled the town via the storm drains that they conveniently had. The people all complained to the king to stop the horrid smell and eventually he gave in. He personally went to the dragon to ask him what he would make him stop this torture and the coffee dragon said that he just wanted to be able to share coffee with the princess. The king left to think of his options but he knew the evils that dragons were capable of so he judged him unrightfully and knew what had to be done. He came back to the coffee dragon and said that he would be allowed to drink morning coffee with the princess. The next morning he arrived at the princesses door and she opened up smiling glad to see him again. The coffee dragon walked in and they shared cup after cup of coffee, laughing while they talked about how their lives were going it had almost been an hour and in the middle of speaking the princess started crying looking at the coffee dragon. He was confused and she had opened her mouth to warn him and reached out to grab onto him. Just then though king ripped her away as she grabbed at the air and ran away with her. The door where the dragon was had been boarded when he spat a ball of ground coffee at the door. The coffee dragon frantically looked for a way out but the tower had been set aflame and knocked over. Thus the untimely end of the coffee dragon.
Yeah because you see this dragon isn't interested in stealing away the princess he just wants to share a good cup of joe in the morning with her but one day the rest of the dragon nation attacked and ruined his image so now when he comes around the castle they attack him until he leaves. His tale is actually quite the tragic one. Eventually, he could no longer hold back the caffeine craving because everyone knows coffee cannot be made by dragons. So he steamed with anger but the steam was actually his horrid coffee breath that filled the town via the storm drains that they conveniently had. The people all complained to the king to stop the horrid smell and eventually he gave in. He personally went to the dragon to ask him what he would make him stop this torture and the coffee dragon said that he just wanted to be able to share coffee with the princess. The king left to think of his options but he knew the evils that dragons were capable of so he judged him unrightfully and knew what had to be done. He came back to the coffee dragon and said that he would be allowed to drink morning coffee with the princess. The next morning he arrived at the princesses door and she opened up smiling glad to see him again. The coffee dragon walked in and they shared cup after cup of coffee, laughing while they talked about how their lives were going it had almost been an hour and in the middle of speaking the princess started crying looking at the coffee dragon. He was confused and she had opened her mouth to warn him and reached out to grab onto him. Just then though king ripped her away as she grabbed at the air and ran away with her. The door where the dragon was had been boarded when he spat a ball of ground coffee at the door. The coffee dragon frantically looked for a way out but the tower had been set aflame and knocked over. Thus the untimely end of the coffee dragon.

This story made me cry :(  poor coffee dragon.
No...I am not the amazing one...coffee dragon is the one who deserves this praise. Rest in peace coffee dragon...in loving memory. "Kisses two fingers and holds them up whistling the coffee dragons song"

*Sniff* Farewell, coffee dragon. *cries softly for his loss*

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