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Not so serious fantasy RP

I try to settle on the floor using my coat as a pillow and move around for sometime unable to find any sleep on the floor. I try to calm myself down,fidget with my fingers and look at the ceiling.At one point i even try counting sheep, and just like i remember it,that trick is absolutely useless and does nothing but annoy me even further. After what felt like eternity,but probably wasnt more than half an hour, i sit up and look at Breanna. I take a few moments to think about what i am about to say,but in the end i decide for the straightforward option. " The floor is worse than i had expected... think we could share the bed?" I look down at the ground,almost embarrassed about the question, apparently i should have talked that big earlier
I pulled myself under the thin and itchy blanket and sighed with satisfaction, time to finally feel relaxed. I didn't fell asleep that fast but after some time, after getting used to the foreign bed, I was in the land of dreams. I was back home. Not in the cramped and damp hole they called a slum but in the home of my childhood. The time when father was alive. That didn't last long. I saw a dark figure holding my father down by his throat on the floor of his study, shards of glass everywhere. The figure looked up at me, asking to share a bed with me.

I wake up, almoat flying into a sitting position while trying to catch my breath. After I came to my senses I looked around me, quickly, trying to figure out if I was safe. My eyes land on the man on the floor, clearly looking at me. "Ah," I open my mouth. He didn't like the floor after all. "Just don't steal the blanket or kick me." I then turn myself the other way, pulling the cover over my ear, embarrassed about the fact I had just shown a stranger I saw a nightmare. Why did I see that nightmare, that has never been a problem before. I closed my eyes and sighed, I should just sleep.
I look at the girl with confusion all over my face, she seamed like she had a terrible nightmare as she was clearly sweating and needed a second to get her bearings. I wanted to ask about it, but decided against it, after all both of us were tired and rarely anyone would want to talk about something like this to a complete stranger. So instead i silently get up and crawl into the bed,making sure to stay as far away as the tiny bed allows. I get under the covers and relax as i feel the bed,it was hard and uncomfortable but had slept on stuff like this long enough to not mind it. "I wont need much of the blanket,dont worry about that and im also a quiet and calm sleeper,so you should be fine" i mumble.

I close my eyes as well as i do my best to drift off, after all it had been a long day and our days most likely wouldnt get any easier from now on. I worried about the girl, something had seamed to trouble her since we had arrived at the city and i made a mental note to talk to her about that eventually, but now i just wanted to sleep, luckily enough i was soon sleeping,it might not be the deepest sleep but it was relaxing.
I didn't answer, I just wanted to be as invincible I could at this point. Luckily he didn't seem to pay much attention to me. I kept my eyes closed and tried to forget the horrible nightmare I had seen. But I couldn't just let it be. There was something wrong with the figure. Of course I messed him up with Paul because he had spoken at the exact time but that wasn't the problem. The man had sounded familiar and the glass had to mean something. 'Oh come on, just sleep!', I told myself. A dream was just a dream. Dreams just reflected the events I had had that day, nothing more. After a long sigh I let myself drift off once again.

