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Futuristic Noire (Futuristic Crime RP)

Verse Zero

Senior Member
What is Noire?

Noire is a post-apocalyptic crime role play (depending on the individual player it may also be a psychological thriller) centered within the fictional city-state of Europa in the late 26th Century. Europa is located in Central Europe along the Northern side of the Alps with districts even reaching into the Mountains. It is a vast city of 275 Million people, one of the last havens of humanity, after an apocalyptic event during the 21st Century wiped out the majority of humanity and devastated the Earth.

There are a few other cities left on Earth, such as Nova York, Neo-Tokyo, and Sydney Australia, though they are all smaller and each possesses limited contact with the other. Often they are busy fighting over resources to work together.

The premise of the role play will primarily follow the Law Enforcement/Government personnel as they work cases. Players may also role-play as criminals or civilians from other social strata but keep in mind that the focus of the role play is on the Law Enforcers.

General Information on Europa

The Three Levels of Citizenship

Civilian Categories:

Citizen: A Citizen has the full rights of the law on their side. They get every right available to them, such as voting, Miranda rights, better living conditions and usually better job availability. Along with having little restriction in terms of traveling about the city.

Pre-Citizen or PCs: They are basically Citizens in waiting, usually starting to have better job availability, better education possibilities, the government is more or less on their side then on an Immigrants. However they are denied many civil rights that a Citizen enjoys such as being able to be held for only 48 hours without a warrant.

Immigrant: People whom are not born in Europa but have migrated to the city successfully. They essentially have no rights except basic Human rights. Tend to be poorer, live in poorer accommodations and often segregated due to their conceived lowly status. Immigrant status can also be hereditary as it is common for migrants to live generations without attaining PC status for a myriad of reasons. Such as criminal record, refusal to assimilate into the Europan culture or society, and therefore Immigrant districts often exert their own sub-culture identity.

The Government of Europa

The Government of Europa is a Democratic Republic, however in reality it is more of an Oligarchy, though arguably on the more benevolent side. But that more or less depends on your lot in life. Its runs a total management system, even creating androids to do work citizens normally would not do, and potentially too wasteful to employ PC or Immigrant work crews. However the Government does allow people civilian and Humanitarian rights based on whichever three levels of society they belong too. The Government is primarily split into Three organizations under a City Council (15 member unit elected for five year terms) headed by a man or woman known as,"The City Master," whom is the primary executive leader. The three organizations are as follows:

Administration: The largest bureau that runs the city day to day, it has many subdivisions known as Departments; Education, Waste Management, Technological, Transportation etc. The Administration is headed by the City Master in the executive sense. However, day to day control is exercised via Department Deputies.

Security Bureau: The Security Bureau is in charge of overall Policing, Military and exerting Authority over the populace. Although its power is in check by the Council who decides the allocation of Military forces unless at war, whereby the City Master takes control. Otherwise it is generally free to operate within its jurisdiction granted by the Law. As such the Security Bureau's reputation and stance may very depending on the needs of the District, and the availability of resources. It is common for Citizen Districts to be well policed and protected with fast response times, while Immigrant districts are often left with limited police assets and often less than 40% response rate due to lack of officers or just simply to much for the Law Enforcers to respond to all calls.

Intelligence Bureau: The most secretive Bureau and also the smallest in terms of employees. All three Organizations have their main HQs together in the Nexus District or Government District at the heart of the city. Surrounded by the Central District (Districts 1 through 3) which houses the elite of the city and the most wealthy businesses. The objective of this Bureau is to gather Intel on all aspects of the city and assess and target any threats therein.


The City of Europa is divided into Districts and their Sub-Divisions: Zones which are lettered A through D. There are a total of 51 Districts within Europa. Technically 52 but District 0 or the Nexus is not officially given a Number being simply referred to as the Nexus or Government District. Typically each District has a purpose (Technological, Industrial, Commercial, Agriculture, Residential (Low, Medium and High), Protected and Nature reserve areas. The 51st is the Recycling District and the 50th is the Military District. Immigrants typically inhabit Districts located away from the City center or Citizen areas, and generally near less desirable functions.

Government District/Nexus: 0

Residential Districts: 1-11, 17-23, 25

Immigrant Districts: 24, 37-39

Technological Development and Research: 12-16

Industrial: 26-32

Commercial: 33-36, 40, 44

Agricultural: 41-43, 45-47

Protected/Nature Reserve: 48-49

Recycling District: 51

Military District: 50

Law Enforcement

Do to the Nature of the Noire Europan Law Enforcement is done by the Intel and Security Bureaus specifically. With Intel gathering information through agents and operative cells while the Security does the actual physical crime fighting. Typically Citizens are only allowed into both Bureaus though it is common practice for PC's to be employed in auxiliary roles like technical, mechanical, or menial tasks in the Security Bureau while Immigrants and PC's often are informants for the Intelligence Bureau.

Police Ranks

Provost of Europa: Highest Position attainable, in charge of the entire Police force of Europa.

Commissioners of Police: In charge of several Districts (ten Commissioners)

Chief Inspectors*:Working Parallel with Commissioners and given Inspectors great freedom they basically manage their Special Law Enforcement Officers.

District Chief: In charge of District Police forces

High Inspector*: Manages Special cases in their respective District

Police Commander: Commands a Precinct or some smaller ones. Usually commands 25-100 officers and personnel.

Inspector*: Special Law enforcement Officer than exercises great freedom in choosing a case or influence decisions on cases assigned to them. They may also if working with their counterpart formal Police officers be able to willingly requisition resources to conclude the case or issue. Inspectors may also act as Judge, Jury, and Executioner depending on the situation.

Police Captain: In charge of a Precinct and all of its officers.

Police Lieutenant: In charge of a Police Shift (three per Precinct)

Police Sergeant: In charge of several officers out on patrol.

Patrol/Traffic/SWAT Officer: The grunts of the Police force.

Note: Inspectors are a gray area between the Intel and Security Bureau's. They have both jurisdictions and must uphold both responsibilities.

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I am so on board with this idea. Very well done and fleshed out.
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