The following morning felt odd. The dream was still haunting me and I had felt a little bit scared to sleep properly. I woke up quite early, or at least it felt like it. The sun was not fully up yet so it was still dark in the room. I glance at Paul beside me, then lifting my palms to my face. Some situation this is. Shaken up by the posters searching for us I decided we should probably keep walking as soon as possible today. We made some changes on our appearances but that wasn't a fail-safe solution. I let myself lay on the bed for a while, waiting for the last remnants of sleep fly away.
I had settled into the bed and struggled a bit knowing that Breanna was sleeping right next to me. Simply put, it has been some time since I was forced to share a bed with someone and the way the girl had reacted earlier just wasn't something that escaped my attention. I wondered if even I was responsible for scaring the girl.
Yet I am able to sleep through the night, ignoring these nagging thoughts for now. In the morning I do not awaken too early but eventually I feel the movement next to me and slowly open my eyes. Over the years I had gotten used to my work at night which certainly didn't make it easier for me to get up in the morning. Yet I am almost embarrassed that Breanna is up before me. I keep my position as I notice that over night I had apparently moved closer to her, yet I ignore that and stretch slightly as I yawn. "I guess we should get going sooner rather thanater..." I mumble and finally sit up in bed "Thanks for being OK with sharing the bed by the way" I mumble. As I begin to wake up the worries of our fugitive life creep back into my mind "The posters will make it harder for us to go by unnoticed.... How should we react if someone recognises us?" I ask unsure of it myself. "Just if for example I get caught just try and get away... No need for both of us to go down I guess"
I blinked my eyes a few times noticing that my roommate was awake. I hummed a short answer, like I would complain about sharing a bed, I wasn't that cold hearted. Throwing my legs over the bedside I get up into a sitting position. I didn't get up just yet, though. "It would be for the best," I agree. The quicker we get away from the capital the better. My back was facing Paul so I could let my face scrunch up in deep thought freely. The posters were a big deal. Without them all of this would have been so much easier. "In case someone recognizes us we probably should act innocent as long as we can," I say, not really sure about the entire situation myself. "And don't worry about me, I can handle myself." Of course I would be my own top priority. But even if I said I should leave him alone I wasn't so sure of it.

At that moment, almost ironically, there was two loud knocks on the door. I immediately jumped on my feet and looked at Paul, making sure he was in this world. "Is that supposed to be our breakfast?" I ask with a voice as low as possible. All possible scenarios went through my mind. Either it really was the breakfast or someone was after us, just a door away from our noses. The door was still in one piece so I shouldn't be someone hostile but on the other hand wasn't there supposed to be someone yelling 'good morning'? I cautiously took a few steps toward the door, picking up my knife from the pocket of my coat on the way.
I yawn as I begin to wake up. It was still a brief night and the posters had kept eating away at my thoughts. I stretch and yawn once more as I finally get up, getting fully dressed, so that we could head out as soon as possible. At least he appeared to get along better with the thief each day. He had to admit that she was a better travel companion than he had anticipated. " Oh yes we should probably get through most routine checks, I mean we are already in a smaller town and look a bit different." His voice was still sleepy as looked out of the window.

When he heard the knocks he instinctively moved his hand towards one of the axes that were hidden beneath his wide shirt. he made sure that he'd appear innocent when Breanna finally opened the door. In front of the door stood the owner of the inn with their breakfast and an old watchman, the inn owner walked in and placed their breakfast on the table, mumbling a good morning before leaving. The old watchman looked at the two, rubbing his eyes. " I'm sorry to disturb you two younglings..." he mumbled and handed Breanna two posters of them "But I was told to warn every traveler of these dangerous murderers...If you see them call help and don't engage them." And just like that, the old man left again, not having recognized either of them. I whisper " Damn, that was way too close.... Let´s eat the breakfast and then we should get going fast" I sit down and greedily begin eating while making sure to leave more than the half for Breanna " At least he didn't recognize us...."
With a slightly sweaty hand I open the door, keeping the knife out of the sight just in case. It was a good idea because the figure was the inn owner I had seen yesterday. There was someone else, too. I kept my both hand behind my back to and tried to look as normal and relaxed as possible when I chirped a bright 'good morning' to the owner and thanked for the breakfast. The man left without much conversation but the other person stayed there. I had to take one of my arms from behind me to take the posters. "Thank you for your consideration," I smile at the old man. "I hope they won't cause any further trouble." I couldn't complete the entire sentence before he was gone. After a second I closed the door quickly. The posters were tossed on the bed when I realized there was food. I grabbed a good amount of the breakfast and sat down on the edge of bed to eat. "Who said we're murderers..." I mumble as I chew the bread. At least I didn't remember Paul exactly killing anyone when I was meeting with my customer.

I glance at the poster with a drawn picture of someone that looked a little like me, aside from the now cut bangs. "How long are we going to be on the run?" I suddenly ask. "They will be searching for a for a while and I'm quite certain they won't stop in a long time, our faces could be up in all the tavern walls maybe for years." I notice how worked up I was getting, I had stood up at some point. "Is there a point in hiding you entire life?" To be totally honest I was scared. I guess neither of us had actually thought about it back in capital. I sit down with slumped shoulders and I didn't feel like eating anymore.
I kept eating, I had barely noticed the point of us being called murderers, but I simply shrug and look at her. " Well, I guess they made us murderers for good measure, after all, its easier to justify a manhunt for the murderer than theft" I mumble a bit as I think about it, my eating slows down as I rub my temples. " Well, it seems we are now considered armed and dangerous.... Let's just make sure to not add any more crimes to that, I mean we could do without more trouble...." he was about to speak again when he noticed her getting worked up over their situation,he had to admit that she had a point,but he didn't want to admit it or show it on his face. Hesitantly he placed a hand on her shoulder and put on a small and warm smile. " Give it some time,I'm sure we'll manage to figure it all out. I mean you know how it goes in the little realm, a scandal happens and eventually people forget about everything.......... But yeah I'd also rather not be forced to hide, i mean i did my best to be able to have a nice life." I gulp and close my eyes for a moment as i keep my hand on her shoulder. "Now let's get going, we can sulk on our way out of town, no point in us wasting time, i mean living on the run is better than getting tortured and killed"

I begin to back my bag and soon shoulder my bag and soon I shouldered it. I begin to help her with packing her bag as well and smile as we are done. " Let's get going and you can complain about all of it as soon as we are out of town" I tease with a playful smirk, as i walk towards the door eager to leave the town behind us.
With reluctance I chew small bites of the bread, there was no point in not eating all the food once we get some. I felt Paul's hand on my shoulder and I sighed silently, I knew I shouldn't just keep shouting about all this, he had hard time too. Without saying anything I finished rest of the food, ready to pack my things.

Due to the little baggage we had it didn't long to leave the room. When Paul teased me once again about my behaviour I rolled my eyes at him. He knew how to lighten the mood, maybe not in the best possible way, but at least he didn't start arguing how I should keep my mouth shut. I led the way out, greeting the owner on the way. On the street I decided to keep my head slightly down, even if I had cut my hair my face was still the same and I didn't want to have someone realising that. There were some people already, this was a slightly larger town after all. After checking the way we should head I start walking to the opposite direction from what we had come here yesterday. Soon there was a long road ahead, heading out of the lively town. I felt already better when I knew we were out of here, I knew this was an uncomfortable surrounding. The posters were a clear wake-up call for us. I would've said this out loud but because someone could hear it, I decided not to call this a stupid town, a pilgrim would probably never say such things.
I walk a step behind her and keep my head down, just like the thief in front of me. The town was lively despite the early hours of the morning and I steal glances at the crowd around us, there were all kinds of people, merchants of all kinds, craftsmen, and servants that were apparently running errands for their masters, even the odd watchman. I avoid the looks of the people around us and don't even dare to look up at the wanted posters. I got nervous as a group of Elves rode by us, they wore dark armor and appeared to radiate an aura of arrogance.

I tense up as they ride past us, fearing that they would spot us despite the small changes in our appearance.but luckily the group didn't even spare them or any other part of the crowd a glance.
Soon enough they were once again walking down a lonesome road, I remained quiet enough, as my mind circles around the elves we had seen earlier. Neither of them what the group was after, but it was reasonable to fear that those elves were after them.

Off course neither of them were aware of more and more political turmoil spreading throughout the realm, with more groups fighting for political power, the struggles becoming more obvious and even peasants now demanding more rights each day, in some poorer towns there even have been open acts of rebellion, but for now these acts were still contained and not spreading

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